Fish Chris Posted August 3, 2007 Posted August 3, 2007 Hello Dabnis, this really is a great forum, with a lot of friendly guys, who all have one thing in common..... We all love to feel that pull on our line ! :-) Of course you have heard a bunch of guys say, "It's your legal right, yada, yada, yada". Then their are always the people who will act like a guy is a baby killer, if he keeps a few small bass for dinner. But then, as you replied, "It's not like your stealing their fish"...... and unless somebody on this board is fishing the exact same waters you are, this is probably also true. So here's a thought for you > Forget about everybody else for a minute.... and I do mean "everybody".... not just the guys that might give you grief, but also, the guys that say it's totally okay to keep those fish. Instead, think about yourself ! Do you like to catch fish ? How about BIG fish ? Have you ever pondered how your decisions might affect your own fishing in the future ??? Consider the following; Way back about 10 years ago, a buddy of mine caught his new PB bass, a 13.2 lb'er ! Whoo Hoo ! I think his previous PB was like 8 and change. Needless to say, he was stoked, and I was stoked for him ! But the really amazing thing, was that 1 week later, I caught the same exact fish ! Granted it had lost a few ounces, so he still had my catch topped, but with much thanks to my buddy for releasing that fish, I now had a much bigger PB myself ! So anyway, at the time, we couldn't believe that we had both caught the same exact monster bass. That must have been like a 1 in a million thing, right ??? Skip forward to 10 years later. My buddies and I, have caught SOOO many big bass more than once, that nowadays we hardly batt an eye. On the contrary, when one of us catches a big bass, in a certain lake, we often look back through our photos, almost expecting to see that same fish, that we had caught in the past. I've caught several big fish that I myself C/R'd in the past.... I've caught big fish that my buddies C/R'd.... and my buddies have caught big fish that I C/R'd. So, here's the bottom line to all of this rambling; Sure it would be cool if one of the big fish I have C/R'd, is caught by some guy who is just getting into bass fishing, ......or his wife, who will rub it in for the next 20 years..... or his little son, who is so fired up by the experience, that he grows up to be the next Mike Long...... But I've got to be completely honest with you here, while all of the possibilities I mention above would be great, I release big bass, first and foremost "FOR FISH CHRIS" ! .......because my experiences have shown me that it's not just "possible" that I might catch that same bass again in the future (maybe when it has grown to be even bigger), but rather, it's entirely likely ! Especially with the class of fish that I'm after, I could single-handedly (and in a big way) hurt my own chances of sticking a big one in the future..... Or, I can help my own chances. Yes, that choice is totally mine. But as much as I love to stick big bass, that choice is a no-brainer. Anyway, I've been around this block WAAAAY too many times to get worked up about this kind of thing anymore....... Rather, I sit back and think to myself, "Hmmmm. Apparently this person hasn't yet learned the things that I have". But it's cool. Live and learn. Great fishing to you, Fish Chris Quote
Super User T-rig Posted August 3, 2007 Super User Posted August 3, 2007 Nobody could have explained it better then Fish Chris but I doubt that Dabnis would even relax after reading this great post. Quote
fisherboy Posted August 3, 2007 Posted August 3, 2007 fish chris. will you be my yoda? im in cali atleast 2-3 times a year teach me your big bass ways Quote
Low_Budget_Hooker Posted August 3, 2007 Posted August 3, 2007 Yoda- "for me, release I do..." No doubt! thanks FC Quote
FivePoundBluegill Posted August 3, 2007 Posted August 3, 2007 Realy great explanation fish chris. Quote
Guest avid Posted August 4, 2007 Posted August 4, 2007 When fish Chris speaks, wise trophy bass hunters listen. Unfortunately the post was directed to a sensitive type who impulsively quit the forum. Â Was reinstated by the good graces of our fearless leader, then when he perceived another slight, he quit again. So unless he's lurking your wisdom will only be appreciated by those of us with thick scales, I mean skin. Thanks coach. Â Quote
Fish Chris Posted August 4, 2007 Author Posted August 4, 2007 Of course your right. I guess my hope would be, that a post like mine, would help to "educate the educators" on how to get the point across, in a truly effective way. I don't think we have any shortage of passionate C/R anglers here on this forum. It's just that a LOT of the time, people let this passion get in the way, and they tend to come off in an abrasive manner. In a nut-shell, would any of you listen to somebody who told you > "Your an idiot ! And you should do what I do, because I know what's best" ? The fact is, even if you do know what's best, that person has already put up a wall which is a mile high ! I say, if somebody "really cares", then they need to force themselves into a calm, relaxed state of mind, and try to educate people with smooth, friendly logic. I still believe that most people, if given all the correct information, will make the right decisions.... and we can't let ourselves worry about the few that will just never get it. Peace, Fish Quote
