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Been in a few and they never end well.

You usually either get hurt (even if you "win") or end up in jail, or both. These days, you could wind up dead.

Not recommended.


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From around 18 till 24 it was every Saturday night. I use to hang out with my ( Friend ) who was about 5' nothing. This guy could find trouble in a snap of a finger. He would start running off at the mouth and some guy would smack'em. Because I was about 6'1 he always looked up to me for help, and I would just dive on in. More often than not I would come out unharmed.  But don't get me wrong, there was some nights I just wasn't able to put up a good fight and either him or both got our butts kicked. We would never give up or learn anything from either because we go back out the following Saturday night and do it all over again. Man how the years have slipped by, haven't seen my little buddy in 31 years. Haven't been in no more fights either. Wonder who he hangs out with these days. ::)

From around 18 till 24 it was every Saturday night. I use to hang out with my ( Friend ) who was about 5' nothing. This guy could find trouble in a snap of a finger. He would start running off at the mouth and some guy would smack'em. Because I was about 6'1 he always looked up to me for help, and I would just dive on in. More often than not I would come out unharmed. But don't get me wrong, there was some nights I just wasn't able to put up a good fight and either him or both got our butts kicked. We would never give up or learn anything from either because we go back out the following Saturday night and do it all over again. Man how the years have slipped by, haven't seen my little buddy in 31 years. Haven't been in no more fights either. Wonder who he hangs out with these days. ::)

He probably hangs out with guys named bubba or carlos.

For the record these butt kicking stories are much better.

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I dont generally get in fights. I have friends that prefer to back up my mouth when it gets going. I like this arrangement. It leads to me getting punched in the mouth much less.

Wayne, I got jumped by 3 frat buys from UWyo when I was 19. There was blood in my morning everything, lol. I can relate. But those guys didnt count on my bringing Big Rick ( the resident ultra bad *** of Laramie, who everyone knew of and feared.lol) He was one of those guys that enjoys punching people. The eye that I could see out of sure enjoyed the show he single handedly put on those three jerk offs, lol.

So Robby, you dont wanna go anywhere with me. My mouth will probably just get us beat up ;D

  • Super User
I dont generally get in fights. I have friends that prefer to back up my mouth when it gets going. I like this arrangement. It leads to me getting punched in the mouth much less.

Wayne, I got jumped by 3 frat buys from UWyo when I was 19. There was blood in my morning everything, lol. I can relate. But those guys didnt count on my bringing Big Rick ( the resident ultra bad *** of Laramie, who everyone knew of and feared.lol) He was one of those guys that enjoys punching people. The eye that I could see out of sure enjoyed the show he single handedly put on those three jerk offs, lol.

So Robby, you dont wanna go anywhere with me. My mouth will probably just get us beat up ;D

The first round's on me pal. ;D

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There was a guy we grew up with by the name of Mark S. He was a tall scrawny guy, the kind that would do anything on a dare and had zero fear of anything or anybody. A great guy to have your back.

Actually a very nice and mellow guy.

A friend of mine saw him DESTROY a loud mouth in a bar. Mark was having some beers and minding his business when the a**hole started on him out of the blue. It got crazy when the guy claimed to be a Navy Seal and could kill anyone he chose at will. Skinny Mark beat the guy senseless. Obviously the guy wasn't a Seal.

The moral of the story is : 1) Real Navy Seals don't sit in bars mouthing off and starting fights with innocent people. 2) Never assume the skinny guy is an easy mark.

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I have been in one, it didn't go so well...................for me. Up to that point in my life (I was 25 at the time) I had never been in fight, and after that I hope to never be again.

I was with my soon to be brother in-law (wifes side) at a local bar, it was late, like 3 a.m. , we were both trashed, and had to go to the bathroom. Me beeing a normal human beeing, even while drunk, went to the mens room and attempted to use the urinal. The bro-in-law whipped it right out and wizzed on a prison guards legs, I returned from the bathroom just in time to see him beeing picked up and thrown up on the bar and beeing slid head first down the length of the bar and tossed into a pile of chairs. Where the guards buddys (the whole bar it seemed) proceeded to beat him till the cops came.

