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I find it despicable when a person with bucks brags about how good they have it when others are suffering.  I see no reason to depress others only to boost ones ego.

Without giving an abundance of detail I was successful, always in the top 1% of wage earners and earned more than most professionals with more free time on my hands and most importantly employed many many people in 35 years of business.  I learned early on that this can disappear in an eye blink as it's happening to some right now.  I prefer to keep my success and failures to myself and talk about fishing not my material possessions.

Free advice is worth exactly what you pay for it.

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I find it despicable when a person with bucks brags about how good they have it when others are suffering. I see no reason to depress others only to boost ones ego.


Unfortunately, Some people still have to do the jobs that the self-proclaimed "ruthless" or "business-minded" people are too unskilled, unwilling, or afraid to do. Usually, for a lot less than what they deserve.


I hope none thought that I was down talking a college degree, I agree that you are more likely to succeed in life if you have a college degree. And I hope everyone knows that I don't mean that you need a college degree to succeed in life.

For the record I believe that the man who does the best he can at his job every single day, whether it be trade or a desk job, will have the best chance at succeeding in life.

  • Super User
I hope none thought that I was down talking a college degree, I that agree that you are more likely to succeed in life if you have a college degree. And I hope everyone knows that I don't mean that you need a college degree to succeed in life.

For the record I believe that the man who does best he can at his job every single day, whether it be trade or a desk job, will have the best chance at succeeding in life.

Indeed, but college degree doesn't translate more cash, it just makes you more qualify for a certain trade. Teachers go to school for 6-8 years gets pay 35k a year, while I can go to school for accounting for 6 years (what I'm doing now) and make millions of dollars in a single year.

A person can go to trade school for welding in 2 years and make 80k.

I could get a 4 year accounting degree and make a steady 50-60k a year. It all varies base on your goals in life.

I don't know why teachers and student counselors in high school are pushing people get college degree it not that big of a deal. People without degrees still makes same amount if not, more than a person with one. (see teachers salary.) Isn't that Ironic, a teacher can teach a student, try make them go to college, and if they don't that person can still make more than a teacher. LOL.

Oh well. My vision is, long as you have a job and is doing something productive, you are an alright person in my book.

I hope none thought that I was down talking a college degree, I that agree that you are more likely to succeed in life if you have a college degree. And I hope everyone knows that I don't mean that you need a college degree to succeed in life.

For the record I believe that the man who does the best he can at his job every single day, whether it be trade or a desk job, will have the best chance at succeeding in life.

I understand what you are saying and I also do not want you to think I was talking you down. You brought up in interesting discussion.

  • Super User

In many parts of the country I do believe teachers are way underpaid, I met guy in Florida that thought they were overpaid here and Florida is not a good wage state, did he want his kids to have a poor education.  Some states are very good, my sister just retired in Michigan making close to 90k.

College is important, sure you can make as much if not more with out it but that's a narrow minded viewpoint.  We need educated people to develop green tech, alternate fuels, electrical grids, medical technology and pharmaceuticals just to name a few.  We are behind the curve of many other nations now.  What Sweden and other Euro countries are doing with alt fuels like hydro is amazing.


The question is, is it worth going to college with today's economy.

I mean lets face it the job world out there really stinks, very few people are getting jobs out of college.

So for a guy like me who is just starting college, I have to look and say "If I take out a student loan will I be able to pay it back"

Of course no college student knows where he will get a job, but add that to the economy it gets even worse

The question is, is it worth going to college with today's economy.

I mean lets face it the job world out there really stinks, very few people are getting jobs out of college.

So for a guy like me who is just starting college, I have to look and say "If I take out a student loan will I be able to pay it back"

Of course no college student knows where he will get a job, but add that to the economy it gets even worse

I would definitely do my homework starting with what major are you looking to do into? What is the earning potential? What other alternatives to I have to college to get into the field? For example, in IT, one can easily bypass normal college, and go to tech training schools to pick up certifications.

If you do go to college use it to its full potential. I would not go to a college that does not have internships for your field. In many fields having that 1 or 2 yrs of experience from your internship will be the difference between being hired or having to struggle for the first job. It is absolutely crucial.

Look at all the alternatives on colleges as well. The school I went to for my CS degree was extremely well priced compared to some other CS colleges while offering a good program.

I mean it is great that you are not blindly going towards college just because someone says so. You are doing your homework and that is a great thing.

