Super User senile1 Posted January 30, 2007 Super User Posted January 30, 2007 Fivebasslimit stated: I have a fear of something bad happening to my son and me not being around when it happens to help him. This would be mine. I have two daughters, ages 21 and 17. My wife says it is an obsession. I'm always worried about them when I can't be there to help. Quote
senko_77 Posted January 31, 2007 Posted January 31, 2007 I think I got you guys all beat. I cant stand mice and rats. They never use to bother me intill one day I went to put on a shoe and a mouse fell out of it. I cant even stand any thing in the rodent family. That gos for rabbits also. Lol. Speaking of mice. Before I moved to my new house a few months ago, we had a mouse problem at my house for a few weeks. I knew they were there, it's just a slow process to get rid of them, but I was always on edge. One night me and a few friends were asleep in the family room, and I felt something small walking across my chest. I jumped up, ripped off my shirt and shorts, and ran downstairs in my boxers yelling. My friends swore they saw the mouse dart into the closet. I slept on the roof the rest of the night. Quote
Super User Dan: Posted January 31, 2007 Super User Posted January 31, 2007 But what I hate is driving in highly populated cities (like Fredericksburg) where there is a ton of crazy drivers who zip in and out of lanes!! Seriously though, let me think... Lol, i don't think I've ever heard somebody refer to Fredericksburg as "highly populated." ;D My phobia would be of diseases. I used to always think I had some sort of crazy disease when I was younger. No it doesn't happen so much, but I occasionally still think I've got some sort of life threatening illness without any evidence to suggest so... Another one would be biting popsicles and anything involving damage to fingernails (ripping fingernails off/nails going through fingernails, etc...) Quote
Super User Bassn Blvd Posted January 31, 2007 Super User Posted January 31, 2007 Flying and eating off someone elses plate. I lick my wifes toes gut wont drink or eat off her plate or fork.... Quote
razyrsharpe Posted January 31, 2007 Posted January 31, 2007 i have a great fear of stupidity. more specifically, stupid people and what they can accomplish in large groups. Quote
John J. Posted January 31, 2007 Posted January 31, 2007 But what I hate is driving in highly populated cities (like Fredericksburg) where there is a ton of crazy drivers who zip in and out of lanes!! Seriously though, let me think... Lol, i don't think I've ever heard somebody refer to Fredericksburg as "highly populated." ;D Well when you've lived there for 15 years (I have) and you remember how it was once a one traffic light road and then go to a 20+ traffic light area which takes you about 30 minutes to go 5 miles, I think you would get agrivated and move. Fredericksburg to me is highly populated because I've never been to a large city before. I am use to the country and I am not use to the agrivating traffic. Laugh if you must, but I hate Fredericksburg and I am glad we moved. I still regard Fredericksburg as a highly dense populated area. Hard to believe they are tearing down the woods that I enjoyed looking out in the morning on the bus to go to school and see deer just to build MORE shopping crap. Fredericksburg was peaceful and easy going, traffic is horrible, shopping space is taking woods, and more people show up. I used to be able to go out in the mall, etc. and see almost everyone I knew,'s like I never be there before! I wouldn't doubt that Fredericksburg will grow and one day be a major city. Quote
Hale Posted January 31, 2007 Posted January 31, 2007 Cigarlover, Ill be sure to post some more pics of gators! ;D I am terrified of a little girl terrified. Down here they are everywhere and thousands of different species. And most all of them bite, not a venoumous bite (outside of the obvious), and they ahve a hurting kind of bite (similiar to wasp, bee stings). Wanna see me scream and dance like a little girl...throw a spide on me (oh yeah, hopefully you can run faster scared than i can mad after that ;D) My other fear is a 5'7" brunette, 25-30 y/o, green eyes, D cups, yada yada. I just know something like that would completely wreck my life! : Quote
Super User Bankbeater Posted February 1, 2007 Super User Posted February 1, 2007 Spiders. I've been bit twice by those little suckers while sleeping in my bed!! Once on the neck and once on the chest. I was sick as a dog both times. I don't have a fear of flying, but I do have a fear that someone working on the plane may not have put things back together the right way :-/. Quote
boondocks Posted February 1, 2007 Posted February 1, 2007 I lick my wifes toes .... Aaahhhhhhh. I'm speechless. Quote
Super User Hookemdown. Posted February 2, 2007 Super User Posted February 2, 2007 Dolls, no seriously. I watched Chucky when i was around 8 or 9, scared the living crap out of me. Then My older sister had a doll replica made of me for my mom's birthday one year. I still don't like to be in the same room with that thing. The little barbie's don't bother me though...much. Quote
skillet Posted February 3, 2007 Posted February 3, 2007 Hookemdown, My wife makes dolls of different people (me for instance) and for people that contact her over the net. Several have made it into national doll magazines and they make me uncomfortable enough and ventrilquist dummies, I can break out in hives . The very worst is going into one of those doll hospitals or a store that specializes in older dolls as is. They have whole rooms full of these "dolls" that are missing an eye , arms , legs, torn dirty clothes, faces that are 1/2 broke out, missing part of their head or they are old enough where their skin looks like they have leprosy, jungle rot or something worse. It's enough to send me screaming into the night and hurt either myself or someone else trying to get away from them ! I realize I have some issues but if this ever gets out, I'm in for a lot of very long and very expensive therapy sessions. Keep these ramblings under ya'lls hats..... As Ever, Skillet Quote
