farmpond1 Posted September 23, 2008 Posted September 23, 2008 Not too long ago I was fishing a retention pond near where I live. A plethora of lilly pads grows in the shallow end. Somewhat stupidly, I tied a silver floating rapala onto my spinning gear and tossed it in the pockets between the pads. A nice bass engulfed it and quickly headed for cover. As you've probably already anticipated, it immediately wrapped me around some pads and broke me off. Lamenting the loss of a nice bass and one of my most productive lures, I retied and continued to fish. A few minutes later a friend arrived and I told him the same story I'm telling you. Anyway, just as i was finishing, I noticed a bass swimming up to the surface. "Look!" I pointed, "There it is now." Right on cue, the bass broke the surface, shook his head vigorously, and tossed my bait out of his mouth. After a couple of casts, I was able to snag my Rapala and recover it. It's not often a bass is so generous as to give me back my lure! Now if I can only persuade one to grant me 3 wishes! Quote
rondef Posted September 23, 2008 Posted September 23, 2008 Thats pretty wild that he came back and threw the lure out at you. Quote
HopelesslyAddicted Posted September 23, 2008 Posted September 23, 2008 Haha thats hilarious. I guess he didn't want that thing jammed in his face anymore and decided to give it back lol. Quote
farmpond1 Posted September 23, 2008 Author Posted September 23, 2008 It's nice to have a witness for these sorts of things. Quote
BossierBassHunter Posted September 23, 2008 Posted September 23, 2008 i've got a similar one, I was fishing, and the bass breaks off my worm. Im upset, and after like 1 min. just staring, he jumps out of the water and throws the worm at me. Quote
farmpond1 Posted September 23, 2008 Author Posted September 23, 2008 Was it a Mann's jelly worm? Maybe he wanted strawberry instead of grape. ;D i've got a similar one, I was fishing, and the bass breaks off my worm. Im upset, and after like 1 min. just staring, he jumps out of the water and throws the worm at me. Quote
moloch16 Posted September 26, 2008 Posted September 26, 2008 Haha reminds me when the same thing happened to me when I was a kid. I was desperate to catch my first bass and my efforts were limited to a small farm pond. Well one day I finally get a hit on a spinnerbait and my excitement is short lived when the fish breaks off. This is before I knew to check my line for nicks and retie often. So I'm standing there feeling blue and tying on a new lure when that stinkin bass jumps in the air, shakes her head and unceremoniously deposits my spinnerbait on the grass mat in front of me :'( Quote
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