Stasher1 Posted April 21, 2010 Posted April 21, 2010 Quote I've come to an earth-shaking conclusion. The public school system in the US has failed. People can't spell or construct a basic sentence. I am amazed by the number of people who struggle to spell even basic words. x2 This perfect example below was posted yesterday on a local forum: Quote camper 2500 obo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- my uncle has a 1982 winterbangle it sleeps 5 has stove,frefrigder,macroweve,tosteroven,for info. call billy XXX-XXX-XXXX A "winterbangle" is a bracelet with a winter theme (I googled it), I believe "tosteroven" to be a synthetic testosterone, and a "macroweve" is something some women have done to their hair.
=Matt 5.0= Posted April 21, 2010 Posted April 21, 2010 Quote Quote I've come to an earth-shaking conclusion. The public school system in the US has failed. People can't spell or construct a basic sentence. I am amazed by the number of people who struggle to spell even basic words. x2 This perfect example below was posted yesterday on a local forum: Quote camper 2500 obo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- my uncle has a 1982 winterbangle it sleeps 5 has stove,frefrigder,macroweve,tosteroven,for info. call billy XXX-XXX-XXXX A "winterbangle" is a bracelet with a winter theme (I googled it), I believe "tosteroven" to be a synthetic testosterone, and a "macroweve" is something some women have done to their hair.
Super User Matt Fly Posted April 21, 2010 Super User Posted April 21, 2010 This is a forum that most seek to relieve alittle stress from work and family or for whatever floats their boat. I didn't come here to earn a degree in English or to hear grammar cops belittle someone for it. It only takes me a couple of times, I skip over those replies that are hard to read, but 99% of the time, I'm smart enough to figure out what the guys is trying to get across. I'll post it correctly without even mentioning it to anyone, if you catch the corrected errors, so be it, if not, its no skin off my nose. Every time I see a post like this, someone is getting belittled over this petty crap. Want to proof read peoples work, try being a teacher and showing you really care, otherwise, why police forums? a simple pm to that person is all that is needed to bring it to their attention not in wide open for all to read. I said this many moons ago, if you seek future employment in the industries and seek sponsors , then by all means, you need to be proper to sell yourself at all times. jmo
Joe Boss Posted April 21, 2010 Posted April 21, 2010 Quote Quote I've come to an earth-shaking conclusion. The public school system in the US has failed. People can't spell or construct a basic sentence. I am amazed by the number of people who struggle to spell even basic words. x2 This perfect example below was posted yesterday on a local forum: Quote camper 2500 obo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- my uncle has a 1982 winterbangle it sleeps 5 has stove,frefrigder,macroweve,tosteroven,for info. call billy XXX-XXX-XXXX A "winterbangle" is a bracelet with a winter theme (I googled it), I believe "tosteroven" to be a synthetic testosterone, and a "macroweve" is something some women have done to their hair. That ain't good english ;D
MattinOK Posted April 21, 2010 Posted April 21, 2010 I do believe Rookiesmallmouther put it best: Quote "its not even about bass fishing for you people anymore its all about if my spelling is write or wrong or if my grammor is write or wrong if you wanna discus grammor go join a english grammor forum." we ned 2 git reed uv the grammor plice, and tak bak or form1!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ^^ The views in the quoted portion of text do not necessarily reflect mine. I consider neither Burley nor Longmike grammar police/nazis ;D
Super User SPEEDBEAD. Posted April 21, 2010 Super User Posted April 21, 2010 I don't think that an attempt at proper grammar is too much to ask. Certain responses do not require full sentences while others do. I find it entertaining when someone asks a decent question, yet sounds like a complete fool because they did not take the time to proofread their post. Again, is it too much to ask?
Super User Matt Fly Posted April 21, 2010 Super User Posted April 21, 2010 Quote I don't think that an attempt at proper grammar is too much to ask. Certain responses do not require full sentences while others do. I find it entertaining when someone asks a decent question, yet sounds like a complete fool because they did not take the time to proofread their post. Again, is it too much to ask? Okay, what constitutues an attempt at proper grammar, one mistake, two, three mistakes ? Whos rule is that? How do you know you just didn't belittle a 12 year old, this forum does promote youth, and you just called a kid a fool. I couldn't tell you half the ages on this forum. I have met a handfull of 20,000+ members. Don't ya think he deserves a break from his teacher(s) and parents once in awhile, that means the grammar police too, if this was a youngster on the forum? even an adult don't need to be corrected in public on his proper or improper slaughtering of the english language.
Super User SPEEDBEAD. Posted April 21, 2010 Super User Posted April 21, 2010 As was mentioned before, you can GENERALLY tell when someone is lazy, someone is young, someone is less educated and when someone just doesn't give a rat's arse about their grammar. "Sounds like a fool" and being a fool are two totally different things. You can look back through any number of my posts and see that I have not called anyone a fool (well, maybe Pitchinkid and Burley), nor will I. Occasionally, I demonstrate the ability of biting my tongue for the exact purpose of not putting a kid out on front street. Matt, be honest about the situation. The majority of the habitual offenders are MORE than old enough to know better. When I take the time to type out a response longer than one sentence, I want the reader to see that I may have put some thought into a response. If someone were to respond to one of my questions and it looked like a first grade child typed it, how much credibility do you think I might give the post? If anyone expects to be taken seriously in any given situation, they should present themselves that way. Goofing around? Sure, type however you may like. I do it too on the less serious threads.
