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In february Jim Zumbo a respected writer and avid supporter of the outdoors made a comment that offended half of the hunting community.  Now I know this has nothing to do with fishing, but the way I figure it is that if you like to fish you probably like to do other things outdoors, including hunting.  Jim Zumbo made the comment calling AR-15  style firearems "terrorist rifles".  he also went on to suggest that these rifles should be banned from the woods.  In consequence to his comments he resigned as Outdoor Life magazine's hunting editor, the outdoor channel dropped the Jim Zumbo Outdoors show, the NRA ostraciezed him.  Remmington dropped him and he lost countless other sponsors.  He made these comments on Ted Nuggents blog.

You can read about this in the TF&G report or I am sure online.  When I first read this article I was personally was not offended.  I say this because I do not use the AR or the AK as a hunting tool.  I do own the AK 47, actually two of them.  I love those guns!  They are so much fun to shoot I cant stand it.  I even order my bullets online to get them in the steel crates upwards of 500 rds per box.  So dont put me on the wrong side of the fence. I am simply stating that I was not affected by these comments.  However I do understand that there are many aspects to hunting that I have not been exposed to, so if you unt with either of these firearms, GOOD FOR YOU. Seriously, thank you for being out there supporting our freedom.  

So what I am asking of everyone here is, read the article or some right up of the situation and lets hear whats on your mind.

Oh one more thing, I was offended howver when I realized that by Jim stating that these weapons should be banned from certain hunting situations, he was calling for an unnecesary regulation of firearms in the hunting community.


If the man feels that these guns are unsuitable for hunting, then I respect his erroneous opinion.  However, we all need to stand together and refrain from giving the anti-gun nuts any further ammunition (pun intended), which this obviously was.  As we all know, the second amendment has nothing to do with hunting and everything to do with preserving our freedom, so I wish everyone would just quit trying to link the two.

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Actually you were affected by Dumbo Zumbo's comments.  The anti-gun crowd has latched onto his initial statement and have been using it to further their ban.

What Zumbo did not realize (and still doesn't) is that the Second Amendment does not have one single thing to do with hunting.  ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

The Second Amendment is all about protecting the citizens of this nation from government tyranny.


I am disappointed in the fact that Zumbo would say something like that.  I actually met the guy at the Harrisburg PA Eastern sports and outdoor show and he gave a pretty interesting lecture on elk hunting.  However to give the antigun nuts someone with his credits as a poster boy intended or not is a bad idea.  Besides we all know "guns are for hunting dangerous or delicious animals, and keeping the King of England out of your face!"  According to Homer Simpson.


Burley  has it dead on right....

Everyone needs to read the 2nd amendment completely...  It says nothing about freedom to own a firearm to hunt, target shoot, plink, etc.............  It says we have the freedom period..........  for whatever legal use we want...........   but mainly to stop the government from running over us and creating a dictatorship or a tyrannical government.....  

Zumbo is a great hunter,, but is an idiot when it comes to politics,,, he needs to quit talking and just write his hunting stories.......  He did more damage with that one blog than can be imagined...  

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Are there a lot of people that hunt with assault rifles? That doesn't seem right to me.

As others have said, there is a difference in regulating hunting and regulating gun ownership. They make fishing regulations to keep anglers from having too much of an advantage over fish (ie: regulations limiting number of lines, types of hooks, net rules, etc..) why should it be different for hunting? If you are that bad at aiming, I suggest you go to the range instead of buying an automatic weapon... :-/


im with ya clayton my dad owns an AK an i love it when im allowed to shoot it(although its single not automatic,illegal in delaware) but i wasnt offended an we dont hunt with it,but i do believe his statement was not a step in the right direction for those of use that are "pro firearms" an does give the anti firearms activists more fuel to add to their fire to have "one of us" say that kind of thing

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I guess I just don't understand how banning assault rifles from hunting is "anti-firearm." I mean, it's not like this guy said people shouldn't be allowed to own them, right?


for anyone else like an average joe it wouldnt matter but i think where he is such a respected man him saying that is blown way out of proportion

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You have to understand the mindset of a lot of anti-gunners.  You also have to understand the mindset of a lot of hunters.  

For the former, it is all about dividing and conquering.  If you can get a group of gun owners to turn and target a category of arms, then most of the battle is won.