Yakfish Posted August 4, 2007 Posted August 4, 2007 Too bad that whole exchange got so ugly. Well said Chris, the C&R debate will rage forever and hopefully those who engage in it will be as diplomatic as you and most of the other members have been. Me? I always let 'em go, partly because I'd like to catch them again when they're bigger but mainly out of respect for another creature's life. It's not like it's a "him or me" decision when I catch a fish so why should it have to pay with its life? By the time I lip a bass I've gotten out of it what I had hoped for when I set out: the rush of feeling a strike and fighting him all the way in. What more do I need? Quote
Super User cart7t Posted August 4, 2007 Super User Posted August 4, 2007 I don't even care about the C & R aspect of the deal or the kitchen photo's. Â I've personally experienced a couple bass waters, both around 1 1/2 acre ponds that friends owned that were literally fished out when they let other friends come in and fish and take the fish they wanted. Â Ponds that used to have decent bass populations that I had fun catching were basically stripped clean. It can happen. Â That's what the poster was not grasping. Quote
goldenone7710 Posted August 5, 2007 Posted August 5, 2007 I don't even care about the C & R aspect of the deal or the kitchen photo's. I've personally experienced a couple bass waters, both around 1 1/2 acre ponds that friends owned that were literally fished out when they let other friends come in and fish and take the fish they wanted. Ponds that used to have decent bass populations that I had fun catching were basically stripped clean. It can happen. That's what the poster was not grasping. That's exactly the reason the property owner who owns the pond behind me forbids anyone to fish his 3 acre pond. He said that he "USED" to let people go down and fish all the time. Then he goes down there with his grandson and can't catch ANYTHING. The people that he gave permission to fish were taking home 10-20 bass per outting. Before he knows it, there's hardly any fish left in there. The main reason he's upset, is because he intially paid to have this pond stocked when it was new about 10 years ago. The people basically robbed him clean, nearly. Well he tells me that he had it restocked 4 years ago and there are finally some decent fish in there again.....but NO ONE except him and his family can fish it. I've begged and begged telling him that I ONLY C&R, but I'm sure he's heard that song and dance before. I can't blame him, but I'll respect his request and stay off his property......but MAN is it tempting!!! Quote
Guest avid Posted August 5, 2007 Posted August 5, 2007 In a nut-shell, would any of you listen to somebody who told you > "Your an idiot ! And you should do what I do, because I know what's best" ? Absolutely!!!!!  You've had enough wives to know that  Quote
Yakfish Posted August 5, 2007 Posted August 5, 2007 In a nut-shell, would any of you listen to somebody who told you > "Your an idiot ! And you should do what I do, because I know what's best" ? Absolutely!!!!! You've had enough wives to know that ;D ;D ;D Although, hearing and listening are two different animals. Quote
Ky_Lake_Dude Posted August 7, 2007 Posted August 7, 2007 Do you guys think it's bad to fish a slot limit lake with the the slot being 14-18 inches and every once in awhile keeping a couple under the slot to eat. Quote
Bizzo Posted August 7, 2007 Posted August 7, 2007 Do you guys think it's bad to fish a slot limit lake with the the slot being 14-18 inches and every once in awhile keeping a couple under the slot to eat. Well, it isn't something I would do. I won't keep any bass. If I want to fish for something to eat, I break out the stink bait. Quote
Fish Chris Posted August 7, 2007 Author Posted August 7, 2007 on the contrary, I think keeping a few fish below the slot would probably be the smart, commendable, caring, thing to do. This is what makes a slot limit work ! However, because I don't care for the taste of bass, and don't feel like going through the hassle of dragging fish home, cleaning, cooking, and disposing of carcusses, I release all of my bass...... But, I'm the first to admit that this isn't always the best thing for the fishery. The only fish that I feel should ALWAYS be released, are the trophy sized one, of ALL species. Peace, Fish Chris Quote
Daniel My Brother Posted August 7, 2007 Posted August 7, 2007 Do you guys think it's bad to fish a slot limit lake with the the slot being 14-18 inches and every once in awhile keeping a couple under the slot to eat. I do it all the time. I fish a big reservoir that is loaded with fish under the slot. The DNR has even raised the creel limit with the hopes of increasing the harvest, but they're finding out that very few fishermen practice catch and keep. It's a strange problem, really...they can't get the fishermen to eat fish. My grandpa would not understand. :-? Quote
