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I found a nonboater looking for a boater to fish a local team circuit with. We talked on the phone and I explained I wanted to fish the circuit as a boater but needed someone to split entry fee and gas expenses with. The first tourney is in a couple weeks and we prefished together this weekend. I spent $50 in truck and boat gas. He was a great guy but offered me no gas money at any point. I mean he was one of the nicest guys you will ever meet but I am starting to have second thoughts.

  • Super User

Kindly explain to him that he will have to split costs of operating your boat and vehicle in the form of gas money. He may really be naive and doesn't know it is customary to do this  but you'll only find out by confronting him.


IMO,  I own the boat, the non boater is responsible for atleast 1/2 the cost.  You have the boat payment, insurance, wear & tear, care, maitenance etc. 

Thats not including the gas, oil. 

I have had that happen to me before.  I dropped a guy that tourney fished with me for this very reason.  I let him slide once and he pulled the crap the second time.  After that he wondered why I didnt want to fish with him anymore.

If it was me and you really like fishing with the guy I'd express my concerns and let the chips fall where they be.

  • Super User

I fish as a non-boater, and make sure for tourneys prior to going what my portion will be. For fun fishing I offer, sometimes the boater says no. Other times I pay for my half.

Personally I would inquire nicely about the cost, maybe he doesn't know. If you get an answer you don't appreciate drop him.

  • Super User

I fish as both a non-boater, and as a boater in open team tournaments. I will pay 1/2 the entry fee, and 1/2 the gas for both truck and the boat, and expect the same in return, my boat or yours. No more, no less. Winnings are split 50/50 as well.

Paying for insurance, maint., etc............thats part of owning a boat, you shouldn't expect any financial help with that. I have helped my buddy with repairs, and winterizing by being an extra set of hands, and he has done the same for me, but no $$ is exchanged. Now if you bust something on my boat by being an idiot.............your going to pay for it, and I would do the same if it happened on your boat.

All that above is obviously for tournament fishing, if we are out just having fun. I could care less, I was going fishing anyways, you want pitch in $20 for gas great.............I'll take it, if not no big deal. I always try to do something for a buddy when we use his boat to fun fish. Buy lunch, or a couple bucks for gas, even maybe just bring the cold drinks for the day. Being a total free loader isn't cool.


What's an average amount that a non-boater should give for gas? If I go. if he wants me to bring food, I'll pay for all of that, but what would be a resonable amount for gas. 20 dollars seems to cheap to give to some one so I just want to what would be reasonable.


Thanks for the input everyone. At one point while we were fishing he asked "So how do you want to split the expenses?" I said,  "I just need help with some of the gas." Thats all that was said. Maybe I should have been more specific and said, "well I put $50 in the tank today if you want to split that with me."


I would be direct about it.  I know on non-team tournaments, I have gotten so caught up in how the day was going, that I completely forgot to give the boater I drew for that day any money for gas.  It's possible he just forgot about it at the end of the day.  Since you guys will be fishing as a team, I'm sure he expects to split expenses.  Let him know about the expenses you have and what portion you would like from him.  I doubt you'll get much of a complaint from him since you guys are using your boat.


I'm right there with ww2farmer except I don't expect gas money for my truck. I feel like that goes with owning the boat. Without the truck I couldn't have the boat. But I also live off the beaten path so I also don't want to charge someone money because I live further away.


For me personaly, i usually make them pay for all boat gas and i pay for all car gas, it will usually balance out.

I fish as both a non-boater, and as a boater in open team tournaments. I will pay 1/2 the entry fee, and 1/2 the gas for both truck and the boat, and expect the same in return, my boat or yours. No more, no less. Winnings are split 50/50 as well.

Paying for insurance, maint., etc............thats part of owning a boat, you shouldn't expect any financial help with that. I have helped my buddy with repairs, and winterizing by being an extra set of hands, and he has done the same for me, but no $$ is exchanged. Now if you bust something on my boat by being an idiot.............your going to pay for it, and I would do the same if it happened on your boat.

Being a total free loader isn't cool.


I have a "policy" whenever I take some one fun fishing. First trip I tell them "first ones on me, all you need to bring is the sandwiches/snacks for lunch. On any future trips you pay half the fuel/oil for the boat". If we have along trip to the lake and they ride with me, they pay half that cost too.

If its a buddy tournament I figure half the costs entry fees/fuel/oil/food/drinks whatever I paid for for the tournament and any "practice" fishing and expect non-boating partner to pay that. That is only fair if they expect to go 50/50 on any winnings.

