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I think it is ludacris to think that we are alone.

Does that mean that aliens really do abduct hillbillies and stuff things in their butt? I dont think so.

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I found an ET lying next to me when I woke up after a drinking binge one night. Haven't drank since.

"Extremely Trashy"? ;D

It's not a question of whether or not intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe. It's a question of when. There are probably hundreds of billions of planets in our galaxy that are relatively similar to our planet - meaning approximately the same distance from a star that is similar to our sun. Our galaxy is only one of hundreds of billions in the universe. However, many of these galaxies are hundreds of millions, even billions, of light years away from us. That means if we could decode some of the light reaching us from a distant planet, and we were able to see intelligent life, that just means that there was intelligent life on that planet hundreds of millions of years ago. That doesn't mean they currently exist. Further, what good would it do if we knew they existed now, because they are 100 million light years away?

The whole topic just blows my mind. Plus, we really aren't able to conceive of what 100 million light years is. Light travels at (I believe) 186,000 km/second. A light year is how far light travels in a year. Multiply that distance by 100 million and try to think about that distance.

No doubt intelligent life exists or existed or will exist elsewhere in our universe, but what good does it do to know that?

Well put.

Scientifically speaking, the odds are good that there is life out there on one of the billions of planets. What are the odds of it being intelligent in our sense of the word? Less. What are the odds of us or them finding each other? Even less. What are the odds of us or them actually being able to contact (and discern what the other was saying) each other? Minute.

Religiously speaking, I believe......................

in God so if there is life out there, he put it there.  ;)

  • Super User

things that I find absolutely facinating are "Out of Place Artifacts", examples Mayan star charts that were more accurate than our own at the time of discovery, gold chains that are found inside coal (the coal formed around the gold),  evidence of ancient sustained nuclear reaction (reactors), etc.  The world is full of mysteries.


I have always had a hard time with this very subject, and I have seen the show y'all are talking about, so here's what I think...

Did aliens help with the pyramids and other arcitectural (sp?) wonders? I don't think so. Thousands of years ago, don't forget, there were only a few people with "power" and the rest of the people were either slaves of soldiers (very general, I know...). Seeing as there wasn't anything else to do, they built stuff. How? Well, there's lots of theories, but I subscribe to the idea of using kites and other simple machines to lift and move the giant stones. If you had, say 1000 slaves working all day every day you'd be amazed as to what you can acomplish. Think about how long it would take to build a house today with just 100 men and simple tools. It would be done in 2 days. Now, apply that idea to 1000 slaves working for 50 years, what could they accomplish? Depending on the level of understanding of physics (which we are learning is greater than we thought at the time), the possibilities are as big as a pyramid.

Here's where I trip myself up with my theory, though...there's alot of "cave drawings" or primative art or whatever depicting things we seem to think are aliens and/or spacecraft.  There aren't too many of them, but the fact that they exist at all makes for some interesting thoughts...

  • Super User

Yeah, man! This one time I was looking up in the sky and they told me was I was going have a good year. It was a crappy year..friggen aliens what do they know?

  • Super User

Of course there is life on other planets.

What type and how developed is the question.

Did aliens visit our planet?  Maybe.

Too much evidence has been found to support the theory.

Are there any aliens on earth with us?  Probably not.

Will they return one day? Only if they think there is something here they want or need.

I doubt they will return in our lifetime.  :)


Like others said, I think it would be arrogant to assume that we're the only life forms in the universe. That doesn't necessarily mean that the other is developed or that it is capable of contacting us but you never know...


I was just thinkingyou know how supposedly the government knows a lot more than what they're telling the public.  Basically denying events and just beating around the bush, always having a military answer for strange occurrencesthey're probably sitting back giggling like a bunch of school girls, while they watch the public and entertainment business spin the whole situation as nothing more than just science fiction entertainment.

Speaking about stars being light years awayI remember once hanging out with my siblings at a park late at night, when I saw which I believe was an exploding star.  Big white flash and as fast as it flashed in the sky, it was suddenly gone as if nothing happened.  Very rare I would have to say, but awesome sight to have witnessed.

  • Super User
Do you think we all get put on a special list for this convo?

Shhhh....... Don't you see that black Tahoe in your driveway ???


In theory, every star we see in the sky, including the sun is already burned out.

by saying burned out do you mean the star has burned its fuel and no longer generates light? if a star is 11 light yrs away and it died 10 yrs ago, we'd notice it turn "off" in about 1 year. if our sun suddenly went out we'd know in less than 10 minutes as it is not very far from us.

im sure there is life out there. even more intelligent than us. i dont think they've traveled to earth however. its just too far.

thousands of intelligent civilizations could have been born and died millions of years before humans ever walked the earth. we might have missed thier transmissions by a few million years. blink of an eye if you think about it.


