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I had a recent internet transaction as the buyer for a fishing reel.

When the reel came it was wedged into a box that was too small. The seat of the reel had in fact cut through and was sticking out the side of the box. There was also no packing of any kind in the box; no peanuts, no paper, no foam nada. Note: The reel appears to be undamaged.

The seller did a good job and has almost all positive feedback.

I was torn between giving a neutral rating and a negative one and I chose negative. My thought was to make other buyers aware of the sub-par shipping and to inform the seller that to avoid future claims that they might want to make improvements.

I am posting below the orig feedback and subsequent conversations. I will save my final response until after you guys give some feedback ( pardon the pun )as it has lets say a different flair.

My question? Is it just me or does the seller's response seem way overboard?

It just seemed to me like they wanted to blame everything and everyone, borderline early ranting and raving.

I'm just curious on how you see the conversation. Were my early responses inappropriate?

Thanks for your input.

My original buying feedback

torn on rating, nice prod, quick, Packing terrible, prod unhar'd best I can tell

When you leave negative feedback it asks you to provide more detail to the seller so this is that response

kind of hated to leave negative feedback. You did an timely job, nice product as advertised but the packaging was really sub-par. The item was way too large for the box and it had zero packaging to protect anything. I felt obligated to warn others as I would want them to warn me if I was the next buyer.

I do apologize for appearing to blast you. Probably better to take a lump now than have to deal with a future broken item?

Nothing for you to do like I said the product seems unharmed. The bail has a unique shape but I think it is normal. I don't really want to travel 40miles round trip to Gander mtn to confirm.

Sorry for the bluntness

The sellers first response to me

You gave me a negative for "sub-par" packaging? Seriously?? The item arrived quickly and as advertised in the stated condition and you hit me with a negative on shipping? Sometimes the shipping company doesn't handle the boxes too well and they get a little beat up. Don't you think that a neutral feedback would have been more appropriate? I have completed over 2,000 transactions over the past 6 months. If your unsatisfied with the packaging or product returning the item or a message would be more appreciated in warning and notice since this is a company and I do not do the shipping but run the rest of the company. You received a $50 dollar reel for $20 dollars including shipping and you want to grill me on the fact that the box did not have appropriate packing material? We try our hardest to complete every transaction on time and with the best packing possible. Sometimes with a large quantity of items going out a mistake might occur. Your talking about a lump now then a future broken item? I would have much rather taken a broken item neutral feedback any day then a "good" transaction except for shipping with a negative feedback. You don't realize the impact of a negative feedback on Ebay. We did not intentionally pack the item to sub par standard, or have we ever in the past.

My response to that

I could go *** for tat on your responses but life is too short to mess with it.

Originally I was torn on my rating. After reading your reply blaming everyone under the sun and unfounded accusations of deliberate actions I know I made the right decision.

If I knew the impact of what a negative does I would have offered to change it ( if that is even possible). You were too busy blaming everyone else to take the time to explain it.

For the record the reel wouldn't even fit in the box it was put in. The box was ballooned out for it to fit. There was no packing for protection of any kind none, nada, zero. The reel in fact poked through ripping the side of the box. I agree some of this was bad USPS handling but a claim ( not needed? ) would never have held up with such sub-par packing

I doubt you care to know this but just so we know what was involved.

To me you would have gotten better e-bay customer mileage out of " we probably booted this one, glad it arrived unharmed"

Their latest

Yea ok. Don't you think a message once the item arrived to me would have enabled me to fix the problem before you rant and rave about how you know everything. Seeing you don't even have any feedback this entire year shows your lack of knowledge about ebay and how it works. Ebay has changed since your last purchase a year ago. Do everybody a favour, including ebay and stay off of this marketplace

Sorry about the length FFI

  • Super User

Your response seems fair to me. The reel arrived undamaged, but not protected. Proper packaging should be an expected part of the transaction in my opinion. Just my.02

Your response seems fair to me. The reel arrived undamaged, but not protected. Proper packaging should be an expected part of the transaction in my opinion. Just my.02

What's your opinion on the tone of their responses?

  • Super User

IMO, you received the reel undamaged, on time and hassle free.  The negative feedback was a bit much just because he didn't add padding.

  • Super User

Actually it's not fair.

A fair response would've been a message to the seller stating the poor packaging that was used and if he became pizzy, probably a neutral rating. The reasons?

Your item arrived in a timely matter.

It worked to your expectations.

You got a good deal.

Things have changed on ebay. Much like you're attempting to warn other ebayers that this guys packaging leaves much to be desired via the feedback response, Sellers previously had the ability to leave bad feedback towards buyers for the same reason. That priviledge was taken away by ebay. It's now fair game for any buyer, unhappy with anything in a transaction, to just fire away with negative feedback.

That's why when you leave negative feedback Ebay specifically asks if you've tried resolving your issue with the seller. In this case, you pushed that negative feedback button way too soon and needlessly,  IMO. ;)

  • Super User

On the rare occasion that I have had an issue, the first thing I do is look at their rating and current feedback to indicate whether or not others may have the same issue.  If not and they had a good rating, I have either e-mailed my comments to them or have let it go.  So I guess that would be my first question; did you look at there score and feedback for any indications?  Just curious.


