Olebiker Posted January 4, 2010 Posted January 4, 2010 BASS has announced the cancellation of the Women's Bass Tour citing declining participation. Quote
Super User fishfordollars Posted January 4, 2010 Super User Posted January 4, 2010 Nothing BASS/ESPN does these days surprises me. They could give a rat's a** about the sport anyway. Probably just the start of things to come. While I'm at it, their Saturday morning programing s**ks to. Jack Quote
BassResource.com Administrator Glenn Posted January 4, 2010 BassResource.com Administrator Posted January 4, 2010 Yep, I just recieved the official notification. So let's see if I understand this correctly...the economy tanks, which drives participation down, so BASS quits a good thing based on low participation. Brain damaged. If they had any sense about them, they'd realize even the best of best things took a hit the last 2 years due to the economy. This move only proves one thing. They are ... Brain damaged. Quote
Super User fishfordollars Posted January 4, 2010 Super User Posted January 4, 2010 Yep, I just recieved the official notification. So let's see if I understand this correctly...the economy tanks, which drives participation down, so BASS quits a good thing based on low participation. Brain damaged. If they had any sense about them, they'd realize even the best of best things took a hit the last 2 years due to the economy. This move only proves one thing. They are ... Brain damaged. Glenn, you are way too kind. Quote
Super User Grey Wolf Posted January 4, 2010 Super User Posted January 4, 2010 Yep, I just recieved the official notification. So let's see if I understand this correctly...the economy tanks, which drives participation down, so BASS quits a good thing based on low participation. Brain damaged. If they had any sense about them, they'd realize even the best of best things took a hit the last 2 years due to the economy. This move only proves one thing. They are ... Brain damaged. Glenn, you are way too kind. Yes , way too kind. Quote
Zel Posted January 4, 2010 Posted January 4, 2010 Sorry to hear the news about the WBTÂ . I had hoped that BASS, with all their resources, could have made a women's tour successful. Sometimes I wonder if the cast of mind at BASS hasn't become It's always darkest right before the pitch black. Quote
Simp Posted January 4, 2010 Posted January 4, 2010 Wow that's messed up. Really the whole way ESPN runs BASS is messed up! Quote
Super User burleytog Posted January 4, 2010 Super User Posted January 4, 2010 Not surprising. Nothing but a money waster for ESPN/BASS. Did anyone (other than participants) even follow/care about the WBT? Quote
Olebiker Posted January 5, 2010 Author Posted January 5, 2010 Not surprising. Nothing but a money waster for ESPN/BASS. Did anyone (other than participants) even follow/care about the WBT? I sure did. Pam Martin-Wells is a local lady. I also followed Marcia Rubin before she got sick and had to drop out. Quote
BassResource.com Administrator Glenn Posted January 5, 2010 BassResource.com Administrator Posted January 5, 2010 I've been following it since it's ***. Female anglers are the largest growing demographic of the fishing industry. It's a shame ESPN has decided not to support them any longer. Quote
bocraw Posted January 5, 2010 Posted January 5, 2010 I don't blame BASS for pulling out if the support wasn't there. It has to be a win-win for everyone. But the lack of notice is no good. Those ladies who were planning on participating had already put a great deal of work into 2010. Their sponsors had bought in based on what BASS had published it was going to do. They could have held the 2010 season with a less than full field and cut the program at the end of the year. Quote
Copen1822 Posted January 5, 2010 Posted January 5, 2010 Makes sense to me. Why have a separate tour anyway. All these lady's are more than welcome to continue fishing opens and such and work their way up the ranks. Am I wrong? :-? Quote
Super User fishfordollars Posted January 5, 2010 Super User Posted January 5, 2010 Not surprising. Nothing but a money waster for ESPN/BASS. Did anyone (other than participants) even follow/care about the WBT? Yes I did. Juanita lives 3 miles from me and she was always in the top 5. Great fisherwoman. Quote
BassResource.com Administrator Glenn Posted January 5, 2010 BassResource.com Administrator Posted January 5, 2010 Makes sense to me. Why have a separate tour anyway. All these lady's are more than welcome to continue fishing opens and such and work their way up the ranks. Am I wrong? :-? Technically, you're correct. But most of the women don't feel welcome, speaking from personal observation as well as conversations with many of them. You only have to look at Burley's comment to understand why. Quote
little_stephen Posted January 5, 2010 Posted January 5, 2010 three points 1. if you think its a waste its about time you catch up to the times...... females are one of the fastest growing demographics in almost any field! 2. i think that it is kinda silly that they needed a seperate tour. i get that they dont feel welcome. but then id just recite the same comment above to any professional angler. - to put it bluntly...... fishing isnt a sport where other than the willingness of a sponsor to jump onboard (which they have every right to choose to endorse a male over a female-welcome to free market system!) there really isnt a need to have a seperate division..... - its not like where looking at college womens basketball versus mens...... where there is obviously a physical gap to overcome. last time i checked, most of us here would get our a**es handed to us by those ladies...... -i think they should be more than welcome on the elite trail..... 3. If you think its ESPN pulling the strings then you dont know jack...... go do you're homework and see who owns who. ESPN is not the top of that foodchain..... the fate off everything bass lies alot higher up than that! but besides the fact. it still sucks. noone has the patience to wait anything out. it takes at least 2-4 years for something to get to its fullest level! and on top of that the female fishing population is just now getting a rolling start towards booming. that just got shot in the foot (well maybe just the big toe. itll still take off) Quote
