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Hi. I am new to the forum and I am 16. Personally, I feel that a 15 or 16  year old that wants a sponsorship because they don't have the money to buy the stuff they need is ridiculous. Get a job, i have had one for two years now and I have all the money I need to buy rods reels and baits. I don't exactly go cheap when I buy stuff either.

I have gotten free baits from a couple companies. But, they weren't big companies, I bought baits from them frequently and developed a good relationship with the owner. This was for my muskie fishing habit though.

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When I was younger, I would save my allowance, save money from my job, and steal from my dad's tacklebox ;D  Of course, when I was young, I only NEEDED two baits, since I only fished for speckled trout and redfish 99.9% of the time.  Top Dawg Jr and an H&H Cocahoe Minnow (Queen and Regular sized).  But still, I would raid tackleboxes for one top dawg every now and then.  Probably not the nicest thing to do, but I had one heck of a collection.

Top Dawg Pup and the She Dawg owns all other walk the dog baits, by the way...for fresh and salt water.  There...the secret's out. ::)


I played paintball on a pretty high level (world cup national level stuff) and I have had many many sponsors.  I'm 19 right now started playing at 11.  I haven't balled in a long time.  The sponsors took out the fun in the game.  I learned extremely quickly that its not what the sponsors can do for you its what you can do for the sponsors.  Paintball took over my life, and to do something that seirous with that many sponsors is a fulltime job.  I'm not ready to grow up so I quit (after my contract went out).  I hope I never feel that way about bass fishing..


Guys, seriously now, first, ask yourself this- why would Zoom or Bandit sponsor me? What do I have to offer them that they would actually be interested in? If I am 12 or 15, should I not be more concerned with school than getting a few packs of free baits...which I may not get anyway?

This is just silliness. It is nice to dream and believe that one has what it takes to even be in the same sentence as Kevin Van Dam or other big time pro's, but in all actuality, only one in a million may get close. It is totally unrealistic to think that a really big company is going bank on a 12 year old. I hate to be a dream killer but I think far more people are infatuated with the idea of being sponsored than with doing the work to attain that sponsorship.

That being said, I've said this before, just because you enjoy fishing, it doesn't qualify you for a sponsorship with any company. It is crazy to expect that. If you are a young person get involved in a club or casting kids. Build some street cred. If this was easy, everyone would be getting their tackle for free.

I have been in this industry for over 15 years. I've experienced both sides of the coin as a angler and as a manufacturer and now as a journalist. The bottom line is that you may only get one real chance to do this correctly, so do it right and plan it out.

For one minute, put yourself in the shoes of the person reviewing your resume. Is what you are reading impressive enough for you to say "Hey, lets sign this guy up"? One of the most generic things I see in a resume is this and don't do it..."My partner and I would be willing to wear any patches, hats, shirts etc. with your companies logo" Think about it, what are you really offering? Unfortunately and all to often this is the only thing being offered by the resume submitter and , it ain't a heck of a lot. Most companies have tons of people who actually buy their logo merchandise and wear it regularly so why would this benefit anyone? The bottom line is that you need to explain how you can produce results. How will you directly influence sales? Talking to people at the weigh in nice but in reality, there is no real way for a manufacturer to know you are doing anything on your own unless people drop your name.

In 2003 I wrote an article about how I started using Kistler Helium rods after I developed a serious elbow problem. This all came on the heels of a gauntlet fishing season where I competed in like 25 events over a 4 month period. I literally flipped my elbow to shreds. I got my hands on a Helium and felt that due to it being lighter, my problems cleared up and allowed me to win an AOL title and the Classic in my local circuit. Two days after I published the article I got a phone call from Kistler and was invited to be on their staff. That year customers dropped my name over 65 times when purchasing rods. Considering the cost of those rods at 269. to 289., you get the picture. That is how you influence sales.

Why does KVD have all these great deals? Think about what he can offer a manufacturer. If he says I catch all my fish on a white buzzbait, guess how many white buzzers SK is going to sell. Do you have that ability? Do you have clout with the media? You don't, so that is why you can't expect any deal other than a discount on product and you should be happy with that.

