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After a two-week hiatus due to a toe injury, I finally managed to go gishing yesterday. Being a weekday I ended up alone. Went to the same area where island bassin and vyron experienced fantastic action during last weekend (see http://www.bassresource.com/bass_fishing_forums/YaBB.pl?num=1178486306).

Conditions were the major difference. While the guys were fishing under scorching conditions (mid 80s to mid 90s air temperature with haziness due to dust) I had to face heavy cloudiness with occasional sprinkles and air temperatures in the mid to upper 70s with gusty north winds. The water temperature had risen from 67 to 73 in the span of four days. And finally, the water had become stained.

All these in my mind meant that I expected good action. Well, the bass certainly had a different opinion. They developed a case of severe mouth-shut-itis! In the span of three and a half hours I had three bites. The first one on a spinnerbait resulted in the bass coming unbuttonned after a few thrilling seconds (estimated 4lb+), the second on a hula grub failed to connect, and the third, on a senko, resulted in a nice 3.04lb zander (the "European version" of walleye - see the photo).

Apparently, the sudden change experienced from hot sunny conditions that prevailed for the last 10days to cool cloudy and windy weather affected the bass. I did see a couple of 3-4lb bass roaming "aimlessly" between shoreline bushes but that was it... Oh well.. Hopefully it will be better next time...


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They probably all ended up in peoples bellys! This happend in spain last year in lake i fished! The fish were biting like crazy for a couple of weeks and people kept every single fish they caught! There are now only very few bass left.


Interesting that u mention that t-rig , i thought that in spain people are more educated than us and practise catch & release.

Unfortunately most people here keep what they catch but good thing is that the best bass fishermen in cyprus release most of the fish  :)

Cybasser , u ll catch em when they get active again , as for now , we have 2 be patient  :)

They probably all ended up in peoples bellys! This happend in spain last year in lake i fished! The fish were biting like crazy for a couple of weeks and people kept every single fish they caught! There are now only very few bass left.

Hi Daniel,

I absolutely know what you mean. We do have a major problem over here in Cyprus as very few people practice catch and release - and the majority of those who do are members of this forum (myself, vyron, island bassin). People just don't understand that releasing bass and keeping only the occasional bass for the table can only improve their future fishing, and with lowering water levels due to draught we are again facing the risk of overharvesting.

But anyway, I know that such a thing has not happenned in the case I described in my post. The particular spot at kourris is far too difficult to get to for most of the people. It requires a half-hour walk with climbs and decents in wild country so very few people (the above mentioned ones and a couple more who also practice catch and release) go there. It is a place for the dedicated bassers! I am almost 100% certain that the sudden weather change was the major factor. Bass had adjusted to the stable warm (or rather hot!) weather of the previous ten days, and the change affected them... We'll see how the other guys will do over the weekend, I will be working so no fishing for me until midweek...

Interesting that u mention that t-rig , i thought that in spain people are more educated than us and practise catch & release.

I thought the same too!!!

Unfortunately most people here keep what they catch but good thing is that the best bass fishermen in cyprus release most of the fish :)

Agree!!! ;)

Cybasser , u ll catch em when they get active again , as for now , we have 2 be patient :)

I will be patient... I don't have much of a choice unfortunately... :(

  • Super User
Interesting that u mention that t-rig , i thought that in spain people are more educated than us and practise catch & release.

Unfortunately most people here keep what they catch but good thing is that the best bass fishermen in cyprus release most of the fish :)

Cybasser , u ll catch em when they get active again , as for now , we have 2 be patient :)

People were catching buckets full of baby bass but also larger fish all on worms! It was a pitty to see! >:(

Are you guys allowed to use any kind of boats/float tubes?

Unfortunately no. We are not allowed to use any boat, nor even a float tube. There is a distinct possibility though that this law may change in the next couple of years. There is a big talk about privatizing some of our reservoirs (including Kourris, the largest at 997 acres). If given to private operators, there is a good chance that fishing from boats will be allowed (under strict rules and stricter bag limits).