little_stephen Posted January 5, 2010 Posted January 5, 2010 and one more comment. If any of those ladies read this.......... ID GLADLY TAKE A CHANCE TO GO FISHING WITH ANYONE OF YOU! lol. bust i still think it sucks! Quote
RI_Bass_Guy Posted January 5, 2010 Posted January 5, 2010 Not surprising. Nothing but a money waster for ESPN/BASS. Did anyone (other than participants) even follow/care about the WBT? I know I cared ande followed it. One of my friends has fished the co-angler side since it started and has told me on numerous occasions how great it was. This was about the almighty dollar and thats it. The day any of the other trails do not meet the projected profit margin you will see them meet the same fate. ESPN does not care about anything other than their bottom line...period Quote
Super User fishfordollars Posted January 5, 2010 Super User Posted January 5, 2010 and one more comment. If any of those ladies read this.......... ID GLADLY TAKE A CHANCE TO GO FISHING WITH ANYONE OF YOU! lol. bust i still think it sucks! Probably shock you what you could learn from these very talented ladies. You would be a lucky man if you could spend a day with any of them. Quote
Olebiker Posted January 5, 2010 Author Posted January 5, 2010 and one more comment. If any of those ladies read this.......... ID GLADLY TAKE A CHANCE TO GO FISHING WITH ANYONE OF YOU! lol. bust i still think it sucks! Probably shock you what you could learn from these very talented ladies. You would be a lucky man if you could spend a day with any of them. I saw Pam Martin-Wells on a fishing show last year and, in addition to her being a good fisherman, she looked like she would be a hoot to fish with. Quote
Super User burleytog Posted January 5, 2010 Super User Posted January 5, 2010 ESPN does not care about anything other than their bottom line...period They're a business, what else are they supposed to care about? The sole purpose of a business is to make money. Those women have two options. Fish the opens and make it that way. Start their own tournament organization. Quote
RockvilleMDAngler Posted January 5, 2010 Posted January 5, 2010 Danika Patrick races cars with men and I am sure they were not all thrilled to have her on the circuit when she started. Even if there is some sexism at the Open events (and I don't see why there would be, someone who thinks women are bad at fishing should be happy that they are contributing their entry fees to the pot that they won't win), these ladies should still sign up and prove themselves. The fish don't care what gender you are so there should be no seperate tour. I am sure a lot of these women would fare very well in the opens and I wouldn't be shocked if a few made it onto the elite series! Quote
Reelady Posted January 5, 2010 Posted January 5, 2010 First of all... I want to thank any and all of you who were supportive of the Womens Bassmaster Tour. I'd also like to apologize for my sudden (and extended) absence in the fishing world. It's a bit lengthy to give you all the details, but in a nutshell, I had surgery to repair a herniated disc in my neck in February 2009. Well, my worst nightmare became my reality when I awoke from surgery to discover that I had NO voice. I ended up with a paralyzed vocal cord which not only robbed me of my ability to speak, but it also robbed me of the ability to live a "normal" life. I made a living "speaking". I also had just filmed a television show pilot a few months before my surgery. My life was incredible, and my opportunities were growing at a record pace. Then suddenly, it all ended. No voice means talking. No talking means no promoting, selling, fishing seminars, guest appearances, radio interviews, television appearances among a few things.... I had fished the WBT since its *** in 2005. These women were by far the most ambitious, dedicated, independent, and passionate women I have ever met. I feel so lucky to have been part of such an amazing group of ladies. The ladies tour offered something very unique, and that would have been the "personality" of the WBT. Unfortunately though, the lack of national media coverage made it near impossible for people to get to know us in order for them to feel that special "connection" to us as a tour. But those that did make an effort to get to know the faces and personalities of the WBT quickly realized what a very special group of ladies they were. It absolutely breaks my heart that the WBT is no more. Prior to me losing my voice in Feb 2009, fishing was my life, as well as my income. I was a Professional Angler, and dedicated my life to promoting fishing in any and every way imaginable. Now in response to some comments that I have read... Why did the women need their own tour? Because BASS/ESPN saw it as a 'niche" and a possible source of income to them. It was a business decision, and not made because "women don't want or like to fish with the men." As far as how the women feel about fishing with the men.... I'll be very honest and tell you that I have heard absolute HORROR stories from some of the gals that fished as a non-boater in other male dominated tournaments. I've also heard horror stories from male non-boaters as well. Whether you are male or female makes no difference. If you are on the back of someones boat, and they make your day so unpleasant by the way they speak or through their actions..., well that is just not a nice way to spend your day. I've heard the