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As I previously posted I have been mugged twice and fishing had nothing to do with it.  I was where I should not have been, had I had common sense at the time the incidents would never have happened.  The only time I have gun with me( rare ) is for shark fishing and it's for the shark.

I had a ccw for business back in 70's, after a couple of years I just let it lapse.

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  • Super User
WHY is a BOY argueing with me about the right to have guns when my original post says........"Anybody who is anti-gun needs to plug their brain back in and do some research on what happens when a society is disarmed". Did I NOT make it clear where I stand on this? I wonder if he takes swings at himself in the mirror in the morning?

Thai, are you drunk or something? ;D

The real question is why are you arguing with him? :-/ ::)

I don't understand how somebody can support the rights to bear arms,but yet argue somebody "why they feel the need to have a gun".Contradict yourself much?

You really need to cool down with the insults against other members.


And since you don't believe I have an argument rather than not wanting to waste my time arguing with a grown man who could be my father's age here goes buddy ole pal just for you. ;)

M Star is a citizen of this great country of ours, not some communist regime and as such he has the right to be able to do as he please as long as it doe not encroach on another mans rights. If M Star want's to go out on a late night run, who of us can say they haven't, then by all means he should be able to. Why should he let someone else stop him from doing so? Sure it might not be the wisest choice with seedy people around but that is not the point. A sidearm could definitely turn a bad situation in your favor. He has already gone through and gotten a CWP so why not use it? If you're not going to carry one around in a situation like this when would you? I understand you are not against guns but walking around with your tail between your legs might be fine for you Steve but not all of us.


Grimlin I don't think it's just Steve here. Although he did have a few contradictions I can see some of his points. Both made condescending remarks that escalated the argument. The internet is built for some people so they can jabber all they want without the chance of a typical outcome.

I agree that we know the problem areas and that we could try our best to avoid them. Crime can happen anywhere any time, but chances are increased at specific places. I also don't think we should have to change what we do so we don't get mugged, but it happens daily. Even when I am at the ATM I am watching everything. I recently bought a firearm and although I feel a bit more comfortable having it, I would NEVER want to use it on someone. I guess if you carry when going to the problem areas to fish you know what you could in store for you so to each their own.

Another thing is some of you were saying how hard it is to get your permit. In some states this may be true, but not PA. In PA you get the standard background check and you get the permit the same day. 

  • Super User
Grimlin I don't think it's just Steve here. Although he did have a few contradictions I can see some of his points. Both made condescending remarks that escalated the argument. The internet is built for some people so they can jabber all they want without the chance of a typical outcome.

I agree that we know the problem areas and that we could try our best to avoid them. Crime can happen anywhere any time, but chances are increased at specific places. I also don't think we should have to change what we do so we don't get mugged, but it happens daily. Even when I am at the ATM I am watching everything. I recently bought a firearm and although I feel a bit more comfortable having it, I would NEVER want to use it on someone. I guess if you carry when going to the problem areas to fish you know what you could in store for you so to each their own.

Another thing is some of you were saying how hard it is to get your permit. In some states this may be true, but not PA. In PA you get the standard background check and you get the permit the same day.

I agree with you.

  • Super User

I won't launch at a ramp that doesn't have good lighting. The most convienent ramp on Cherokee Lake is also most likely the most crime ridden. Far too easy for criminals to get in & out without being noticed.


Lot of ramps on Cherokee like that. I probably buy me a handgun later on the year. Anyone know what the Tennessee State laws are concerning conceal handguns? I'm pretty sure if you have a permit, you are allow to carry a handgun where permitted.

  • Super User

I won't launch at a ramp that doesn't have good lighting. The most convienent ramp on Cherokee Lake is also most likely the most crime ridden. Far too easy for criminals to get in & out without being noticed.


Lot of ramps on Cherokee like that. I probably buy me a handgun later on the year. Anyone know what the Tennessee State laws are concerning conceal handguns? I'm pretty sure if you have a permit, you are allow to carry a handgun where permitted.

Yes, but 25E is probably the worst.  Wouldn't be so bad if there were more lights around the place.

As for TN carry...




To add to the posts on avoiding the ramp. Believe it or not, this is the best lit ramp in the area. I have used it plenty without issue to date. I do NOT go looking for trouble.

