Guest the_muddy_man Posted April 20, 2007 Posted April 20, 2007 Actually I am pretty PO"D by the One less pond to rfish thread on the everything forum. I really have a problem with such prejudicial remarks about city folk. I have got to say i have pretty much seen a equal amount of local idiots as idiots from the "City" I have felt this sentiment on these forums before but this time it is even coming from one of the Mods so maybe it is how people really feel This calls for a time out and some thought YOU FELLAS ARE WRONG HERE AND I TAKE IT PERSONALLY Quote
Super User Catt Posted April 20, 2007 Super User Posted April 20, 2007 Chill Dude There are idiots in all walks of life DOMINICK you aint city folk You country through and through Quote
Pa Angler Posted April 20, 2007 Posted April 20, 2007 Chill Dude There are idiots in all walks of life DOMINICK you aint city folk You country through and through Being Country or City shouldn"t matter there are MORONS that come from both no one is immune their are good and there are bad you have to make a decision which you want to be and take it from there but to say you ain't "city folk" your country through and through is a prejudiced statement as there ever was one if your form the country your ok if not well your no good THAT JUST SUCKS. It's stuff like this that gives people like Al Sharpten ammo to use at someone else's expense. Quote
Guest the_muddy_man Posted April 20, 2007 Posted April 20, 2007 Actuallly Catt's just being goffy, check the smilies. Quote
Cravin Posted April 20, 2007 Posted April 20, 2007 You need to realize that you do not qualify as a "City Folk". If I were you I would state the fact that I do not apply to this tag although I live in the city. You can find my name accurately posted under the "City Pro" tag. Don't take it that way,We all know that there are a great number of fishermen in the Cities that respect nature. Quote
Guest the_muddy_man Posted April 20, 2007 Posted April 20, 2007 You can take the guy outta Brooklyn but you never I repeat never take the Brooklyn outta the guy I will always be a cityguy no matter where I go and where I live. AND CAN SOMEONE PLEASE EXPLAIN WHAT AL SHARPTON HAS TO DO WITH ALL OF THIS?????????? GEEZZZZ!!!!!!!!!! Quote
Super User Catt Posted April 20, 2007 Super User Posted April 20, 2007 your form the country your ok if not well your no good THAT JUST SUCKS Talk about prejudiced statements; you jumped on something when you have no idea what I meant, nor do you understand the relationship between Muddy and me. Then you apply your own definition. Then you have the audacity to call me prejudice, that sir is the definition of prejudice. Since I aint a prejudice person I'll ignore it Quote
RecMar8541 Posted April 20, 2007 Posted April 20, 2007 Im not prejudice either....I hate everyone!!! hahahaha Seriously, there is good and bad no matter where your from. Besides just think, if the city folk stopped coming to the lakes, who would we have to laugh at, and watch launch the boats? That was ment to make laughs, no malice at all. Muddy you are no doubt a brooklynonian, but, you gotta be the hippest country guy from brooklyn ever! Im putting on a central florida get together so get your hiney on a plane!! May 12th!! Ill put ya up here. Recon Quote
Super User cart7t Posted April 20, 2007 Super User Posted April 20, 2007 Actually I am pretty PO"D by the One less pond to rfish thread on the everything forum. I really have a problem with such prejudicial remarks about city folk. I have got to say i have pretty much seen a equal amount of local idiots as idiots from the "City" I have felt this sentiment on these forums before but this time it is even coming from one of the Mods so maybe it is how people really feel This calls for a time out and some thought YOU FELLAS ARE WRONG HERE AND I TAKE IT PERSONALLY Actually muddy, I live in a suburb of a big city and those from the country would stll group me in as city folk. I understood the intent of the post that set you off, sort broad brushing IMO but I wouldn't take it personally. Quote
Zel Posted April 20, 2007 Posted April 20, 2007 I get mad too at times. I'm of Czeck & Irish decent. Do you know how many times I walk into a store and see the sign NO CHECKS ALLOWED, and have to get up and leave. Man, talk about prejudice, I thought we were beyond all that!!! Seriously, I have come to realize I do have some prejudices. I have a problem with many lakeside property owners, more than any inane city versus country people issues. I've often come across lakeside property owners who think they own the water. They use my tax dollars and fishing license fees to pay for, and keep their lake/dam in good condition, yet they don't want me fishing it. Quote
