volpster31 Posted March 15, 2007 Posted March 15, 2007 i found this on my space & thought id share...they really will stoop to any level to push their views http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/iclk?sa=l&ai=BF2AIhMb5RZuHMZ_yggOCo-yxBrLUkwj-0vaqAcCNtwHQhgMQAhgCIIfI_wUoBDAAOABQqfzh7fv_____AWDJnvSKtKTkD5gBqteCAqAB2t2r_wOqATtmaW1fbXlzcGFjZV9wcm9maWxlX3VzZXItaG9tZXBhZ2UrZmltX215c3BhY2VfdW5pdGVkLXN0YXRlc7IBEGhvbWUubXlzcGFjZS5jb23IAQHaATFodHRwOi8vaG9tZS5teXNwYWNlLmNvbS9pbmRleC5jZm0_ZnVzZWFjdGlvbj11c2VygAIBqAMBwAMN&num=2&adurl=http://www.fishinghurts.com/feat-dogfish.asp%3Fc%3D1509&client=ca-fim_myspace_profile_js Quote
BucketmouthAngler13 Posted March 15, 2007 Posted March 15, 2007 Yup. Fish, dogs, cats, cows and house flies all feel pain and treasure their lives. Most people would think taking a cute little puppy and run it over on purpose is wrong. Thats basicly the same thing you do when you swat a fly. Why is it wrong to do it to the dog and not the fly? Well, for starters, it isnt. Just becuase a animal has feelings, is smart, and injoys life, dosnt mean it is wrong to kill it and not kill a animal that doesnt have feelings, isnt smart, and doesnt injoy life. If dogs went around pooping on food, spreading sickness, and harming nature and not helping it, and running them over was the easiest way to kill them, then they should be run over. And it is 100% humane. Now dont think I think animal cruelity is OK. But there is a difference between being cruel and being nice to the human race. God made meat to be eaten, fish to be fished for, cows to be killed, flies to be swatted, and humans to benifet from it all. The word "humane" has the word "Human" in it. Not "Animal" Quote
tritonman Posted March 15, 2007 Posted March 15, 2007 man that site made me hungry!! I'm headin over to Red Lobter for steak and fish ;D ;D ;D ;D Quote
Super User Bankbeater Posted March 15, 2007 Super User Posted March 15, 2007 Now I know how to catch the dog that has been leaving presents in my yard ;D. Quote
Gotta Love It Posted March 16, 2007 Posted March 16, 2007 Now I know how to catch the dog that has been leaving presents in my yard ;D. ROTFLMAO!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D Quote
Super User Redlinerobert Posted March 16, 2007 Super User Posted March 16, 2007 The day a largemouth can go get the paper or fetch a stick, I'll stop fishing and sell my boat. Quote
llPa1nll Posted March 16, 2007 Posted March 16, 2007 Cant these people just go away already? PETA = People Eating Tasty Animals Quote
Fish Man Posted March 16, 2007 Posted March 16, 2007 its pathetic how far they will go to ruin other peaples lives > as far as not eating meat it gets me how if a wolf eats a rabbit they call it "natural" but for a person to to eat a fish or cow red flags start going up an all the sudden it "unnatural" well last i knew peaple were animals an i cant make any connection as to how its not right for us but fine for any other predator in the wild :-? Quote
Low_Budget_Hooker Posted March 16, 2007 Posted March 16, 2007 the right size dog on light line.....could be a hoot. Let's send them a "Thanks for the idea" (of course I would never-Joke) Quote
moby bass Posted March 17, 2007 Posted March 17, 2007 First post here. Some people are never happy, unless they're telling other people what to do and how they should live their lives. (Hello, Congress? Are you listening?) Quote
powerman970 Posted March 17, 2007 Posted March 17, 2007 I think animals should be treated correctly. Personally I like mine treated with Emeril's seasoning and a little olive oil. PETA is a joke. I would not go out of my way to run a dog over but I have been known to pepper one or two with birdshot if they were playing around in the freshly dumped garbage can in my front yard. As far as beef, pork, fish, etc. they are food...That is why they are here. As long as we remain at the top of the food chain I will eat what I choose. If some other species wants it's turn at the top then they should evolve faster, not my fault we are ahead of the learning curve. I am rigging a trot line in my front yard today. I think I can pick up a few strays that have been roaming the neighborhood. If that doesn't work I will set some jugs out tonight. Quote