I read posts in amazement when people get bent out of shape that they were offered a crummy discount. What do you think they are going to offer a very low level angler? The keys to a new Ranger? Common sense. Start at the bottom and work your way up. If you are serious, you make strides to succeed. If you complain about it and get offended at the offer, you don't even get your foot in the door. That is why only a few succeed at this. They get upset that they are not offered the key to the city right away. Common sense!!

Remember being a staffer is like a job in itself. The more you put in, the more likely you will get some decent return. If you are not willing to put in the effort, why bother. I think people do it as a status thing but in reality it means little.



I understand you guys are dwelling on age. I just lost a state champion buy 2 ounces 2 weeks ago. That state championship was to go to the FLW championship. That almost 99 percent of this forum probably has not fished in in anyway. That tournament would expose that company to about a couple hundred thousand people maybe more. And ya know yall are talking about school work, Hey I fish almost every day and am on sports teams and I average a 96. I just get tired of yall draggin on us all the time saying we are to young. You are never too young. Just keep trying. One time I asked brent from *** about it but he never said anything back to me just looked at my website hey thats fine with me at least he looked.


Basspro, you are out there doing what you need to do and that is great. I'm sure if you stick with it and are serious, your day will come.  However, you can't rest on the laurels of "If I won that event, the exposure would have been....." You need to approach this with realistic goals. What can you do now for a sponsor, despite not having won a big event? Unfortunately most people aren't as vigilant as you and try to get what they can with as little effort as possible. It may not be fair to drag a whole group of people down but based on experience, it is fairly accurate to come to the conclusions I have. So many people talk the talk but can't walk the walk.

It isn't because they are dishonest, it is that they don't realize what this entails, the expectations on them and that in their young lives, there are so many other important things going on to distract them from focusing on their responsibilities. In all seriousness, a young person who is a staffer, really needs to stand out to get the respect of a much older audience. I read a response on one of these threads where someone said "Your 15, what do you know about life and what could you teach me?" As harsh as that sounds, the guy was 100% accurate. That is the opinion that every older person will have flash through his head when he meets this kid for the first time. What would make someone respect that kid? If it isn't there, he just sounds like every other young kid with aspirations. You have to be able to fill some decent sized shoes because people are generally skeptical.

I went through it when I was young, I conquered it by fishing competitively and beating those skeptics. You gain a reputation and hopefully it is positive and leads you to opportunities.

Consider this: Let's say a 16yr old or younger kid gets a staff position and the responsibilities are to travel around to shows and shops etc. That burden falls on a third party to shuttle that kid around. What kind of deal is the kid going to get to make it worthwhile for the parent to do that work...considering gas prices what they are. Also consider the approach that many people use is that they have no job and have no money and need equipment. Times are tough but they are tough for manufacturer's as well. The loss in profit is reflective of what is going on in the economy.

Don't make the mistake of thinking this is about a young generation not getting opportunities based on character flaws. It is only about being prepared to handle the tasks and responsibilities that they sign up for.

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I understand you guys are dwelling on age. I just lost a state champion buy 2 ounces 2 weeks ago. That state championship was to go to the FLW championship. That almost 99 percent of this forum probably has not fished in in anyway. That tournament would expose that company to about a couple hundred thousand people maybe more. And ya know yall are talking about school work, Hey I fish almost every day and am on sports teams and I average a 96. I just get tired of yall draggin on us all the time saying we are to young. You are never too young. Just keep trying. One time I asked brent about it but he never said anything back to me just looked at my website hey thats fine with me at least he looked.

Dwelling on age?  Age and maturity level are two totally different things.  I dont know you from the next 12 year old on here, but from reading your posts.....well let's just say your age is quite apparent.

I am glad you did well in A (notice singularity) tournament, but "shoulda, coulda, woulda" isnt going to cut it.  Keep trying, improve your skills and most of all......LISTEN TO WHAT PEOPLE ARE TELLING YOU.