I also am NOT going to stop fishing during one of the best times to do so because some punk decides he wants to own the ramp. I have every right to do so, and IMO, it is totally wrong to abandon the only fishing ramp within 20 miles of your home to people illegally there to begin with. I do not go into the 'hood', or into neighborhoods/areas where I have no business being and I do not go running around disrespecting others. I do not run around flaunting money or take other actions that make myself a target. I keep myself aware of my surroundings whatever I do. When I can avoid a unsafe situation I do so.

That being said, this is a public launch, it is illegal for them to be there, and I do not think all of Gaston county NC needs to stop fishing and taking their boats out/In at night for these people to illegally fish from the docks.

Really, do not take this as slamming anyone. It is something I am pretty passionate about. This is the United States. We do not have to live in fear in this country.

One other thing for those who do not have CCW. At least in NC, the right to use deadly force is pretty restricted. For one, if I instigate something. Meaning, if I was to act all macho man and jump up in a guys face and get beat for it, I have no rights to use deadly force even IF they pull a gun/knife on me. You start something you lose that right. Second, someone "starting" something with me, gives me no right to use deadly force. Unless that situation deteriorates to the point where it threatens my life and I can convince 12 jurors that it threatened by life, I cannot use deadly force. Third, the use of deadly force in NC begins the second that weapon is pointed at them, before I pull the trigger. I bring that up, because I do not want anyone to think I am looking for trouble, that I am trying to provoke something.

I am a fisherman, I respect other fishermen (on-shore and off-shore). Probably 99% of the guys at that dock at night are absolutely no real threat to me. I carry because of the 1% which I hope I never meet and I hope if I do, do not push it to the point that I have to use deadly force. Also, while I do not go looking for trouble, I am not going to unreasonably alter my life and hobbies out of fear of the 1%. If I did, I would never leave the house.

Like I said, no attempt to flame anyone and I fully appreciate the idea of not asking for trouble and keeping yourself out of the place it will exist. That being said, if my choice is, give up the use of my boat when the sun goes down or use the ramp CCW and be vigilant, I am going the second route.


BTW guys...THANK YOU all for sharing on this thread. It has really been good to hear all your thoughts and see how many responsible folks are out there on the water with firearms and no fatal incidents.

  • Super User

I'm not going to get into the do's and dont's of carrying concealed.  I carry concealed and do so no matter where I'm at or what I'm doing, for the most part.

For those of you who are thinking about carrying and for those who have never had proper training or seen real criminal activity, then do yourself this one exercise.

Stand back to back with one of your friends. Have another friend give the "go" signal as he activates a stopwatch.  See how far your friend, whose back was to you, can run before you get your gun out of it's holster. MAKE SURE YOUR GUN IS UNLOADED.

I'll bet he gets at least 15-20 feet.  He'll get even farther before you can get a shot off and accurately hit your target.

Why do I mention this?  Because I want you to think about trying to pull your gun when someone threatens you with a knife inside 21 feet.  99 out of 100 times you will be stabbed before you can react.


my point of view is based off of personal expierence

i do not own a gun, but i do carry a heavy duty field knife on me while im fishing for practical reasons (I fish off the beaten path in the woods, off trails, or in the thick of the underbrush along the lake shore) so i need the knife to cut my way thru.   besides my multitool, and my "utility knife" which is an illegal spring loaded switchblade style knife (The Ranger Knows and doesnt mind because im "the law" without a badge around my lake lo)

but besides those things, i carry nothing that could be considered a weapon on me while at the lake.   (I know the field knife may seem it, but ud have to see the conditions i fish in)

Now that said,

A few years ago, a good friend of mine was fishing a local Resv on a public fishing area shoreline and a guy was pulling a stringer of 12 LMB that were all under limit up to his truck.....   My pal said something, and the guy pulled a pistol on him, my friend backed down, the guy walked off, and he was reported and arrested later.     But ive had teenagers try to start trouble with me, and Im proud to say that ive only had to draw my knife once in a strictly self defense manor.......... I managed to get away from the mess unharmed, again the kids got arrested, and it turns out the boy was high at the time and had a long, long, long criminal record.   But i really really regreted ever having to draw that knife.

In my mind, the best thing you can do is carry something that can protect you.... i.e. a knife of somesort, and take a training class in self defense, if that includes a segment on personal weapon handling all the better. but.........

THE BEST WAY TO PROTECT YOURSELF IS TO STAY OUT OF HARMS WAY!    If u know theres trouble at a particular lake, report it to the proper athourities and let them handle it. in the mean time, STAY AWAY!

avoiding having to carry a gun to the lake with u is the best policy for me.

