Guest muddy Posted March 17, 2008 Posted March 17, 2008 Despite what all of our leaders have been saying, on both sides of the Asile The Market Is Crashing Right now, and last I looked Gold is at 1046.095 an ounce, the fuel prices have now caused an" Inflationary trend????" in consumer prices and housing prices both new and old are toppleing to new lows, ITS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-[ Quote
Super User Catt Posted March 17, 2008 Super User Posted March 17, 2008 Run the world is coming to an end Quote
Super User Tin Posted March 17, 2008 Super User Posted March 17, 2008 Now a lot of college's up here are only taking student loans directly from the Government. There will be a lot of kids up the creek. Quote
FishingBuds Posted March 17, 2008 Posted March 17, 2008 Now a lot of college's up here are only taking student loans directly from the Government. There will be a lot of kids up the creek. if we kept money here we'd be able to send our kids to college free > Quote
Guest muddy Posted March 17, 2008 Posted March 17, 2008 My heart goes out to the elderly , who worked their whole lives and now the next few years they will be making choices like food, or medicine. The many families that will struggle through the inevitable layoffs, rising consumer prices, even more compainies cutting health insurance,and cities such as New Orleans trying to recoup after natural disasters, the underbelly of suffering that inflationary times can bring One of the most important indicators of an inflation is the rising of gold prices, one of the favorite hedges for big money during an inflation. The price has gone up from 746 to where it is now in a very short time!They also use oil futures now, one of the pressures driving the fuel market right now, I have had to write a couple of papers in the last 2 years for an economics course and a history course that related America's Cycling economy. it is kind of inherent to our system, It made me mindful that some really good people will be going through some difficult times. While this does not make me an economic expert I did read several books, and countless peer reviewed articles along the way and Aced both papers, so I am confident I am learning a little bit about the economy. Quote
Guest muddy Posted March 17, 2008 Posted March 17, 2008 Now a lot of college's up here are only taking student loans directly from the Government. There will be a lot of kids up the creek. if we kept money here we'd be able to send our kids to college free > In the era that we grew up in State and City Colleges where the way for blue collar and middle class families to go. These days many state schools are nearly as much as the private instiutions. It is becoming more difficult to do without some type of loan, which most students do repay. Quote
Super User Tin Posted March 17, 2008 Super User Posted March 17, 2008 Now a lot of college's up here are only taking student loans directly from the Government. There will be a lot of kids up the creek. I remember when kids worked their way through school and graduated with no loans, it's almost a lost concept these days. Even with scholarships and working full time it is nearly impossible to do. For example, the cheapest way to get a bachelors degree is attend RI's Community College for 2 years and get your Gen Eds done, if you graduate and want to go to get a bachelors degree, even with a perfect 4.0 at CCRI, the most you can get off at the University of Rhode Island is 30%, so hopefully you are working enough to support yourself (Rent, bills, food, gas to drive) and have an extra 12k sitting around somewhere. Quote
Guest muddy Posted March 17, 2008 Posted March 17, 2008 KEEP AT IT TIN; I neglected to do so myself when I was younger, I admire any young person doing this. If it were not for my company I would never have been able to get a degree at my crusty old age. EDUCATION DOLLARS are some of the wisest you will ever spend, the rewards will outwiegh what you are struggeling to attempt ! Quote
=Matt 5.0= Posted March 17, 2008 Posted March 17, 2008 Diesel = $4.25 per gallon????? How about all the routes they are cutting at work right now. I worked ONE day last week because the volume is down . People aren't buying anything, therefor Matt has nothing to deliver. Yeah, we're doing FINE! Quote
Super User Tin Posted March 17, 2008 Super User Posted March 17, 2008 Diesel = $4.25 per gallon????? How about all the routes they are cutting at work right now. I worked ONE day last week because the volume is down . People aren't buying anything, therefor Matt has nothing to deliver. Yeah, we're doing FINE! Need a second source of income? Tournies will be starting soon. 8-) Quote
FishingBuds Posted March 17, 2008 Posted March 17, 2008 Now a lot of college's up here are only taking student loans directly from the Government. There will be a lot of kids up the creek. if we kept money here we'd be able to send our kids to college free > In the era that we grew up in State and City Colleges where the way for blue collar and middle class families to go. These days many state schools are nearly as much as the private instiutions. It is becoming more difficult to do without some type of loan, which most students do repay. if America aid was for America, oh how things could be. I completely understand what muddy is saying. Quote
