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I started typing advice on sponsor resumes when I realized someone has a 13 page deal going on that already.   I didn't make it through all the pages.  :o

I saw one 17 year old that is good in sales.  Here is an idea SALE and buy your own stuff if you are that good.

I saw another who's dad was an Operations Exec, here is an idea.  Dad do you have some extra chores I can do to earn some money for my first boat?

I'm new to this board but suspect there are several here from other forums that like me started with one or two cheap rods, a used 14' tin boat with a little tiller steer motor on it.  Now before you go off on me about "I can't compete out of that......The FOM Regional on the Red River several years ago was won out of a boat just like that and that team had won the points championship for the state of Texas. 

I have a 23 year old.  He had a fishing rod the day he was born, still has a ton of them in the garage.  If he ever graduates college I hope to help him with a used small tin rig to get him started.  I could afford to get him a new boat today, he has the know how, I have the connections to help him with some team deals.  I want him concentrating on school.  I like those odds better than the odds of becoming a pro angler. 

If he gets through school and wants to pursue being a pro angler I'll support that 110% percent because he has something to fall back on.   Working a job and going to college is no fun but it's teaching him life lessons. 

I don't mind helping out with resume's.  Before you ask you should put yourself in the company's shoes you are sending this document too.  They are not raking in the cash as you might imagine.  They MUST make a profit to stay in business, your winning a local tournament doesn't help them turn a profit. 

I like it that so many young folks here have goals!

If still want help with a resume have it targeted to a certain company and try to have what you can do for them in your draft.   Good Luck!!!

  • Super User

I agree with most of what you're saying. No one wants to work anymore, people just want things handed to them. I started out with an Ugly Stick combo when I was about 14 and then got a job. I bought a boat and won about 2o tournies before I went out for sponsors. I got a bunch of them and then realized how much work it all was. Sure you get 10 free $250 rods a year and anything else at cost or $4 jigs for $0.50 but you have to act like a corporate suit. Most things are not as cracked up as they seem. ;)


Is can see where you are coming from but I dont agree with all of it. I am also 20, in college and have been lucky enough to live a priveledged life. but I worked 5 days a week in high school at a pet store to pay to fish, I now have money saved up and sponsor to help me. I am always looking for possible sponsors, but I understand that when the have an agreement with me I have to work my a** off at events they send me to are that I attend for them and I do. I dont feel asking for free stuff is right but searching for sponsors is not a terrible thing. Im sure im gonna hear from yall so bring it.

  • Super User
Is can see where you are coming from but I dont agree with all of it. I am also 20, in college and have been lucky enough to live a priveledged life. but I worked 5 days a week in high school at a pet store to pay to fish, I now have money saved up and sponsor to help me. I am always looking for possible sponsors, but I understand that when the have an agreement with me I have to work my a** off at events they send me to are that I attend for them and I do. I dont feel asking for free stuff is right but searching for sponsors is not a terrible thing. Im sure im gonna hear from yall so bring it.

Bring what ?????????????

Is can see where you are coming from but I dont agree with all of it. I am also 20, in college and have been lucky enough to live a priveledged life. but I worked 5 days a week in high school at a pet store to pay to fish, I now have money saved up and sponsor to help me. I am always looking for possible sponsors, but I understand that when the have an agreement with me I have to work my a** off at events they send me to are that I attend for them and I do. I dont feel asking for free stuff is right but searching for sponsors is not a terrible thing. Im sure im gonna hear from yall so bring it.

Well from what I've seen of the younger workforce, you are an exception to the rule. And good for you! In my profession we have a lot of oung officers that come in and 1. think they know it all, 2. Don't want to get off their butts to do anything, 3. feel like they should be working in positions where officers with 15 or more years are working, I could go on. I started fishing with a 6' throw down fiberglass rod and a Zebco 33. Now, it's Deep South Rods, Shimano Reels, 11 Sponsors, and I've worked hard to get where I am in my fishing career. I pay for most of my own tournaments, shirts, boat gas, truck gas, motel rooms, etc. I'm hoping my hard work will pay off for me about retirement time. My hat's off to you and you keep up the hard work. Like I told someone once....."the gimme bird died!"