RiskKid. Posted April 20, 2007 Posted April 20, 2007 Hey Muddy....I have a good friend that says I'm the only hillbilly he knows from New York City He said that because I was the scoutmaster of a boy scout troop and loved the outdoors here in Tennessee (backpacking, hiking, whitewater canoeing etc) and also have become a big fan of the Vols. I kind of like being the only hillbilly from NYC (can't take the city out of me either but I sure do like being in the good old outdoors) You could be like the only cajun or country boy from NYC We got it made....everyone can become a hillbilly or country boy but not everyone can be from NYC!!!! Quote
Fisher of Men Posted April 20, 2007 Posted April 20, 2007 Sorry, I can't read this thread without thinking of Hank Jr.'s "A Country Boy Can Survive". . . "I had good friend in New York City, 'never called me by my name, just hillbilly. . ." Lakeside people/Public lake users Rich/Poor Black/White Hispanic/White Democrat/Republican Male/Female Haves/Have nots City/Country Royalty/commoners . . . and the list can go on and on and on and on. . . Prejudice has existed from the beginning of time and still exists. It's just something we all need to be aware of and try to get a handle on. Muddy, I don't think anyone means any disrespect by it. I do have to admit that I've been guilty of that before. We live in a community about 45 minutes from the DFW area and that phrase ("Those city people") has come out of my mouth before. I picked it up from others here who say that they take ALL the fish from our National Grassland lakes. I have to admit that I really don't have any evidence that this is true. I think we are all guilty of a little prejudice in one form or another (not always racial or otherwise). We are just territorial people (not unlike inner-city gangs). We get comfortable with the people we live around and sometimes don't like change. I grew up in a small town (25,000 people) but spent much of my life on my grandparents farm outside of town, so I would consider myself a little "city" and a little "country". Your post (and experiencing different views from others here on BR) has convicted me to focus more on not categorizing people so much and to realize that we are all children of God. Those of us on this board are also connected in a special way because of our love for bass fishing. I will try to apply this to my life beyond the board as well. You were justified to express your concern and we owe you considerate and kind replies. Muddy, I would like to offer an apology on behalf of all of us. From my experience in corresponding with you, you seem like a great guy (regardless of where you're from). In fact, I would consider you a great friend. God bless, Fisher Quote
Super User roadwarrior Posted April 20, 2007 Super User Posted April 20, 2007 I deleted my responses on the referenced thread. I appologise to everyone that was offended, and especially to The_Muddy_Man. Quote
Cravin Posted April 20, 2007 Posted April 20, 2007 I'm just trying to bring a lighter side and cheer up someone in a good light. he obviously needed something to feel better about. Why would anyone go out and try to get someone upset here.. I don't think it was anyones intention. come on guys tags are what give people a sense of who they are or where there from. me ..I live in Texas now but actually I view myself as a uneducated,inbred,redneck, Okie and wouldn't have it any other way. you may think this is hog wash but ya gotta remember I'm from Oklahoma! ;D Quote
Super User senile1 Posted April 20, 2007 Super User Posted April 20, 2007 I deleted my responses on the referenced thread. I appologise to everyone that was offended, and especially to The_Muddy_Man. Well, don't delete stuff so fast. I didn't even get to read what the hubbub is all about. I grew up on a farm and after college moved to the city. I guess you'd call me a city bumpkin or a country slicker. Either way, I love nature and I've seen "those city people" and "those rednecks" litter. They all need to learn to respect nature and handle their refuse appropriately. Quote
Hawgin Posted April 20, 2007 Posted April 20, 2007 My wife just bought a cabinet that was distressed. That thing cost and arm and a leg, and it looks all beat up like something in my folks barn. A little beat up, and valuable. I would say that Muddy is very distressed. ;D Now Muddy, you have to laugh at sounds just like something you would post. Quote
