Troutfisher Posted April 25, 2007 Posted April 25, 2007 I assume everyone here has heard about the tirade of Alec Balwdin. If you haven't already heard, Mr. Baldwin has been going through a heated divorce with his wife Kim Basinger. The quote below states what he said on an April 11 phone call to his daughter. It is taken from The Oscar-nominated star of "The Departed" unleashed a heated tirade at daughter Ireland, who has been caught in the middle of ***-for-tat legal battles between Baldwin and ex-wife Kim Basinger in recent years. Baldwin's April 11 rant -- where at one point he informs his daughter that she is a "rude, thoughtless, little pig" -- was reported widely in US broadcast and online media Friday. The 49-year-old actor's ire was apparently triggered by Ireland's failure to switch her mobile phone on for a scheduled call with her father. "Once again I've made an *** out of myself trying to get to a phone at a specific time," Baldwin says in the message. "I'm tired of playing this game with you. You have insulted me for the last time. "You don't have the brains or the decency as a human being -- I don't give a d**n that you are 12 or 11 or a child or that your mother is a thoughtless pain in the *** who doesn't care what you do." Baldwin then tells his daughter that he is going to fly to Los Angeles to "straighten her out." Baldwin's spokesman said in a statement that "in the best interest of the child" the actor would "do what the mother is pathologically incapable of doing -- keeping his mouth shut and obeying the court order." My personal beliefs are that no matter how angry you get at your child, it is wrong to curse openly at them and treat them like dirt. To me, this is verbal abuse to a child. Quote
RecMar8541 Posted April 25, 2007 Posted April 25, 2007 I tend to agree, especially at 10 or 11 years old. Â Thats just horrid behavior, a total lack of restraint and shows absolutly no self control at all. Â I hope she takes him to the bank! Quote
Hawgin Posted April 25, 2007 Posted April 25, 2007 While I agree that his rant was out of line considering the age of the child, I also hate the fact that we have gotten to the point that everyone feels the need to come down on parents for disciplining their children.  We've reached the point where parents are so hands off with their children that there is no longer any discipline in the child or respect towards the parents (or most authority figures for that matter.)  The old saying of "spare the rod, and spoil the child" has proven itself to be very wise in today's society.  I can't tell you the number of times I have been out and seen a parent try to discipline a child only to see that child blow their parent off, yell at their parent, or hit their parent.  I've also seen countless times that 10-16 year old kids are out with no parents, and they are just flat out rude to the adults around them.  Don't get me wrong, I'm against child abuse, but at the same time I'm against people giving me "that look" when I give my boy a swat on the bottom or get on him when he acts up.  I hated the discipline my father imparted on me at the time that I was a  kid, but looking back now I turned out a heck of alot better than many of my childhood friends who were allowed to do whatever they wanted with no parental control.  I learned to respect people, especially those older and wiser than me. Okay, that's the end of my rant but all the public backlash at Baldwin has gotten my ire up. Quote
Pond Hopper Posted April 25, 2007 Posted April 25, 2007 Everyone has said something in their life that they regret(regardless of how perfect you are) and I am sure this is one of those situations. Â My parents said somethings growing up and did things that would not be socially acceptable today. Â Not that I am condoning his actions but(Im not a parent) having kids and being in that public eye can be frustrating with people dissecting everything you do. Â I know I have been frustrated with my little brother, and even my infant nephew. Â I have said things to my brother I wish I wouldnt of said even though they were no where near Baldwins statements. Â While completely innapropriate I wont be judging him until I spend a day in his shoes(in an ugly divorce and custody battle). Quote
Super User KU_Bassmaster. Posted April 25, 2007 Super User Posted April 25, 2007 Good post Pond Hopper. My parents were fairly tough on me and I got my butt chewed out more than a few times. Â At the time I hated it. Â Now that I look back at it, I wouldn't have had it any other way. Quote
Pond Hopper Posted April 25, 2007 Posted April 25, 2007 Completely agree KU, hated it then but it made me toughen up and learn some respect and manners. Â Had his message not included swear words and some "threats" I think there could be some validity. Â There is a major lack of discipline I see in many kids these days, even in my extended family... and I think that is a major reason for many of the problems in society. Â I think it is absurd that it is not politically correct to give your kid a spanking and that you may have the law called on you. Â Sometimes verbal warnings and 10 minutes in the corner just dont cut it, I know because I remember being a kid and pushing every limit I could. Corey Quote
