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Sponsorship proposal for:

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Andrew G.

Andrew Grosswald

I am 17 years old and live in Deltona Florida. Bass fishing is what I do and I spend every free moment on the water or adding onto my boat. I've always fished but I became avid about bass fishing when I was about sixteen years of age. To me respect, friends, and my family are at the top of the list of my priorities. As a child I was always involved in fishing, but never really enjoyed it till about sixteen years of age. You'd see me shoot off to the playground all of a sudden, with my dad watching over my fishing pole. I have grown close to fishing and see as a way to keep my grades up in school as well as stay out of trouble. From the day I picked up a fishing pole I had an inclination that I had a natural talent when it came to bass fishing. Participating in this club that got me into tournament fishing and gave me friends was the best thing for fishing I could have come across. I have since enjoyed it and never had a problem catching a bass no matter the conditions. This continues for many years to come and I have become better and better at fishing and everything that had to go along with the sport .When I was 15 I got a 15 ft. v hull with a 25 h.p. Johnson tiller. I built a casting deck on the front and made a trolling motor mount for the front making it look like the front deck of the pros. I got my fish finder and foot control trolling motor, and thought that I was at the top of the world. The area I've grown up in has many different lakes around when I can't get a ride to the lake I ride my bike and have a good time just so I could go fishing. I did this almost every other day during the summer of 2006. I'm in high school now, and as things come you begin to think about your future and what you are going to with your life. I plan on going to the coast guard as an officer and getting my degree in law enforcement and enrolling in college fishing when I'm there. After my service is up at the coast guard I plan to fish in opens and get into BASSMASTER or FLW.


There is no doubt about it, fishing is a sport, and in every sport, all players have strong points. Cranking, Flipping, Pitching are my strengths and as well succeed using Jerk bait, Site fishing, Spinner Bait fishing. My favorite ways of fishing would have to be flipping and crank bait fishing. Nothing tops pitching a worm up in rip rap in the pursuit of that one tournament winner. I love to locate banks with Kissimmee grass or Lilly pads searching around with a crank bait to find the edges and brush then flip around a Texas rigged worm or spinner bait and hold on tight for that one extra bite.


Pine Ridge High School - Class of 2011

College- in the process of


Even though my bass fishing drive began at a young age, it never turned into a true passion until the day I fished my first real tournament and saw a bunch of trucks towing bass boats go by. Immediately my interest grew and it wasn't long before I was fishing many more tournaments. I first started out in teen sport fishing association, and that got me big into bass fishing. I will never forget the night I fell asleep before my first tournament. Which beats me I got 6th place for that tournament without any intentions of winning.

Recent Tournaments and Accomplishments

4 years of bass fishing tournaments

Fishing since I was born with my dad.

Fishing is something I will enjoy for the rest of my life.

Plan on joining Bass Masters when I have enough money to compete.

I want to join PAA as an co-angler or BFL

I Fish in a club called teensportfishingasscoiation.com


I Placed 2nd on johns lake Florida my first year of competition. 2006(10.05lbs.)

And 4th my second year in the club(tsa). 2007(5.76lbs.)

In the event at white hair bridge on the St. johns this past December,3,2009 I placed 6th with (4.09lbs.)

I placed 6th place the following weekend in a tournament on Lake Monroe with

6. 94

I received 3rd at white hair bridge with 11. 56 and big fish of 8.89

I placed 4th at Harris Chain in February(2008) and I had a total weight of 6.02

I fished the county tournament at (St. johns river Astor) and placed 9th with 5.09 lbs.

Made it to state due to placing top 10 in the county and placed 12th at state for a 2 day tournament. With a 2 day total of 11.34 which made me really upset.

I placed 1st (MARCH 2009) at lake Monroe with 13.00 lbs. even

I placed 3rd (MARCH 2009) at lake Monroe with 9.34 lbs.

Fish Deltona small boat club event 9/17/08 and won first tournament of the year out of Cameron Wright boat ramp on St. johns river with 9.67

I fished a tournament on blue lake 11/25/09 and weighed in with a weight of 8.78

and gaining 3rd place.

As well fishing a small tournament my friend hosted on his lake and got 2nd with a weight of 13.21 on 11/29/09

Butler chain Fl. tournament 12/6/09 placing 2nd with 8.31

Lake Monroe Fl. Tournament 1/24/2010 placing _ with _

Conflicting dates will be fished in importance of standings in that series, as well as, exposure potential to sponsors.