You keep the work ethic strong Tommy.  I am currently helping my spouse with her DBA and the paper will be something along the lines of the differences of management styles when dealing with the ME Generation.

There is little published on this subject right now, but its coming.  In reality with America's aging population it has to come.  Lead by example, your peers will listen to you WAY before us old farts.  :)

  • BassResource.com Administrator

Well each generation has it's own set of nuances.  Not necessarily bad, mind you.  Just different.

I could really go on and on about the 18-24 demographic, but I won't.  At a high level, it boils down to this:

- Social and connected. Often using technology to keep in touch with family and friends.

- Acclimated to getting what they want.  Rejection is not an option.

- Relies on peer opinions/recommendations moreso than official reviews.

- Less resistant to change and innovation.

- Feels a sense of entitlement to the goals they want.

There's a lot more, but the point is they are different than us "older folks".  Again, not a critism is any sense.  It's just a state of the union.

I bring this up because it isn't an apples-to-apples comparison when looking back to when you were their age.

And as a disclaimer:  These are basic generalities.  I'm positive there are exceptions to the above, so don't jump on here to exclaim you're not like that.  Im just saying from a marketing perspective, this is the persona that is often the result of heavy industry studies.


Glenn I understand completely where you are coming from, but I truely believe many companies are looking at the younger generation as a way to promote there productin different ways. I do see where the whole ME generation point can be brought up and used agianst us but any marketing director worth anything would look at the person for who they are and how they act and there beliefs more than there age which is just a number.

  • BassResource.com Administrator

Oh I absolutely agree!  There's no way you can possibly market to a demographic without knowing their needs, wants, lifestyle, influences in decision making, and so on.  This is precisely why companies develop "personas" for specific segments in order to help them understand who it is they're focusing on.

I won't get into all the boring details, but this is precisely why the same product is marketing differently say on MTV than on Nightline.

Well each generation has it's own set of nuances. Not necessarily bad, mind you. Just different.

I could really go on and on about the 18-24 demographic, but I won't. At a high level, it boils down to this:

- Social and connected. Often using technology to keep in touch with family and friends.

- Acclimated to getting what they want. Rejection is not an option.

- Relies on peer opinions/recommendations moreso than official reviews.

- Less resistant to change and innovation.

- Feels a sense of entitlement to the goals they want.

There's a lot more, but the point is they are different than us "older folks". Again, not a critism is any sense. It's just a state of the union.

I bring this up because it isn't an apples-to-apples comparison when looking back to when you were their age.

And as a disclaimer: These are basic generalities. I'm positive there are exceptions to the above, so don't jump on here to exclaim you're not like that. Im just saying from a marketing perspective, this is the persona that is often the result of heavy industry studies.

Other than maybe the technology statement, I would say previous generations had the similar ideas to 18-24 year olds during their times too.

  • 5 months later...
I started typing advice on sponsor resumes when I realized someone has a 13 page deal going on that already. I didn't make it through all the pages. :o

I saw one 17 year old that is good in sales. Here is an idea SALE and buy your own stuff if you are that good.

I saw another who's dad was an Operations Exec, here is an idea. Dad do you have some extra chores I can do to earn some money for my first boat?

I'm new to this board but suspect there are several here from other forums that like me started with one or two cheap rods, a used 14' tin boat with a little tiller steer motor on it. Now before you go off on me about "I can't compete out of that......The FOM Regional on the Red River several years ago was won out of a boat just like that and that team had won the points championship for the state of Texas.

I have a 23 year old. He had a fishing rod the day he was born, still has a ton of them in the garage. If he ever graduates college I hope to help him with a used small tin rig to get him started. I could afford to get him a new boat today, he has the know how, I have the connections to help him with some team deals. I want him concentrating on school. I like those odds better than the odds of becoming a pro angler.

If he gets through school and wants to pursue being a pro angler I'll support that 110% percent because he has something to fall back on. Working a job and going to college is no fun but it's teaching him life lessons.

