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I know this could get out of hand, but here goes. My buddy, you know the one that over exaggerates all his fishing stories talks about taking us to catch a double digit bass, so I say; "what farm pond are we going to sneak in on, and whats the odds of getting shot?" His reply is, "no farm pond and I'll let you guys know when the time is right." So, we are hanging out one night months later and the double digit bass talk comes up again. The next day, August 5th we launch the boat in triple digit temps, blue sky's, and no wind at all, and it's about 12:30 in the afternoon. After ten minutes of idling around in open water "this is the spot" comes out of his mouth. Less than an hour later we have "boated" three 8# fish, lost 2 that I would guess to be 10# plus and countless fish over 6#  Now I know that's nothing like what can happen on some say some private, guided, bought like cattle fishing trip. I mean three dirt broke country boys, public water, middle of the day, summer in Oklahoma. I'm smiling now just thinking about it.


cool topic.  here's one of my best fishin' memories.

even now, sometimes it amazes me what went down that fateful day.  after all, the odds against it are overwhelming - especially here in tennessee.  without the pictures, i'm not sure if i'd believe it myself even though it still seems just like yesterday.  it was a day that was both real and surreal at the same time, a day i hope to never forget.

it was feb. of 2006.  looking at the conditions the night before had me so excited that i had trouble sleeping.  talking over strategy with my buddy wayne, we both realized the potential for an epic day.  it seemed that all the bassin' planets had aligned in our favor.  the moon was right.  the weather was right.  the sky was right.  the water temps were right.  the wind was right.  in all my years of fishing, this is still the only day i remember where it all just seemed to come together perfectly.  

we arrived at the lake about 10 o'clock or so.  we were throwing jigs and it didn't take long for the bass to tell us we had made a good choice.  a couple of dinkers right off the bat as we fished along one of my favorite drops.  then, fishing a big sunken treetop on the drop, i got the bite i was looking for.  it was the classic "mush bite" on a jig where it just feels funny all of a sudden, heavier than usual.  i drove home the steel and i felt her weight instantly.  i knew this was not your average bass.  of course in the cold water, her fight was limited.  just a couple of powerhouse runs and a couple of massive head shakes.  "get the net!" couldn't come out of my mouth fast enough  when i got my first look at her.  wayne did a perfect job of it too, scooping her skillfully.  i remember him saying "this is the biggest bass i've ever seen!" as we got the camera out.  a couple of pix and a ride on the digital scale and she was back in the water quickly swimming back home.  13-8!!!  the second biggest bass i have ever caught.  and the icing on the cake was that a good friend was there to share it with me.  i remember shaking so badly after releasing her, i couldn't fish for a while.  so i just manned the trolling motor while wayne continued to sling the jig.  and why fish anyway?  there was no way the day could get any better.  or could it?  

finally, i got my composure back.  we continued to hit some key spots but our success was marginal at best with only a few dinks to show for our efforts.  i remember we were kinda disappointed as we entered the home stretch of the trip.  it seemed almost greedy to  want more after my monster early on.  but we did.  i had saved one of my favorite spots for last.  a place where a deep ditch runs into a big brushpile.  the bite had picked up a little as we got into the afternoon.  i remember us commenting about how the fish seemed to be turning on again.  i also remember telling wayne we were about to hit a spot where there might be a monster.  we hadn't been on the spot a minute when i saw wayne set the hook.  there was almost panic in his voice as he told me he had a big fish - a REAL big fish.  i cranked my jig in as quickly as i could and grabbed the net.  i remember his praying aloud for the line to hold and his urgent pleas to land this fish as he withstood her powerful surges.  i was ready with the net when she came up.  i remember silently hoping i could do as good of a job netting his fish as he did with mine.  the very minute i scooped her we both hollered at the top of or lungs.  it was the biggest fish my friend had ever caught.  we repeated the weight and pic process with wayne and his giant fish and then watched her swim away too.  13-2!!!  i was so happy for my buddy.  he had caught his "fish of a lifetime."

