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  • Super User


On the plus side I won my bet back in November when I told a friend of mine that "if government loan GM same amount of cash they been burning for the last 4 month, and 4 month from now if GM comes out of bankruptcy talk and return to profitability, I will go to Detroit and eat yellow snow." I won my bet.

So now everyone I told this too owes me a butt kiss. I knew GM will be bankrupt by 2009 depending on how much tax dollars poured into the company.

General Motor and Citigroup left the Dow Jones Industry index and the Dow Jones currently up at 191 points. HAHA.

The change isn't effective until June 8th.

  • Super User
General Motor and Citigroup left the Dow Jones Industry index and the Dow Jones currently up at 191 points. HAHA.

The change isn't effective until June 8th.

It doesn't matter. Long as that information is out there investor's confident goes up. Therefore sending the stocks up. It up 206 points today. ;)


It doesn't matter. Long as that information is out there investor's confident goes up. Therefore sending the stocks up. It up 206 points today. ;)

Make sure you keep studying.   :)

The Dow Jones is an index of 30 stocks.  Whatever those 30 stocks do; the index does.  So, it matters.  

If GM goes down and the other 29 stocks don't go up to counteract GM's fall then the index goes down.

The Dow is up because of other economic news (construction spending, ISM survey, copper prices, etc).  Since the DJIA is an industrial index it follows that "positive" news in this sector will drive up the price of the stocks of the Dow.

  • Super User

Make sure you keep studying. :)

The Dow Jones is an index of 30 stocks. Whatever those 30 stocks do; the index does. So, it matters.

If GM goes down and the other 29 stocks don't go up to counteract GM's fall then the index goes down.

The Dow is up because of other economic news (construction spending, ISM survey, copper prices, etc). Since the DJIA is an industrial index it follows that "positive" news in this sector will drive up the price of the stocks of the Dow.

General Motor no longer on the Dow. This morning it was replaced by Cisco. Yeah, I got proof. All the dow stocks are up execpt err one I think..(I didn't check them all.)  

P.S. the latter statement you made, that same thing that I just said..it up because "Confident". ;) They feel good about all the news source.  

SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- The global economy has been relying on computers, networks and the Internet for more than a decade. So it was surprising that on Monday, Cisco Systems Inc. was finally added to the Dow Jones Industrial Average.

One thought that probably crossed some investors' minds was, "Huh? It's not already?"

The last technology addition to the Dow 30, stunningly, was in 1999, when Microsoft Corp. and Intel Corp. were added. The *** bust and its ravaging effects on the overall market in 2000-2001 left a sour taste for tech stocks for a few years.

But one cannot deny the importance of technology -- and the seemingly arcane arena of routers and switches, which transfer data packets around the world at blinding speeds -- to the world economy. It is impossible to imagine life today without the Internet.

Even so, Cisco only becomes just the fifth tech company on the Dow 30, joining IBM Corp. , Hewlett-Packard Co. , Intel and Microsoft.

Amazingly, it took General Motors Corp., an automaker whose stock price has been under $6 since November, filing for bankruptcy to make room for the world's largest developer of computer networking equipment. Cisco has the largest cash pile in the tech industry and it is considered a bellwether of demand for corporate spending on technology.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average has belatedly entered the 21st century.

-- Therese Poletti

So much for the June 8th statement, eh? I got go to class. Later.


General Motor no longer on the Dow. This morning it was replaced by Cisco. Yeah, I got proof.

Stick to original sources.  News reporters make mistakes too.


Two stocks in the Dow Jones Industrial Average will be replaced, Dow Jones & Company announced.

The Travelers Companies, Inc. (TRV) is taking the place of Citigroup, Inc. © and Cisco Systems, Inc. (CSCO) is going in for General Motors Corp. (GM). Both changes are effective with the opening of trading on June 8, 2009.

That's directly from the Dow Jones Indexes website.

So much for the June 8th statement, eh? I got go to class. Later.

Make sure you pay close attention!   8-)

  • Super User

I think the main point is being missed. We are finally starting to find out where the several billions of our hard earned tax dollars are being spent as a result of a bill that was passed by a congress that admitted they never read it. Well at least by enough of congress to get it signed.

Although there are many good programs getting a well deserved influx, there are some that defy imagination. And it ain't over yet.

I know Tyrius is going to rip me a new one this. But his opinion matters as does everyone else's. I wish everyone was as well informed as he is.

Thank God some people here in Illinois stood up to the machine and defeated the latest attempt to hike our already high taxes.