There is a reason you have two ears and one mouth, you need to listen twice as much as you speak.

Good luck with your endeavors.



you need to listen twice as much as you speak

We have a winner. Excellent point Wayne!

I didn't want to be too harsh and say shoulda, coulda, woulda, but I'd be lying if I didn't tell you I thought it and absolutely said that in my head as I read that mssg. It doesn't matter what you almost did, it matters what you actually do and even then, maybe not. It is about maturity level and how you conduct yourself publicly. Near misses don't count for anything.


Aparrently then listening to a national guard prostaffers wasnt the right thing to do. He told me to go for sponsor if you cant get them to come to you. He told me your never too young. And this is one of his pet peeves guys telling me and other kids our age and discouraging us.


BP96-What you don't seem to comprehend is that you need to sell yourself. You need to actually offer a benefit to the company you seek sponsorship from. It translates into what are you going to do for me now? It is a job. Federal law says you can't work until you are 15 or 16 and then it is restricted by special laws.

Basspro- Pretend you are trying for a sponsorship to my company, we specialize in hand pours, tubes and custom jigs with gamakatsu hooks.  Sell yourself to me, the Pro Staff Coordinator..What do you have to offer....Ok? You and I can go back and forth and maybe you will get something out of this.......And.....begin.........

I understand you guys are dwelling on age. I just lost a state champion buy 2 ounces 2 weeks ago. That state championship was to go to the FLW championship. That almost 99 percent of this forum probably has not fished in in anyway. That tournament would expose that company to about a couple hundred thousand people maybe more. And ya know yall are talking about school work, Hey I fish almost every day and am on sports teams and I average a 96. I just get tired of yall draggin on us all the time saying we are to young. You are never too young. Just keep trying. One time I asked brent about it but he never said anything back to me just looked at my website hey thats fine with me at least he looked.

You are correct, most of us have never fished the FLW Tour Championship. However, it wouldn't have mattered if you won by 10 lbs, at the age of 12 your a not eligible to fish the FLW Tour Championship either.

Straight from the FLW Rule Book.

2. Participation

Participation is open only to tournament members of FLW Outdoors who are 16 years of age or older. Any person entering a tournament under the age of majority must also have the signature of their parent or legal guardian in the provided space on the entry form.

JT Bagwell


Oh, and let me just add, if you misrepresent yourself, and you get caught, your credibility in the industry is shot, along with your hopes of a career.


Basspro96 you keep talking about your website, what is the web address?

Working in a tackle shop is the best way to get noticed and gain experience in my opinion.


JT Bagwell, I think he was referring to the Junior FLW Championship.

Basspro96, I think you should look at what everyone is saying as constructive criticism. But I agree that your age is a huge speed bump. Learn all you can through magazines, books, and on the water experience. Then think about sponsors and stuff like that.


well guys my website is www.freewebs.com/basspro96 and yes I understand it is "Constructive criticism" but just get past that some of us aren't 20 year old. And while I was at walmart today I was just talking to guy in the fishing section. And he bought about 100 dollars worth of stuff from abu garcia, zoom, strike king, and bandit because I told them how good they were and stuff. Pretty cool experience


First off, what kind of exposure does the FLW Jr. Nationals give? The only thing I ever hear about when it comes to that tournament is a small amount of exposure to the winner, and definately not enough exposure to plug a sponsor. If you want to make it big, go B.A.S.S. Even though they have done a few wrongs in the last few years, they are the way to go as far as promotions. FLW is the WORST at helping up and coming anglers.

Second, on your website in the resume/proposal section, there are some huge "12 year old" indicators on your resume. The biggest one is....quoted from http://www.freewebs.com/basspro96/resumeproposal.htm

"I will advertise for you by using stickers, logo's or whatever on the boat and tow vehicle, and on my fishing shirts."

The "or whatever" has absolutely gotta go. It sounds very unprofessional, and very middle schoolish.

Also this jumped out at me.....quoted from


"I currently get over 100 hits a week sometimes more than that."

