justfishin Posted January 13, 2007 Posted January 13, 2007 I am in the health field and we had a recent case of a boyfriend shaking a baby to death. This has been a tough few for all of us but, you know, even though I am a pretty religious man, if I were ever going to shoot a man this guy would be it. I am just not understanding how these things can or are allowed to happen. There had to be signs that this kind of action performed by this lowlife could happen. If any of you ever have a hint of potential family violence,please alert the proper authorities. Evidently there were warning signs for the potential of this kind of incident and not one person in this family took any action so, as far as I am concerned they were as guilty as him. You are not protecting anyone by not alerting the authoritys except for the perpetrator. A ten month old baby should never be the victim of anything. Quote
mjhutch1116 Posted January 13, 2007 Posted January 13, 2007 Hey Jim, I agree with you 100%. As a parent myself I cannot understand why noone stood up for this child before it was to late. I realize that sometimes your childern can push you to the breaking point. The key is what you as an individual do when you reach that point. For myself I walk away from my son when he pushes me that far. It takes a real prince of a guy to hurt a 10 month old baby. The family should have done or said something to the proper people to have avoided this tradgey. The guilt for the incident should be shared by all in that family. All we can hope for now is that God has taken that little baby into heaven and he will have eternal peace now. Matt Quote
justfishin Posted January 13, 2007 Author Posted January 13, 2007 I agree. I deal with peoples suffering every day and some of it is like a horror movie that you could not even imagine, and if you are not around it all the time, the horror of it would overwhelm you. I guess most of us get a pretty thick skin, you have too, or you couldn't do this kind of work but, when it comes to children and kids I just cannot handle it sometimes. This kind of thing was one of those times and I thought I would just remind people to take some action in these kind of cases, thats all. Quote
Guest the_muddy_man Posted January 13, 2007 Posted January 13, 2007 If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and swims like a duck IT IS A DUCK report all abuse immediatly I can't tell you the amount of kids i work with that are permantly scarred because of this. I have cried going home from work on many occasions because of what they tell me Quote
BASS fisherman Posted January 13, 2007 Posted January 13, 2007 Over the past few days there have been a couple reports of abuse to kids here in the Pittsburgh area. One was a woman who put her baby into an oven and lit the oven. Someone interviened and the baby was not killed, but did suffer burns from the ordeal. The other was a young mom who called the police with a missing child report. After searching the apartment the police found the child inside a box in the closet with a bag over her head. Allegedly the mother and/or others in the apartment at the time suffocated the girl. Very very sad. Unexcusable as well Quote
Ky_Lake_Dude Posted January 13, 2007 Posted January 13, 2007 I am in the health field and we had a recent case of a boyfriend shaking a baby to death. This has been a tough few for all of us but, you know, even though I am a pretty religious man, if I were ever going to shoot a man this guy would be it. I am just not understanding how these things can or are allowed to happen. There had to be signs that this kind of action performed by this lowlife could happen. If any of you ever have a hint of potential family violence,please alert the proper authorities. Evidently there were warning signs for the potential of this kind of incident and not one person in this family took any action so, as far as I am concerned they were as guilty as him. You are not protecting anyone by not alerting the authoritys except for the perpetrator. A ten month old baby should never be the victim of anything. RIGHT ON Quote
Tom Bass Posted January 13, 2007 Posted January 13, 2007 I grew up in a very abusive household. No one would intervene because my dad was a tough guy and a bully. I left home at 17 and never went back. My dad is dead now. I do not miss him. I do not tolerate child abuse. I report it if I hear about it and I get confrontational with people if I witness it. I don't care where I am at the time, even if I am in their home. There is no reason to abuse a child. You can discipline a child without abusing them. Quote
justfishin Posted January 13, 2007 Author Posted January 13, 2007 Tom Bass, I am sorry you had to grow up under a situation like that. Seems you overcame it and turned out just fine. Some kids never shake that ghost as you seemed to have done. I agree, its better to speak up or at least make the proper entities aware of a abusive situation. I was very fortunate to have the great parents that I had. I feel blessed. On a lighter note, it wasn't like I didn't get a well needed butt whoopin from time to time. I tell everyone that my Mom could take down a whitetail at 100 yards with a flip-flop,lol. Quote
Guest the_muddy_man Posted January 13, 2007 Posted January 13, 2007 My Mother could take a fly off a wall at 100 yards with a Wooden Spoon SHE EVEN GOT IT TO GO AROUND CORNERS Quote
Super User Gatorbassman Posted January 14, 2007 Super User Posted January 14, 2007 My Mother could take a fly off a wall at 100 yards with a Wooden Spoon SHE EVEN GOT IT TO GO AROUND CORNERS My mom was a wiz with a wooden spoon and to this day I swear that my dads "Black Belt" was three inches wide and an inch thick. I can still feel it. And I love them for it. Quote