I don't mind helping out with resume's. Before you ask you should put yourself in the company's shoes you are sending this document too. They are not raking in the cash as you might imagine. They MUST make a profit to stay in business, your winning a local tournament doesn't help them turn a profit.

I like it that so many young folks here have goals!

If still want help with a resume have it targeted to a certain company and try to have what you can do for them in your draft. Good Luck!!!

Im in the same place right now exept my boats 12 foot, It has no motor and I own 4 rods but let me tell you its difficult the looks that I get from the upper class bass fisherman. But that doesnt stop me because my passion is fishing.

  • Super User

I agree, with the exception of technology I would say between the ages of 18 and 24 most people were in that mind state. It sounds like something all older generations label younger generations as being, but in truth it is just a stage.


I am 22 working my way through college. My parents do not support my fishing financially. I have a full time job as a Sales Lead. I bought my own boat 1989 Bass Tracker tf1600 fiberglass, for $1500. Re-carpeted myself, reworked the entire live-well system.... the works. It has been my dream to be a professional angler, but after much involvement with the community service side of fishing I have gotten more enjoyment out of those events, as opposed to competing with total jerks who don't respect others, much less the bass they are catching. My thoughts are I have worked my arse off to get the rig, rods, reels, I have. It bothers me to see 19-20 year old kids with 2010 bass boats. But luckily I was raised up with by really awesome parents who provided for me, but showed me how to get what I want, through hard work. I agree with the original post. And I have decided if I get sponsors it will be because I worked for it and earned it.


Ok, so I guess I have to go with what you all are saying with a slightly different point of view. Elite image, why should you dislike the guys who are 20 with brand new boats make you mad if they cant beat you what is the difference. I guess I have different experiences than most of the people on this post because of the people I put around me. All the people that I fish with on a consistent basis are like me, some have sponsor but they work hard, have jobs and are in school. We fish to get better at what we do, winnings great but its not the most important to us, just like sponsors are nice but they are not necessary.

I will tell you one thing, I pulled a nonboater at a federation tournament a couple weeks ago, he took one look at me, and I have never even met the guy. He told the tournament director he would not fish with me to get him a new partner. Later I asked the tournament director (Who I know quite well) why he said he would not fish with me, she told me that he said he did not want to fish with some snobby kid who does not know what they are doing and probably cant fish. After hearing that she repaired us, long story the short story is I came in 13th, my co angler came in 6th (darn magic crank bait) and he finished in the 50's. After the tournament I saw the guy standing next to my truck so I very nicely asked him if he had any thing to say, he said he would have done the same thing over because he thinks is BS some kid can have there own boat and he does not. I told him to get over it and just fish and left.

By the way for any one who does not know I did pay for my own boat, used not new and work very hard to get the majority of the stuff I use. So the point of that story was the younger guys in the sport are not the only ones who give it a bad name and older guys can some times act far more immature than any 19 or 20 year old kid can. Also for any one who is not sure about me, ask Texlwedge, im one of his pro staffer in Florida, while I may not have time to make as many videos and do as much as I would like, I would hard do what I can and always have all of my reports and any thing he ask me too in on time.

sorry fot the long post


I agree with everything you said Glenn. I'm not here to brag AT ALL but I hate the age I'm at right now. I hate being lumped into this generation. Most people my age DON'T want to work for anything. They want everything handed to them.

Everyone says I'm a 50 year old man in a 23 year olds body. I hate social networking (I don't do the myspace, facebook... this is about as close to social networking as I get), I feel my generation relies too much on technology and it's making them lazy (yeah that sounds funny coming from myself because I'm a programmer, but its true :P).

When I approach companies, I don't expect to be put on the free ride list because I know I'll have to prove myself to them. Honestly, I'm happy with promoting the products I believe in and getting a discount in return (I don't care how small it is, it's still less than I would pay in stores for promoting something I use).

Everyone always asks me how I'm so mature (HA) for my age and where I got my work ethics from. All I can say is, I was brought up right and I worked for EVERYTHING I wanted. I'd feel like I was cheating a company if they handed me stuff and I didn't do anything in return. When you're on a companies staff, you're an employee for that company. If you don't work at your normal job, you don't get paid. Treat it as such for sponsorships too!

