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Okay,I am a wrestling guy.I grew up watching it with my dad and now I watch with my sons.Vince isn't dead if you watched RAW Monday you would know.He appeared to break the news and denounce his staged death at a cancelled event.

Chris Benoit merchandise,name,and anything to do with him is being erased from WWE.They have even gone as far to start changing DVD covers that have his pic on them.

What he done,there is no excuse.Not roids,not fame,not nothing should cause a man to take the life of his wife and definantly not his innocent 7 year old son.Being a father of a few myself,I have no blessing for this animal.

On another hand,I won't be turning on Wrestling Monday night.No longer will I get to enjoy watching my sons believe it's real like my Dad did me. Chris


Muddy, I was just wondering when you read he had anabolic steroids. Up until now everything I read had said anything found was prescription and that there was nothing illegal. In no way is it a defense for him I was just wondering because I'd like to see what they say when this all ends.


all wrestling is fake,,,sorry i forgto who stated earlier that the blood is real,IT ISNT,on hulk hogans reality show he has an episode were he is at wrestlemania or somthing like that andby the end of the match his face is covered in blood but after going to the locker room it shows him walking out a hallway to his car and his face is perfect not a nick or scratch in site

Guest the_muddy_man
Muddy, I was just wondering when you read he had anabolic steroids. Up until now everything I read had said anything found was prescription and that there was nothing illegal. In no way is it a defense for him I was just wondering because I'd like to see what they say when this all ends.

CBS 7am news, ABC a 12 noon news and ESPN radio. Said there were steroids and posibbly HGH at his house. I agree this has to be validated. But just look at wrestleing as a whole do you really think there are no steroids in that "entertainment" I  have a hard time calling it that I definitely can not call it a sport. I hope this is the beggining of the end fro McMahon. Some of his stuff is without conscience and makes me sick


Thanks Muddy like I said I hadn't heard that and you are right it does need to be validated. Steroids are a part of wrestling like it or not. Vince has been called one of the largest pushers of steroids. When you consider the sport of body building steroids are extremely prevalent. What do most of the wrestlers have a background in? Oh bodybuilding. So it's easy to see how how common steroids might just be.

Most recently Chris Masters got busted by WWE's newest drug/steroid policy and when he came back what happened? 50lbs lighter. This doesn't mean all the wrestler do them either. If you look closely at some of these guys you'll actually see some of the physical evidence of current steroid use.


 There is Olympic style wrestling and then there is WWE  :Dstyle :D rasslin'...

                                         As Ever,



I have no personal experience with roids.I have had friends that have.One in paticular who was also hooked on pain killers is the only one that has had a violent past.I,being a former bullrider,have also felt the effects of pain killers such as hydrocodone.I feel that when this unfolds and/or when the toxicology reports are final,we'll see there were a mix of drugs that helped feed his rage.He was in a bad marriage,his son had a rare form of retardation,which Benoit may have felt was his own fault(don't roids cause birth deffects?).I feel it was more of the situation that made him do it.The man was sick in everyway and that is still no excuse for what he did.And yes Vince M. is sick too!Wrestling isn't a sport but alot is expected from a westler.They are on the road 300 days out of the year.There is a history of drug abuse and domestic problems in wrestling.Vince expects to much from his employees and it shows.In 30 years 60 wrestlers have died under the age of 45.I think I see a pattern there and steriods aren't all there is to blame.

all wrestling is fake,,,sorry i forgto who stated earlier that the blood is real,IT ISNT,on hulk hogans reality show he has an episode were he is at wrestlemania or somthing like that andby the end of the match his face is covered in blood but after going to the locker room it shows him walking out a hallway to his car and his face is perfect not a nick or scratch in site

Not ALL wrestling is fake. Professional Wrestling is fake. Amatuer (high school, college, freestyle, Olympics) is ALL REAL. i know this because i have wrestled in high school and college, coached high school wrestling, and participated in Professional Wrestling for 10 years (1985-1995) and did several T.V. tapings for the WWF( now WWE). don't worry, i wasn't the "star", just the jobber who made the star look like a million bucks in three minutes.

all of that aside, i don't believe steroids caused this, because he deliberately over a three day period killed his family and himself. Roid Rage is associated with a lack of self control, not deliberate premeditated behavior as this seems to be.