Super User 5bass Posted April 21, 2010 Super User Posted April 21, 2010 Quote You can blame it on texting I agree with this. By the way, you guys are killin' me.
Stasher1 Posted April 21, 2010 Posted April 21, 2010 Quote You can blame it on Sexting That's what happens when you type one-handed.
Super User Raul Posted April 21, 2010 Super User Posted April 21, 2010 Hey, it ain 't my fault, it 's the teechur 's fault that I write, speek n 'spell the way I do. J/K
CanalStalkin Posted April 21, 2010 Posted April 21, 2010 Some of the guys here should go into teaching. Maybe they can save the internet from bad grammar.
Super User burleytog Posted April 21, 2010 Author Super User Posted April 21, 2010 Quote This is a forum that most seek to relieve alittle stress from work and family or for whatever floats their boat. I didn't come here to earn a degree in English or to hear grammar cops belittle someone for it. It only takes me a couple of times, I skip over those replies that are hard to read, but 99% of the time, I'm smart enough to figure out what the guys is trying to get across. I'll post it correctly without even mentioning it to anyone, if you catch the corrected errors, so be it, if not, its no skin off my nose. Every time I see a post like this, someone is getting belittled over this petty crap. Want to proof read peoples work, try being a teacher and showing you really care, otherwise, why police forums? a simple pm to that person is all that is needed to bring it to their attention not in wide open for all to read. I said this many moons ago, if you seek future employment in the industries and seek sponsors , then by all means, you need to be proper to sell yourself at all times. jmo Thanks for the case study.
ArcticCat500 Posted April 21, 2010 Posted April 21, 2010 this is BS, itsa fishn forum, who really givsa good ***** if we all mispel a few words? I dont...why hasnt this crap been locked down yet, maybe cuz no ones bashn a Shimano reel or speaking out of tounge..Lock this ***** up and be gone. Fish On guys
Super User Matt Fly Posted April 21, 2010 Super User Posted April 21, 2010 You mean thanks for an opinion, cause that all it is.
Super User Dan: Posted April 21, 2010 Super User Posted April 21, 2010 there have been posts that have taken me 4x longer to read than a normal, legible post. Stuff like that is just a PITA. It's just rude to type like that and expect someone to take the time to decipher it AND then offer to help or answer the question. I just ignore the less severe offenses.
Super User bilgerat Posted April 21, 2010 Super User Posted April 21, 2010 Quote Sure, your presumption may perhaps be accurate, but this has always been true about the American education system. The reality is that the American government has the ability to create an exemplary education system, similar to our European friends across the pond, but the American government choses to keep their citizens handily ignorant, as to keep them away from revolting. This is not an ill-considered theory, but a fact, and it would not be good if everyone went to college. I for one am an example of how our public education system works, and can initiate a college education enabling one to succeed in the world. Unfortunately, many people think the system is unfair and that only "rich" people can go to college, neglecting the fact that no matter your financial or social situation, all can go to college. It is only a matter of ambition and paperwork. Paperwork for applications, registration, financial aid, loans, transcripts, and resumes, leads many to b/s their way into saying that it was out of the question. Oh yeah, and on the internet people do not use proper grammar, and don't need to. I've met many "college educated" people who are as dumb as a bag of hammers, and have met brilliant people who have a basic high school education. I don't buy that "you must have a college degree in order to succeed" crap. Like it or not, how you spell and speak makes a huge impression on people. I didn't say it's fair, it's just how it is. It's the school's fault TO A POINT. Most of the blame lies with lazy parents.
Brendan Duffy Posted April 22, 2010 Posted April 22, 2010 I think it has less to do with formal education and more to do with motivation...Some people, perhaps, are more concerned with the way their grammar reflects upon themselves, and are thus motivated to write well...others, i think, may have the potential to write well but don't give a rat's ***.
Super User SPEEDBEAD. Posted April 22, 2010 Super User Posted April 22, 2010 Different strokes for different folks, I suppose. That is what makes the world go 'round.
Super User Hammer 4 Posted April 22, 2010 Super User Posted April 22, 2010 Quote Quote Sure, your presumption may perhaps be accurate, but this has always been true about the American education system. The reality is that the American government has the ability to create an exemplary education system, similar to our European friends across the pond, but the American government choses to keep their citizens handily ignorant, as to keep them away from revolting. This is not an ill-considered theory, but a fact, and it would not be good if everyone went to college. I for one am an example of how our public education system works, and can initiate a college education enabling one to succeed in the world. Unfortunately, many people think the system is unfair and that only "rich" people can go to college, neglecting the fact that no matter your financial or social situation, all can go to college. It is only a matter of ambition and paperwork. Paperwork for applications, registration, financial aid, loans, transcripts, and resumes, leads many to b/s their way into saying that it was out of the question. Oh yeah, and on the internet people do not use proper grammar, and don't need to. I've met many "college educated" people who are as dumb as a bag of hammers, and have met brilliant people who have a basic high school education. I don't buy that "you must have a college degree in order to succeed" crap. Like it or not, how you spell and speak makes a huge impression on people. I didn't say it's fair, it's just how it is. It's the school's fault TO A POINT. Most of the blame lies with lazy parents. I completely agree...although I do resemble that remark about "Hammers"... ;D
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