Originally I was not going to reply to this thread. However, after reading some of the responses, I feel I should give my view point.

1. Earth was the only planet created to support life.

As mentioned previously, earth is the only planet discovered with the right combination of resources to support life.

2. We currently have no evidence of alien life forms.

Many organizations have been scanning the heavens for years without discovering extraterrestrial life, and without detecting any radio signals from aliens. Since no one has discovered extraterrestrial life, secular scientists must ask the question: "Where is everybody?"

3. The nonexistence of extraterrestrial life disproves evolution.

If the billions of planets in our galaxy were all accidents, than it is almost inevitable that some of these planets would of had the right conditions for life to evolve. (Ghoti and Eddie alluded to this) However, if these planets are billions of years older than earth, according to evolutionists, there should be millions of technologically superior civilizations. Yet, we have found no such civilizations. This proves that evolution is a false concept.

I am very disappointing at how misinformation is widely taught and accepted in our society. For example, I was taught in my college geology class that the earth is 4.5 billion years old.

4. The earth is about 6,000 years old.

Scientific evidence points to a young earth, so theories such as the day-age theory are completely unnecessary and false. The Hebrew word for day is yom. Every time the word yom is used, it refers to one literal day. Couple this with the fact that the word yom is used in context with the words evening and morning, it becomes very clear that creation took six literal days.

5. Humans were much more mentally capable thousands of years ago than they are today.

This concept helps explain how architectural feats such as the pyramids were possible. (Panamoka_Bassin was right on about this)

So no, I do not believe in "E.T."

Originally I was not going to reply to this thread. However, after reading some of the responses, I feel I should give my view point.

1. Earth was the only planet created to support life.

As mentioned previously, earth is the only planet discovered with the right combination of resources to support life.

2. We currently have no evidence of alien life forms.

Many organizations have been scanning the heavens for years without discovering extraterrestrial life, and without detecting any radio signals from aliens. Since no one has discovered extraterrestrial life, secular scientists must ask the question: "Where is everybody?"

3. The nonexistence of extraterrestrial life disproves evolution.

If the billions of planets in our galaxy were all accidents, than it is almost inevitable that some of these planets would of had the right conditions for life to evolve. (Ghoti and Eddie alluded to this) However, if these planets are billions of years older than earth, according to evolutionists, there should be millions of technologically superior civilizations. Yet, we have found no such civilizations. This proves that evolution is a false concept.

I am very disappointing at how misinformation is widely taught and accepted in our society. For example, I was taught in my college geology class that the earth is 4.5 billion years old.

4. The earth is about 6,000 years old.

Scientific evidence points to a young earth, so theories such as the day-age theory are completely unnecessary and false. The Hebrew word for day is yom. Every time the word yom is used, it refers to one literal day. Couple this with the fact that the word yom is used in context with the words evening and morning, it becomes very clear that creation took six literal days.

5. Humans were much more mentally capable thousands of years ago than they are today.

This concept helps explain how architectural feats such as the pyramids were possible. (Panamoka_Bassin was right on about this)

So no, I do not believe in "E.T."

Wow only 6,000 years old? What about fossil records of millions of other species that existied millions of years ago?


i dont think you understand how large the universe is. even if there was life on a planet circling the nearest star to the sun (about 5 light yrs away if i remember correctly) we would probably never know about it.

if you believe the earth is 6000 years old, then i dont think i could ever change your thoughts on this however :)

just a friendly discussion... cheers

Wow only 6,000 years old? What about fossil records of millions of other species that existied millions of years ago?

The idea of "millions of years" is based off of many assumptions, not scientific observations. One of the fatal assumptions that radioisotope dating makes is that the decay rates of isotopes have always remained constant. Secondly, ages produced by radiometric dating have been proven wrong countless times. An example of this is radiometric dating done on lava flows that occurred in the past few decades. The results of this dating showed that the lava flows occurred millions of years ago, which is obviously false. Unfortunately, experts are afraid to consider that the earth may be much younger than they have always assumed.

Yeah; the universe definitely is extremely immense.

just a friendly discussion... cheers

You got it. :)


Are you serious Pond-Pro?

1. We haven't discovered intelligent life on planets other than earth; therefore, intelligent life does not exist on other planets.

     - how about the ones, I mean hundreds of billions, that we have not been able to search?

That's very much like saying, "I've never seen a fifteen pound bass; therefore, 15 pound bass don't exist."