we tried to fish after that but honestly we were both worthless.  there was only a little daylight left anyway.  so we loaded up the gear and headed to wal-mart to get the pix developed.  2 teeners in one day.  how incredible!  in a state where the record is only 14-8, we had both missed it by only a pound and change.  

wayne and i still talk about that trip almost every time we speak.  it was an amazing moment we will both always treasure and one that brought us closer together as friends for sure.   that day taught me several valuable lessons.  (1)  take advantage of optimum conditions if at all possible.  it is not every day that conditions come together almost perfectly.  (2)  never call "good" or even "great" good enough.  keep slinging that bait.  you never know what might happen to put the icing on the cake.  (3)  great fishing moments are even greater when shared with family or friends.  

you can see the picture of my fish from that fateful day in my avatar.  here's waynes.  looking forward to more stories y'all.


my craziest day didn't even involve catching anything but a seagull. he flew right into my line as i cast a spinner out. now i had a seagull kite attached to my rod until he plummetted into the lake. i reeled him in against the warnings of my girlfriend to try and help free him. at about five feet from my boat my girlfriend was almost in tears telling me to look up... seagulls i now know travel in packs. about 30 gulls were a few feet above my head cawing and getting all crazy like they were going to attck me. alfred hitchcock would have loved it. i had no choice but to cut the line and jet outta there. i watched the trapped bird get up and fly away with my spinner hanging about two feet below him.


My craziest day starts at the end of October. My buddy and i had decided on a whim to go out and fish even though the conditions were not in our favour.  We loaded up the modified jonboat with our fishing gear with all our tackle and fishing rods.We get to the lake and it is pouring down rain and 40 degrees outside and colder as it got later in the day. We both forgot to pack rain gear of course. So we get out on the lake hoping just to catch at least one bass for the both of us, but to our surprise we ended up everyother cast for the most part boating 50 or more bass from 2lbs to 4lbs. All the fish came on watermelon senkos and in 2-4ft of water over grass beds and anywhere we saw bluegills pushed up against the bank. We ended up getting so cold that we went to the party store on the lake and got trashbags to cover our wet bodies to try and retain some heat at least. That is the most memorable day bass fishing ever in my life. ive had memorable days before but nothing like that fateful day.


One afternoon last summer, late July I believe, I called up my buddy to see if he wanted to do some night fishing. "Hell yea, where at" he said. I told him we could go down to Bull Run marina and fish around Old Yates Ford bridge, and if we wanted we could wander through the woods along the bank.

We arrived at the parking lot as the sun was setting, and I noticed a "Park closes at night" sign. "Looks like its gonna be a short trip" I said. But we decided to get a few casts in and a few minutes after it was completely dark, I mentioned to my friend that I thought I heard a car pull into the parking lot and we had better leave so I wouldn't get towed. We crossed under the bridge and made it back onto the trail. All we could see was what was lit up from my headlamp. As we got closer to the parking lot and further away from the woods, we both notice a white truck parked right next to my car. I reached into my pocket to get my keys, when I noticed........they're not there.

"Oh crap, I think I locked my keys in the car" As we get closer to both cars in this pitch black parking lot, I ask my friend if he can see anyone in the truck. "I can't tell" he says. By now I have turned off my headlamp, so I wouldn't look so conspicuous. "Must be a park ranger or something, he's probably on the trail looking for us." I flick on the headlamp to see if I could see my keys in the ignition, and sure enough they were there. In a split second I glance up and the light flashes on the truck. I gasp.....somethings not right.

We both freeze when we notice the truck that had been parked there for only a few minutes with the engine still warm, was completely totaled. The roof was dented in, ALL the windows shattered, bumper was dangling by a screw. This car was trashed, and whomever was responsible decided to park RIGHT next to me. "HOLY $&%$, we're going to jail" I said.

For the next 10 minutes I was trying to get a signal on my cell phone, to call my girlfriend, so that she could bring a coat hanger or a piece of wire that I could get into my car with. My buddy says "I got one, Its ringing". Voicemail :'( I leave a long detailed message as to my exact location and directions to get there. I knew it was hopeless. As I continue to try to find that signal again, and maybe locate a piece of thin wire to break into my car with while staying as far as I can from the mangled truck, I see headlights turning into the parking lot.