Super User Hookemdown. Posted February 4, 2007 Super User Posted February 4, 2007 Finally I'm not alone, makes me feel a little bit better. Quote
bassboy1 Posted February 19, 2007 Posted February 19, 2007 Thought I would bring this to the top because I found my true phobia today. VINES. Holy crap. Those things are downright deadly. Mom has been wanting some raised bed gardens in the backyard. So, dad and I were trying to clean out brush and fallen trees from the woods. Other than that it is a clearing. We also decided that a couple trees need to go to get better light. The trees are encrusted in vines - some of which are SIX inches in diameter. To make matters worse, the tree is leaning toward neighbors property. So we pull out the trusty rope bag and use a winch to yank the tree toward us. Cut it, and the tree is still standing. Tied to other trees with VINES. Reattache winch to bottom of tree and try to pull it out from underneath. Nope. Wont move. Cut the trunk off on 6 foot sections from the bottom up. Attached the rope from the tangled mess of the top of the tree to the truck and pulled. 1 1/4 inch rope snapped after stalling the truck twice. Two and a half hours to get one tree down. Turns out the vines had killed the tree. Had killed other trees as well but they weren't so entangled so they didn't fight. Still have about 3 dead trees we cannot remove w/o a bucket truck, which we don't have sitting in the workshop. The vines run in a grid under the leaves. Each one about a quarter inch in diameter and about six inches apart. Grab onto any foot or wheelbarrow or anything else that goes past it. To green to cut, and to strong to break. We have a chipper/shredder that we have been running some of the vines and brush through. Have about 12 wheelbarrow loads of mulch and took one fully loaded pickup to the dump, and still can't tell we even started. The VINES have latched onto every thing. And there was a lot of deadfall back there, and the previous owners of the house dumped every bit of yard waste they had back there. And the vines took over all of it. What was supposed to be a half days work building some raised beds have turned into 2 long days of VINES. Haven't even touched the stack of crossties yet. Mom owes me a lot of fishing time for this. 'specially since we are nowhere near done. looks to be another full days work before we even start on the crossties. And she wants 3 beds that use between 8 and 12 apiece. and the suckers weigh about 250 lbs apiece. > > > > > > Quote
bassboy1 Posted February 19, 2007 Posted February 19, 2007 To make matters worse, I have bad allergies this time of year. The constant dust from the saw and chipper didn't help. I now fear the stupid things. And we have them all around. Some are decorational but I still HATE them. Quote
Guest avid Posted February 19, 2007 Posted February 19, 2007 fire ants. Sheer Terror. The Seminoles and other Southern Native American tribes used fire ants to torture and kill their most hated enemies. I can't think of a more painful or scary way to die. Quote
Super User Maxximus Redneckus Posted February 19, 2007 Super User Posted February 19, 2007 For me im scared to be alone i lived with different girls(one wife too) since i was 18. Im 6 foot 245 lbs and i can bench 450 lbs i have a gun in every room in my house .But something about bein in a house alone sleeping alone mainly at night .Im fine when im awake but just layin down in a bed creeps me out.Heights also went over the bay bridge a feww weeks ago GF says why does the bridge not have any support in the middle im like stfu almost had to pull over AFTER i paid my toll thats when u see the bridge best im thinking OK one way back is agaisnt traffic i will be on the news millions of things goin through my mind i got hold of myself and went ahead i swear i had tunnel vison only place i looked was 10 foot in front of my truck the whole way and drove 40 mph.Lightning is also a shytty thing to me i hate it when we have a storm seems like it hits all around my house like its mockin me in the last 5 yrs it has hit 8 trees in my yard and i have 3 telephone poles it has hit same yard 3 transformers within a mile of my house think i draw it that myth it dont hit the same place twice is a myth it hit one of my trees 3 times in 2 moths dead now like the others .Thats about it for me aint foudn nothing diff yet Quote
Fish Man Posted February 19, 2007 Posted February 19, 2007 for me i am aracnophobic (sorry bout spelling) but spiders give me the hibbyjibbies......i think it started as a kid when i was always told that black widows lived all around us(garages,basements,atics,corners,etc)and could kill a small child(and i was one back then) also i would always get webs in my face riding my bike or 4 wheeler or even walkin in the summer witch freaked me out cuz my older brother once told me they would lay eggs in my brain and kill me annd i wasnt all that open to the idea... :-[ the fact they have 8 leg and are alwways crawlin around my house with enough venom to kill me in several hours(very painfully) doesnt help their cause. :-/ Quote
Murray Posted February 19, 2007 Posted February 19, 2007 lizards, snakes, and uncontrolled heights (building:ok--cliffs--bad) but the dark is the worst for me.i have to run when i turn out the light in my bathroom at night. Quote
Fish Man Posted February 19, 2007 Posted February 19, 2007 i to am afraid of heights...i can trace this one back to my brother also...way back when i was really small he would grab me and push me without letting go and make it seem like i was gonna fall..i hated it and now i dont trust anyone(not a single member of my family) when i am on top of a tall structure or object Quote
lunchbox508 Posted February 19, 2007 Posted February 19, 2007 I hate needles mostly because I have to get my blood drawn out of the top of my hand because the veins in my arm are to tough! I also hate anything that can bite or sting. I get bit or stung by everything. All though I am one of the few to have ever been bit by a Brown Recluse spider and it not do anything, and this has happened a few times because i live in texas and they are everywhere! Quote
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