As I saw this one  dude says "hey he's with him" they grab me from behind, punch me in the throat so I can't breath, yell, or anything, and then start kicking the crap out of me. I was able to some howget away from my beating long enough to sprint out the front door and run smack dab into the guy with the wet pants who puts me in a headlock and begins to pummle my face, it's like 30 on 2 at this point, and the only thing that saved was the cops showing up ending it. Amazingly I walked away with no injurys other than some soreness, and a few scrapes, same for the brother in law. Some how a few of the guards posse ended up getting there heads cracked open, but I am sure the cops did it, as I don't recall hitting anyone.

Not a very proud moment, but, needless to say I do not hang around my brother in law.


Never underestimate the out-of-shape fat guy.

My best friend's brother was about 5'8" and about 350lbs and one heck-uv-a-drummer.....(maybe that had something to do with it)......

He always had quite a bit of 'events', since he always seemed to have good looking girlfriends and hung out at bars.

Never a black eye or anything .

Too bad he couldn't beat the drugs.....R.I.P.

Well, kinda...

Back in the 70's I was out with a friend on leave

from Nam...Navy Seal, covert. We had been to a

Royals game in K.C., but you know how beer can

make you thirsty.

We just randomly got off the highway and ended

up in a biker bar...Not cool. We order a couple of

beers at the bar, when the 300lb gorilla next to

us grabs my buddy's beer...Not cool...

Well, the end of the story had us walking slowly

out the door. My pants were a little soggy, but I

wasn't actually "in the fight". First dude's face

exploded, then had a knee bending the wrong

way. Dude #2 lost his voice, maybe permanently!

I don't know whether Dude #3 survived or not,

but the fight only lasted 20-30 seconds. I was

concerned about the rest of their friends, to say

the least.

We never talked about it much, but a decade

later, my friend showed up unexpectedly at my

front door in Denver. Seems he had to leave the

Sudan quickly. Special flight, flew direct. He had

a pocket full of "real money", but not a bag or a

toothbrush. We never really talked about that



RW, bless you for your honesty.

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never been in a bar fight. Although one time at school on Halloween (Halloween at JMU is amazing) I saw one scantily clad girl beat the living bejeebus out of another scantily clad girl across my friend's backyard. (There aren't really any bars at JMU, it's almost 100% house parties) It was a girlfight, but only one of them was fighting like a girl. I'm talking full blown wind-up punches to the face, knocking inferior girl to the ground and more punches to the face. The girl who was getting punched didn't even know what was going on.

Me and my buddies were just standing there with our beers in hand like the guys on King of the Hill saying "yep... that's pretty cool" - "yep"


Hey slider....too bad this is just a bar fight thread....you and I could run a regular fight thread about 20 pages long by ourselves. ;D Of course, my boy, "the fight magnet" Carter would be mentioned in just about every story.

That Radford story has to be at Chancey's when someone flew through the front window. We were across campus at Sackett's gettin' sloshed when that happened. ;)

Good times indeed.

Nickel beer night at Chancey's it was! Never opened again and yes Putter Mutter threw a dude thru the window. How we escaped those Radford nights still amazes me!

Speaking of "the fight magnet Carter" One night at Ceasars some dudes instigated a mess with me. I had warned the bouncers. Never said a word to Carter. 2 dudes quickly became 5 or 6. I never knew Carter got involved I was the first one chucked out the side door then Carter. He was like a kid at Christmas. "I got 1 of them good for you....wait til you see this guy" They started chucking the other guys out the door. Carter...."thats not him.....thats not him....thats not him....Thats him!!!!! Look at that eye.....its completely closed....dude looks like Quosi Motto" I was laughing so hard I almost couldnt go when they rang the bell for round 2 in the parking lot! LOL

Again, young, dumb and full of testosterone! 


This is awesome.. It's like the stories that don't come out in person, because you don't want your kids to think it's an OK way to act, or others in the community. I personally think these are the best stories... You guys make me feel normal  ;D

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I'd like to see a bumper sticker that reads Brown Liquor Makes Me Angry.

Bumper sticker? That's going to be my wife's new tattoo/tramp stamp! ;D


One of the members of a board I moderate (Teamspeed.com) was sucker punched last night. it brought back memories of the only fight I've actually been in.

I dont think any of us ever expect to be in a bar fight.

About 6 years ago a group of friends and I were at a restaurant/bar owned by one of my clients. We had just left a black tie event where I was one of the sponsors.