The weirdest feeling came over me. A mix of fear that I would be getting charged with grand theft auto and a feeling of relief that I would at least be swept away from this area where there is probably a serial killer watching us from the woodline. But it wasn't a police car, it was a camero ss, and it began circling us slowly. I moved towards it and spoke "Exuse me...We're stuck here, Locked out of our car...." In a split second the car punched the gas almost peeling out still circling us. It quickly slowed down and a voice came from the car, "STAY AWAY" it was the voice of a deaf woman.

"No, no, no, I mean you no harm" I said as I back away towards my car. "We're stuck here, and a little freaked out, Do you have a cell phone?" She stops the car and explains that she was there to pick up her boyfriend and asked if we had seen him. She also stated that she did not have phone. She asked if we wanted her to call the police when she got home. "NO THANK YOU" we both said. Then she left us...

My only hope was that there was something in or on that truck that would help us. We both circled it looking inside. Cigar guts, and empty forty bottles gave us all the reason in the world to believe that this was a stolen truck. Then I moved toward the front of the truck...a bent but still in tact antenna. I told my friend that I knew I could get into my car with it, but It was risky to even touch the truck. Without hesitation he walked up and ripped off the antenna with one single motion and handed it to me. Within two minutes I had propped open the car door with my pocket knife and popped open the lock with the bent antenna. I chucked the antenna into the woods as we peeled out into the darkness.

Hows that for crazy..too crazy to make up I tell you.

cool topic. here's one of my best fishin' memories.

even now, sometimes it amazes me what went down that fateful day. after all, the odds against it are overwhelming - especially here in tennessee. without the pictures, i'm not sure if i'd believe it myself even though it still seems just like yesterday. it was a day that was both real and surreal at the same time, a day i hope to never forget.

it was feb. of 2006. looking at the conditions the night before had me so excited that i had trouble sleeping. talking over strategy with my buddy wayne, we both realized the potential for an epic day. it seemed that all the bassin' planets had aligned in our favor. the moon was right. the weather was right. the sky was right. the water temps were right. the wind was right. in all my years of fishing, this is still the only day i remember where it all just seemed to come together perfectly.

we arrived at the lake about 10 o'clock or so. we were throwing jigs and it didn't take long for the bass to tell us we had made a good choice. a couple of dinkers right off the bat as we fished along one of my favorite drops. then, fishing a big sunken treetop on the drop, i got the bite i was looking for. it was the classic "mush bite" on a jig where it just feels funny all of a sudden, heavier than usual. i drove home the steel and i felt her weight instantly. i knew this was not your average bass. of course in the cold water, her fight was limited. just a couple of powerhouse runs and a couple of massive head shakes. "get the net!" couldn't come out of my mouth fast enough when i got my first look at her. wayne did a perfect job of it too, scooping her skillfully. i remember him saying "this is the biggest bass i've ever seen!" as we got the camera out. a couple of pix and a ride on the digital scale and she was back in the water quickly swimming back home. 13-8!!! the second biggest bass i have ever caught. and the icing on the cake was that a good friend was there to share it with me. i remember shaking so badly after releasing her, i couldn't fish for a while. so i just manned the trolling motor while wayne continued to sling the jig. and why fish anyway? there was no way the day could get any better. or could it?

finally, i got my composure back. we continued to hit some key spots but our success was marginal at best with only a few dinks to show for our efforts. i remember we were kinda disappointed as we entered the home stretch of the trip. it seemed almost greedy to want more after my monster early on. but we did. i had saved one of my favorite spots for last. a place where a deep ditch runs into a big brushpile. the bite had picked up a little as we got into the afternoon. i remember us commenting about how the fish seemed to be turning on again. i also remember telling wayne we were about to hit a spot where there might be a monster. we hadn't been on the spot a minute when i saw wayne set the hook. there was almost panic in his voice as he told me he had a big fish - a REAL big fish. i cranked my jig in as quickly as i could and grabbed the net. i remember his praying aloud for the line to hold and his urgent pleas to land this fish as he withstood her powerful surges. i was ready with the net when she came up. i remember silently hoping i could do as good of a job netting his fish as he did with mine. the very minute i scooped her we both hollered at the top of or lungs. it was the biggest fish my friend had ever caught. we repeated the weight and pic process with wayne and his giant fish and then watched her swim away too. 13-2!!! i was so happy for my buddy. he had caught his "fish of a lifetime."