The Fishing Industry

The fishing industry has probably been the most growing industry and has recently exploded for the anglers among this nation. I know that since I've been in fishing I have spent at least 15,000 dollars combined money from working, parents, gifts, etc. That is a lot of money to have spent in 3 years from a teenager without a job. To get the ethics you can get the idea of how much weekend anglers and tournament fisherman spend across the nation each year. I have seen many people and know many people that are sponsored but they have to spend money somewhere.

What I can I do for you?

With a great local reputation for fishing, and code of conduct, I can promote by word of mouth and also through good demonstrations through the day with the people I meet from day to day on the water. Also by fishing as many tournaments a year in the Florida area . By living in Florida I get to fish many of the known lakes and anglers that put pressure on me to succeed and get better with each and every day on the water. It would allow me to promote and prove your companies products to a region and fishermen who might otherwise have never fished them or heard of your companies product. With the addition of your name to my truck and eventually a wrap, would be a very worth a wild investment. A truck wrap would be very cost effective at 3000 dollars (est. cost) for a wrap. By adding your company's logo to my truck wrap. The amount of exposure per person if you figured I know people have to see a bright colored logo and names as I'm cruising down the road. As for the a boat wrap to help promote your product.

  • Super User

Are you nuts? Take your personal stuff off there, this is the internet. Want pirates and ninjas breaking into your house at night?

  • Super User

1. Too wordy

2. Spell numbers out

3. Never throw number and prices out for advertising

4. Summarize your tournament stuff by keeping it short and sweet

   i.e.   5 wins, 15 top 5's  (forget about the kind of tournament and weight unless it is a big T or record bag)

5. Get rid of the whole boat story and how your story

  • Super User

The only thing I have to add to Tin's recommendations: spell your screen name correctly.


Good luck.


I though he spelled his name wrong on purpose...you know, to attract attention. That's one h**l of a long winded resume. Tighten it up. Get rid of some of the pork as they say. I like a bit of personal touch. We're not fishing machines. You should revise the stuff about truck wraps and boat wraps, etc., you might think that stuff is cool, but I don't think you have a clue as to the effectiveness of advertising dollars. That's allright though, at least your thinking about how to move yourself forward. Keep fishing, keep winning. Meet personally with prospective sponsors. Be yourself, don't be wooden or contrived. Everyone probably knows your 17 and your green when it comes to just about everything. Tighten the resume up, do some volunteer work, contribute time to fishing conservation, help youth anglers, volunteer. Sponsorship will come when it is warranted.


You need to keep it short and sweet. You have alot of spelling and grammar mistakes in it. You have alot of run on sentences. No potential sponsors are going to care about your deal with your dad and using fishing to keep your grades up. You should take it upon your self to keep your grades up .Where are you going with the sentence "shooting off the playground " that sentence makes no sense at all where are you going with this? You state in there "got in to this club" You need to state the club name so people can identify with the club . There are many different types of clubs IE a club of you and three buddies, or dose your club travel to different lakes how many tournaments a year do you fish ?Where is this Club based out of . do they have a web the sponsors can verify and track your results. What type of exposure can a sponsor expect to get from sponsoring you. You need to spell out how exactly you plan to get into the bass masters and the FLW series. Also how do you plan to fish all these tournaments when you are in the coast guard? You state that fishing is a sport and you have strengths well you state that your excel at every type of fishing. So what your saying that at the age of 17 you have been able to figure out and excel at spinner bait and jerk bait and jigs and flipping and pitching. You have to ask your self why would a hard bait like crank bait company sponsor you when you flat out tell them that your going to fish a Texas rig plastic bait all day doesn't sound like much exposure to their product. Why would you state in your resume that you fell asleep before a tournament. that doesn't sound like a very dependable person. You are volunteering to be a rep for these companies. And you should keep you grades up and conduct your self according to properly represent these companies. Its none of there concern on your personal life and what you do from day to day . Its all about how your are going to return the money to them thru representing them and gaining promotion and sales in your area. That's what they care about.