Now, if ur like my friend i mentioned before, and now live in bear country and fly fish in river systems where ur not the top of the food chain, ok........ protect urself, or stay outta the woods!

But all ur asking for is trouble carrying a weapon. None of ur gear, or much less a fish is worth ur life! EVER!    And by drawing a weapon, ur inviting everyone else who is packing heat to do the same. It wont end well.........

So, as i step off the soapbox,     "The best policy on if you should carry a gun with you, is to stay away from places where you feel you might need to carry one at all!"

Thank you, and good day! ;D

  • Super User
I'm not going to get into the do's and dont's of carrying concealed. I carry concealed and do so no matter where I'm at or what I'm doing, for the most part.

For those of you who are thinking about carrying and for those who have never had proper training or seen real criminal activity, then do yourself this one exercise.

Stand back to back with one of your friends. Have another friend give the "go" signal as he activates a stopwatch. See how far your friend, whose back was to you, can run before you get your gun out of it's holster. MAKE SURE YOUR GUN IS UNLOADED.

I'll bet he gets at least 15-20 feet. He'll get even farther before you can get a shot off and accurately hit your target.

Why do I mention this? Because I want you to think about trying to pull your gun when someone threatens you with a knife inside 21 feet. 99 out of 100 times you will be stabbed before you can react.

this is common sense. defending yourself doesnt always mean pulling a gun. that the first day of classes right there.

anyone that doesnt have an airsoft gun and practice drawing and gun take aways is making a mistake IMO.

  • Super User

I carry a sidearm with me not becasue I fear anyone. I carry it because I'm afraid of muskrats.

True story: twice I've had myopic muskrats come off shore and swim to my boat and look for a way to get on.

The last thing I want to do it tangle with a muskrat. Beating one off with my retractable paddle, a la Jimmy Carter and his ferocious rabbit, doesn't appeal to me. I've seen people dragged out of boats by muskrats. The thought of a muskrat dragging me under, death rolling me, and tucking me under a log to rot keeps me up at night.

A little kid that swims alone. A tourist who stands too close to the shore line. An old timer that has let his guard down. That's not me. I refuse to be a victim.

That's why I carry a .357 magnum. That's why.


I don't even know what the f a muskrat is...must be vicious giant sob's though.

edit after google search- Dude... they look a cute little stuffed animal.. come on ;D

  • Super User
"The best policy on if you should carry a gun with you, is to stay away from places where you feel you might need to carry one at all!"

That's a rather short-sighted policy.

  • Super User

edit after google search- Dude... they look a cute little stuffed animal.. come on ;D

Yeah, you keep thinking that while you are digesting in the belly of one of these Virginia beasts!


WHY is a BOY argueing with me about the right to have guns when my original post says........"Anybody who is anti-gun needs to plug their brain back in and do some research on what happens when a society is disarmed". Did I NOT make it clear where I stand on this? I wonder if he takes swings at himself in the mirror in the morning?

Thai, are you drunk or something? ;D

The real question is why are you arguing with him? :-/ ::)

I don't understand how somebody can support the rights to bear arms,but yet argue somebody "why they feel the need to have a gun".Contradict yourself much?

You really need to cool down with the insults against other members.

I'm not sure why you're confused about that, but a person can support the right to bears arms AND the use of good judgement. Purposely going into a situation like the one he describes, isn't using good judgement in my opinion.

Now see, I was all nice n stuff. I didn't even call you a retard! :-* ;)

  • Super User

Micro, I never thought I'd see the day that someone would come onto BR and start talking about beating off muskrats! ;D ;D

Steve, using the term retard really lends credibility to your argument. Well done.

  • Super User
Micro, I never thought I'd see the day that someone would come onto BR and start talking about beating off muskrats! ;D ;D

Steve, using the term retard really lends credibility to your argument. Well done.


Micro, I never thought I'd see the day that someone would come onto BR and start talking about beating off muskrats! ;D ;D

Steve, using the term retard really lends credibility to your argument. Well done.

Thanks, fo shizzle. That means a lot to me.

Also, I'm sorry that you failed to see the sarcasim when I used the term "retard". ::)


Your shot at fourbizz doesn't really help you out man. You came into this thread taking shots at Thai. You have then taking shots at anybody else that makes a comment. And I don't think sarcasm was intended in your comment. Lay off man.

  • Super User

Sarcasm is irrelevant. If I drop the n-bomb in a sarcastic statement, does that make it less offensive?

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