most appalling stories. So bad, that they have vowed to never fish with another male again. That makes me so sad that someone who calls them self a "Professional Angler" could treat someone in such an unprofessional manner. That is just wrong. "Who follows or really cares about the WBT anyway?" - many many more than you would ever imagine. Here is a question to you.... How many people really care about the Opens or who fishes them? Did local guys fishing the Opens develop huge fan bases like the ladies did? I'm guessing not. Why? Because while these women were fierce competitors on the water, off the water we are Mothers or act in a maternal way. We love to talk to anyone that will talk about fishing... and as far as kids... we embraced them. We attracted attention because we were ladies traveling around the country in our big pickup trucks with our bass boats in tow. Not a very usual sight to see one, let alone 100 of them invading a town for a WBT event. "So they'll just have to compete against the boys and fish the Opens". - Well, only one problem with that which is actually getting to fish. For example, when I fished the WBT Championship in 2008, this gave me priority entry into the Opens. I was in the second "wave" of people that could sign up for the Opens. I called to register on the second day of my week of registration and ended up 200 something on the waiting list. And THIS was with me having "priority" entry. What about those that don't have priority entry? Forget it. It's not happening... or maybe they might call you to fish the third and final tournament because so many people who weren't doing well in the standings found no use in fishing the last tournament, so they bailed. Now I'm about to go out on a limb here because I am friends with many of the Elite guys. But... I don't think that they should be allowed to fish the opens if they are fishing the Elites. If they can't qualify to fish the Elites because they had a bad year on tour, then that's just how it goes. They should have to fish the Opens the following year and hope to re-qualify for the Elites. But for the Elites to use the Opens as an "insurance" policy to fish the Elites if they were to bomb on tour just doesn't seem right. And what happens if they "double" qualify for the Elites? They will use their qualification from the Opens to fish the Elites, and their Elite qualification will be handed down to the next eligible Elite angler. Basically, this is robbing the "ordinary Joe's (and Janes) of pursuing their dream as a Professional Angler. Personally, I think that if 20 Elite guys are fishing the opens, that they should increase the field by another 20. I also feel that if their is a double qualification to fish the Elites, that they must use their qualification through the Elites, and that the Opens qualification would be granted to the next eligible Open's Angler. So there you have it.... Marcia's opinion in a nutshell. So yes, even without a voice... I still have plenty to say I thank ALL of you who supported the ladies of the WBT. It's such a shame that we were never given a chance to shine because so many of you would have bonded with us as a tour, if you were only given the opportunity to get to know us. We were bound and fiercely determined to make a difference in the fishing world... we just needed the chance.  It is truly a sad sad day... not just for the WBT, but for the sport as well as we were incredible role models to so many..... 1 Quote
Super User Grey Wolf Posted January 5, 2010 Super User Posted January 5, 2010 I am very sorry to hear about your problems after your surgery. May the lord help you get through this horrible period in your life. I know it' a rough world for a woman when they are competing against the men. It truly is sad that you are not treated with the respect you deserve. Quote
Reelady Posted January 5, 2010 Posted January 5, 2010 and one more comment. If any of those ladies read this.......... ID GLADLY TAKE A CHANCE TO GO FISHING WITH ANYONE OF YOU! lol. bust i still think it sucks! Well then let's see to it that you do! We are practically neighbors after all 8-) Quote
Reelady Posted January 5, 2010 Posted January 5, 2010 I am very sorry to hear about your problems after your surgery. May the lord help you get through this horrible period in your life. I know it' a rough world for a woman when they are competing against the men. It truly is sad that you are not treated with the respect you deserve. Thanks for those kind words Bass Brat. I do appreciate them so much. Now as far as the respect thing? I have personally never experienced the flagrant disrespect or rude behavior like the stories I have heard from others. But I also really want to stress that it's not just the ladies that are being treated in this sort of manner, as I have heard unbelievable stories from guys who have fished out of the back of the boat as well. I've really only fished off the "back of the boat" for a few tournaments, and those experiences were just fine. Gosh, had I been treated badly or in a condescending sort of manner, that would have really been upsetting to me. I'm guessing I would probably be a bit gun shy to get in the back of someone else's boat again, be it a man or a woman in the front. A big part of me wishes that somehow, some way, that there could be more of a "team" spirit on the boat instead of feeling like you are competing for the same fish, and against each other. I absolutely LOVE team tournaments and the feeling of working WITH someone towards the same goal. It's just a much better atmosphere if you ask me. I have a friend who fishes in a local club, and they have it so that they are weighing in 3 different weights. One is a combined weight, and the other two are them weighing in the fish that they caught as an individual. Quote
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