I would say you were out of line for giving him a negative review just based on the packaging.  If you got your deal, in good shape, in a timely manner, then the seller lived up to his/her end of the bargain.  Busting them for a critique on their packaging is a little much.


Yes I checked them out before I ever bid on it. That is why in 2 different responses that I said I ws kind of torn between a negative and a neutral.

Cart I believe even if you leave a neutral you have to send a response.

I just thought others should be warned in advance that if they are considering buying something fragile.

I really thought a long time before I hit the negative.

All I was wanting to do was highlite the issue is all.

Whether my rating was right or wrong isn't my issue.  I admit from the git go that my rating might have been too low.

Which I readily admitted from my original feedback.

  I just perceived their responses as very classless from minute one. Ranting and raving, finger pointing, not taking responsibility for the problem - "I don't ship the product I don't run that portion of the business" why is that my problem? That's their internal issue not mine,"would rather ship broken with neutral than ok with negative" what kind of way is that to run a business? lets just get it out of here quick and if it breaks we'll fix the problem later.

I know it is long but read my whole 1st post closely.


You got your product on time undamaged as promised. Your feedback could have a negative impact on their livelihood, even though they delivered their service as promised.

  • Super User
Your response seems fair to me. The reel arrived undamaged, but not protected. Proper packaging should be an expected part of the transaction in my opinion. Just my.02

What's your opinion on the tone of their responses?

I understand he didn't like the rating, but you received a reel that was not packaged properly. What would have been his response if it had been damaged? The fact that sometimes things get beat up in shipping makes the case for taking a little care in my opinion. Your rating is based on your experience, i.e., would you buy from this seller again? I think the answer is obvious.

  • BassResource.com Administrator

Ease up Volfan.  Don't take it personal.


Vol I hear you.

My rating might have been wrong I freely admit that and admit that from minute one.

I disagreee full force though on it being done w/o class. I posted in my orig feedbck that I was torn on how to rate ( meaning neutral of negative). People can disagree and anyone be flat out wrong but still disagree in a classy manner. I thought I posted in a resonably classy manner but perhaps not.

Had someone spoken to me in this manner in person they would have been eating their teeth for breakfast.

  • Super User

I have to agree with the majority here...Negative feedback was a little harsh.Neutral would have been more fair.

I would have stated very clearly however that the seller needs to package it a little bit safer. Kinda warns everybody the sucky packaging on arrival.

I try to not leave a negative unless the seller completely ripped me off  and sold me a product that wasn't even close to the review.I had one guy who i tried to contact for over 2 months about a package that never arrived...He just basically ignored me,then when i hit the negative review he got mad complaining i never emailed or tried to contact him,which was bull.I had my resolve claim up for a little over a month and a half.He was basically ignoring Ebay as well.I couldn't get my money back because there is a certain price in order for ebay to reimburse you...It was like $20 or something like that. 

He ended up giving me a negative feedback in retaliation. That's why Ebay took their "rights" away...too many people were complaining of bad sellers like the one i got. 


In my opinion I would have messaged the seller notified him of the poor packing and at most gave a neutral rating and explain it was for the packing. I think coming from Ebay a "negative" rating for that is a lil over board.

  • BassResource.com Administrator

Hey fish-fighting-illini, I just read through your entire first post.  Here's my feedback:

I think initially you should have contacted them first, before posting any comments.  Give the company a chance to make it up to you before posting a negative review.

That said, your initial review should have been neutral.  Fast service + good price + no hassles - but bad packaging = neutral IMHO.

I admit their response could have been handled better, but they were feeling very defensive, as your review was the first time they ever heard of your issue.  I can understand their reaction, but probably should have calmed down first before responding to you.  I suspect if they had, you would have received a more cordial response.

Not giving them excuses, or trying to defend them.  Just trying to see it from another perspective.

In my opinion I would have messaged the seller notified him of the poor packing and at most gave a neutral rating and explain it was for the packing. I think coming from Ebay a "negative" rating for that is a lil over board.

I have always kind of agreed and still do. Like I've said all along I was never sure that my rating was right. That is not the issue nor the reason for the orig post.

Perhaps the wording of my questions leaves something to be desired.

  I highlited my questions in the original post to help clarify.

Hey fish-fighting-illini, I just read through your entire first post. Here's my feedback:

I think initially you should have contacted them first, before posting any comments. Give the company a chance to make it up to you before posting a negative review.

That said, your initial review should have been neutral. Fast service + good price + no hassles - but bad packaging = neutral IMHO.

I admit their response could have been handled better, but they were feeling very defensive, as your review was the first time they ever heard of your issue. I can understand their reaction, but probably should have calmed down first before responding to you. I suspect if they had, you would have received a more cordial response.

Not giving them excuses, or trying to defend them. Just trying to see it from another perspective.

Had the sellers post been anywhere near the class of this man's post there would be no issue. That is why Glenn is where he is at in life.

Glenn's post ought to be made a sticky on how to post with class.