2. You think the pyramids are a more impressive feat than airplanes, skyscrapers, bridges, space shuttles, etc.? I strongly disagree.

With all due respect Pond-Pro, I think you're fooling yourself.

  • Super User

As a "recovering Catholic," and a person that has faith in many things spiritual, one the greatest gifts bestowed upon us was the ability to question things.

  • Super User

Do I believe there are extraterrestrial forms of life ?

Oh, yes sir.

Do I beleive that there are technollogically superior forms of inteligent life ?

To a certain point we are technologically superior forms of life, we are the one who create technology in our planet and in less than 25,000 years we jumped from stone tools to space craft.

If there are only 200,000 planets in an entire galaxy capable of sustaining life under the principles by which we understand life forms ( based on the components we are made from ), how many of those 200 grand planets have intelligent life ?

Let 's be generous, say 10%, that would make 20,000 planets

Now, how many have of those have developed technology to the point or superior to what we have ?

Being generous let 's say 5%, that would make 5,000

Now, we have only being around broadcasting signals into space for barely 100 years, taking in consideration that those signals travel at light speeds then our earliest signal would be 100 light years away.

How close is the closest star that could have a planet with technologicaly superior life that can listen to our signals ?

Pretty darn far.

Do I beleive that extraterrestrial intelligent technologicaly superior forms of life have visited us ?


The chances of them finding us are as thin as us finding them.

1. We haven't discovered intelligent life on planets other than earth; therefore, intelligent life does not exist on other planets.

- how about the ones, I mean hundreds of billions, that we have not been able to search?

That's very much like saying, "I've never seen a fifteen pound bass; therefore, 15 pound bass don't exist."

I guess I am just the type of person that requires something to be proven before I believe it. Although I may never catch a 15lb bass (especially up here in Ohio), I still believe that they exist, because of all the 15+ pound bass that have been caught. 15 pound bass have been proven to exist, aliens have not.

2. You think the pyramids are a more impressive feat than airplanes, skyscrapers, bridges, space shuttles, etc.? I strongly disagree.

In my opinion, the sudden increase of new technology in the past few centuries is a result of a world wide publishing and sharing of information, not an increase in intelligence.

I should note that my view points are based partially off of my religious beliefs. However, this is not the proper place for me to expound upon this. I will say that I agree with what Copen and Eddie said about this on page two.


My point is, you say that because we no proof of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe, we can't say it exists. I agree. I WILL say, given the figures involved, that there's almost zero probability that there isn't intelligent life elsewhere in the universe. We can disagree on that, and that's fine.

But then you say because we can't prove there is intelligent life elsewhere, that there absolutely isn't intelligent life elsewhere, which in turn disproves evolution. That is a large, unwarranted jump.

In my opinion, the intelligence, technology, etc. that goes into building an airplane is more impressive than what went into building the pyramids. That's not to say we're more intelligent than the ancient Egyptians. There's no way to know that either way, so it's not really worth speculating.

I agree, this isn't the place to argue about religion. What I'm arguing about is logic. If any belief system will have me ignore logic, I will have none of it.

If I seem hostile, I apologize. I promise I'm not being hostile. I just can't stay out of a good argument  :)

  • Super User

Just about every belief system relies on faith, Tony.  Just because it may not seem realistic, doesn't necessarily mean that its false, just that it has a greater meaning that we might not be equipped to understand.  Some people take it at face value, interpreting it literally.  I was raised to look past the literal meaning, and search for a deeper, guiding viewpoint.  Its a tough issue to even begin to debate, and I saw this coming a mile away.  You can't change my mind, I can't change yours, and we certainly aren't going to convince others.  Its easier to simply respect others' belief system, and realize that we're all in this together, and no one is getting out alive.  

Peace brutha, and where are some trout pics!?!

Here's mine, taken during an alien encounter (you can tell by the interference in my camera):



Fair enough. I don't mind at all when beliefs are based on faith. I actually wish I were able to have more faith in that regard. However, if one tries to prove a belief by using flawed logic, that just doesn't work.

J - the trout fishing was so crappy around here at the beginning of the winter, and it was so cold, that I only went a couple times instead of every weekend, like last winter. No pics worth bragging about  :-/ I see you've been busy though  :)


I see your point Tony; I admit my logic may seem odd without coupling it with my religious beliefs. You were not taken as hostile by the way.

You can't change my mind, I can't change yours, and we certainly aren't going to convince others. Its easier to simply respect others' belief system, and realize that we're all in this together, and no one is getting out alive.

Exactly. ;)

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