We are finally starting to find out where the several billions of our hard earned tax dollars are being wasted as a result of a bill that was passed by a congress that admitted they never read it. Well at least by enough of congress to get it signed.

Although there are many good programs getting a well deserved influx, there are some that defy imagination. And it ain't over yet.

I know Tyrius is going to rip me a new one this. But his opinion matters as does everyone else's. I wish everyone was as well informed as he is.

Not going to rip you.  Just changed one word.  I'm not trying to rip anyone here.  I just want to make sure that the information is accurate.

Thank God some people here in Illinois stood up to the machine and defeated the latest attempt to hike our already high taxes.

Now if we can keep the dream alive and get the people of Illinois to stand up to the corrupt political organizations in our state and do a house cleaning during the next elections, that would really be accomplishing something.  

  • Super User

Now if we can keep the dream alive and get the people of Illinois to stand up to the corrupt political organizations in our state and do a house cleaning during the next elections, that would really be accomplishing something.

Amen to that my friend!


P.S. the latter statement you made, that same thing that I just said..it up because "Confident". ;) They feel good about all the news source.

I dont think you understand the stock market.

  • Super User

I read exactly what tyrius read why the dow is surging today, it's much more than gm news.

I'll hold off on giving a prediction as I did before and received a ton of flak, I think I was right  :)  I said a few months back copper prices and factory orders are leading indicators and the indices have reflected their rise.

The consensus believes we are not having a bear market rally. although we may have some consolidation this summer, which is good.

Being a liberal capitalist ( owned my business and employed many) I believe in higher taxes.........(Ducking)

Before state corporate tax I had small business tax for DBA's(SBT) state personal income tax, city business tax, federal corporate and personal income taxes, payroll taxes and my own social sec, workman's comp, not to mention dividends and cap gains.....I don't object to higher taxes , only how they are spent.

  • Super User

P.S. the latter statement you made, that same thing that I just said..it up because "Confident". ;) They feel good about all the news source.

I dont think you understand the stock market.

Enlighten me. If you can find a way to explain how stock market works that has nothing to do with confident or speculation. I will send you a some fishing goodies.

With that being said, bear in mind. There are more technical traders than fundamentalist traders.  (I consider myself fundamentalist, I occasionally look at charts just to see how they trade in past, but I do not make a buy because of what the chart says)

Also, bear in mind that every crash has happen (actually I'm unsure on 1987 lot of things factored into the '87 crash) due to speculations. If you do not believe me, I will go all the way back to 1400s and start with tulip-bulb crazes and end my presentation at internet craze.

Stock market is all speculation and about measure of consumers confident. Now, as I said enlighten me.

Tyrius-you are right. I just had that news source on my screen saying it already took place. Way it was written sounded like the replacement already took place. I don't need pay attention in this class. I got B average and I just stare at the desk. :D Long as I make a 75 or better on my final exam I can pass with a B. It just a math class that will enable me go to into calculus this fall. This semester going to suck. :-/


P.S. the latter statement you made, that same thing that I just said..it up because "Confident". ;) They feel good about all the news source.

I dont think you understand the stock market.

Enlighten me. If you can find a way to explain how stock market works that has nothing to do with confident or speculation. I will send you a some fishing goodies.

With that being said, bear in mind. There are more technical traders than fundamentalist traders. (I consider myself fundamentalist, I occasionally look at charts just to see how they trade in past, but I do not make a buy because of what the chart says)

Also, bear in mind that every crash has happen (actually I'm unsure on 1987 lot of things factored into the '87 crash) due to speculations. If you do not believe me, I will go all the way back to 1400s and start with tulip-bulb crazes and end my presentation at internet craze.

Stock market is all speculation and about measure of consumers confident. Now, as I said enlighten me.

Tyrius-you are right. I just had that news source on my screen saying it already took place. Way it was written sounded like the replacement already took place. I don't need pay attention in this class. I got B average and I just stare at the desk. :D Long as I make a 75 or better on my final exam I can pass with a B. It just a math class that will enable me go to into calculus this fall. This semester going to suck. :-/


You may be the world's greatest economist but if you cannot write a report your superiors can read it is not going to do you one bit of good.  

That being said your college aged, speculative theories have become just that.  I think it is great you have all of these free thinking economic ideas but when it comes down to it you are a young college kid who has nothing to lose and nothing to gain with your grand ideas.  

Yes there is alot of speculation that drives short term swings in the market but long term growth, is based on performance.  

