PutPut Posted December 3, 2006 Posted December 3, 2006 I don't personally know Mr. Tilson or Mr. Leach but I've been around tournament fishing since 1973 and I'll say these are honorable men who when given the chance will try their best to correct any wrongs in their organization. Are ABA/BASS perfectly run organizations absolutely not; then how does one help change them. By being a strong member, attending meetings, and using the proper channels of authority within the organization. I don't know either R.Tilson or Pat Leach and I have been in tournament fishing since the early 70's and I can't make the statement you made because like you said "I don't personally know them either", I can only pass judgement on the things I know first hand. Nitro: I know where you are comming from ,been there done that,With out anglers I know sponsors will give up the big bucks to have no one show off their product,NOT. That is the very reason I quit fishing tournaments,too many people who think thay know more than every one else and the rules that can be changed at any time to make things look good in the trails faver even if they are wrong.
The Duke Posted December 4, 2006 Posted December 4, 2006 WOW! Talk about the "Complaining just to Complain" Center. Seriously, if you're going to be a "member" of my (I am not a tournament director) organization (because you are a member when you sign/pay up) you better not complain to the media, especially if you haven't talked about it with me first! I think thats the main point of this all. If you give protests to the director, they should resolve it. If you can't accept that, then don't fish with that director. If a director is flat-out wrong on multiple occasions (or treating their friends with bias) they're going to wash out; its their own backside. If there is coverage about an ABA/BASS or FLW event, don't complain about it at that time. Its wrong and unprofessional. Save it for this website or other outlets. There is enough to go around twice! However, the complaining about BASS, ABA, FLW, Opens, etc. etc. etc. Its all redundant. Can't we just "Shut up and fish you big Baby!" like the commercial said. I want to hear about the fishing and tournaments not to hear guys say why they're so bad and then fish them, complain about them, fish them some more, complain again, fish them again, complain some more... Does anyone like fishing tournaments for the thrill? I love it! Duke
PutPut Posted December 4, 2006 Posted December 4, 2006 The man has spoken."Shut up and fish you big baby." I for one am glad I don't fish tournaments any more.If it's not what we like to hear , you can't say it.How come the one's who think that the tournament trails are all that there is in the world and they do no wrong don't do like they say. "Shut up and go away." This is not ment to upset any one but I guess if the shoe fits.
Super User 5bass Posted December 4, 2006 Super User Posted December 4, 2006 This thread has officially run its course.
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