  • Super User

If you want to be a teacher come to the northeast. It is insane the money they are making. My best friends dad is a public school teacher with a degree in Engineering so he can teach math or physics. He has only been teaching for about 15 years and makes over 110k a year. All salaries must be shown so you can see what they make. My Physics teacher I had who was also Department Chair at a public school with almost 30 years in was making over 130k. Most start at around 50k. If you want to be a teacher just be sure to go into the Math/Science areas, they really need them. Where as there are a lot of people up here with English/History degrees up here who cannot find teaching jobs anywhere.

The question is, is it worth going to college with today's economy.

I mean lets face it the job world out there really stinks, very few people are getting jobs out of college.

So for a guy like me who is just starting college, I have to look and say "If I take out a student loan will I be able to pay it back"

Of course no college student knows where he will get a job, but add that to the economy it gets even worse

Sadly, the less money you have, the easier it is to go to school. Money will never be a factor. There are plenty of organizations and scholarships that will give you money. I also add that it isn't necessary to go to a private school. If you are trying to save money go to a community college first.

  • Super User
The question is, is it worth going to college with today's economy.

I mean lets face it the job world out there really stinks, very few people are getting jobs out of college.

So for a guy like me who is just starting college, I have to look and say "If I take out a student loan will I be able to pay it back"

Of course no college student knows where he will get a job, but add that to the economy it gets even worse

Ummmm.. yea. Lots of people are getting jobs right out of school. If you do decent you can get a job doing whatever. I can think of a dozen friends right now who I had classes with last year, graduated, and have GREAT not good, GREAT, jobs despite the economy. Five or six of which went for business/economics/finance and still got good jobs right out of school. One of them had just under a 4.0 a is making 70k a year as a financial advisor at Met Life. If you are going for any career in justice or medicine you have people throwing money at you as soon as you get out. My girls cousin earned her degree in criminal justice with good grades and just got a job in the state court system making great money. Employers come to you.

Second there are so many ways to pay for school via grants, scholarships, work/study programs, loans with little or no interest, or loans that you don't have to be paid back until 10 years after you are out of school (most of which are state or federal) it would be stupid NOT to go to college. My sister is an ok student in regular college prep courses getting a steady 3.0 in high school got accepted to Johnson and Wales University and instead of paying 22k a year in tuition, she will have just under that to pay back in loans when she graduates in 4 years.

So many people don't want to, don't know what they want to do, or don;t think they can pay for college that it is making life easier for those who want to. There are more grants and scholarships available, and schools are even lowering their standards for accepting and extending deadlines to fill empty seats.

Do your research and get your ___ straight because college is not as hard or as expensive as you may think.  :)

  • Super User
The question is, is it worth going to college with today's economy.

I mean lets face it the job world out there really stinks, very few people are getting jobs out of college.

So for a guy like me who is just starting college, I have to look and say "If I take out a student loan will I be able to pay it back"

Of course no college student knows where he will get a job, but add that to the economy it gets even worse

Sadly, the less money you have, the easier it is to go to school. Money will never be a factor. There are plenty of organizations and scholarships that will give you money. I also add that it isn't necessary to go to a private school. If you are trying to save money go to a community college first.

Thanks for summing up my paragraph in a line.. ;D

  • Super User

For the last 3 years EDUCATION COSTS, mostly COLLEGE TUITION has been the number one inflationary item on the list, even surpassing fuel and medical costs. We are in a crisis right now for affordable tuition for families with children, whose parents are WORKING and do not have high paying jobs.

This is s simple thing to look up, even Google has much on it. CAUTION: I would stick to peer reviewed scholarly sources to avoid dooms day reporting. Here is one I did:



So to say tuition is not a real issue for poverty level ( but Working) famileis is to really ignore a major educational concern that has been widely investigated on a congressional level and on a university level.

 The less money you have does not make it easier to go to school, not by a long shot

For the last 3 years EDUCATION COSTS, mostly COLLEGE TUITION has been the number one inflationary item on the list, even surpassing fuel and medical costs. We are in a crisis right now for affordable tuition for families with children, whose parents are WORKING and do not have high paying jobs.

This is s simple thing to look up, even Google has much on it. CAUTION: I would stick to peer reviewed scholarly sources to avoid dooms day reporting. Here is one I did:



So to say tuition is not a real issue for poverty level ( but Working) famileis is to really ignore a major educational concern that has been widely investigated on a congressional level and on a university level.

The less money you have does not make it easier to go to school, not by a long shot

I'm not real sure what your point is, but it is a fact that the less money you have the more you are given. I know several people who are going to school free, and are even given computers and living places. I  do not qualify for any of that.