we tried to fish after that but honestly we were both worthless. there was only a little daylight left anyway. so we loaded up the gear and headed to wal-mart to get the pix developed. 2 teeners in one day. how incredible! in a state where the record is only 14-8, we had both missed it by only a pound and change.

wayne and i still talk about that trip almost every time we speak. it was an amazing moment we will both always treasure and one that brought us closer together as friends for sure. that day taught me several valuable lessons. (1) take advantage of optimum conditions if at all possible. it is not every day that conditions come together almost perfectly. (2) never call "good" or even "great" good enough. keep slinging that bait. you never know what might happen to put the icing on the cake. (3) great fishing moments are even greater when shared with family or friends.

you can see the picture of my fish from that fateful day in my avatar. here's waynes. looking forward to more stories y'all.

great story and amazing fish! it looks like both of yall are fishing from the bank though in these pics, when in the story you said you were in a boat. Just close to the bank i guess?


beached the boat to take the pix on land so we wouldn't have to worry about wave action affecting the shots.  both pix taken with a $4 disposable camera which was all i kept with me at the time.  nowadays i have a digital with me, but the disposable is still always there as a back up. ;)  both fish were released quickly after posing.  

  • Super User

Paul, you did good. Great story.

Slomoe, the perks were watching you. They know who you are and where you live.  ;D

Just kidding.  

Super stories from all the guys.

My life is soooooo boring.  >:(

  • 2 weeks later...

I was prefishing for one of our work tournaments that we used to do. I went out with my buddy and I had an area that I knew they were hitting and following my swimbait. I had the timing down to the minute as to when they would be there. My first cast I have one around 11ish grab the tail as I was about to lift the bait out of the water to cast again  :'( I was mad I missed it to say the least.

I then charged to spot B before the window closed. First cast thunk, miss, thunk miss again! Thunk and she was on! Went 10-11 on my scale. Sweet!! My first 10+ of 2007. Next cast I see the line jump on the sink. Reel down and sweep into it and another one is on! This one went 10-10! I put my rod down and we left. I did not want to ruin my bite even though I already had.

The next day I threw another big bait. First cast was an 8 even. I put it down and went home. My luck was just right I guess.

Come tournament day the weather changed and no swimbait eaters were there. We finished 2nd with a 6-13 for our big fish. Came on the d-shot go figure...

I ended up losing that lucky swimbait a month later after catching a few more fish on it. Now I can't get bit on my backups that swim the same and look the same. Something about that bait...

  • Super User

I was fishing a team tournament back in the early 90s and it was cold. About 9:30 I went in. Got back in the boat, had no extra clothes, so I started peeling them off to get dry. Two boats close and thankfully one was a team boat of ours so I started borrowing pieces to put on. I am standing in the front with nothing but a towel drying off. There was another boat with two anglers all bundled up, about 40 yds away and I asked them if they had any that would fit me. They didn't, it was a team boat from one of the women's clubs that were entered in our tournament. Naturally they were weighing in 30 minutes ahead of us so everyone at weighin allready knew the story when we arrived. Thankfully there were no cameras involved.


Great Stories Guys!!

Paul- Your story was amazing and those were some beautiful fish

My craziest day is nothing close to yours but it was cool anyway. I was fishing a local lake where the bite is almost always tough but you ccan get quality fish all the time. It was just one of those days, like paul was saying everything was just right. We headed to the lake and me and my partner nailed 50-60 bass EACH. great day and great memories. Unfortuantely my partner that day passed away soon after. but that is a day i will never forget, and itsa great memory that will stick with me forever. THis day along with the day when me and the same guy hooked a huge tiger muskie. both of us hooked the same muskie with 2 different crankbaits. they were in opposite sides of the fishes mouth. it was insane.

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