Troutfisher Posted April 25, 2007 Author Posted April 25, 2007 Well, y'see I agree with your opinions. Â Where I am coming from is the cursing at his children. Â Properly punishing a child and calling them a sloppy, arrogant pig and cursing at them is an entirely different matter. Â Keep in mind that this young girl is only 11 years of age, and is caught in the middle of a divorce that has drug on for years. Â From what I've gathered, she did nothing to cause this phone message. Â Had his message not included swear words and some "threats" I think there could be some validity Validity for what? Â This girl has done nothing wrong, therefore why should she be cursed and yelled at? Â Now, had she done something wrong to invoke punishment, by all means punish her, but don't curse at her. Â In our family, when I was younger, if you cursed, you couldn't sit down for a while, if you know what I mean. Quote
Super User burleytog Posted April 25, 2007 Super User Posted April 25, 2007 Perhaps she is like that because of his parenting? Quote
drakedeming Posted April 25, 2007 Posted April 25, 2007 there really is not any way of nowing whether or not she did something wrong, we are not thier monitoring thier relationship. Quote
Guest avid Posted April 26, 2007 Posted April 26, 2007 there really is not any way of nowing whether or not she did something wrong, we are not thier monitoring thier relationship. what difference does it make?  His berating and demeaning her is not "discipline" it is abusive denegration of a child.  He was wrong.  I'm afraid like in so many cases, the children are pawns in the "divorce game" It's sick and cruel, and damaging. Avid has spoken  Quote
Super User Redlinerobert Posted April 26, 2007 Super User Posted April 26, 2007 I agree Avid, but what crcumstances led up to his rant?  When going through  divorce I have seen parents use children as leverage against the other parent.  Its sad but true.  In my business I deal with that quite often.  Quote
justfishin Posted April 26, 2007 Posted April 26, 2007 I think we put way too much emphasis on what movie stars do, thats what I think. Â Quote
Low_Budget_Hooker Posted April 26, 2007 Posted April 26, 2007 Good post Pond Hopper. My parents were fairly tough on me and I got my butt chewed out more than a few times. Â At the time I hated it. Â Now that I look back at it, I wouldn't have had it any other way. Ditto. Â I never was "hit" but a few times I thought I was going to be (probably should have been) and when I was dismissed from the verbal lashing, I would think I got away with it. Â Turn to walk away and here came the foot. Â It was like a first step assist,lol. Â That first step, walking away, would always find me a bit more "elevated" than the next step,lol. But as KU said, I wouldn't of had it any other way. Â Quote
largemouthslayer Posted April 26, 2007 Posted April 26, 2007 Ok I'm going to open up to you on something that is personal and very painful. I went through a very bad divorse more than a year ago. I have two beautiful little girl 4 and 8 and they are everything to me. I pay $4950.00 per month in child support , while money is not everything I thank my point will be made. I started dating someone 3 months before the divorse was final (not good in some people's eye's)but the divorse was going on for 2 years and I could not sit in the house and have no female attention. Before I started dating this person everything was ok , but it has been HELL since. My ex wife has told my girls that the other girl is the reason daddy is not living at home anymore , daddy loves her more than you, you girls don't need to like her, I could go on for hours. Now for the painful side , as a father in the state of Georgia I have to pay a huge amount of chid support and have no rights. I hired what was told to me by many people one of the best attorneys in Atlanta. After I have srent more that $12000.00 in fees all I do is file contemt charges against my ex wife and you know what will be done NOTHING! FATHERS HAVE NO RIGHTS PERIOD! So I can see what Alec is going through and don't agree with all he said but we don't know what Kim has said or done . Â I will call for day and laeve messages for my girls to call and my wife will not have them call me back. Unless you have been through this you can't really pass judgement on anyone because we don't know the pain he feels. With all this beening said we must all remember that no matter what happen's the kids should not even be a part of all this. They should come first and put all the parents feeling aside. Thanks so much for this post needed to get this off my sholders for a long time. P.S. that 's not really me the picture Quote
Guest avid Posted April 26, 2007 Posted April 26, 2007 Largemouthslayer, I think you missed the point of this post. He was not rampaging against his wife,  something as a divorced (since remarried) guy I fully understand, but he was verbally abusing his 11 year old daughter. I don't care what his wife did, I don't care what the daughter did, what he did was not discipline it was verbal abuse.  His daughter will gain nothing from his tirade except low self esteem and anger. I think you needed to rant a little about your own situation, which is cool.  Lord knows how I ranted.  Actually my rage filled tirades were scary.  but never in front of the kids.  Fortunately my ex and I never bad mouthed each other to the kids.  they suffer enough during a divorce without either parent fanning the flames. As far as what happens to movie stars and athletes, it is important.  When a celebrity does something, or gets an illness, or whatever, the  media pick up on it and that is a primary source of information for the public about diseases, cures, emotions, behavior and treatment. We are a star oriented culture.  Learning from thier situations is one of the positives of this infatuation. Quote