I can be Ron Jeremy one night and build a reputation to the world, but the next month be George Burns and all of a sudden my value decreases(quoting my favorite college professor and good friend).

Enlighten me. If you can find a way to explain how stock market works that has nothing to do with confident or speculation. I will send you a some fishing goodies.

Seller A offers to purchase Security 1 at X price.  Buyer B agrees.  The trade is completed.

Multiply by millions everday and you have your market.  It's just an amalgamation of people betting that their trade will win (it doesn't matter if that trade is long term, short term, long, short, put, call, option, derivative, etc) and the person on the other side will lose.  Individual buyers and sellers use all types of information in making/accepting offers, but they are all speculating that their side of the trade is the money making one.

With that being said, bear in mind. There are more technical traders than fundamentalist traders. (I consider myself fundamentalist, I occasionally look at charts just to see how they trade in past, but I do not make a buy because of what the chart says)

You don't really have much of an idea as to what technical traders do.  They do a LOT more than just "look at a chart".

consumers confident.

CONFIDENCE not confident, you also forgot the apostrophe.  Seriously, work on your word choice.  Your posts give me a headache sometimes.


  • Super User
I will pay higher taxes if it will curb illiteracy.

If you can figure this problem out without getting help or being a smart@$$, I will shut up.

In the production of 2 types of toys, a factory uses 3 machines A, B and C. The time required to produce the first type of toy is 6 hours, 8 hours and 12 hours in machines A, B and C respectively. The time required to make the second type of toy is 8 hours, 4 hours and 4 hours in machines A, B and C respectively. The maximum available time (in hours) for the machines A, B, C are 380, 300 and 404 respectively. The profit on the first type of toy is 5 dollars while that on the second type of toy is 3 dollars. Find the number of toys of each type that should be produced to get maximum profit.

P.S. I give you you a head start..here the function.


Pond Hopper, As I said, I'm a fundamental trader, I believe in long term, but many economist will agree that all crashes has occurred due to speculation. Example: There was a company during late 90s two Cornell students started out of their dorm, they had no revenue nor profit..for some odd reason the investment banker took them public and IPO sold at 9.00 a share, few days later (because it was an internet company) it was trading at 97.00 a share. Bear in mind this company had ZERO profits and revenue. That speculation! that is what controlling stock market right now. That what causes the internet crash. (this company later bankrupt and no longer active after the crash).

You can create wealth with performance, but the price still going move due to speculation. It unavoidable. When stocks start going down, the company with better financial statement will survive longer than those that been going up due to speculation.  

  • Super User
Enlighten me. If you can find a way to explain how stock market works that has nothing to do with confident or speculation. I will send you a some fishing goodies.

Seller A offers to purchase Security 1 at X price. Buyer B agrees. The trade is completed.

Why would seller A trade to buyer B? ;) Why would Buyer B agree to make this trade? He obviously got to have a mindset that he can profit off this..He not going run the company because he bought a share of it. So what makes him think he can profit off this. Is he CONFIDENCE? or just pure stupid?

  • Super User

Another example how speculation and CONFIDENCE controls the market.

If an analyst predict a company to err make I don't know lets say 500.00 in profit..and they report 400.00. That will likely causes the stock to go down because of lack of CONFIDENCE in the management operation. ;)

I have actually seen this happen during all the 1 quarter reporting. I have seen analyst predict one of my stock to make small profit and they end up making 2.54 a share, sending the price up. They totally beat analyst prediction, which gave people more confidence and willing to buy more share of this company.  Which will cause me to make a profit because this is sending the stock price up. ;)

  • Super User

I got a headache after the first 7 words, saw no point in reading the rest.

I appreciate the fact that rootbeer is in school learning theory and I wish him success, but theories sometimes don't work in the real world.

Rootbeer, and I mean this with all due respect, when you have 20 or 30 years of business experience, and trading with your own money at stake then come back and tell me how to do it.

Your aspirations are what many on this site have already accomplished.

  • Super User

Mitt Romney stated when he was seeking the nomination that bankruptcy was the only possible solution for Detroit.

Now, two years and  billions of dollars down the crapper later, it turns out he was right.

At the time the other pols jumped all over him.

A prophet is without honor in his own country.

Bail outs.  An idea whose time should never come.


That one is "confident".

Consumer Confidence

He is confident.

And I already answered your question in my last post.

  • Super User

[quote author=56555B554F494C3C0 link=1243814968/21#21 date=1243920566

Rootbeer, and I mean this with all due respect, when you have 20 or 30 years of business experience, and trading with your own money at stake

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