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  • 2 weeks later...
I would still watch the "Bassmaster Cialis Elite 100 at Lake Guntersville"

Even after taking the Cialis?  8)


Seriously though, I don't know if this product is worthwhile or not.  I believe that KVD has a right to make as much money as he can.  But how you can discount sound as a stimulator of bass activity?  I mean so many lures are built around the concept of sound.  The Rat-l-trap may be the best selling lure of all time because of the sound.  I don't know if BioSonix is the answer, but I'll bet that more products based on sound are coming soon to a dealer near you.


I just thought that it was interesting to see that 8 of the top 20 anglers in the BASS Open Central Division are using Biosonix. Also hear that Jay Yelas, Skeet Reese, and Aaron Martens are now using BSX. Looks like these guys aren't calling bluff on KVD. Oh, I just found out that KVD had not won a BASS event in 38 events prior to getting a BSX, and then he won three back to back to back events as soon as he got the BSX. The E-50's and the Classic. Maybe this has something to do with these other guys buying into it.

  • 4 weeks later...

I find it interesting that some of the people on this forum will buy a reel or two for 2 or 3 hundred dollars each, a fishing rod for 250 dollars or a Lucky Strike bait for 25 dollars, how about those GPS/Fish finders for 600 to 2000 dollars each Yet they will debate the BXS.

Hell I just counted the Lucky Strike Pointers I have in the boat and at 22 dollars each I have over half a BSX and some of them I have never got a hit on.

I sure see a lot of the big names admitting to using them. Maybe they know something we don't. Could be worth a try ?

Just my 2 cents worth

  • Super User

As for now, Media bass in Texas has deemed them to be un-sportsmanlike under their rule #8.  This may change in 2006, this came up late in the year and that was the ruling.   If this product works, electronically attracting fish goes against the ethics of "being able to locate fish on your on" without an electronic signal.


I agree Matt and I haven't had much in the way of good things to say concerning this issue. But, if the trails I fish don't outlaw these things, I'll probably own one by the time spring rolls around. I hope they all ban it! Its not just the Biosonix anymore. I understand these new Hummingbird side units are approaching "camera" type pictures under the water. There is a big difference between these two, but its simply amazing with the advancements that are being made!

  • Super User

The statement concerning if this works it goes against the ethics, was the directors reasoning.  I feel that I could spend 700.00 in other areas that would aid me in catching a few more fish.     Lets say that half of the winners this year on pro or your local trails are in the money that have the BSX onboard, I will consider it then if its allowed.  But as long as we are fishing by the same rules, I have the same chance.  

The arguement of some not being able to afford this is no different than the guy who runs a 21 ft boat with 250 horse against the smaller bass boats.  It is not the boat who puts fish in it, it may help you run faster and farther, but don't put fish in the boat for you.   That being said, I'll game plan as per to what equipment is availale to fish with, like only going 40 mph and 12 gals, my patterns will be tailered to my limitations.


I think it should be banned from tournaments for the simple reason that it reduces earned talent and hard work to nothing more than sticking a wire in the water and flipping a switch.

Sonar, flashers, etc. still require us to use everything we have learned about bass behavior, eating habits, lure selection, color selection, presentation, and the list of things we have had to learn goes on and on.

Sounds to me like now all we have to do is cue the fish with a little dinner bell action and anyone who can half a$$ed get a lure away from the boat has a chance.

My view is that this thing is no more moral than Barry Bonds (allegedly) juicing with "performance enhancing drugs".

I have been bass fishing since I was 5 with my dad. I have spent every available waking moment on the water, working hard, paying my dues, and will in my own personal opinion... never consider someone who uses that thing in a tournament situation to have lagitimately performed to the best of their ability.

I would seriously hope that people who have an ounce of character and self respect would rely on their hard earned, God given talents and use what got them to such a high level of performance in the first place.

Now if you'll excuse me I gotta' go get my dynamite ready for tomorrow. lol


Traditionalist and Purist


Guys, I've tried to stay out of this one and just can't. First and foremost; it doesn't matter if it actually works or not! It matters if you believe it works or not! Second, I've owned one for 6 months and if pressed I say it works, but not for the reasons stated in this thread. I believe it camos or covers other noises that heavy pressured fish react to. Things like trolling motors, boat noises, clod-hoppers in the back, ect. Listen to one... just a bucha clicking and snappin. I won the second tournament I used it on and now it ranks up there with; Always use the right livewell first, and my hat that's 5yrs old and never been washed! It's no big secret weapon!