largemouthslayer Posted April 26, 2007 Posted April 26, 2007 Avid I hope my point was not taken the wrong way. I TOTALY agree with what you said . Kids only deserve the best. But I do think that Kim as the kids mom should make sure that a 12 year old call her dad. At 11 or 12 she's probaly more worried about jean's , Snoop Dog , boys, and friends than calling her dad on time. I think I was only trying to say I can understand how he feels, but not how he reacted. Quote
justfishin Posted April 26, 2007 Posted April 26, 2007 Avid, We are not a star orientated culture. Some are but, I am not in that group. Most of us have nothing in common with their problems, health maybe, but, the other stuff as in acting stupid on TV, using their high profile to get involved in things they no nothing about, along with all the problems of excess. Their drug habits, 0 money problems, alcohol problems, power struggles have nothing to do with the everyday  Joe and Jane. They live in a very unique world that we have nothing in common with. IMO I think most of them are very irresponsible with their acquired fame. Some are great but, most have a chance to be role models and do some good and chose not to. I have no respect for that kind of thing. Its selfish and irresponsible. Quote
Guest the_muddy_man Posted April 26, 2007 Posted April 26, 2007 A long time ago Mark Twain once wrote" The only people who should use the word WE are Kings and people with tape worms!" Â This American Culture, which partially came into being as a result of the revolt against the European Monarchs, has replaced , by en large Royality with Stardom. There are countless shows and periodicals( Us,People and Hollywood Acess) that make huge sums of money cdocumenting every movement these Sports figures,Movie Stars, Wealthy Peiople and Music Stars make. There is such an obsession with star power and wealth in America to deny it is being blind. Â The whole madness behind American Idol is this underlying adolation of fame and wealth. It used to be that a person had to go through a brilliant carrer, with years of sucsess and quality like Louis Armstrong.Humpry Bogart,Martin Scorsesse,Aretha Franklin and Reba McIntyre to name a few LOTS OF YEARS OF HIGH QUALITY WORK equals respect and star value. One contest win, voice lesson a good make up artists dont make stars they make store front idols It aint about the craft anymore its about how much they generate for their companies my.02 Quote
Super User cart7t Posted April 27, 2007 Super User Posted April 27, 2007 First of all, if this wasn't a celebrity we were talking about no one would care. Second, since we have no idea what led up to this little exchange it's impossible to judge Mr. Baldwins actions without further knowledge. Third, I know of some 11 year olds that are quite capable of acting, well, not like cute little 11 year olds. Â Perhaps this child is one of them. Fourth, I was spanked when I was a child. Many other of my peers were spanked. Â My generation is has spent way too much time coddling our kids and not enough being parents and administering discipline when appropriate, and that includes spanking! Quote
Pond Hopper Posted April 27, 2007 Posted April 27, 2007 First of all, if this wasn't a celebrity we were talking about no one would care. Second, since we have no idea what led up to this little exchange it's impossible to judge Mr. Baldwins actions without further knowledge. Third, I know of some 11 year olds that are quite capable of acting, well, not like cute little 11 year olds. Perhaps this child is one of them. Fourth, I was spanked when I was a child. Many other of my peers were spanked. My generation is has spent way too much time coddling our kids and not enough being parents and administering discipline when appropriate, and that includes spanking! Yeah, thats what I was trying to say. Â Quote
PaparockArk Posted April 27, 2007 Posted April 27, 2007 First of all, if this wasn't a celebrity we were talking about no one would care. Second, since we have no idea what led up to this little exchange it's impossible to judge Mr. Baldwins actions without further knowledge. Third, I know of some 11 year olds that are quite capable of acting, well, not like cute little 11 year olds. Perhaps this child is one of them. Fourth, I was spanked when I was a child. Many other of my peers were spanked. My generation is has spent way too much time coddling our kids and not enough being parents and administering discipline when appropriate, and that includes spanking! None of the above should be accomplished by the use of abusive language over the phone or left on voice mail for a child to hear. Discipline is after all supposed to come from caring for the child. Parents are not perfect but we should all strive to be and not make excuses when we are not. Quote
Super User senile1 Posted April 27, 2007 Super User Posted April 27, 2007 Good to have you back, Papa! Â Quote
moby bass Posted April 27, 2007 Posted April 27, 2007 +1 Justfishin. Â I have nothing in common with these stars? either and I don't waste my money going to see their movies, with rare exception. Maybe 1 every few years. Â I resent it when they try to use their influence to control how I live my life. Â I could care less about Baldwin and his personal problems. Quote
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