Super User cart7t Posted January 14, 2007 Super User Posted January 14, 2007 Mom used to go after us with those wooden yardsticks they gave away at the hardware stores. They hurt when we were little, as we grew older they just broke across our butts and we did all we could to keep from laughing, then, one day, she went to the closet to grab a yardstick and she was all out. She grabbed the next closest thing, one of those metal handled flyswatters!! Geebus we ran from that thing, which only made it worse when she caught us. ;D Quote
Guest avid Posted January 14, 2007 Posted January 14, 2007 Mom would use the wooden spoon when she wanted to teach me a lesson. I would take the shots and swear I would be good. But then there were times I got her so po'd she took out the rolling pin. Feets, don't fail me now. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, thems were the dayz. Quote
Super User roadwarrior Posted January 14, 2007 Super User Posted January 14, 2007 Gosh Jim, I hate posts like this... Shoot first ask questions later... My compassion for child abusers, rapists and terrorists is nill...or something less. The question should be: Were they shot resisting arrest or trying to escape? Quote
Fishin49er Posted January 14, 2007 Posted January 14, 2007 Oh man the wooden spoon memories, I have a few myself. Punishing a child is something that at times needs to be done, but abusing should never be accepted. Like stated earlier, thats take a real lowlife kind of person to even think of something like that. Quote
BucketmouthAngler13 Posted January 14, 2007 Posted January 14, 2007 Yes, child abuse isn't somthing to take lightly. This a difference between a good ol butt wipp'n and sticking a baby in the oven, however. You can discipline a child without abuseing them, and i'm living proof. I got more spankings on the rear with the wooden spoon then I got hairs on my head, and gosh darn they hurt like heck. Did I ever feel abused? Nope. Do I feel abuse now? Nope. I think it is the manner that the discipline is carried out in that makes the difference. You shouldn't be screaming at your kid, becuase that only makes things worse. My dad never yells (exept if you switch the channel after he falls alseep watching golf, LOL) he just sends you to the bathroom, gets it over with, then acts like nothing ever happend in the first place. Quote
Guest the_muddy_man Posted January 14, 2007 Posted January 14, 2007 My favorite way for any child abuser to be handled goes something like this You hear two gunshots then a police officer says HALT POLICE Quote
justfishin Posted January 14, 2007 Author Posted January 14, 2007 I hear you RW. We have some frequent flyer's that come in with hurt children and you KNOW what happened and the spouse lies like a rug to protect the pieces of trash. I get just as angry with them. That was the point I was trying to get across in this post. Neighbors, teachers, family members, to make a long list short, can spot the signs and should not hesitate to call someone. You certainly do not have to give your name and can remain nameless. RW, I will say this, a few times over the years I would have liked to have tripped and fallen with a syringe loaded up with some bye-bye juice and say, WHHOPPPPPPPSS. I am sure that a few of my coworkers would have liked to have done the same. :-? Quote
justfishin Posted January 14, 2007 Author Posted January 14, 2007 RW, we need you and Muddy to take charge of the Child Protection Services. I think your intervention would save the taxpayers a lot of money and solve some problems, very simply,lol. ;D Quote
Super User Munkin Posted January 14, 2007 Super User Posted January 14, 2007 Jim, Baby Justice was my cousin and I attended his funeral :'(. At the viewing I made the wife wait until they closed the casket because we have a 2 month old baby and I did not want her to see. Now for the *insert profanity here* the murdered her baby. He has a history of anger management that we only found out about when it was too late. Last word we received was he was being placed into protective custody or moved out of the county for his safety. It seems that murdering a baby is unacceptable even to violent criminals. I have offered my services free of charge to insert the needle for his execution. Allen Quote
KYbass1276 Posted January 15, 2007 Posted January 15, 2007 I hate even reading about it. If our society would publicy torture these people where everyone could see them and without the months of trails and lawyers arguing over there so called rights things like this wouldn't happen near as much as they do now. The problem is a criminal has more rights today than a 10 month old child. If we cained them to death in public I would bet that it would send a message. Quote
justfishin Posted January 15, 2007 Author Posted January 15, 2007 Wow Allen, I did not know that was your cousin. Sorry to hear that. That situation shook up everyone to the ninth degree. When that incident took place it sent a chill up every health care worker in the county. It was exceptional because of your cousins age, in which I posted wrong, but, that is beside the point. We see it all the time with older children in this area. My heart goes out to you and your family. Protective custody huh? I won't even go there. I'll see you this week at Jeffs. If the family needs any counciling I will do what I can to hook them up with someone. Sometimes that helps a lot. He had a history of Anger Management? I know you well enough and you are certainly big enough, that something in me wishes that you would have been aware of that situation. I am sure your style of intervention would have been the RX for that lowlife. Hang in there my friend. Quote
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