You need to keep it short and sweet. You have alot of spelling and grammar mistakes in it. You have alot of run on sentences. No potential sponsors are going to care about your deal with your dad and using fishing to keep your grades up. You should take it upon your self to keep your grades up .Where are you going with the sentence "shooting off the playground " that sentence makes no sense at all where are you going with this? You state in there "got in to this club" You need to state the club name so people can identify with the club . There are many different types of clubs IE a club of you and three buddies, or dose your club travel to different lakes how many tournaments a year do you fish ?Where is this Club based out of . do they have a web the sponsors can verify and track your results. What type of exposure can a sponsor expect to get from sponsoring you. You need to spell out how exactly you plan to get into the bass masters and the FLW series. Also how do you plan to fish all these tournaments when you are in the coast guard? You state that fishing is a sport and you have strengths well you state that your excel at every type of fishing. So what your saying that at the age of 17 you have been able to figure out and excel at spinner bait and jerk bait and jigs and flipping and pitching. You have to ask your self why would a hard bait like crank bait company sponsor you when you flat out tell them that your going to fish a Texas rig plastic bait all day doesn't sound like much exposure to their product. Why would you state in your resume that you fell asleep before a tournament. that doesn't sound like a very dependable person. You are volunteering to be a rep for these companies. And you should keep you grades up and conduct your self according to properly represent these companies. Its none of there concern on your personal life and what you do from day to day . Its all about how your are going to return the money to them thru representing them and gaining promotion and sales in your area. That's what they care about.

Well, I'm not so sure a sponsor doesn't care about the personal life of an athlete they sponsor. Case in point, Tiger Woods. It is precisely because of his personal life that he is losing his sponsorship deals. So one's CHARACTER is of utmost importance. What if KVD was caught cheating on his wife or arrested for a DWI, what do you think Strike King might do? Sponsors do care about more than just your fishing performance.

  • 5 weeks later...

"would be a very worth a wild investment"

Wild is the right word here.   :D

Why would wrapping your truck and boat be a good investment for them?  How many miles do you drive?  How many people travel those roads with you?  What is the demographics of the areas you typically travel?  These are the questions that come right off the top of my head.

Like others have said WAY to wordy.

The days of free stuff to get the word out are pretty much over in this market. 

Outside of fishing the tournaments and doing well what did you do at the events?  Have you volunteered time to work boat shows, hang banners at events etc... If so what was the outcome of your help?

You should have a resume targeted to each prospective "sponsor" letting them know exactly what you can do for them based on your history.

Are you in a debate club or another school function that would lend itself to public speaking?  I ask because public speaking, heck how you represent them in general matters.  There Is a lot more to it than driving around looking cool with a wrap.

As a rule today folks look at a resume five to seven seconds on the initial glance.  If interested they make take up to two minutes to read the entire document. 

I don't mean to dash your goals.  I offer this advice to help you obtain them. 


I agree with pretty much everything that has been said.  You don't have a very big window of opportunity to impress the potential Sponsor with a resume.  They are very busy and are most interested in hitting the high points. 

The main thing that I would suggest is that you need to focus on learning as much as you can about catching the green fish first.  Everyone sees sponsors as the cure all to every man's fishing problems but it really detracts from your fishing.  They often want you to commit to doing shows and other product demonstrations and it can cut back on your fishing substantially.  I fished tournaments for 10 years (BFL's for 5-6 of those years) before I even started actively approaching sponsors and I still question if I rushed things. 

Your time, especially at your age, would be more valuable if you have the rod in your hand than standing on a showroom floor for a free pack of worms that you won't have as much time to use.  For best results you need to have a purpose or goal everytime you hit the water.  Make it specific, for instance, you might want to work on cranking.  Take nothing but a few cranking rods and a box of crankbaits and learn how to "make" fish bite a crankbait. 

  • 3 weeks later...

Your only 17 .. You should be worried about your career in life rather than fishing sponsors .. But keep fishing and keep winning ! You will be noticed if you are elite enough .. The energy you wasted in that resume should of been on the water ! Don't let this discourage you but don't put all your peas in 1 pod ! I'm 28 and i really don't have a choice but to keep chasing this dream .. But you should worry about an education 1st ! And if fishing's meant to be , It'll be ! I've fished with some unbelievable fisher's that don't have much of a pot to pee in due to chasing this dream !

  • 2 weeks later...

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