For the time being, not allowing boats can provide some adventurous fishing, as I described in a previous post in this thread - plus the occasional encounters with wild animals including such creatures as the viper photographed by Vyron! As i told you, going to such secluded places guarantees decent quality fishing (at least most of the time!). And, by the way, the zander was released as well!


People were catching buckets full of baby bass but also larger fish all on worms! It was a pitty to see! >:(

Wow! That sounds way too much like Cyprus! There are people whom we know over here that wait impatiently during draugh conditions for the water volumes to drop so that they can easily catch dozens (if not hunderds!) of bass, without paying any respect either to the official bag limit (10 bass) or to the minimum legal size (25cm).

We are trying hard to educate Cyprus anglers about the importance of catch and release, but up to now we don't seem to have much success :( >:( :(

There is a big talk about privatizing some of our reservoirs (including Kourris, the largest at 997 acres). If given to private operators, there is a good chance that fishing from boats will be allowed (under strict rules and stricter bag limits).

Hi my friend Cybasser. Nice pikeperch you have there.

Regarding privatisation, there is an even better chance that bass fishing will NOT be allowed at all. Don't forget that real bass fishermen in Cyprus are very few. 10-15? Or maybe 20 people... Who cares about us?

Looking at the matter from a different point of view, lets assume that bass fishing (and fishing in general) and boats are allowed. This will mean hundreds of boats in each of the 4 dams we have for bass fishing (Asprogremmos, Kourris, Yermasogia, Dhypotamos) and a dramatic increase of anglers (don't forget that the last 2-3 years there was a huge market on fishing boats for sea fishing).

The result will be pollution as our dams are small and almost empty every year, illegal fishing with nets and dynamite (the only reason I think that dynamite is not used in our dams is because there is no way to collect the dead fish). If you think I'm exaggerating, let me remind you about the nets in Asprogremmos dam, and the dynamite used often in our sea. They even used gas cylinders last year in Zygi area.

If the above will not happen because the dams will be closely monitored and guarded, then what will surely happen, is that you will pay a good amount of money to rent a boat, or invest a lot of money to buy your own boat and pay a fee to use it, only to find out that your private honey hole is not private and is not a honey hole any more. You said it yourself that you walk for 30 minutes in wild country to reach that spot. Using a boat will be a piece of cake going there - unfortunately not only for you but for everybody!! Think about it.

Don't get me wrong. I would love to fish using a boat. But lets be down-to-earth. We live in Cyprus. People have managed to destroy sea fishing in only a short period of time. The laws are there but who follows them?

See you at work!!!


Hi CyBassman,

As you know I am aware of your worries regarding the possible privatization, and as you know I do have my worries as well.

I do though believe that ultimately this (privatization) will eventually happen. I know it will certainly mean an increase (though I don't think it will be dramatic) of the monetary cost for fishing. Sure, it will not be fair - it will possibly deter some anglers from visiting the privatized reservoirs. But, provided the privatization takes fishing into account, I have no doubt that fishing quality will tremendously improve. There will not be "hundreds" of boats - there are certain guidelines that any operator anywhere has to follow - and the stricter rules with more stringent patrol and checks will provide a better fishing experience. Not only for the bass anglers, but also for those who fish for carp and other species.

As I said above, I know it will probably not be fair to everybody - there will be those who will not be able to afford the extra cost. But as you certainly know, I am not the one who decides what will happen - but the Cyprus Government does. It appears that for reasons that have nothing to do with fishing, the privatization will take place. I will do everything that I can to make sure that fishing remains affordable and if possible free for everyone (at least from the shores and possibly with stricter bag limits which would only be beneficial). And, of course, I will fight for this cause.

I know I will not be able to shift the direction of the water of the privatization "river" upstream and stop the whole process - but I hope I will be able to divert some of this water for the benefit of the anglers in general and bassers in particular. Because, as you correctly ponted out, there is even (however remote) a risk of losing some of our best fishing reservoirs. United, all Cyprus bass anglers can prevent that. And yes, I do count on you as well!