But it all needs to be spelled out and agreed upon before you register or at least before you start the trip.


wow, some of you sound a bit greedy. i can see paying for half the boat gas and entry fee. but im not paying for half your food and your drinks, you bring your own and i bring my own when it comes to that unless there was a formal agreement beforehand that one person would pick food/drink up and split the cost. and im not paying for half your truck gas unless you picked me up and im riding with you, then again i still may not pay half. if you fill up that morning and have practically an empty tank and say it costs you 75 bucks to fill your truck up, yet it only takes half a tank total to get to the lake and back, im not paying you 37.50 for truck gas. if im driving my own vehicle, im not paying a dime for your truck gas as you were going to the lake with or without me and i did not cause you to go out of your way. you bought the boat so insurance, maintenance, and such is your responsibility as boat owner. im not paying a half days worth your insurance. if your boat trailer blows a tire, im not paying half that. if your boat motor pukes its guts out on the lake, im not paying half that. if the battery on your trolling motor dies, im not paying for half the battery charger. if you smoke, im not paying for half your cigarettes on the water that day. if i do something stupid or clumsy or even accidental and break something on your boat, then i will pay for the repair of it.


The way I see it, I'm going to go fishing whether I have a partner or not. I'm going to put just as much fuel in my truck and boat if I go alone as I would with a partner. Therefore, I don't expect my nonboater to pay for any gas. I have been making the same deal with nonboaters for years; they fill the cooler with ice, and Ill fill the tank with gas.

If we're fishing as partners, they are responsible for their half of the entry.

  • Super User
wow, some of you sound a bit greedy. i can see paying for half the boat gas and entry fee. but im not paying for half your food and your drinks, you bring your own and i bring my own when it comes to that unless there was a formal agreement beforehand that one person would pick food/drink up and split the cost. and im not paying for half your truck gas unless you picked me up and im riding with you, then again i still may not pay half. if you fill up that morning and have practically an empty tank and say it costs you 75 bucks to fill your truck up, yet it only takes half a tank total to get to the lake and back, im not paying you 37.50 for truck gas. if im driving my own vehicle, im not paying a dime for your truck gas as you were going to the lake with or without me and i did not cause you to go out of your way. you bought the boat so insurance, maintenance, and such is your responsibility as boat owner. im not paying a half days worth your insurance. if your boat trailer blows a tire, im not paying half that. if your boat motor pukes its guts out on the lake, im not paying half that. if the battery on your trolling motor dies, im not paying for half the battery charger. if you smoke, im not paying for half your cigarettes on the water that day. if i do something stupid or clumsy or even accidental and break something on your boat, then i will pay for the repair of it.

Sounds like a lot of "attitude" to me. Probably won't be invited again...

I fish with several guys, some a lot, a couple

once or twice. Sharing expenses comes in a

number of ways. Breakfast, lunch or dinner;

bait or gas. Maybe if I were fishing tournaments

a more formal arrangement would be in order.

To me, the perfect solution is when the money

"comes out in the wash" and no one feels they

have been taken advantage of.


  • Super User
wow, some of you sound a bit greedy. i can see paying for half the boat gas and entry fee. but im not paying for half your food and your drinks, you bring your own and i bring my own when it comes to that unless there was a formal agreement beforehand that one person would pick food/drink up and split the cost. and im not paying for half your truck gas unless you picked me up and im riding with you, then again i still may not pay half. if you fill up that morning and have practically an empty tank and say it costs you 75 bucks to fill your truck up, yet it only takes half a tank total to get to the lake and back, im not paying you 37.50 for truck gas. if im driving my own vehicle, im not paying a dime for your truck gas as you were going to the lake with or without me and i did not cause you to go out of your way. you bought the boat so insurance, maintenance, and such is your responsibility as boat owner. im not paying a half days worth your insurance. if your boat trailer blows a tire, im not paying half that. if your boat motor pukes its guts out on the lake, im not paying half that. if the battery on your trolling motor dies, im not paying for half the battery charger. if you smoke, im not paying for half your cigarettes on the water that day. if i do something stupid or clumsy or even accidental and break something on your boat, then i will pay for the repair of it.

Fishin solo ??????????


My partner and I split everything.  Half the boat gas and half the truck gas.  He buys ice.  WE drive at least an hour and half each way to Lake of the Ozarks or Truman.   If he drives my truck down I buy him doughnuts and coffee.  We split all winnings 50/50

wow, some of you sound a bit greedy. i can see paying for half the boat gas and entry fee. but im not paying for half your food and your drinks, you bring your own and i bring my own when it comes to that unless there was a formal agreement beforehand that one person would pick food/drink up and split the cost. and im not paying for half your truck gas unless you picked me up and im riding with you, then again i still may not pay half. if you fill up that morning and have practically an empty tank and say it costs you 75 bucks to fill your truck up, yet it only takes half a tank total to get to the lake and back, im not paying you 37.50 for truck gas. if im driving my own vehicle, im not paying a dime for your truck gas as you were going to the lake with or without me and i did not cause you to go out of your way. you bought the boat so insurance, maintenance, and such is your responsibility as boat owner. im not paying a half days worth your insurance. if your boat trailer blows a tire, im not paying half that. if your boat motor pukes its guts out on the lake, im not paying half that. if the battery on your trolling motor dies, im not paying for half the battery charger. if you smoke, im not paying for half your cigarettes on the water that day. if i do something stupid or clumsy or even accidental and break something on your boat, then i will pay for the repair of it.

