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So I got back to my car that was parked in the lot area near the boat launch. I found my passenger window smashed in, my GPS and gym bag stolen. Gym bag had my ipod, two (high priced) racquet ball racquets and some nasty socks. I hope they really enjoy those socks... I never saw this coming... hopefully my insurance will cover this but I have my doubts. I called the police and they tried to do some finger printing but didn't find anything. >:(

Suppose it could have been worse and had all my fishing gear in it stopped at a gas station or something on my way back. This is why I had purple heart license plates put on my car, so maybe people would be deterred, but what was I thinking, someone who would do that wouldn't give a shiat anyway. Oh well. Bummer.


That really sucks, Man. I hope you are able to get some of your items back, or new.

  • Super User

How much is your deductible?  You should have thrown in a couple Chronarchs and Calcuttas into the mix ;).

(Just kidding people)

  • Super User

In most cases personal property stolen or vandalized from your auto will be covered by your home owner's policy and not the theft on your car.

Don't know what your deductible is but small claims aren't worth it.  If you have a $500 deductible and you lost $ 1000 worth of stuff it isn't worth the risk of claim as the insurance companies love to cancel your policy after a couple of claims.

In most cases personal property stolen or vandalized from your auto will be covered by your home owner's policy and not the theft on your car.

Don't know what your deductible is but small claims aren't worth it. If you have a $500 deductible and you lost $ 1000 worth of stuff it isn't worth the risk of claim as the insurance companies love to cancel your policy after a couple of claims.

Yeah that is what I had thought as well.  Wasn't planning on filing a claim as I lost maybe $600 in stuff.  $500 deductible, isn't worth making $100 and seeing my rates go up.

Apparently the police officer had said that 3 other vehicles had been broken into tonight as well in the same lot, so maybe they got some prints off another vehicle.  


That's sick, dude.  Just once I wanna walk up on some crackhead trying to break into my truck.........  When I was in school, I lived in the ghetto and got 2 radios jacked.  They were junk, but still burns me up.

If you don't want it stolen, don't leave it in a vehicle.

Good point, though I don't feel I should be forced to live in constant fear of dishonest people breaking into my vehicle and stealing from me.  I suppose I would rather be stolen from, and that is just a flaw of mine.  I am far to trusting in humanity as a whole.  

That's sick, dude. Just once I wanna walk up on some crackhead trying to break into my truck......... When I was in school, I lived in the ghetto and got 2 radios jacked. They were junk, but still burns me up.

When I was in the Marine Corps, living in California, my wife and I lived in a house off base.  It was in a town called Yucca Valley, which is between 29 Palms and Palm Springs in the Mojave Desert.  It is a very high crime area and is the largest producing area for meth in the US.  I got home from work at about 1am one morning and there were 2 gentlemen in my yard.  My friends Transam firebird was parked in my yard because he was deployed, one of them was breaking into his car and the other was at my front door trying to jimmy it open.  Needless to say, I am a very trusting and laid back person, until I am crossed.  I drove up, jumped out of my car (and because it was a bad area I carried my tire iron next to the drivers seat just to be prepared).  They both ran at me, and one of them took a tire iron to the shoulder and fell to the ground screaming, he buddy stopped in his tracks, turned and ran the other way leaving his friend laying there.  The guy eventually got up and ran off, when I reported it to the police the officer actually told me I should have hit him harder.   :o


That sucks buddy. Sorry to here about your car.

I had someone try to break into my Mustang a few years back. Caught the @#^$% red handed.

A close friend to me had the same thing happen outside of his apartment, except the guy that was breaking into his car wasn't very lucky, he ended up saying hello to my friends, friend....El Mister Pipe Wrench-o.

  • Super User

I try to take out or hide anything of value when parked at any ramp.

Also try to use ramps that are busy, but during the week when I like to fish the ramps are usually deserted and any vehicle is a target for the felons.

I wish I had the money to have one of the James Bond cars that will explode on impact.  ;D   ;D   ;D


some tips over the years Ive heard from customers that have had things stolen from them .if you have one of those mega stereos in your car and you drive round with your windows down your advertising to everybody to come follow you home to see where you live so they can come back later and steal it from you. another tip i heard is when you buy the latest plasma TV or computer don't put out the empty box out front of your house  to early before the garbage man comes because somebody may spot the box and come break in it happened to a customer.  i had another customer had his car broke into because even though put his GPS in the glove box out of sight he left the suction cup bracket stuck on hie windshield that somebody  spotted and figured the GPS must be in the car somewhere


Here's how we handle things in the florida Panhandle:

Bristol man, 82, shoots, kills intruder in his home

Robber used stun gun, tried to steal money

By Elizabeth M. Mack


BRISTOL Bradley Harvell, an 82-year-old veteran who suffers from emphysema, has owned a .357 magnum for 25 years, but until Sunday night, he'd never fired it.