I know this sounds like I'm bragging and I don't mean to be bragging at all. I just need to defend the few of us youngster's that still have a work ethic!


etommy, I have to say I agree with you. And maybe its a little jealousy factor of the kids with brand new boats many of them did not have to pay or work a minute for and I have to work on my boat after every other outing. But in the end what matters to me is the pleasure in knowing what I have is mine... and that's a piece of mind no one can take from me. I'm glad to know there are other guys out there like me and if I offended you I certainly apologize, that was not my intent.


no, you did not offend me, I have not liked how this thread was going from the the beginning, but when I really looked at it, while its not fair and not true for some people. it is how some people look at people of mine and your generation, fair or not.


That is true, just wanted to make sure we were good. I should have explained myself more on that. This thread definitely caught my attention and its just good to know there are still hard working guys out there. Maybe we'll meet on the water somewhere sometime and discuss this further.


Ever think of it this way - young 19-22 y.o. kids with nice boats may not all be entitled or spoiled. We youngins tend to be more willing to drop a large chunk of our savings on stuff we like.

That can't always be said of maybe a 30-40ish guy with a family to support and mouths to feed. Unlike these guys, we just work, and work and work... and all that resultant money is mainly disposable income innit? I'm 19, and I for one would have no qualms about dropping a whole summer's pay on a nice bass boat. Unfortunately, my money from this year's summer jobs is going directly towards tuition  :D. Now if it weren't for that pesky tuition... :P

I'm sure all you older folks remember a time when you were young and perhaps spent more than you should have on something that you just HAD to have at the time. ;D


Nibbles, the point of this thread was most of the younger fishing generation thinks they can all fish for nothing. Yes, times have changed and there are 1000's of companies sponsoring anglers, but it seems like the younger crowd tries to get free stuff and do nothing in return.

School tuition is outrageous, I'm 80k in the hole and still don't have a degree haha. Good luck in school!


I'm only 26, but I have to agree; alot of the younger generations are the "give me what i want, for free, and now!" type. However, this attitude has to be nutured and encouraged from somewhere, correct?

It seems in bass fishing that its easier to get a starter sponsor, even if it's a locally owned tackle shop; why is that?

Also, why is it that people are actively pursueing a sponsorship? I have no longterm goal or dream to get sponsored. However, if I did, I would want to sponsor a product that I believe in and prefer to use; or my favorite company. I would feel it to be a honor to represent that company.

I'm only 26, but I have to agree; alot of the younger generations are the "give me what i want, for free, and now!" type. However, this attitude has to be nutured and encouraged from somewhere, correct?

It seems in bass fishing that its easier to get a starter sponsor, even if it's a locally owned tackle shop; why is that?

Also, why is it that people are actively pursueing a sponsorship? I have no longterm goal or dream to get sponsored. However, if I did, I would want to sponsor a product that I believe in and prefer to use; or my favorite company. I would feel it to be a honor to represent that company.

I don't think its easy to get sponsored... but it is easy to become a field staffer. I haven't been trying to get sponsored though so maybe I'm wrong. I too, only contact the people who make products that I believe in and I EXPECT to be a field staffer first (have to prove to that company I'm worth keeping around :) ). I'm happy with who I'm with now and don't really see the need to try and pursue anymore positions. I don't think people realize that more sponsors = more work!

  • Super User

I have a few sponsors, some pro staffs, and in a unique position to be able to put products in anglers hands, and show them how to use them. Sponsors and pro staffs are work, as in a J-O-B. As for what and who to associate with, well... I only deal with stuff I really like, and would buy retail anyway. I only deal with people I'd trust with my kids. Meet those criteria, and you want top employ me, then I'm all ears. I simply cannot comprehend having this attitude 20 or more years ago. Some kids may have "it," but only a special few, and it wasn't me then.  As far as kids today "wanting something for nothing," I actually think NOTHING has changed in ten thousand years.  There have always been greedy people, young and old.  The internet just brings them to light.  Most kids are actually pretty decent, and if they're out fishing, that's a huge start.  They could be asking for drug money.

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