BucketmouthAngler13 Posted March 21, 2007 Posted March 21, 2007 What presses your buttons? What ticks you off? What lights your fuse? What steams your broccoli? Heres a list of mine. 15. Peeling a banana and finding out that it is brused. 14. Walking into a room, mind goes blank, and walk back out. 13. Make a whale of a cast, only to find out your knott broke and your lure is now at the bottom. 12. Buying a brand new Bagley Basla B, and losing it in just 3 casts. 11. Lean best rod on dock railing, bike to wawa for iced tea while friend watches stuff. Come back and find out while you where gone that the rod slipped and fell, and was broken in 2 peices when your friend jumped of the railing and landed on it. 10. Get really far in a hard videogame, and have your sister come along and step on the power cord. 9. Spooling your spinning reel full of line, and first cast lose most of it becuase a snarl. 8. Fishing for carp and catching snapping turtles instead. (and not catching any carp) 7. Stepping on a LEGO when walking around your room in the dark. Then when you jump up and down from the pain, you only step on more and more legos. 6. Thinking its a quiet fart, you let it go. Turns out it is a very long, very loud fart, and you are in the middle of church, in the middle of prayer. 5. When you take dump, walk out of the bathroom, then have to repeat the process becuase you have to go again. 4. When you skip a guide when putting the line through them. 3. Pouring orange juice into your hot coco. (In my house, we have powder milk and oragne juice, and we keep them in idenical containers.) 2. When you think its a bass, but it is a stump, and you cant get your lure back. When you think its a stump, but its a bass, and he spits the lure. And the #1 most annoying thing for me, is listening to someone eat a apple. For some reason it simply drives me nuts. Dont ask me why. When I hear that noise I just have to leave the room, then usualy number 14 and/or 7 happen again. PS And you know what makes it worse? when any of the above happens to you, everyone else just laughs. Go figure. Tight lines Matt Quote
tipptruck1 Posted March 21, 2007 Posted March 21, 2007 1. Woman and dumb drivers. 2. Drunk woman. 3. My cell phone company. 4. Quantum reels. 5. Basketball 6. rap and country music. Quote
fishbear Posted March 21, 2007 Posted March 21, 2007 The only thing that gets me riled is this, and let me clarify something first, so I dont start a war on here. I do not believe that anyone that asks questions, takes the answers and does something constructive with the information can be considered stupid. Therefore, I do not and will never consider anyone on this site stupid!!. We all here are on a quest to learn all we can about bass fishing and to put that knowledge to use. That being said, ok? Stupid People drive me bonkers..... you give them all the tools, and information, and even spoon feed it to them, and they ignore it, like you just spoke chinese or something.... AT LEAST ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOUR BRAIN RECEIVED THE INFORMATION!!! :o :o :o :o :o Like Ron White says,, "You can't fix stupid" Sorry guys had a rough day at work.. . just venting when I should have put a simple answer. Quote
Fish Man Posted March 21, 2007 Posted March 21, 2007 what annoys me most???? this ever happen to u?...you can jus be having a normal conversation with one or both of ur parents an you crack a simple joke an they say dont get an attitude an then you get the attitude an say i dont have an attitude really loud an get yelled at P.S same thing with ppl asking why your upset or mad at them when u arent Quote
Super User Hookemdown. Posted March 22, 2007 Super User Posted March 22, 2007 Quote what annoys me most???? this ever happen to u?...you can jus be having a normal conversation with one or both of ur parents an you crack a simple joke an they say dont get an attitude an then you get the attitude an say i dont have an attitude really loud an get yelled at P.S same thing with ppl asking why your upset or mad at them when u arent Parents......... Quote
rocknfish9001 Posted March 23, 2007 Posted March 23, 2007 people (usually women, but not always) that just DONT GET IT!!! You say something as clear as day and they say..... "what?? that makes no sense" example- ME: "I dont support PETA" DUMMY: "what? that makes no sense" ME: "that makes perfect sense, what dont you get?" DUMMY: "what do you mean by support? How can you choose to not support something" ME: "your the one not making sense. I dont agree with what they stand for to the point where they value a tree over a human life (and other stuff) and will not give them my support and fight them by enjoying the great outdoors in a perfectly pleasable manner when they are trying to stop me from enjoying my favorite pastime, considering it cruel and barbaric." DUMMY: "that still doesnt make sense" do you think that this conversation sounds completley pointless and cant possibly be true excluding bad comedy movies, but guess what, this is an exact conversation i had once with a person (which i no longer try to talk to) but the real thing went on for five minutes and they still didnt understand. Quote
HUNTER19 Posted March 23, 2007 Posted March 23, 2007 getting my fly line caught in a tree when casting!!! Bass fishing with the new spinnerbait and getting it bit off by a pike!!! Verizon wierless!! People who talk down to other people! and stupit drivers!!! Quote
BucketmouthAngler13 Posted March 23, 2007 Author Posted March 23, 2007 Another one is when you are waiting in the car while your mom is shopping without any AC during the summer. I once got a minor burn from touching a metal seatbelt clip back a few years during record heat. We had a dark van that heated up like a oven coil. Quote
lunchbox508 Posted March 23, 2007 Posted March 23, 2007 catching nuthin but hydrilla for an hour or 2 stupid drivers white trash(not rednecks) blood hooking myself in the finger Thinking you have the world record bass and it ends up actually being the nastiest diseased carp ever Quote
Super User fourbizz Posted March 23, 2007 Super User Posted March 23, 2007 I, quite simply, loathe stupid people. Quote
edbassmaster Posted March 23, 2007 Posted March 23, 2007 Yo Bucket, that was friggin hilarious. The dump part, the eating the apple, dude that was great material. Nice!! Quote
BucketmouthAngler13 Posted March 23, 2007 Author Posted March 23, 2007 Quote Yo Bucket, that was friggin hilarious. The dump part, the eating the apple, dude that was great material. Nice!! lol thanks. Feel free to use it, I dont mind. Quote