It was the powerful handgun that Harvell used to shoot and kill the man he described as resembling a western-style "train robber" who barged into his house, shot him twice with a stun gun and tried to steal his money.

Harvell shot the man twice, first in the stomach area and then in the head, during the struggle at Harvell's home on County Road 333, according to the Liberty County Sheriff's Office.

The man is identified as Octavius Barnes, 24, of Sanford, who had been staying with relatives in Bristol.

Deputy Sheriff Lt. Brigham Shuler described Barnes as dressed like a ninja. "He had on a black shirt and black trousers over his clothes that you see martial arts people wear," Shuler said. Barnes also wore black shades and a blue bandana over his mouth.

Shuler said his department will complete its investigation and forward that report to the State's Attorney's Office to decide if it should go before a grand jury for review.

Shuler explained that under Florida law, the "Castle Doctrine" allows you to defend yourself with like force if someone comes on your property. "It has to be a reasonable amount of force that was used against you for you to protect yourself or your family," he said.

"I did what I did to try and save myself," Harvell said Monday afternoon, after spending the night with his sister in Bristol. "I'm 82 years old. I've made it this far, and I want to keep on living."

Harvell had closed his Slip N' Slide bar that is connected to his home around 8 p.m. Sunday and walked inside his house an hour later. He ate some dinner dropped off by a neighbor and went to bed.

Harvell said a short time later, he heard a knock at the door.

"There were two knocks at my door," Harvell said. "I didn't get up when I heard the first one. But I decided to go see who it was on the second knock."

As Harvell cracked the door open to take a peek outside, a man dressed in a black T-shirt, black jeans with a blue bandana covering his mouth, forced his way inside.

Harvell said the man, later identified as Barnes., shocked him with a stun gun several times in the arm and stomach, causing Harvell to fall back on his bed. The intruder then pulled out what appeared to be a black pistol and demanded money.

Harvell pulled out his money clip and gave the man half of the cash. When pressed to give more, Harvell said he turned it all over.

But Harvell then reached for his .357 magnum among a pile of papers on the floor next to his bed and shot Barnes near the stomach. Barnes fell over on the TV, knocking it onto Harvell, who fired another round, striking Barnes in the head.

Harvell suffers from emphysema and keeps an oxygen machine, along with other medical supplies and a gun-cleaning kit, near his bed.

The call came in about 9:20 p.m., according to the Liberty County Sheriff's Office. When a deputy arrived with her weapon drawn, Harvell said he told her, "There's no need for the gun. I don't think he's going to get up and do anything else."

Shuler said the Sheriff's Office is investigating the possibility that someone drove Barnes to the house. Barnes had been staying with family in Liberty County.

"We're not sure if anyone else is involved with the robbery," Shuler said. "That's an investigation question that still needs to be answered."

Deputies found the stun gun and the second weapon, which turned out to be a toy gun.

Locals who know Harvell, a military veteran who has lived in this rural community for years, believe that the situation is terrible, but that Harvell shot in self-defense.

"It's a sad situation," said Scott Kady, who has known Harvell for 30 years. "Police is limited and I think it's sad that people have to resort to arming themselves. But I think he was in his right."

  • Super User
Here's how we handle things in the florida Panhandle:

Bristol man, 82, shoots, kills intruder in his home

Robber used stun gun, tried to steal money

By Elizabeth M. Mack


BRISTOL Bradley Harvell, an 82-year-old veteran who suffers from emphysema, has owned a .357 magnum for 25 years, but until Sunday night, he'd never fired it.

It was the powerful handgun that Harvell used to shoot and kill the man he described as resembling a western-style "train robber" who barged into his house, shot him twice with a stun gun and tried to steal his money.

Harvell shot the man twice, first in the stomach area and then in the head, during the struggle at Harvell's home on County Road 333, according to the Liberty County Sheriff's Office.

The man is identified as Octavius Barnes, 24, of Sanford, who had been staying with relatives in Bristol.

Deputy Sheriff Lt. Brigham Shuler described Barnes as dressed like a ninja. "He had on a black shirt and black trousers over his clothes that you see martial arts people wear," Shuler said. Barnes also wore black shades and a blue bandana over his mouth.

Shuler said his department will complete its investigation and forward that report to the State's Attorney's Office to decide if it should go before a grand jury for review.