  • Super User

So to say tuition is not a real issue for poverty level ( but Working) famileis is to really ignore a major educational concern that has been widely investigated on a congressional level and on a university level.

The less money you have does not make it easier to go to school, not by a long shot

This is what FAFSA is for. It shows schools what you need and such for money and it works. It will save my sister and I about 30k next year alone.

The other big thing is that people are forgetting the community colleges and public schools and trying to go to private schools that cost 35k a year to be a teacher or to get a liberal arts degree.

The key is to be young and just semi-successful in high school and know about financial aid stuff before you get started.

  • Super User

My point is THAT THE LESS MONEY YOU HAVE THE MORE YOU ARE GIVEN IS NOT A TRUE STATEMENT. I work at Job Corps, we have a program to assist poverty level kids get their first 2 years of community college. FEDERAL MONIES HAVE ALL BUT DRIED OUT

Other than athletic monies there is a very steep difference in what MOST upper middle class kids get in the way of Financial assistance, low interest loans and scholarships on a Nation Wide Basis.

That is one of the issues this administration is trying to address, other pressing matters have delayed this

There is much more money available for the middle class and upper middle class than for poverty level kids.

I am not making this up I gave one link to a search on google, a Netscape search would also give you good scholarly back up to this

Your personal experience and your friends may be the difference of he taking the extra step and looking for more avenues.

This crisis for educational resources for the middle and lower middle classes has been well documented and countless hearings were avaiable on Congressional TV reports, University Cnventions have had this as thier number one adgenda for thew last 2 years.

 The key to crisis as it starts going up the ladder it becomes a crisis, so as it moves from poverty level , to middle class kids, sooner or later as it goes to upper middle calss, then its a crisis

  • Super User

So to say tuition is not a real issue for poverty level ( but Working) famileis is to really ignore a major educational concern that has been widely investigated on a congressional level and on a university level.

The less money you have does not make it easier to go to school, not by a long shot

This is what FAFSA is for. It shows schools what you need and such for money and it works. It will save my sister and I about 30k next year alone.

The other big thing is that people are forgetting the community colleges and public schools and trying to go to private schools that cost 35k a year to be a teacher or to get a liberal arts degree.

The key is to be young and just semi-successful in high school and know about financial aid stuff before you get started.

 EXCELLENT RESOURCE, we use it . Community Colleges used to have a stigma when I was younger, yet today more and more of thier credits are accepted by many 4 year colleges.

 Here is where the issue is coming from:

Book Costs

Lab Costs

State and Community colleges are crying the blues about tenured salaries being the same as private schools

student housing and Medical treatment also in the formula

Higher Education, is in jepordy of being affordable by only the upper levels of society

  • Super User

Thats it ;

CIAO FELLAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Muddy has left the building


Economies come and economies go. There isnt a lick in sense in worrying about it. Just do your best, and if you like eating meat, pick up hunting and raise some pigs. And if you like eating vegetables and fruit then plant yourself a garden. And if your really smart buy a few acres of farmland while the buying is good. Seems like the ways things are headed soon Americans wont be be consuming 30% of the world's resources, which is a good thing IMHO. They'll see what its like to live like every other human on the planet. Maybe it will knock some sense into them.

The biggest thing that has saved me money is eating at home every day. If I have to eat fastfood, I get dollar menu items and ice water which is free. Also, to save money on gas, I try to keep my RPMs at under 2k when accelerating with the boat on the back. This really has helped me mileage and makes taking trips to the lake easier on the wallet. Also, when you go out fishing for a day, pack your lunch. Buying a loaf of bread, deli meat and cheese, and a 12 pack of coke is like the same price as stopping for snacks at the gas station but you get WAY more meals out of it.


Food on the road is insanely expensive! At WaWa a good sandwich, a side snack, a piece of fruit and a drink cost around ten bucks! Screw that!

  • Super User
Education is the key & Financial Peace University is the way ;)


I wholeheartedly agree!! (and "education" doesn't only mean a typical 4 yr. degree... any continuing ed can be used to further and better yourself)

And the beauty of FPU and the entire Ramsey plan is that it works for all people... young, old, rich, poor, the haves and have nots... and it won't make excuses for you.  

It's the best $100 you can spend... and if you don't have $100, you can get a scholarship!   ;)

  • Super User
Thanks for all the great advice guys :)

It's only good advice if you use it.

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