Nice zander cybasser. Sorry for not joining you. Weather permitting(raining for the last two days!!!!)will visit the same spot tomorrow.


Hello my friend Cybasser,

I know that this is not the right place to discuss the possible privatization. I just need to say one more thing. You are the vice-president of the only freshwater fishing association in Cyprus. You also support the dam privatization. The two are contradicting. You have to make a serious decision here. According to the constitution of the association, article 4, paragraph 6, you should be working for the conservation and promotion of the right of FREE angling in all freshwater facilities of the island for ALL anglers.

By the way, we do not run the risk of loosing SOME of our best fishing reservoirs but ALL of them. After all, we only have FOUR (4) real bass reservoirs. Have you done any serious fishing anywhere else lately?

One last thing. Kourris, our biggest reservoir has an area of around 320 acres (when completely full which happened only once since it was built 19 years ago) and not 997 acres as you mention above. Today the area covered by water is only around 80 acres !!!

Hello my friend Cybasser,

I know that this is not the right place to discuss the possible privatization.

You are absolutely right CyBassman! Perhaps it might be more constructive if you wrote us about your recent fishing trips like everybody else does!!! In any case, your opinion and my opinion on this matter are not as different as you think, rather it is like looking at a half-filled glass - I say it's half full and you say its half empty. I will answer about your comments, but if you wish to discuss this issue further, please start a relevant thread at an appropriate section of the forum.

I just need to say one more thing. You are the vice-president of the only freshwater fishing association in Cyprus. You also support the dam privatization. The two are contradicting. You have to make a serious decision here. According to the constitution of the association, article 4, paragraph 6, you should be working for the conservation and promotion of the right of FREE angling in all freshwater facilities of the island for ALL anglers.

Hmmm! For someone who is against this particular association you are well informed on its constitution! I have to make something clear: I personally don't support the privatization. But, rather than sitting like a duck and waiting for the worse to come, I have to make sure that the rights of myself and other anglers are not totally violated. Neither me or you as individuals, nor the CFAA has the power to stop this process if there are huge financial motives for it to happen. So we have to be ready to at least get the best possible out of a potentially bad situation. As for CFAA, the Association is working hard at the time in regards of this issue (infringement of the right of anglers for fishing due to privatization) but its actions and results will become public through the association's website and press releases and since you do follow them you will be aware about them soon. Being the Vice-president does not give me the authority to disclose the actions that CFAA has made, nor does it prevent me though to have my personal opinions on any matter. I do not write on this forum as the Vice-president of an association, but as an avid bass angler who only cares about the improvement of bass fishing on the island. And, just to make it completely clear, my personal opinions on this or any other matter do not reflect the opinions of CFAA. Hey, we are allowed to have a private life you know!

By the way, we do not run the risk of loosing SOME of our best fishing reservoirs but ALL of them. After all, we only have FOUR (4) real bass reservoirs. Have you done any serious fishing anywhere else lately?

Four??? Kourris, Asprokremmos, Evretou, Kalavasos, Dhipotamos, Lefkara, Yermasogeia, and some others that both you and me know about (albeit smaller). I agree that some are better than others and some are closer to us than others, while others are still developing. But I don't consider that if three reservoirs are taken for privatization all is lost. But, for sure, I don't want it to happen.

One last thing. Kourris, our biggest reservoir has an area of around 320 acres (when completely full which happened only once since it was built 19 years ago) and not 997 acres as you mention above. Today the area covered by water is only around 80 acres !!!

The area was obtained from the WDD and from other official sources. The maximum capacity area is 997 acres, and present area is about 600 acres. Please next time check all relevant facts (or even look at a map!).

I hope we now close this off-topic discussion CyBassman. If you wish to discuss further please start a relevant thread. And we are looking forward to hearing some stories from your fishing trips and seeing some photos...


When was the last time you got a decent bass from Evretou or Kalavasos or Lefkara or any dam other than the 4 mentioned above?