Shuler explained that under Florida law, the "Castle Doctrine" allows you to defend yourself with like force if someone comes on your property. "It has to be a reasonable amount of force that was used against you for you to protect yourself or your family," he said.

"I did what I did to try and save myself," Harvell said Monday afternoon, after spending the night with his sister in Bristol. "I'm 82 years old. I've made it this far, and I want to keep on living."

Harvell had closed his Slip N' Slide bar that is connected to his home around 8 p.m. Sunday and walked inside his house an hour later. He ate some dinner dropped off by a neighbor and went to bed.

Harvell said a short time later, he heard a knock at the door.

"There were two knocks at my door," Harvell said. "I didn't get up when I heard the first one. But I decided to go see who it was on the second knock."

As Harvell cracked the door open to take a peek outside, a man dressed in a black T-shirt, black jeans with a blue bandana covering his mouth, forced his way inside.

Harvell said the man, later identified as Barnes., shocked him with a stun gun several times in the arm and stomach, causing Harvell to fall back on his bed. The intruder then pulled out what appeared to be a black pistol and demanded money.

Harvell pulled out his money clip and gave the man half of the cash. When pressed to give more, Harvell said he turned it all over.

But Harvell then reached for his .357 magnum among a pile of papers on the floor next to his bed and shot Barnes near the stomach. Barnes fell over on the TV, knocking it onto Harvell, who fired another round, striking Barnes in the head.

Harvell suffers from emphysema and keeps an oxygen machine, along with other medical supplies and a gun-cleaning kit, near his bed.

The call came in about 9:20 p.m., according to the Liberty County Sheriff's Office. When a deputy arrived with her weapon drawn, Harvell said he told her, "There's no need for the gun. I don't think he's going to get up and do anything else."

Shuler said the Sheriff's Office is investigating the possibility that someone drove Barnes to the house. Barnes had been staying with family in Liberty County.

"We're not sure if anyone else is involved with the robbery," Shuler said. "That's an investigation question that still needs to be answered."

Deputies found the stun gun and the second weapon, which turned out to be a toy gun.

Locals who know Harvell, a military veteran who has lived in this rural community for years, believe that the situation is terrible, but that Harvell shot in self-defense.

"It's a sad situation," said Scott Kady, who has known Harvell for 30 years. "Police is limited and I think it's sad that people have to resort to arming themselves. But I think he was in his right."

I think we are going to see a steady increase in these stories....along with a steady increase in crime.

With this economy turmoils,people are going to be force to fend themselves from poverty.

  • Super User

With this economy turmoils,people are going to be force to fend themselves from poverty.

'fend themselves from poverty'?



Sucks to hear that Koopa. I really hope they don't make their way down towards Rockford. I'd lose it on someone if I caught them in the act. Hopefully you can recoup what was stolen one way or another.

Here's how we handle things in the florida Panhandle:

Bristol man, 82, shoots, kills intruder in his home

Robber used stun gun, tried to steal money

By Elizabeth M. Mack


BRISTOL Bradley Harvell, an 82-year-old veteran who suffers from emphysema, has owned a .357 magnum for 25 years, but until Sunday night, he'd never fired it.

It was the powerful handgun that Harvell used to shoot and kill the man he described as resembling a western-style "train robber" who barged into his house, shot him twice with a stun gun and tried to steal his money.

Harvell shot the man twice, first in the stomach area and then in the head, during the struggle at Harvell's home on County Road 333, according to the Liberty County Sheriff's Office.

The man is identified as Octavius Barnes, 24, of Sanford, who had been staying with relatives in Bristol.

Deputy Sheriff Lt. Brigham Shuler described Barnes as dressed like a ninja. "He had on a black shirt and black trousers over his clothes that you see martial arts people wear," Shuler said. Barnes also wore black shades and a blue bandana over his mouth.

Shuler said his department will complete its investigation and forward that report to the State's Attorney's Office to decide if it should go before a grand jury for review.

Shuler explained that under Florida law, the "Castle Doctrine" allows you to defend yourself with like force if someone comes on your property. "It has to be a reasonable amount of force that was used against you for you to protect yourself or your family," he said.

"I did what I did to try and save myself," Harvell said Monday afternoon, after spending the night with his sister in Bristol. "I'm 82 years old. I've made it this far, and I want to keep on living."

Harvell had closed his Slip N' Slide bar that is connected to his home around 8 p.m. Sunday and walked inside his house an hour later. He ate some dinner dropped off by a neighbor and went to bed.

Harvell said a short time later, he heard a knock at the door.