For the latter, quite a few people look down their noses at any firearm that isn't one of their chosen arm.  The shotgunners don't care about the bolt gun guys.  The bolt gun guys don't care about the AR15 crowd.  Thus they have fallen into the trap of the anti-gun crowd.

Banning a firearm from a hunting situation would be the first step.  

The so-called Assault Weapons Ban of 1994 accomplished nothing but the elimination of flash hiders and collapsable stocks.  It was a strictly cosmetic ban.

An 'assault weapon' is a firearm capable of select fire (auto, 3 rd burst).  The only way to get full-auto fun is to submit yourself to a very thorough background check, pay a $200 tax to the BATFE, and then pay mega $$$$ for a gun that by law is over 20 years old (cannot buy any FA firearm made after 1986).

The AR15 or AK that you can buy at your local gun shop is nothing but a semi-auto rifle.  Just like your uncle's Remington 760 or your Ruger 10/22.

An AR15 is a very accurate firearm.  An AR10 is the same.  Both make very good and practical hunting weapons.  But that is not why I own them.  I own them because I can.


How would some of you car enthusiasts react if they said you can not drive a certain car because it LOOKS like a race car????

Or you can only use certain boats to fish out of, because they LOOK like fishing boats????

Look at what happened in Australia.   Millions of firearms cut up and destroyed (yes even collectibles).  It all started with just the simplest, and most innocent of starts... and then the anti's rolled in and all of them were gone.  I watched one video clip where they took a chop saw to 4 75 yr. old H & H Double Rifles.  One right after the other....  It made me sick to watch.. that was history getting chopped into scrap metal.

One of the few reasons we are still a free country is this.   Even if an invading force could get past our military, they would have to deal with every gun owning American there is.   They could not get it done... not with force anyway... but let them pick away at our rights.... get our own government to help with laws like the Brady Bill... just to name one... and soon, .. we are done.  Unless we all stick together.  

I do not own an AK, an AR or any weapon like them.  However, I will fight for your right to own them and use them in any legal way you wish. Would you do the same for me???????

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I think we're jumping from regulating hunting to taking away gun rights too quickly. One doesn't automatically lead to the other, it's a little paranoid.

  • Super User
Are there a lot of people that hunt with assault rifles? That doesn't seem right to me.

Actually the 7.62x39 round (AK's and SKS's) is  in the hands of many hunters today.  It's sometimes called the "poor man's deer rifle".  

My Uncle gave me an SKS that was used in Vietnam.  It is a VERY reliable, fairly accurate rifle, and the 7.62 round is heavy enough to drop anything within 100 yrds.  I do however, get sick at my stomach sometimes when I think that that rifle might have killed some of our own servicemen though.

I think we're jumping from regulating hunting to taking away gun rights too quickly. One doesn't automatically lead to the other, it's a little paranoid.

That right there is what the anti's want.  That kind of thinking.

  • Super User
I think we're jumping from regulating hunting to taking away gun rights too quickly. One doesn't automatically lead to the other, it's a little paranoid.

That right there is what the anti's want.  That kind of thinking.

Is it? Because to me it sounds like an excuse for paranoia. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for gun rights. I just think it's unrealistic to think that someone is going to take away your gun ownership rights. That would be unconstitutional and it ain't gonna happen, not with the strength of the gun owner voting bloc. That being said, I don't see why it's necessary or fair for people to hunt with assault rifles...or for people to bass fish with casting nets...


well i dont hunt with one but i can confidently say that noone that does is useing it as wut most ppl thin an "asault" rifle is. most ppl tihnk it is fully automatic an while mnay are the ones ppl are hunting with are jus like any other rifle.there single shot an using a similar round so i dont see anything wrong with it as long as it is single shot.id hate to see sumone take down an animal in a fury of bullets that doesnt stop.to me thatr would be more of a slaughter than a hunt

Actually you were affected by Dumbo Zumbo's comments. The anti-gun crowd has latched onto his initial statement and have been using it to further their ban.

What Zumbo did not realize (and still doesn't) is that the Second Amendment does not have one single thing to do with hunting. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

The Second Amendment is all about protecting the citizens of this nation from government tyranny.

This is exactly correct.  Unfortunately most people do not get it.