I looked through every page on the site and could not locate a hit counter. Do you actually know the exact ammount of hits on your page, or is this a false statement?

Please don't take this the wrong way. The other members and I are just trying to help you out. All the criticism you are recieving now WILL help you in the future if you continue to pursue a career in bass fishing.

Good luck bud ;)


Ya the hundred hits a week was true when I first got it but everything went down sense then. I will change both. Thanks senko. And right now FLW is the best in B.A.S.S they make you go through a semi finals flw you just go to the championship. And B.A.S.S wont pay for anything now the clubs or the person has too.


your only 12 no company is just gonna give you hundreds and hundreds of dollars in equipement and etc. just keep fishing and have fun and in a few years you will have your shot.

Ya the hundred hits a week was true when I first got it but everything went down sense then. I will change both. Thanks senko. And right now FLW is the best in B.A.S.S they make you go through a semi finals flw you just go to the championship. And B.A.S.S wont pay for anything now the clubs or the person has too.

I'm not trying to argue with you, but believe me, if you want to make it big, B.A.S.S. is the way to go.  The FLW Jr. Championship is easier to get to.  If you make it to the B.A.S.S., it's a bigger accomplishment.  Do the research....it is so difficult to plug your sponsors at an FLW event.  

It's simple really.  If your in it for the money, go FLW.  If your in it for a career, then go B.A.S.S.

If you want, I can list 10 examples of why BASS gives you more and better exposure than FLW.  

Ya the hundred hits a week was true when I first got it but everything went down sense then. I will change both. Thanks senko. And right now FLW is the best in B.A.S.S they make you go through a semi finals flw you just go to the championship. And B.A.S.S wont pay for anything now the clubs or the person has too.

I'm not trying to argue with you, but believe me, if you want to make it big, B.A.S.S. is the way to go. The FLW Jr. Championship is easier to get to. If you make it to the B.A.S.S., it's a bigger accomplishment. Do the research....it is so difficult to plug your sponsors at an FLW event.

It's simple really. If your in it for the money, go FLW. If your in it for a career, then go B.A.S.S.

If you want, I can list 10 examples of why BASS gives you more and better exposure than FLW.

I agree but this arguement isnt for a forum like this.  In my area theres alot of bad blood between the FLW and the BASS Federation Nation

  • Super User
Ya the hundred hits a week was true when I first got it but everything went down sense then. I will change both. Thanks senko. And right now FLW is the best in B.A.S.S they make you go through a semi finals flw you just go to the championship. And B.A.S.S wont pay for anything now the clubs or the person has too.

I'm not trying to argue with you, but believe me, if you want to make it big, B.A.S.S. is the way to go. The FLW Jr. Championship is easier to get to. If you make it to the B.A.S.S., it's a bigger accomplishment. Do the research....it is so difficult to plug your sponsors at an FLW event.

It's simple really. If your in it for the money, go FLW. If your in it for a career, then go B.A.S.S.

If you want, I can list 10 examples of why BASS gives you more and better exposure than FLW.

You know I like you man but you got some facts wrong...

First off I have competed in both the FLW and B.A.S.S. Jr. World Championships.

Second, I do agree it is hard to plug your sponsors but thats about it.

FLW easier to get to???? Um.... they are both just as difficult. And now with more and more kids competing in FLW because they can still go fish with pro's and go to the big show, I would say FLW is more difficult.

B.A.S.S. is a bigger deal? Not anymore, now that there really is not big world championship for the kids anymore. You go fish a BFN divisionals. FLW, you still go to the big show. Last year in Hot Springs for the FLW world championship my sis picked up sponsors just by walking around.

And more exposure???? My sis and I have gotten so much from FLW it is nuts. Nothing from B.A.S.S. I have some DVD's if you want to see me from when I was in the FLW world championship. And during the FLW on Sundays on FSN they use to (have not watched in forever) have commercials and little plugs about their youth program and I was in them. B.A.S.S. never has anything on their Bassmaster program on Saturdays.

I'm sorry but from someone who has competed and been to both, FLW has given me much more and it was a much more enjoyable experience.

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