There was a guy there at the bar giving my girlfriend the eye. No big deal, happened alot, but he was starting to make my girl feel uncomfortable. We were seated next to the bar, when the owner came by to talk to us. I asked him to do a shot with me, which he accepted. There was a small spot at the bar so I got up to order the shots. I immediately noticed the goon and two of his buddies approach me at the bar. The restaurant manager (female) was btween the goons and I. The guy's friend got in my face, asked me why I was giving his friend the evil eye. I chuckled and told him to chill out.

The guy took a step back as if to charge me. I hold a black belt in TKD, and as he came towards me a very simple front kick to the chest put the guy into the booth that was directly behind him. I don't know who was more bewildered, the guy or his pansy friends as I then turned to them expecting them to come at me. They did nothing but stand there. At this point all of my friends saw what was happening, and got up to come help.

I was honestly pretty embarrased about the whole thing. The restaurant was full of people I worked with or worked for me. I apologized to the owner, who told me it wasnt necessary since he saw that I had obviously not started the fight.

The three guys were all thrown out of there. I never saw them in there again.

It was pretty funny at the end, all of my friends were telling me I did the guy a favor, as he now had a Gucci shirt thanks to the bottom of my shoe being imprinted on his white shirt. ;D

I'm in absolute awe of your unabashed manliness.


my only bar fight was  pretty wild. A guy put his hand on my throat, so I put my hands around the back of his neck, and was going to give him a couple knees to the face, and about 4 of my friends tried to pull us apart. It was unsuccessful and me and the other guy ended up sliding across the wall knocking pictures off the wall, and we went through a table and broke two stools. as I was on the ground a 300+ pound girl cherry picked me up off the ground onto my feet. I got kicked out of the bar for a fight I didn't start, and then his friend came outside trying to start with me. It was a crazy night and I have a scar on my leg from going through the table.

my only bar fight was pretty wild. A guy put his hand on my throat, so I put my hands around the back of his neck, and was going to give him a couple knees to the face, and about 4 of my friends tried to pull us apart. It was unsuccessful and me and the other guy ended up sliding across the wall knocking pictures off the wall, and we went through a table and broke two stools. as I was on the ground a 300+ pound girl cherry picked me up off the ground onto my feet. I got kicked out of the bar for a fight I didn't start, and then his friend came outside trying to start with me. It was a crazy night and I have a scar on my leg from going through the table.

Perhaps the fight put the 300+ pound girl in the mood for lovin'   :D

The only bar fight I've been in was when I took the wife to a topless bar, which was HER idea. The fight started as soon as we paid our cover charge and was being escorted to our table. The hostess, for some reason, thought she knew me and was all touchy feely. Well, I lost that fight and ended up on the couch for the remainder of the night.

:)  LOL


Back in the day I had a couple of fights in the parking lots of clubs I frequented. usual stuff, a few punches thrown, some scrapes and bruises for everyone involved. The one that made me steer clear of altercations was when after leaving the parking lot, my side window of my car was shot out on I-95. I heard two pops, the other must have went over the roof of my car. My bar hopping days are definitely over.

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Years ago a guy who worked for my dad and spent his off time warming bar stools got in a good one.  Another guy thought he was laughing at him got up and punched Gordie in the face.  Gordie squirted in his pants and started laughing more.  This made the guy madder so he hit Gordie again causing Gordie to squirt his pants more.  The guy hit him 4 0r 5 times until Gordie was standing there with his pants completely pizzed full.  And he was still laughing.

Later that year he was backing out of a bar parking lot with his door open looking back.  he fell out and ran his leg over.  He's been sober for 25+ years now. ;D

  • Super User
I elook ed for onse tonight so i could postt on here.l... couldnt finde anay!


Been is several. That happens when you work in the largest bar just off campus. Sucker punch that took ten stitches to close the wound over my right eye, but he did not knock me off my feet. Went to the E/R, got stictched up, and went right back to work.

All those little stars and designs you see in the funny papers actually live out there. I saw them all.

The Houston Oilers held their preseason workouts in Nacogdoches on the Stephen F. Austin University campus one year and they all hung out in the club at night. The quarterback was well on his way one night just spoiling for a fight. I am not going to mention his name, but he ran drag cars after he left the NFL. The owner came up to me and told me to get him out of the club. I went up to him and told him he could whip my A** right there in the pool room or do it outside, but either way he had to go. He stared at me for a moment, layed the broken cue stick on the table, said "This place sucks anyway", and walked out the front door. He was back the next night and never caused another problem.

It's nice to read an honest story for change. Problem with this manly discussion is people tend to stretch their story like their on some fishing website or something...

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