The founding fathers put the right to bear arms into the bill of rights so citizens of the various independent states could protect themselves from the "tyranny" of a central government.  Their experience was of course the Monarchs of England and Europe, but they were wise enough to generalize their wording.  It is one of the pillars of our democracy.

I'm surprised at Mr. Zumbo's wording.  He's getting on in years and I can't help but wonder if there isn't more to the story.  His choice of word "terrorist" is inflammatory.

Too bad, because because a semi-automatic weapon with a 30 round magazine is NOT a hunting firearm.  It is an assault weapon.  Bill Ruger said as much when he testified before congress stating that the appearance of the rifle was irrelevant, rather the magazine capacity and rate of fire are the relevant factors.

I agree that an AR-15, AK47, and other assault weapons modified to semi auto only, are not hunting tools.  I don't care what the NRA or others may think.  It's just plain stupid to go into the woods with this kind of firepower.

However, as pointed out earlier, hunting is NOT why we have the right to bear arms.

Jim Zumbo should know this.  I believe he has been a hunting editor for so long, he forgot what the founding fathers were really worried about.


Can we please stop calling these weapons "ASSAULT RIFLES".   Assault rifles have selector switches to go to full auto or 3-5 rd. bursts.  The weapons we are discussing are SEMI AUTOMATIC RIFLES, just like your 10-22 or Mini 14 or Remington 7400 hunting rifle.   You have to pull the trigger ea. time you want it to go bang.    They shoot the same ammo as "standard" hunting rifles, they just LOOK different.   Somehow we are back to the ugly gun debate.


i cant believe jim said that i mean i met the guy at the orlando visotors centor for the 2007 Shot Show and one of his best friends jim shockey do u know if shockey got into any trouble over this because shockey pretty much works for zumbo.


Can we please stop calling these weapons "ASSAULT RIFLES". Assault rifles have selector switches to go to full auto or 3-5 rd. bursts. The weapons we are discussing are SEMI AUTOMATIC RIFLES, just like your 10-22 or Mini 14 or Remington 7400 hunting rifle. You have to pull the trigger ea. time you want it to go bang. They shoot the same ammo as "standard" hunting rifles, they just LOOK different. Somehow we are back to the ugly gun debate.

You statement is completely false.  An assault rifle is any weapon that was designed for infantry (military assault) purposes.  The M1 garrand had no automatic firing capability, yet it was the weapon of choice for the US military during WWII and Korea.

The "modern" assault rifle is a fully automatic weapon.

Again, I repeat.  Magazine capacity and rate of fire are the distinguishing characteristics.  An AK or AR15 modified to semi only is still a rifle that was primarily designed for military purposes.  It's 30 rd. magazine and rapid fire capability make it a poor choice for hunting unless of course you are being attacked by a platoon or "armed bears"

I wish the linkage between "hunting" and the second ammendant would leave the debate.  As stated earlier, hunting has NOTHING to do with the right to bear arms.

ummmmm i guess that means my 10/22 with 30 rd. mags is now an assault rifle...

Now we are going back to the cosmetics.

Your 10/22 was not designed for military purposes.  Yet it could wreak mighty havoc at close range

And speaking of cosmetics.  The military "assualt" rifle designs are shaped the way they are, the pistol grip handle for example, because they are meant to be deployed quickly.  The mag curves forward so the shooter can keep a low profile,  etc.

Any rifle can be used to kill people.  A scoped 30-06 bolt action deer rifle can easily be called a "sniper rifle". Would that be an erroneous discription?

the only reason to justify defending guns like the "street sweeper" rotary mag 12 ga. shotgun and other weapons that are desinged to kill lots of people quickly, is simple.

wherever the pro gun advocates choose to draw the line, is where the battle will begin.

the anti gun folks ultimately want all guns outlawed.

By defending some of the fringe elements of the shooting enthusiats the battle stays on the fringes.

Agree to outlaw those guns and the battle will be over you deer rife.

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by avid

[by defending some of the fringe elements of the shooting enthusiats the battle stays on the fringes.

Agree to outlaw those guns and the battle will be over you deer rife.]

NEVER give an inch. They are NOT you friends and there is NO compromise, ever.


I am glad to see everyone taking an interset in this.  I was shocked when I read about it so I posted it to see if what I thought was rational.  Thanks guys

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