Super User flechero Posted March 17, 2008 Super User Posted March 17, 2008 Sorry muddy, wrong choice of words. Plus, I took your comment of the market crashing as a doom and gloom statement. I don't pay attention to gold prices and I discounted it as a good indicator. Gas prices... well, they have been through the roof, on and off, for a couple years now. With our history, I figured it was better to be overly cautious and bow out of this thread than to risk another misunderstanding. I'll delete the other so i don't cloud up your thread. (you guys will have to edit your quote to remove it though. Your choice. ______________________________ tin, there are thousands, maybe tens of thousands of people working their way through school... no one said it should be easy, the good things in life rarely are. I know a lot of people with big $$$ worth of student loans following them around... think of the freedom (and value) of having hundreds of dollars per month freed up over a 10 year period. Quote
Super User SPEEDBEAD. Posted March 17, 2008 Super User Posted March 17, 2008 No way it goes to 4 pages Quote
Guest muddy Posted March 17, 2008 Posted March 17, 2008 Sorry muddy, wrong choice of words. Plus, I took your comment of the market crashing as a doom and gloom statement. I don't pay attention to gold prices and I discounted it as a good indicator. Gas prices... well, they have been through the roof, on and off, for a couple years now. With our history, I figured it was better to be overly cautious and bow out of this thread than to risk another misunderstanding. I'll delete the other so i don't cloud up your thread. (you guys will have to edit your quote to remove it though. Your choice. ______________________________ tin, there are thousands, maybe tens of thousands of people working their way through school... no one said it should be easy, the good things in life rarely are. I know a lot of people with big $$$ worth of student loans following them around... think of the freedom (and value) of having hundreds of dollars per month freed up over a 10 year period. OK I will do that Quote
Super User Catt Posted March 17, 2008 Super User Posted March 17, 2008 Optimist: an inclination to put the most favorable construction upon actions and events or to anticipate the best possible outcome Pessimist: A tendency to stress the negative or unfavorable or to take the gloomiest possible view Quote
Guest muddy Posted March 17, 2008 Posted March 17, 2008 The Eeds keep lowering the interest rate, but I am afraid Mr Greenspans tool might not be enough here, not to mention that usualy credit goes down when this hapens and instead it is rising, particularly for consumer credit. The banks are denying that this is to recoup the money lost in their mortage areas, I don'rt think so. While I am not an expert, but I am trying to understand how things work, it seems that Gold Prices and Dollar strength when put together are defintley good inflation markers, past history shows this I frequently go to Allentown and cross the Brige to Bethlem, it is sad to see all those steel mills closed, Detorit is periously close to suffering the ame fate! A rescession can put many hard working people and their families into a lot of bad situations, and while it is not permanent those going through it will need our help and support. Quote
Guest muddy Posted March 17, 2008 Posted March 17, 2008 Realisist : someone who sees and accepts whats in front of him Comapssion: the ability to feel others concerns, and care. Quote
Super User Catt Posted March 17, 2008 Super User Posted March 17, 2008 Realist: concern for fact or reality and rejection of the impractical and visionary Quote
Zel Posted March 17, 2008 Posted March 17, 2008 Optimist: The glass is half full. Pessimist: The glass is half empty. Realist: Who drank half my beer? Cynicist: It's probably flat anyway. Litteralist: The glass is full - half beer, half air. Surrealist: The glass is fish. Activist: All glasses are equal regardless of content. Therapist: Why is the glass not fufilled? Existentialist: Is the glass really there? Materialist: Ooh! Can I finish that? Pacifist: Just let the glass be. Creationist: The glass was created whole by God. Evolutionist: The glass is on its way to becoming a window. Segregationist: Keep your wine away from my beer! Budhist: The glass is my uncle. Minimalist: It's a glass. Perfectionist: Let me fill that for you. Evangelist: The glass must be saved. Revisionist: The glass was never full. It's always been that way. Nutritionist: Beer is unhealthy. Opportunist: Hey! Look over there!! (grabs beer) Me... I'm optimistically pessimistic. Quote
IneedAnewScreenName9886691 Posted March 17, 2008 Posted March 17, 2008 I feel the media is to blame for much of this recent crud, they are unreal! When they were crying recession 4 months ago our market was trading at one the highest levels. crazy They kept at it though. Maybe it makes more news since Paris has been a good girl lately and Brit has finally calmed down? Quote
Guest muddy Posted March 17, 2008 Posted March 17, 2008 The media was saying, particualry Fox that all was good. Greenberg was on the Charlie Rose show twice and was saying things were not good, as were a lot of the Wall Street Joournal Publications. Quote
FishingBuds Posted March 17, 2008 Posted March 17, 2008 Contortionist- the ability to get out of situations Quote
=Matt 5.0= Posted March 17, 2008 Posted March 17, 2008 I'm a realist. When I walk in to work and they say "Sorry, no route today, the volume is still down" That's real. When they have 13-14 extra drivers every day because volume is down... that's real. When I have to call my wife at work and tell her I'm home again, and she starts to wonder how we're gonna pay the bills....that's real. Quote
FishingBuds Posted March 17, 2008 Posted March 17, 2008 our customers are staying away from the big builders, they're afraid of thier money-they keep building but,don't sell anything :-? can't trust it Quote
KYbass1276 Posted March 17, 2008 Posted March 17, 2008 I'm wondering when do you think the economy will turn around. I think as long as fuel prices remain high it's not going to turn around. Some are saying in 6 months to a year for it to get better. I think not Quote
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