ejtaylor822 Posted March 17, 2007 Posted March 17, 2007 the right size dog on light line.....could be a hoot. Let's send them a "Thanks for the idea" (of course I would never-Joke) Would give new meaning to "walking the dog". Can't wait for Bill Dance to show us that technique. ;D Seriuosly though, it blows my mind that these people (PETA) take themselves so serious. They need to lighten up a little bit. I find that a nice quite day on the lake or the bank of a pond with a fishing pole and, uh, hmmm, oh, never mind. Quote
justfishin Posted March 17, 2007 Posted March 17, 2007 Like that bunch of Yo-yo's has any validity left. We can't hook a fish and put it back but, its OK to inject poison into 1.000's of dogs and cats and throw them into a dumpster. PETA, if any of you read this I say, Shhhoooosh, talk to the hand. Quote
radiob Posted March 18, 2007 Posted March 18, 2007 So, Uh... any of you guys want to go out and kill a bunch a animals and leave them lting were they died, maybe hold a som sort of witching hour thing. N, exactly, when is the last ime you purposly went out to the lake or whatever caught a fish and killed it for the hell of it. I personally never had. How many of you have caught a fish that has been caught before? I know a lot of you. These peta people need to go follow the lemmings right off the d**n cliff. the radio guy out Quote
justfishin Posted March 18, 2007 Posted March 18, 2007 Powerman70, do you really think there is a need to shoot a dog with bird shot? I wish you would reconsider this tactic my friend. JMO. :-? Quote
zara spook Posted March 20, 2007 Posted March 20, 2007 Not to sound too critical but that is the most idiotic billboard I have ever friggin seen. C'mon what ARE we allowed to do anymore P.E.T.A.? Give it a rest already. > Quote
Super User Redlinerobert Posted March 21, 2007 Super User Posted March 21, 2007 I've never seen a PETA billboard here in CA. have you guys seen any where you're located? Quote
Super User fourbizz Posted March 21, 2007 Super User Posted March 21, 2007 The day a largemouth can go get the paper or fetch a stick, I'll stop fishing and sell my boat. Then its over for Redline! Haven't you ever thrown a stick bait out and had a bass bring it to the boat in his mouth? I'll buy the 22' Ranger!!!! I have 9 dollars! Quote
RecMar8541 Posted March 22, 2007 Posted March 22, 2007 Funny little story here. Had a favorite fishing hole when I fished up north, and on weekends the petas would come out on jet skis and buzz the bass boats, running between the boats and shore. basically right over where you are fishing. You talk about ticked.....after several confrontations at the ramp, some involving law enforcement, and usually ending in the peta getting an unsafe boating ticket, I devised a plan. I figure if a law enforcement agent an shoot someone for trying to run them over, in the line of self defence, then ehy shouldnt I be able to do the same thing? I mean hell after all unsafe boating means they are being wreckless and endangering others, am i right? Well obviously shooting them was out of the question....so i came up with the next best thing......paintball...... So at any rate, needless to say....that first peta that buzzed the boat left in a hurry. I was then shortly visited by the lake deputy, who ask why I shot them with a paintball gun....well officer he was heading straight for me, i was afraid he was gonna ram me, so I only fired to get him to alter course.....purely defending myself officer......well the officer scratched his head, and said well not much i can do about that......but why do you have a paintball gun in your boat in the first place. Simple I said. When I find the fish I just shoot a paintball at a nearby tree to mark the location, because I have poor memory.....(noone lives on the lake) Needless to say the officer busted a gut laughing, then went and wrote mr peta a ticket for unsafe boating, AND endangering others. For a long time after that whenever I saw that deputy on the lake he always waved and said "hey dirty harry...hows the fishin?" Quote
Bud Posted March 22, 2007 Posted March 22, 2007 but I have been known to pepper one or two with birdshot This type of statement is what give PETA ammo Quote
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