  I hear ya Glenn I was somewhat rusty or I would have contacted them. It has been a rough health week here again so sleep and time are in short supply unfortunately.

One rough reply would have been tolerable but 2 or 3 (?) tacky posts are out of line.

Glenn your points are well understood and well taken.

Thanks for your time and the class of your input.


  • Super User

IMHO..the seller should have been contacted, made aware of the sub par packing before posting neg feedback..oth, if he/she acted like a you know what, then I might have given the neg posting a thought.

Just my 3 cents.. :)

  • Super User
In my opinion I would have messaged the seller notified him of the poor packing and at most gave a neutral rating and explain it was for the packing. I think coming from Ebay a "negative" rating for that is a lil over board.

I have always kind of agreed and still do. Like I've said all along I was never sure that my rating was right. That is not the issue nor the reason for the orig post.

Perhaps the wording of my questions leaves something to be desired.

I highlited my questions in the original post to help clarify.

The problem is..

you've already left the negative feedback.  It's out there.  For all to see.  It gives the impression that you had a bad experience with this seller which in fact, you didn't.

But now he has to live with this negative despite the fact he fulfilled his end of the transaction.

That's the reason why leaving a negative is such a big deal and why he was so worked up over your response.  It's why Ebay specifically loads a second page up asking you if you had attempted to reach the seller and come to an understanding before you leave the negative.  Remember, had the old system been in place he could've just as easily left a negative on you for being difficult.

Ebay used to have an option to remove a negative feedback rating after the fact.  I don't know if that's possible anymore.  You might want to check that out.

  • Super User
In my opinion I would have messaged the seller notified him of the poor packing and at most gave a neutral rating and explain it was for the packing. I think coming from Ebay a "negative" rating for that is a lil over board.

I have always kind of agreed and still do. Like I've said all along I was never sure that my rating was right. That is not the issue nor the reason for the orig post.

Perhaps the wording of my questions leaves something to be desired.

I highlited my questions in the original post to help clarify.

The problem is..

you've already left the negative feedback. It's out there. For all to see. It gives the impression that you had a bad experience with this seller which in fact, you didn't.

But now he has to live with this negative despite the fact he fulfilled his end of the transaction.

That's the reason why leaving a negative is such a big deal and why he was so worked up over your response. It's why Ebay specifically loads a second page up asking you if you had attempted to reach the seller and come to an understanding before you leave the negative. Remember, had the old system been in place he could've just as easily left a negative on you for being difficult.

Ebay used to have an option to remove a negative feedback rating after the fact. I don't know if that's possible anymore. You might want to check that out.

I agree that the initial negative was harsh, maybe uncalled for and out-of-line.

However, now, why on earth would you even want to remove the negative feedback?

Like has been stated before, the guy did nothing to improve his standing with HIS CUSTOMER, only make hard feelings that much harder. Livelihood or not, the seller chose his line of work. Customer service should be the same whether face to face or through a computer.


I think the negative feedback was overkill. I am sure the seller would of given you your money back and let you keep the reel in order to avoid negative feedback. I see leaving negative feedback as a last resort. I agree that you should of contacted him first.


I think you did the right thing. It is the sellers job to ensure that things are packed in the right way. He purposefully neglected to package the reel in the correct manner. Its just a bad business practice.

Also, if his livelihood is based off of ebay, he does a lot of transactions and one negative experience isn't going to hurt him.

Thanks for the heads up.

*Besides, I bet you paid for the shipping too. If that's the case, it is the sellers job to ship the item so that it arrives completely as described. In this case, it was simply luck that it happened to arrive unharmed.

(I realize sometimes things happen even when things are packaged correctly).

**This is all just my opinion and I have been burned as a buyer and seller on ebay so perhaps I am just a little jaded.


Ok guys as promised I save my final feedback for after I read some of your replies.

I had sent this reply before I ever started this thread

I try to keep it reasonably civil but when I reach a certain point I'll get down in the dirt with the best of them. I sent the message below as is I didn't use the really offensive word versions

Warning! what you are about to read is in no way to be confused with a classy response!

I would imagine that my Ebay privileges are being reviewed at this very moment.

The seller has been quiet ever since, it could be they are on their way to my house or arranging for a local thug.

My response from memory as I didn't save it

You have a point on the advance heads up message I didnt think of that. I do owe you an apology for that. I've tried to keep my responses reasonably professional throughout this feedback process. ( something you could learn from).

My original intention was basically to give others a heads up and also to help you. I thought you would want to know if your business had a potential problem.

Good businesses like to get feedback on how they're doing so they can improve ( another thing you can learn from.

Now for the non professional part

I could care friggin less what you think one way or the other! I haven't needed to buy anything for some time so I've been gone.

Who appointed you the official Ebay God! ?

Like I said I have tried to keep it reasonably professional but from your opening response you have been an arrogant, pompous, a -hole

You can flat out go frig yourself!


I think a neutral rating would of been better, but you appear to at least acknowledge that as a strong possiblilty.

I see no problem with his first response other than he does try to pass the buck a little to much for me.  Nobody is perfect though.

Second comment is out of line and to me and suggests some much needed improvement in his business skills.

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