deerhuneter02 Posted August 6, 2007 Posted August 6, 2007 Who also hunts? And what do you hunt? I hunt deer, turkey, squirrel, crow, and whatever i feel like at the time. I have a 20 gauge mossberg and an old .22 Quote
Captain Underpants Posted August 6, 2007 Posted August 6, 2007 I hunt squirrel, rabbit, crow, and twinkies. I use a .22, pellet gun, or the ol' piehole. ;D Quote
Super User Gatorbassman Posted August 6, 2007 Super User Posted August 6, 2007 If it doesn't fill my freezer with the least amount of work I don't hunt it. So that limits me to deer. I might go turkey hunting once a year. I have a Ruger All Weather 300Win Mag T&C Ancore in .243 and .308 Win. 1300 12gauge shotgun with an additional slug barrell. Quote
Super User Hookemdown. Posted August 6, 2007 Super User Posted August 6, 2007 Sure I do. I started hunting with my dad at a very young age. I own a .270 Remington 700, (deer) a Remington 870 20 gauge (dove, ducks, squirells, TURKEY), and a Ruger .22. I also have an old Vietcong SKS that my uncle gave to me a few years back, and a WWII Type 99 rifle that my grandpa brought back home. I love to turkey hunt. There's just something special about it. Quote
basspro48 Posted August 6, 2007 Posted August 6, 2007 I hunt deer, squirrel, and dove. I have a Remington 870 Express Magnum, a Winchester 30/30 lever action, and 2 pump action .22's Quote
Mobydick Posted August 6, 2007 Posted August 6, 2007 I love hunting also. I hunt turkey, rabbits, deer, and next year bear. I rarely keep the squirrels I kill, I give them to my buddy. In my opinion I am very good at hunting rabbits, I have killed close to 50 and only missed 7. I'm also good at shooting clays, my record is 49 out of 50. My first year hunting turkeys I killed a gobbler, 21 pound with an 8 1/2 inch beard and 3/4 inch spurs. I have killed some deer, nothing worth braggin about though. I have a .22 Mossberg, and a 20 guage Remington Wingmaster 870 Express, and a 30-30 Mossberg, 3 pellet guns, and my bow is a Bear Grizzly Supreme. Good luck to all this year! Quote
Clayton Posted August 6, 2007 Posted August 6, 2007 I have been setting up for deer season since the end of the last one! I am also a big duck hunter. Quote
justfishin Posted August 7, 2007 Posted August 7, 2007 You betcha, next to fishing bowhunting for whitetail is my passion. I miss hunting rabbits, pheasants and quail but, there are not many around here any more. I miss hunting behind some good dogs. I still like to coon hunt with some guys a couple of times a year in PA. I love to hear those dogs at night. I grew up hunting and started around 12 years old. Guns, I have a bunch, to name a few, Winchester Model 70 .270 , Rem .243 , 1100 Rem , Knight Muzzleloader .50 and ................. Quote
jeremyt Posted August 7, 2007 Posted August 7, 2007 Some local guys have set me up on a trip for some snipes. They say they are some delicious birds. I can't wait. ;D Seriously though I deer hunt, and shoot a rabbit every now and then. This year the bass bug has bit and my hunting may be limited a bit. Quote
Super User burleytog Posted August 7, 2007 Super User Posted August 7, 2007 If it swims, I will catch it. If it walks, I will kill it. Quote
Super User Hookemdown. Posted August 7, 2007 Super User Posted August 7, 2007 If it walks, I will kill it. Birds fly. Rabbits hop. Squirrels rustle. Deer tip toe quieter than an assasin. Come to think of it, the only thing that walks is people :-/ ;D Quote
michbass Posted August 8, 2007 Posted August 8, 2007 I hunt fish all day sometimes. Use to hunt as a kid but feel out of it, like to get back though. Quote
FishingBuds Posted August 14, 2007 Posted August 14, 2007 I did not grow up with Hunting or fishing So I've been learning both myself, passen it down to my son and daughter. I catch and release fish, shoot to eat deer & turkey & pheasant & quail. I love them Bird dogs ;D(to hunt with, sorry Burley I closed that door) Shoot REM 30.06 700 BDL(pretty gun) and a REM 12guage(ouch on the shoulder) and my favorite CVA percussion muzzle loader(not a inline) been wanting a good ol'Kentucky long gun for a while I'm not much on hangen something on the wall, only thing on our wall is a Turkey tail (from a Turkey, sorry again Burley had to close another door there)that me and the son shot together, yep he shot it first and knocked it down(the Turkey) and it got back up(The Turkey again) and then I shot it down on the run-wow what a memory Quote
fishbear Posted August 15, 2007 Posted August 15, 2007 I go back to the home range every year and hunt elk, blacktail deer, blackbear and cougar. I have to many firearms to mention, however, my elk gun is a Sako .338 mag. Deer guns are .308, 7mm-08 or a .257 (Roberts) Ackley Improved. Those all will also handle the afore mentioned, blackbear and cougar...... oh, and I have my trusty Ruger Redhawk .44 mag on my hip, Always, for those up close and personal get to togethers with some of those beasts. (and it has been needed from time to time) Quote
Nj jedd_ bassboi56 Posted August 15, 2007 Posted August 15, 2007 i hunt whitetail deer, rabbits, quail, pheasant, squirrel, duck, geese, and groundhogs. i have a browning bps 20 gauge, a remington .22, benelli supernova, thompson center OMEGA, Diamond Bowtech Tomkat, and like 2 pellets gun........i also hunt people (The elusive female type) Quote
Ky_Lake_Dude Posted August 15, 2007 Posted August 15, 2007 I hunt deer, doves, squirrels, and every once in a while ducks. Quote
Super User RoLo Posted August 15, 2007 Super User Posted August 15, 2007 If it walks, I will kill it. Birds fly. Rabbits hop. Squirrels rustle. Deer tip toe quieter than an assasin. Come to think of it, the only thing that walks is people :-/ ;D Kudos to you hookemdown. For starters, that phrase isn't even mildly humorous, but what's even worse, it casts an ugly light on a beautiful sport! Roger Quote
turkeyhunter2112 Posted August 15, 2007 Posted August 15, 2007 If it walks, I will kill it. Birds fly. Rabbits hop. Squirrels rustle. Deer tip toe quieter than an assasin. Come to think of it, the only thing that walks is people :-/ ;D Kudos to you hookemdown. For starters, that phrase isn't even mildly humorous, but what's even worse, it casts an ugly light on a beautiful sport! Roger I agree hunting is a beautiful sport, but I don't see how that phrase casts an ugly light on the sport. Hunting revolves around killing, that's what it is. All I know is that I would love to do more killing this year than last. Quote
Siebert Outdoors Posted August 15, 2007 Posted August 15, 2007 I hunt. Primarily deer hunt because it fills up the freezer. I also like to shoot crows, turkey hunt, squrrel, and a few other game animals. I only have 1 gun at a time Quote
BadKarma42 Posted August 15, 2007 Posted August 15, 2007 Bowhunt for the seven deer left in South Central Franklin County. :-/ Quote
Super User SPEEDBEAD. Posted August 15, 2007 Super User Posted August 15, 2007 Bowhunt for the seven deer left in South Central Franklin County. :-/ Mmmmm....Bambi Quote
BucketmouthAngler13 Posted August 15, 2007 Posted August 15, 2007 Deer, Boar, Cyote, Turkey, and small game. Quote
Super User SPEEDBEAD. Posted August 15, 2007 Super User Posted August 15, 2007 Deer, Boar, Cyote, Turkey, and small game. Howdy girl scout, nice to see you back to normal again Quote
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