 And by the way...I have Bill Dance to thank for mine! He's a better salesman than he was a fisherman, and he was a great fisherman!


Thanks for the info BillyBob.

I am re-doing my boat this year (new seat covers Lowrance ect) rather than buying a new one.I have been kicking the BSX thing around all summer, I have had it in the cart twice at Bass Pro and then talked myself out it and deleted it now I think I am ready to give it a try.

How did you test it fish an area for 15 mins with it turnes off then turn it on and fish for another 15 mins or are just going on your over all catch increase after putting it on the boat?  


Nope, after you've bought it just turn it on and leave it on. I don't know if there is a real test! If you believe enough to spent $650+ It will work for you. Its the last thing to buy, not the first! It ain't a cure-all . In other terms it might make the difference from 5th place to first...but not from last place to 5th. Hope this helps :)

  • Super User

I have been reading on BSX, it has an Auto Mode, turn it on and go, or you can make some fine tuning adjustments on it. Was reading another thread on another forum where guy realized theres more to it than just turning it on. What adjustments? good question, I'll try to find more on this.

From reading other forums, they have different modes, like finese shad clicking, shad feeding frenzy for power fishing. I read it depending on the food source as to what tuning is to be done.  crawfish, shad

  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Guys,

I wouldn't think of posting here (not a tournament fisherman, not wired right) but the question keeps being asked; 'Anybody using one?'. The answer is ...yes. I've used mine since late Nov. 2004. Does it work?...I can tell you that they aren't getting mine back any time soon.

I bought the thing on a whim thinking I was getting a 'killer' deal. Their website was asking for 'testers' and giving an introductory price of half the suggested list, At that time the 'list' was $1200 (few months later BassPro was selling it for $700). Anyhow....

When I got it, my water was down (Corp. drawdown), cold and muddy. I took it out anyway and dropped the microphone into a feeder creek about four miles from the 'low pool' edge. I used it just like they said, Fishing for fifteen minutes with it off then I turned it on with all the sounds(six) playing in sequence for five minutes each.

I was using an old 'Man's Loudmouth' jig w/ rubber trailer. shaking and dragging. About twenty minutes into it, I was totally bored and freezing my butt off when something whacked the jig. I remarked to my son (who was standing with his hands in his warm pockets) that I'd just been bit. We were discussing why I had not set the hook when I was bit again.....I set back this time and broke off as the line wrapped around a rock. I tied on another jig and a couple minutes later I pulled in a two lb. Bass. Shortly after I caught my first BSX fish, it started dumping cold rain on us so we folded it up and went home.

Now...there is no way I expected to catch a fish under those conditions. We were definitely 'hooked'. Last Spring I gave the machine a good workout using their instructions; fishing with it off, then with it on. I have come to some conclusions.

First, I turn it on immediately and leave it on. Next, I do not attach it to my trolling motor as they reccommend (I think the motor sound blanks out the fish sounds). Finally, the 20' cord that comes with the machine is too short. I have had my best results with the microphone deep and drifting (wind or current) over structure/cover without using the trolling motor except to position for the drift. I have since purchased their, accessory, 50' corded mike.

As I said; I'm not wired right for 'tournament' fishing BUT I have fished behind 'club' fishermen and caught a heck of a lot of Bass that they missed. Also, I use the BSX unit for Stripers in a couple, coastal, rivers here and am actually catching them consistantly, during the day-on slack tide-with a high sun.

About every outside curve has a deep hole where the Stripers hang on slack tides during the day. I drop an anchor upcurrent and hover over the deep water with my long-chord microphone in the water. After a few minutes of 'sounds' I drift a big crawfish, sardine or bullhead through the pool. We hooked and released thirty-nine (39) Stripers last Summer and Fall doing this. In the prior thirty years of Striper fishing I have NEVER caught a fish with these conditions; mid-day, slack-tide, high-sun!

FYI, the sounds on the machine are all either bait-fish or Bass feeding on bait-fish. The machine has an SD card slot for other sounds. The company is (finally) coming out, next month, with cards to read. The first will be 'crawfish', 'shrimp' and 'Bass feeding on worms' (I chuckled at that one). I have been whining to them about the lack of West Coast sounds and they promised me (groveling was involved) that they would soon come out with Sardine, Herring and Anchovy sounds...We'll see. Anyhow...Please be aware that I have absolutely NOTHING to do with Biosonix, other than giving them my money.