rocknfish9001 Posted August 7, 2007 Posted August 7, 2007 What i dont understand is why is it whenever somebody decides to keep a few bass here and there, everyone throws a fit and sometimes it gets to the point that you keep your walleye, bluegill, catfish, trout, etc. and release the bass. That doesnt make a bit of sense. I always release my fish with an exception of of few like a bunch of 14" walleye i will keep for a meal, or a few stunted pike. Quote
jeremyt Posted August 8, 2007 Posted August 8, 2007 :-[ The only fish I get to eat are the ones at Long Johns, Red Lobster or if I cook them outside. Â My wife seems to think that the smell of fried fish stink up HER ( notice the caps there) house. So that limits me to Mahi, Wahoo, and Flounder. If I could only relay this to the bass maybe I could catch more. Quote
Super User roadwarrior Posted August 8, 2007 Super User Posted August 8, 2007 Do you guys think it's bad to fish a slot limit lake with the the slot being 14-18 inches and every once in awhile keeping a couple under the slot to eat. I do it all the time. I fish a big reservoir that is loaded with fish under the slot. The DNR has even raised the creel limit with the hopes of increasing the harvest, but they're finding out that very few fishermen practice catch and keep. It's a strange problem, really...they can't get the fishermen to eat fish. My grandpa would not understand. :-? I think if you ask around the office or neighborhood you would find a lot of people that would REALLY appreciate some fresh fish. They probably don't fish and just don't have any opportunity to eat locally harvested game of any kind.. I keep ALL the bass at my "Secret Pond," but I'm not interested in eating but a few and only occasionally. I cannot kill enough fish in this pond, it's ruined. When I'm on the Tennessee River, if we have someone who will keep the fish, we keep all the catfish, spots and white bass. Once again, you just couldn't kill enough. When we catch a legal sauger or crappie, I'm all about those fish. So, my point is...There is NOTHING wrong with selective harvest, it will improve the health of your body of water. Quote
Fish Chris Posted August 8, 2007 Author Posted August 8, 2007 you are totally right "for a lot of places, where over recruitment is an issue", but I kind of like to fish in the rarer places where recruitment is low. Of course you can guess why, right ? ;-) And in these places, zero harvest is needed to maintain the already awesome trophy bass population. Point being, every fishery is different, and should be treated on an individual basis. Peace, Fish Quote
nboucher Posted August 8, 2007 Posted August 8, 2007 [quote author=Fish Chris link=1186118465/10#19 date=1186549210 Point being, every fishery is different, and should be treated on an individual basis. Peace, Fish Quote
MattDPVN Posted August 9, 2007 Posted August 9, 2007 Im newish to the forum, and dont post much at all. But Ive been following all of this stuff that has been going on. And to lighten the mood, a picture of a kitchen. Hope no one takes offense to my tasteless humor. Quote
BassHunter69 Posted August 23, 2007 Posted August 23, 2007 personally fish chris is right i always release my bass as well for me its simply caring about my enviornment plus i keep thinking Hmmmm that one bass put back means more lil bass coing along in turn means more bass for me Of course your right. I guess my hope would be, that a post like mine, would help to "educate the educators" on how to get the point across, in a truly effective way. I don't think we have any shortage of passionate C/R anglers here on this forum. It's just that a LOT of the time, people let this passion get in the way, and they tend to come off in an abrasive manner. In a nut-shell, would any of you listen to somebody who told you > "Your an idiot ! And you should do what I do, because I know what's best" ? The fact is, even if you do know what's best, that person has already put up a wall which is a mile high ! I say, if somebody "really cares", then they need to force themselves into a calm, relaxed state of mind, and try to educate people with smooth, friendly logic. I still believe that most people, if given all the correct information, will make the right decisions.... and we can't let ourselves worry about the few that will just never get it. Peace, Fish Quote
SimonSays Posted August 23, 2007 Posted August 23, 2007 just my few cents...we don't get too many crazy sized bass here in VA (more likely that I just haven't caught any) but I'll mainly practice catch and parents and my girlfriends parents always give me crap about how much of a waste it is for me to toss the fish back could have made a good meal to them. Â For me it's all about the fun of setting the hook and dragging one in. Â The only time I'll keep a fish is when I take a friend out fishing for the first time, if it's of limit we'll take it back and cook it up. Quote
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