Siebert Outdoors Posted March 23, 2007 Posted March 23, 2007 What grinds my gears. Off family guy last night ;D People make it throught the phone system and ask me about a product from another company thinking that we are that company. People ask me about someone elses product that they make to fit ours. Call them please. Mini vans and people driving while talking on a cell phone. The far left lane is a passing lane use it for that. Being the nice guy I am loaning my time and repair abilities to people then in turn later I need help and the favor is never repaid. Might sound bad but I have a mental do not help list or for better words they need to work off their dept before anymore favors or atleast 1/2 of it. Ahhh felt good to get that off my chest. Quote
Super User FishTank Posted March 23, 2007 Super User Posted March 23, 2007 People who don't take responsibility for their actions (hit and runs, their children, people who litter around the places I fish, ect.). Smart people who are to lazy to realize it. Quote
Bassassasin12 Posted March 23, 2007 Posted March 23, 2007 i guess mine is kind of like fish tanks... people who have great potential but no work ethic or desire. especially like kids on my basketball teams who could be some of the best players in the area but decide to goof off and not go 100 percent in practice and in games! It just annoys me seeing people not try. Also because I am very competetive and don't need much incentive to work hard and compete at something, I get annoyed with people that just don't try in a competetion like in school or something and ruin it for the kids that are competitive.(this also happens in basketball) Quote
Other. Posted March 23, 2007 Posted March 23, 2007 People that Ezdrop or join in the conversation when they have no point in being in it. Quote
Live.2.Fish Posted March 23, 2007 Posted March 23, 2007 People who honestly think they are hot "crap", when in reality they are just "crap". Quote
Fish Man Posted March 24, 2007 Posted March 24, 2007 tryin to watch tv or listen to a cd or ipod an being asked 20 questions by someone who doesnt get the point that u dont want them there and talking to u Quote
Rattlinrogue Posted March 24, 2007 Posted March 24, 2007 1)Arrogant people 2)Getting cut off in the middle of a sentence by someone who's obviously not listening to a word you said. 3)People who think buying a $500 reel to go on a $500 rod makes them a better angler than you because of it. 4)Intolerant people Quote
RecMar8541 Posted March 24, 2007 Posted March 24, 2007 Probably the number one thing that really roasts my nuggets is people who just dont know how good we have it here in the old US. I spent a number of years in the Military, and well quite frankly alot of things that used to peve me just dont seem so important anymore. Now I am not looking to incite a riot here, but I get so sick and tired of hearing people ***** and complain about this and that, and the gov this and the gov that. Is the US perfect, certainly not, but it is the best thing going. The best part about freedom.....if ya dont like it you have the freedom to LEAVE!! Bucketmouth, you now must come over to my house and clean my laptop. thanks to your post I just spit coffee all over it. Buddy that was some funny stuff, the real killer was the eating of the apple. Mainly because I generally eat an apple every morning, and in point of fact, have one cut up in a bowl in front of me right now. I would refer you to one thing you may have missed, worse than farting in church......my dad. When I was a kid my dad, who is 6 foot 7 and weight 285, would lock the friggin power windows in the car, then let a gut buster.....trapped, and in reasonable fear for your life, I learned at a young age to fear the death penalty, the gas chamber in particular. He who holds the remote, and controls the power windows is master of the universe, if only for a short period of time! Regards Recon Quote
KYbass1276 Posted March 24, 2007 Posted March 24, 2007 Well if your state has the lottery and this mostly pertains to scratch off tickets sold at the counter. I absolutly hate and it ticks me off to the point I just would like to whack the person doing so is you go into a gas station to pay for gas buy a pack of smokes or what ever and you get to the counter only to find a person standing there playing the lottery and hold everyone up while they do so. They buy the tickets and scratch them off to see if there a winner and if not they buy more or if they win they buy more and continue the process usaually until I make a sarcastic comment and then they get the hint. They act like there is no one else there but them. I also hate it when you go to pay for something and the cashier where ever it may be is busy holding a converstion with a co worker or a freind they know who is there and are to busy to wait on you because you interupting there converstion. Really not too much else gets me fired up other than that. Quote
Panamoka_Bassin Posted March 24, 2007 Posted March 24, 2007 I wasn't going to get into this, but seeing as I thought about it last night while driving... The cel phones have to be put down, or at least go hands free, while driving. Cars have been equipped with turn signals for 50 years now. Use them BEFORE you turn. The cel phones have to be put down, especially in restaurants. If you use the last of something, especially if it isn't yours, replace it. (I hate reaching for a liquor bottle only to find that its empty. Same thing with the milk container. And ice cream.) Turn off the friggin' bass booster when you're at a light. If I wanted to hear your music, I'd be in the car with you. If someone holds the door open for you, make an effort to move through a little quicker so the person isn't waiting for you all day to get through the door. When someone talks to you, try to look at them once in a while, don't just stare off into space like a moron. I could go on and on and on and on, but I also get peeved by people who rant and rave...oh, er, um, heh Quote
ejtaylor822 Posted March 25, 2007 Posted March 25, 2007 Most annoying? When I do stupid things like I did earlier this afternoon. Was going to fish a YUM frog with a 3/16 screw-in weight. I got a weight out then pulled out a hook and tied it on. Pulled the frog on and went to screw in the weight. The weight was still sitting on top of the box. Took the frog off then cut the hook loose. Threaded the weight on, re-tied the hook then slid the frog back over the hook. Slid the weight down to srew it in when I realized it was on backwards. Fished it anyway. Quote
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