As I said, 'They won't get mine back, anytime soon'. It's the best $600 I ever spent....You do what you want to do.



You are gonna use what WORKS FOR YOU Nothing else matters, as long as it works. Worked for KVD, but will it work for you? KVD got his for FREE. I would try out anything for free too. I will not spend a paycheck for it, just to find out it doesn't really work. But then again, I am not going to rush out and buy one either.  Now my Birthday is only 2 months away...hint hint hint.....lol

Just my opinion on this subject.


  • 1 year later...

I had to bump heads with my wife to get one of these biosonixes. Had to defy her "authority" and get one against her will.

I been using it since Feb. I haven't been impressed. I even called the folks for extra tips. Any time I was doing exceptional on the water, teams that did not have one always had more. And of course my wife likes to rub my nose in it.

I have tried to keep an open mind. But.....I have to give this product a big Thumbs down.

Lots of folks have been beating me on the water without a biosonix. Perhaps I just am not using it right, and to be fair, I am not the almighty KVD.

  • Super User

My wife bought it for me for Christmas.

I have not really used it.

There was a problem getting the unit charged as the original 400 amp charger would not charge the unit.  So they sent me a new 800 amp charger which works fine.

Have tried it only one time and really did not pay much attention to the unit other than to turn it on and off.

Went to Lake Chesdin where the water is down about 4 to 5 feet.  Guys in bass club fished Lake Chesdin and two came in second in the B.A.S.S. tournament (no BSX) while all others had a very difficult time catching anything.

I told the guys John Kook boated 3 bass and lost two and I got one and lost one and they were amazed as they are not catching anything on Lake Chesdin and they said to forget Chesdin until it gets some water in it later this year or in the spring.

So was it the BSX or our skill?  I think the BSX unit had something to do with it but I have no proof. John had no idea it was on since it is "hidden" in one of my compartments an i did not tell him it was on the boat.

I wanted to see if it did bring fish to the boat but I really do not think it did under the Chesdin low water conditions.  We were getting hit ont eh grass lines using John's Senkos and a Junebug finesse worm.  No other hits on any other baits, including crankbaits during or outing.

And if the unit was mimicing the sounds of baitfish in distress I woudl have thought the bass would have hit the shad colored crankbaits.

Of course, the bass were eating at night with the full moon on all of the balled up shad and that could have turned them off to eating during the day, too.

I will be prefishing a local river in the near future and will use the BSX unit so maybe it will work on a tidal river system.

I also have to read the directions and set up the machine so it will play the sounds in the order that I want, like baitfish feeding-baitfish distressed-bass feeding on baitfish, in this order with a few seconds pause between each section.  While on Chesdin I had the unit just run constantly with distressed shad sounds.  And I have to play with the volumn, too, to find out how loud it should be.

I had BPS install the mike on the trolling motor and running the cord under the deck.  No one knows I have the unit.  I have not used it in any tournaments as I want to play with the machine to learn it, first.

I will let evryone know if it works once I start using it on a regular basis.

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I have been bass fishing for less than a year now.  I bought one in July and don't fish without it.  I normally fish with it on the shad subtle setting and adjust the volume depending on the depth and wind conditions.  I have had bait fish jump into the side of my boat several times but I believe it covers the noise I make more than anything.  I fish a 60-80 boat tournament every month on Lake Kissimmee  and the last three months I have come in 32nd, 22nd, 13th and have a big fish check.  Maybe it's luck, maybe it's coincidence.  No matter what you will not get it out of my boat.

  • 2 weeks later...

I have it and I am one of them that is not talking about for good reason, but I will say if I had to pick between a fish finder and BSX... I take the BSX. Like any tool you have to learn to use it and ever since I learned how to use it... it's been like cheating, I love it! ;D

  • 4 weeks later...

WOW!  I can't believe this topic is still comming up - it may be one of the longest running topics on this forum.  All of the replies have been interesting, though.  Keep 'em comming.


I use the poor man's Bisonix when I start out in an area a Rat-L-Trap with Liv-N-Sound.


Anyone have a used one for sale? Checked on Ebay, none. I figure if they didn't work someone would try and sell theirs.

I need to get me one of these. $700 is a tad steep. If I wasn't married I'd already have one but trying to explain to the wife that I want to pay $700 for a device that makes noises for fish so they bite, she'd tell me I need help.

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