Also, Redneck, the blood IS definately real.  The cuts are made at the scalp line, where the hair begins so that they are easily covered up.  they are just nicks, but head wounds bleed profusely.  remember, it is the job of these men to DECEIVE the masses.  and they are GREAT at it.


sorry i should have worded my last poist better,when i said all wrestling i ment all "professional" or whatever you call it, like the WWE is fake,not structured wrestling like olimpic and school

Guest the_muddy_man

Not ALL wrestling is fake. Professional Wrestling is fake. Amatuer (high school, college, freestyle, Olympics) is ALL REAL. i know this because i have wrestled in high school and college, coached high school wrestling, and participated in Professional Wrestling for 10 years (1985-1995) and did several T.V. tapings for the WWF( now WWE). don't worry, i wasn't the "star", just the jobber who made the star look like a million bucks in three minutes.

all of that aside, i don't believe steroids caused this, because he deliberately over a three day period killed his family and himself. Roid Rage is associated with a lack of self control, not deliberate premeditated behavior as this seems to be.

Also, Redneck, the blood IS definately real. The cuts are made at the scalp line, where the hair begins so that they are easily covered up. they are just nicks, but head wounds bleed profusely. remember, it is the job of these men to DECEIVE the masses. and they are GREAT at it.

Yea U Right; My Girlfriend's grandson is High School Senior and he is Capt. of his schools wrestling team. Going to the matches and watching how he keeps his game sharp gave me a lot of respect for that sport and it's participants. Nothing to do with the TV  BS ;)

  • Super User

Sorry folks, but when a grown up is injecting his son with HGH to bulk up  a kid, theres a problem with roids.     And this is reported by the news, so take it with a grain of salt.  Which is one of the reason reported as to why the wife wanted a divorice back in 2004.

Steroids, whether prescribed by a doctor or gotten by other means, is still a roid!!!!

All the young deaths in wrestling have one thing in common 90% of the time Roids.  

Most of the blood in wrestling is fake, you can't tell me that cuts only happen on the hairlines100%.  Some is real, but most of the time, its staged.    Just like Vince'sdeath in the limo, was that REAL?  I accept wwe as entertainment, just like a circus or any thing else, its entertainment.


Sorry folks, but when a grown up is injecting his son with HGH to bulk up a kid, theres a problem with roids. And this is reported by the news, so take it with a grain of salt. Which is one of the reason reported as to why the wife wanted a divorice back in 2004.

Steroids, whether prescribed by a doctor or gotten by other means, is still a roid!!!!

All the young deaths in wrestling have one thing in common 90% of the time Roids.

Most of the blood in wrestling is fake, you can't tell me that cuts only happen on the hairlines100%. Some is real, but most of the time, its staged. Just like Vince'sdeath in the limo, was that REAL? I accept wwe as entertainment, just like a circus or any thing else, its entertainment.


Matt, the blood is real.  they cut themselves...and you are right about not all the cuts being in the hairline...it is just the target they shoot for.  many times, in the heat of the moment, they miss and hit the forehead.  i had a friend of mine who got excited and sliced his forehead almost temple to temple.  


You know some of the weapon shots are pretty much fake (those which involve bleeding). You see the guys blocking the chair shots, etc. with their forearms and shortly afterwards the head starts bleeding  :-?. Now if the guy put his hands or forearms up in defence don't you think the arms would be bruised and bleeding instead of the head.

And besides, let someone hit you in the head or any part of the body with a weapon. I gurantee you will either have broken bones or be knocked out instantly! My brother has a friend who is a big fan, and actually gets to go backstage sometimes. He said that the tables are made out of thin wood and the legs are purposly broken so it can break easily. The weapons are real but they hesitate the shots the guy who is striking pulls back the strike at the last minute (causing minimum momentum and strike) same with the punches.

The kicks that create noise could possibly be real but I am sure some how there is an explaination for that too.

For the bleeding part all in all, there is a chance they install those bleeding pouches that are hidden just under the surface of the skin (used in Hollywood movies). Or some other divice used to release the 'blood'. And also you would figure when they start a match that the camera would air the entire match instead of pausing for a commercial break. I am sure if you ask the fans that when the show goes on commercial break they will claim that the superstars are getting ready for any gorey situations (such as installing blood patches, etc.).

I am not sure about this though, but it is a theory and perhaps a possibility.