Sounds like a lot of "attitude" to me. Probably won't be invited again...

I fish with several guys, some a lot, a couple

once or twice. Sharing expenses comes in a

number of ways. Breakfast, lunch or dinner;

bait or gas. Maybe if I were fishing tournaments

a more formal arrangement would be in order.

To me, the perfect solution is when the money

"comes out in the wash" and no one feels they

have been taken advantage of.


sorry, dont mean to sound like i got a ton of attitude. im all for splitting costs and such. but some people seem like they would take it to ridiculous extremes. let me put it like this. suppose me and you were fishing together. your boat, i live on the lake, you live 50 miles away, should i pay half the gas money for you to get there when im already there? half the boat gas money, for sure, id pay that no problem. should i be responsible for half the repairs if you have a flat tire on the way too? no i shouldnt. as far as lunch, id probably buy you lunch as a gesture of gratitude for you taking me out, but for someone to demand/claim i have to buy their lunch and that i am atleast half responsible for what they eat, thats a bit petty. someone wanting extra money for their boat insurance from me because they took me out once or twice is a bit ridiculous too, especially when the person is going to have insurance whether they take me out or not. thats where im coming from. sure it takes a lot for you to maintain your boat, i fully understand that, but its also unrealistic of someone to expect a guest on their boat to pay for half if you drive it into a log and bust a hole in the boat, just because they were in the boat with you.

  • Super User

Never been around anyone like that nor ever even

heard a story about someone asking a guest to be

responsible for repairs. I'll suggest a few simple solutions:

If you are having a sandwich for lunch, make two.

Offer your boater $20 for gas which he will probably

turn down. If you have plans for multiple outings,

discuss the arrangements beforehand. Talking a little

business before getting started goes a long way.


On a personal note, as a non-boater I try to pay

my way overall, but I fish with a lot of different guys.

So, maybe every guy doesn't get an even split,

but it comes out pretty close over time.



I fish with a bunch of different guys in my boat all season long. Both for fun and for Tournaments.

For fun fishing its nice if they offer a few bucks, but Ill turn it down. I will let them buy food/coffee though, lol

If its not a "buddy" tournament and my co-angler is fishing for their own 5 fish, in my boat, going to my fish, then the "on the water" cost of gas would be expected to be split.

In an open buddy tournament situation(which is usually what I fish) I usually will not ask for a split in based on actual gas usage. (its not their fault that I like to burn gas, lol), the most I will do is have them pay the difference in an odd entry fee, and if they want to pay for the coffee and snacks at the gas station before the tourny, then I let them. I do expect them to fish hard though, If I fish with someone who does not fish hard, they will not be asked to fish with me again in a tournament situation. If we place in the money I may take an extra $20, but that's about it. Many times it my partners who have caught key fish needed to move us up into the money.

My thoughts on splitting cost are that I am going fishing anyway, regardless of whether or not I have someone to fish with that weekend. I have my boat out every weekend from the end of May right through the end October, and while I do fish alone often, sometimes its nice to have someone to share the experience with.



When i fish in other people's boats (including my dad's since I have a job now) I either have to or will pay gas and I always buy food. It has never happen but, If I ever brake something on their boat I will pay to get it repaired but I'm not going to get taken advantage of by them asking me to pay for things that come naturally to a person who owns a boat.

  • 2 weeks later...

Coming from a co-angler... From B.A.S.S opens to my FED trail, and club. I have fished with Elites and the average Joe.. I always offer $40 and ask if this is enough. I have had guys say, "yes" and take all of it and guys say, "thats to much." Guys give me change and guys say, "thats not necessary." Some guys have taken the full amount and we fished a hundred yards from the launch and guys take a 45min ride take half... When I link with a boater and pre-fish tourneys I split half the expenses with hotel, truck gas and boat gas. I do not buy food for a boater during tourneys. If I am going with a buddy for fun then thats a different story.

  • 2 weeks later...
The way I see it, I'm going to go fishing whether I have a partner or not. I'm going to put just as much fuel in my truck and boat if I go alone as I would with a partner. Therefore, I don't expect my nonboater to pay for any gas. I have been making the same deal with nonboaters for years; they fill the cooler with ice, and Ill fill the tank with gas.

If we're fishing as partners, they are responsible for their half of the entry.

I do the same.


Dont do what one of my friends at school did.  Show up the morning of a tournament with none of your equipment.  Use all of my equipment the entire tournament.  Not catch a keeper(this doesnt matter if you bring your own stuff).  We get second and first big fish and he asks if he can pay for my lunch and call it even.  I always split money 50/50 on winnings because thats the right thing to do.  But when you show up with none of your stuff for a tournament and don't offer any gas money at all, you probably wont be getting a call to go fishing again.

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