Guest the_muddy_man Posted April 20, 2007 Posted April 20, 2007 Hey Fellas first off Kent me and you remain alright! I am very sick and Elaine just pointed out that I am acting like a big baby, there is no need for you to delete anything. In the course of a freinship people get edgy with eachother, but i have never been to the point where geez he should delete that. SO ME AND YOU IS COOL AND YOUR STUFF DID SHIP THIS AM It ACTUALLY SOME OF THE OTHER POSTINGS AND IRRITABLE AS I AM THERE WAS A HUGE ANIT-CITY SENITMENT AND A BIT OF RACIST OVERTONES IN SOME OF THEM. I am from a big city and i have to state clearly while there aere thugs in all races I grew up with heros such as Martin Luther King,Muddy Waters,Miles Davis etc etc and i can't seem to let racist/city bashing things alone when really I should let dead dogs lie where they will So I have to apologuize for being such a priss last night I should have stayed off being as sick as I am And Kent i never wanted anything you wrote censored we can only change perception and ideas by sharing honestly with each other Iam off the boards for the night b/c of a viscous flu and i have a paper done Mon Lata Fellas Quote
Super User senile1 Posted April 20, 2007 Super User Posted April 20, 2007 Hey Fellas first off Kent me and you remain alright! I am very sick and Elaine just pointed out that I am acting like a big baby, there is no need for you to delete anything. In the course of a freinship people get edgy with eachother, but i have never been to the point where geez he should delete that. SO ME AND YOU IS COOL AND YOUR STUFF DID SHIP THIS AM It ACTUALLY SOME OF THE OTHER POSTINGS AND IRRITABLE AS I AM THERE WAS A HUGE ANIT-CITY SENITMENT AND A BIT OF RACIST OVERTONES IN SOME OF THEM. I am from a big city and i have to state clearly while there aere thugs in all races I grew up with heros such as Martin Luther King,Muddy Waters,Miles Davis etc etc and i can't seem to let racist/city bashing things alone when really I should let dead dogs lie where they will So I have to apologuize for being such a priss last night I should have stayed off being as sick as I am And Kent i never wanted anything you wrote censored we can only change perception and ideas by sharing honestly with each other Iam off the boards for the night b/c of a viscous flu and i have a paper done Mon Lata Fellas Unless you make some assumptions that some of the remarks are referring to certain racial groups, none of the statements were rascist. (I'm going by the posts I see. Maybe these posts Muddy is speaking of were deleted.) I think there are many light-skinned people who have black heroes these days. The assumption that those with white skin are the only people who are rascists seems to be getting a little out of hand at times. Having said that, white skinned people must remember that there are many more of us than there are blacks. If 10 or 20 percent of every race is prejudiced, then Blacks will run into more Whites who are racists than White people will, at least in this country. (i.e If you have 1000 people, 850 whites, 150 blacks, and 10 percent of all people are rascist, then the 150 Blacks would have to deal with 85 white rascists while the 850 whites would only have to deal with 15 Black rascists.) But I digress . . . Quote
Guest the_muddy_man Posted April 20, 2007 Posted April 20, 2007 Man I never came close to stating that only white people could be racist. I m getting off this subject and out of these threads i dont do well in them and I CERTAINTLY DIDNT GO NEAR THE ASSUMPTION THAT ONLY WHITE PEOPLE COULD BE RACIST I dont know when just to read something and go on, maybe this will finally teach me that some stuff just aint worth the lickin!!!!!!! > Quote
Guest avid Posted April 21, 2007 Posted April 21, 2007 Muddy, Let it go dude. Your friend, avid Quote
Super User senile1 Posted April 21, 2007 Super User Posted April 21, 2007 Man I never came close to stating that only white people could be racist. I m getting off this subject and out of these threads i dont do well in them and I CERTAINTLY DIDNT GO NEAR THE ASSUMPTION THAT ONLY WHITE PEOPLE COULD BE RACIST I dont know when just to read something and go on, maybe this will finally teach me that some stuff just aint worth the lickin!!!!!!! > Sorry, Muddy_Man. I didn't mean to say that you said that. That's what I meant by saying I was digressing. I was getting off the subject. I just got online and reread my remarks and I can see why you thought I was referring to you. That's the point in the post where I started to digress to another subject and I should have made that clear. Quote
Guest the_muddy_man Posted April 21, 2007 Posted April 21, 2007 That was yesterday How you doin today Quote
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