Long time watcher of wrestling here...........They do actually cut themselves.............its called "bladeing"

They hide small pieces of razor blade in the tape they wrap the wrists, arms, etc with...........they get hit in the head with a chair or whatever, put their hands up, and cut themselves...........A small cut is all it takes as head wounds bleed a lot.

and just my .02................I can never condone what chris did. Horrible.................

And wrestling is NOT fake. It's scripted. There is a difference. Anyone who saw HHH's thigh muscle roll up his leg on tv cannot say that was fake, or watched Sid vicious break his leg.  Let any of those guys pick you up over their head and slam you down on that mat and then tell me how fake it is. They do know the outcome before they ever "wrestle" but the moves and the hard knocks are real for sure...........A very grueling profession as you do it night after night.........200 days a year or so..............

What Benoit did was unforgivable though. What a shame.

Guest the_muddy_man





Totally missed the point of the post.

Guest the_muddy_man

I don't think i missed the point, I strongly disagree with it. Just like they pick eachother up, they also know how to fall. It is what their training is all about. Sure in this type of routine things do go wrong and people really do get hurt. So do crossing gurads, first responders and even office workers, thats why we have workers correspondence.

 If some one cuts themselves, uses hidden packets of blood, acts out a predetrmined script that makes whats going on FAKE. As fake as a Milli Vinilli Solo

  • Super User

Most of the blood in wrestling is fake, you can't tell me that cuts only happen on the hairlines100%.

Take a look at Ric Flair's forehead and tell me he hasn't bladed.

  • Super User
You know some of the weapon shots are pretty much fake (those which involve bleeding). You see the guys blocking the chair shots, etc. with their forearms and shortly afterwards the head starts bleeding :-?. Now if the guy put his hands or forearms up in defence don't you think the arms would be bruised and bleeding instead of the head.

And besides, let someone hit you in the head or any part of the body with a weapon. I gurantee you will either have broken bones or be knocked out instantly! My brother has a friend who is a big fan, and actually gets to go backstage sometimes. He said that the tables are made out of thin wood and the legs are purposly broken so it can break easily. The weapons are real but they hesitate the shots the guy who is striking pulls back the strike at the last minute (causing minimum momentum and strike) same with the punches.

The kicks that create noise could possibly be real but I am sure some how there is an explaination for that too.

For the bleeding part all in all, there is a chance they install those bleeding pouches that are hidden just under the surface of the skin (used in Hollywood movies). Or some other divice used to release the 'blood'. And also you would figure when they start a match that the camera would air the entire match instead of pausing for a commercial break. I am sure if you ask the fans that when the show goes on commercial break they will claim that the superstars are getting ready for any gorey situations (such as installing blood patches, etc.).

I am not sure about this though, but it is a theory and perhaps a possibility.



Watch Beyond The Mat or any of Mick Foley's matches.

It is the job of the wrestler wielding the chair to 'protect' his opponent.  But there are some guys out there (such as Mick Foley) who take a stiff chairshot clean.

Blading is usually done with a taped up razor blade.  Taped so that only a very small part of the blade is exposed, just enough to slice the forehead open and get the juice going.

Guest the_muddy_man

Hey Burley: I have a friend who is a stuntman for movies. Yes they have packets of simulated blood ( In the 60's and 70's they used chicken blood) that are held in the hand and burst at the right moment for use in the movies. I don't think it's a stretcth to imagine that something like this is used in wrestling .

 Blading is not an act of bravado, it is self mutalaion to make a buck, If they were kids they would treat them for being cutters. It is all a sick,fake attempt at pretending to be some kind of sport.

 ESPN lost me when they started covering it. Im done with this thread I have had too many of these disussions with two many wrestleing fans I am not going to change my mind and I ain't wasting my time trying to change any others mind

 You want mano e mano sports; Watch the Thriller in Manilla, watch Marciano's fights, watch sugar rays fights , watch the Bayone Bleeder stand in their with ALI ) watch him stand up to a crucial breating and bleed for real

I am outta this thread See Ya*

  • Super User

There is going to be an intenal investigation regarding the effects steriods have on people and was the "mental snap" based on steroids and the other drugs he was ingesting.

It is time the wrestling industry cleans up it act, like the NFL , and NHL are doing and the NBA and MLB would like to do.

Wrestling may be staged but it takes a special athlete to be a pro wrestler and this event has given all professional wrestling a nasty black eye.

Stay tuned.  I think it is about to hit the fan in all professional sports about taking steroids.

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