Live.2.Fish Posted March 14, 2007 Posted March 14, 2007 My girlfriend has a 2003 Chevy Cavalier with about 45k on it. Five days ago the "check engine" light came on. I have heard that you can take it to either auto zone or advanced auto parts and they can just test it to see what is wrong for free. Has anyone ever done that before? Also, the car has been running fine since the light came on. I don't think its necessary to take it in, but she doesn't want major problems either. Just wondering what your experience is with fixing that annoying "check engine" light. P.S. We already checked the gas cap, and yes its on tightly. Thanks Quote
Cephkiller Posted March 14, 2007 Posted March 14, 2007 Yes. Most parts stores will check the codes for free and recommend a solution. I have never owned a vehicle that did not eventually devolve into having a constantly lit check engine light. I own three vehicles now and all them sport the beautiful orange glow so tell your GF not to worry too much until you have the time to fix it. Quote
Guest the_muddy_man Posted March 14, 2007 Posted March 14, 2007 Put some duck tape over the light, then go fishing! Quote
skillet Posted March 14, 2007 Posted March 14, 2007 When I worked on the River we considered bailing wire temporary and duct tape permanent for a problem ;D! Wish I had heard before about the auto parts store solution. When our first grandson was born, we were going to drive to Ft. Hood. About 150 miles out of Memphis that infernal light came on, so 1 more thing to worry about all the way there (if it weren't for bad luck wouldn't have no luck at all :'()... As Ever, Skillet Quote
Shad_Master Posted March 14, 2007 Posted March 14, 2007 I actually had a mechanic tell me that the bulb in the check engine light would eventually burn out and wouldn't bother me any more. Quote
Live.2.Fish Posted March 14, 2007 Author Posted March 14, 2007 Posted by: Shad_Master Posted on: Today at 10:30am I actually had a mechanic tell me that the bulb in the check engine light would eventually burn out and wouldn't bother me any more HAHAAH. Thanks for the advice. I knew that I shouldn't have installed a hitch to pull my new 21' Ranger. That little 2.2l four banger did seem a little sluggish pulling it down the road. HA HA j/k. Quote
tipptruck1 Posted March 14, 2007 Posted March 14, 2007 Last time the check engine light came on in my car it cost me over 3,000 dollers. And there wasn't any thing wrong. But if her car is still under warntry take it in. Quote
logger Posted March 14, 2007 Posted March 14, 2007 Auto zone will hook it up for free. And they should be able to tell you what's going on. Could be something little. My wife's old car kept having the O2 sensors go bad for some reason. It never made the car run bad Quote
frogtog Posted March 14, 2007 Posted March 14, 2007 This is one time you can thank God that you are not living in eastern NC. For our cars to pass inspection they hook it up to some kind of contraction. This feeds all the car info back to the DMV and if that light is on they won't let you drive it untill it's fixed. I have heard of people haveing to spend from $400- $1000 to get the light to go out. Quote
ejtaylor822 Posted March 14, 2007 Posted March 14, 2007 frogtog is spot on about here in NC That little light got me last year here in Chapel Hill, NC. The mechanic was almost ashamed to tell me he could not pass my Explorer as long as the sensor, that triggers the "check engine" light, was registering positive, or, not registering at all (asked him if I could drive down the road and come back with it "fixed" - i.e., yank the cables off ). Cost me over $600 to get the sensors replaced and I was charged materials only. He told me that the sensor could be fouled and nothing wrong with the emissions but he still could not pass it if it was registering "negative". What a racket and rip-off! I drove my T-bird around for several years with the check engine light on - prior to the inspection law. My mechanic at the time told me that it would cost $500 to replace the sensors, or, I could just live with occasional sluggishness, that's all it would do. The sluggishness was due to how the computer would regulate the fuel/air mixture in heavy acceleration; that was the only harm this would cause. I never noticed any difference. It's all a racket. Quote
Bud Posted March 15, 2007 Posted March 15, 2007 99 percent of the time it is the O2 sensor. It is located on the exahust pipe just in front of the muffler. It generally cost around $150 to change it. I just change the one on my truck . It was $135 Quote
Water Dog Posted March 15, 2007 Posted March 15, 2007 I drove three S-10 Blazers and they all had that problem, never could get it fixed for any length of time. It affected the automatic transmission for some reason, shifting would snap your neck, but you get used to it. Never could tell that it affected anything else. It is just another built in glitch that makes you want something besides Detroit Iron. Let me tell you about Explorer glitches..... ;D Quote
BOOYAH Posted March 15, 2007 Posted March 15, 2007 If the light is on constant you will be able to drive it until you have time to get it to the shop or get the codes checked. Now if it starts FLASHING you need to get it in right away before it causes major problems. As for the caveliers I've seen alot of them have the light on because of the EVAP system,even though you checked the gas cap they have problems with small leaks on the EVAP canister. I would take it to autozone or somewhere they check the codes for free, a lot of time its a easy fix you can do yourself if you have any mechanical ability. Don't let the light scare ya until you know what it is or is flashing, since its running fine I would say its probably a EVAP code or as others stated a O2 sensor. Quote
Live.2.Fish Posted March 16, 2007 Author Posted March 16, 2007 Thanks for the info!!! I took it to AutoZone. They hooked it up and said that it was something with the circuit control for cooling fan 1. He didn't seem to worried and we aren't either. He cleared the light and now its gone, and my g/f is happy. It took all of 20 seconds to check it. I called the local chevy dealership and they wanted $99 just to check it!! wow, ummm, no thanks. Quote
Super User Munkin Posted March 17, 2007 Super User Posted March 17, 2007 I had one that was constantly on for no reason and after a clip of the LED wire no more light to worry about. Allen Quote
NATHAN_JAMES Posted March 17, 2007 Posted March 17, 2007 that check engine will go one 1. the O2 sensor or some other stupid thing 2 regular scheldual maintaince. Also the swith to turn that sucker off......tune in next week for the rest of the story....JK it's hiden behind or in the dash usually behind one of those little panels that looks like a spot where a swich could be in stalled. I had a mittzubishi and it was behind one of those panles on the right side of the steering wheel. Just pop that cover off and with a screw driver, the switch is resesed, reach in and flip the switch. BAMM your good to more light....and no more mech's scamming you... Quote
radiob Posted March 18, 2007 Posted March 18, 2007 i have had the orange light on in my car for three years. the o2 sensor is usually the problem, but i drive a honda so who knows, cars are a pain in my A!@%^& If the light wasn't on i would think there was a serious problem Quote
=Matt 5.0= Posted March 18, 2007 Posted March 18, 2007 Thanks for the info!!! I took it to AutoZone. They hooked it up and said that it was something with the circuit control for cooling fan 1. He didn't seem to worried and we aren't either. He cleared the light and now its gone, and my g/f is happy. It took all of 20 seconds to check it. I called the local chevy dealership and they wanted $99 just to check it!! wow, ummm, no thanks. Most likely it will come back on after the computer has gone through a drive cycle. You can also clear the codes by disconnecting the negative terminal on the battery for a few minutes... It could be that either the low speed or high speed fan has a bad relay. Make sure the temp is normal, keep an eye out for over heating... Quote
Floridabassking352 Posted March 20, 2007 Posted March 20, 2007 The check engine light on my mom's old car stayed on for 3 years and there were never any problems during that time period. It was a '97 Mazda Protege. Quote
zara spook Posted March 22, 2007 Posted March 22, 2007 Auto zone will hook it up for free. Thanks for the advice...wouldn't you know the check engine light came on in my truck this morning and you saved me about $60. Stupid gas cap > Quote
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