The area was obtained from the WDD and from other official sources. The maximum capacity area is 997 acres, and present area is about 600 acres. Please next time check all relevant facts (or even look at a map!)

It seems that you need a maths lesson.  Kourris dam is around 320 acres when full.  Now it is only around 80 acres.  997 acres is more than 4 square kilometers.  The whole length of Kourris is around 2.8 km and the width around 0.4 km.  That makes 1.1 square km.  Does this sound like 997 acres? No way.  You should have known by now that before I say something I do ALL the relevant checks!!  Maybe you should start doing the same my friend.  I repeat: Kouris dam today covers an area of around 80 acres.  Your official sources are wrong and so are you, Cybasser.

Thank you for your time.  You can appologise next time we meet.!!!!

When was the last time you got a decent bass from Evretou or Kalavasos or Lefkara or any dam other than the 4 mentioned above?

Evretou: Bass of more than 2Kg are regularly being caught, along with zander in the 5Kg+ category. Not by me, because I do agree that it is far away (more than 2hrs drive) - so I don't often bother to go there and haven't been there since March 2006. But people I trust (such as RBL people) do go and I trust their results. If necessary though it is an option.

For Kalavasos, yes, it does have some tough fishing but decent bass are still getting caught and I believe that after a possible population crash a couple of years ago things are going to balance again.

At Lefkara, bass made a show up only about three years ago in small numbers (and sizes), possibly after an introduction from nearby Dhipotamos. Taking into account the huge forage base of that reservoir, along with the fact that the three other predators (zander, rapfen, and large rainbows) are really pelagic feeders, it is only a matter of maybe 2-4 years before the shorelines are fully populated by bass. A population is not build overnight (remember I used the word "developing").

The area was obtained from the WDD and from other official sources. The maximum capacity area is 997 acres, and present area is about 600 acres. Please next time check all relevant facts (or even look at a map!)

It seems that you need a maths lesson. Kourris dam is around 320 acres when full. Now it is only around 80 acres. 997 acres is more than 4 square kilometers. The whole length of Kourris is around 2.8 km and the width around 0.4 km. That makes 1.1 square km. Does this sound like 997 acres? No way. You should have known by now that before I say something I do ALL the relevant checks!! Maybe you should start doing the same my friend. I repeat: Kouris dam today covers an area of around 80 acres. Your official sources are wrong and so are you, Cybasser.

You still insist! Kourris is not a rectangle! The dam wall is 750metres long and the reservoir is far wider at places (when full). Plus, you forgot to add the area created by the two river arms (Kryos to the northwest and Limnatis to the northeast), both of which arms when at full pool have a width of about 500 meters, and both have an additional 1km in length. Ok, the 500 meters are at the widest points, but they average about 150-200 meters width for most of their length. The official full pool area given by the WDD is 4.04sq.km. The conversion factor from sq.km to acres is division by 247. Do the math yourself!

Thank you for your time. You can appologise next time we meet.!!!!

You are welcome, but I think it's you who has to apologize!!!!! Case closed!!!


My friend, I'm afraid case is still open!!

Don't forget that we measure area and not circumference.  So, if I measure a rectangle then I actually come up with a bigger area than the real one and NOT smaller.  Even though I took into account the curves, they are insignificant as you will see below.  I also took into account the two river arms.

By the way the dam wall is around 550 meters and not 750.

I can only post one picture per post so check the rest 5 posts below as well.

Actual wall length.



Google Earth is magic. Don't you think?  Anybody having a doubt about the area of the dam can check it out himself.

I would recommend that the WDD officials check Google Earth and not give immaginary figures.

Now, the photo below shows the wall and the dam.  The wall could actually be the widest point of the dam.

I would like to have your appology on this forum please, and not when we meet !!!!

It has been a pleasure talking to you my friend.

Now I think CASE IS CLOSED. Don't you agree?



Cybassman , long time no see. Good to have you back

I really enjoy yr exchanges with Cybasser!

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