"There were two knocks at my door," Harvell said. "I didn't get up when I heard the first one. But I decided to go see who it was on the second knock."

As Harvell cracked the door open to take a peek outside, a man dressed in a black T-shirt, black jeans with a blue bandana covering his mouth, forced his way inside.

Harvell said the man, later identified as Barnes., shocked him with a stun gun several times in the arm and stomach, causing Harvell to fall back on his bed. The intruder then pulled out what appeared to be a black pistol and demanded money.

Harvell pulled out his money clip and gave the man half of the cash. When pressed to give more, Harvell said he turned it all over.

But Harvell then reached for his .357 magnum among a pile of papers on the floor next to his bed and shot Barnes near the stomach. Barnes fell over on the TV, knocking it onto Harvell, who fired another round, striking Barnes in the head.

Harvell suffers from emphysema and keeps an oxygen machine, along with other medical supplies and a gun-cleaning kit, near his bed.

The call came in about 9:20 p.m., according to the Liberty County Sheriff's Office. When a deputy arrived with her weapon drawn, Harvell said he told her, "There's no need for the gun. I don't think he's going to get up and do anything else."

Shuler said the Sheriff's Office is investigating the possibility that someone drove Barnes to the house. Barnes had been staying with family in Liberty County.

"We're not sure if anyone else is involved with the robbery," Shuler said. "That's an investigation question that still needs to be answered."

Deputies found the stun gun and the second weapon, which turned out to be a toy gun.

Locals who know Harvell, a military veteran who has lived in this rural community for years, believe that the situation is terrible, but that Harvell shot in self-defense.

"It's a sad situation," said Scott Kady, who has known Harvell for 30 years. "Police is limited and I think it's sad that people have to resort to arming themselves. But I think he was in his right."

The rough thing about this, is I have a friend who lived in Texas, I believe he said they have the same or similar law there.  His brother was asleep when someone broke in and had a gun to him.  His brother shot the man who later died.  They said it was not like or due force because of the caliber of the hand gun he used (think he said it was a kimber 1911) his brother was serving time in jail for 2nd or 3rd degree man slaughter, I dont remember exactly.

Here's how we handle things in the florida Panhandle:

Guaranteed: No repeat offenders and NO taxpayers dollars wasted.

While the perp surely has family that will be saddened, at least the victim's family in this story won't be.

Sorry to hear that news Koopa. Hope the cops get your stuff back.

  • Super User

With this economy turmoils,people are going to be force to fend themselves from poverty.

'fend themselves from poverty'?


I worded that wrong........  ;D


[quote author=404642425D2D0 link=1248155514/8#8 date=1248157354

When I was in the Marine Corps, living in California, my wife and I lived in a house off base..... The guy eventually got up and ran off, when I reported it to the police the officer actually told me I should have hit him harder. :o


The rough thing about this, is I have a friend who lived in Texas, I believe he said they have the same or similar law there. His brother was asleep when someone broke in and had a gun to him. His brother shot the man who later died. They said it was not like or due force because of the caliber of the hand gun he used (think he said it was a kimber 1911) his brother was serving time in jail for 2nd or 3rd degree man slaughter, I dont remember exactly.

 Man this is just wrong on so many fronts. I still like my "court of common sense" idea. It would be an oversight group of jurors who have the power to overturn crap like this. Nobody I know would have ever sent this guy to jail.


It isn't so much people here, its the vicious dogs they can't control. On average 1 person gets an ambulance ride because of them per week. I have my CCP, and just like my wallet, my old double barreled .410  derringer goes in my pocket, one side with #7 shot, the other has a .45 long colt. I was charged in my yard by a boxer, it cornered me it the garage...it's no longer with us.

  • Super User

i just saw a segment on the local news a few days ago about criminals stealing GPS's out of peoples cars, and then clicking the "home" button on the GPS to find directions to the owners house, and then robbing the house....


Wasn't about compairing calibur from what I understood but that a .45 was An excessive calibur to stop a human.  They basically argued that a 9mm would have been suficient

  • Super User

I learned my lesson already once with a GPS  >:(

So now the only thing I leave in my truck is "The Club" on the steering wheel when at the boat ramp.  I also make sure nothing is visible for scum buckets to see when about town.

Now if someone breaks into my house without the dogs finding out, all I have to tell the officers is "I was in fear for my life and shot in the direction of the intruder."  I carry a Sig Sauer 40 S&W with Federal 180 grain Federal Hydra Shox and shoot for the center of mass. My wife can also handle my Benelli M4 loaded with 2 3/4" Federal Tatical 00 buck shot.  I wonder if that will stop Mr. Scum Bucket? ;D

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