bass109 Posted January 7, 2007 Posted January 7, 2007 What are some of your ideas on Gobal warming and its effects on bass fishing or all fishing? Quote
volpster31 Posted January 7, 2007 Posted January 7, 2007 well the only good thing i see is that the bass here in jersey will get bigger like those bass down south.... ;D ;D ;D seriously,with warmer winters & overall warmer weather i dont see how fishing will be hurt by it....although there is always two sides to a story Quote
carySE406 Posted January 7, 2007 Posted January 7, 2007 I think that slightly higher temperatures will start slowly draining populations of "colder" water species and eventually disrupt the food chain in lakes because the bass will feed more frequently on more prey and some lakes cant keep up with the number or size of bass that will be growing there. Quote
Pa Angler Posted January 7, 2007 Posted January 7, 2007 I believe northern fish need the winter cold as part of their spawning. When the temp drops and then rises the reproduction process starts without the temp. changes the fish will not spawn. I'm sure there's a more technical explanation for it but that's it in a nutshell. Chow Quote
Supermat Posted January 7, 2007 Posted January 7, 2007 I think its all a pile of crock, still waiting for the volcano that will drop us a few degrees and spin us off into a not-so-warm tangent. Â ;D In the meantime, warmer weather never hurt any bass' growing season so its all good by me! I think that if this stuff pans out you're going to have fish that are active more of the year, feeding more heavily... sounds good to me! Quote
Super User Dan: Posted January 7, 2007 Super User Posted January 7, 2007 yeah, still not a beleiver... Quote
senko_77 Posted January 7, 2007 Posted January 7, 2007 Gosh dont even get me started on this subject.  The "theory" of self inflicted global warming is such a load.  If anyone hasn't noticed, earth goes through natural stages.  We had an ice age 10,000 years ago if I'm correct.  People just love to blame things on other things so they feel better about themselves.  So here's the dealio....Rebulicans want to blame Dem's, Dem's want to blame Repubs, different people blame it on different causes, but the fact is, earth is changing super slowly because thats what it is supposed to do.  But if it makes you feel better, we could probably trace all of this global warming back to the cavemen who discovered fire....those scoundrels!! Global easy, a caveman could do it   Quote
Super User Sam Posted January 7, 2007 Super User Posted January 7, 2007 There is no such thing as gloal warming. This is a political term used for political reasons, only. Weather conditions are cyclical and there is nothing man nor animal can do to stop it. Right now the El Nino affect is causing the warm weather in the eastern part of the US, not any global warming. It is just anohter political lable that the libralsand anti-Americans use to try to control us. And speaking of polluting of out atmosphere...the space shuttle took photos of pollution and China nad Africa lead the world in plluting the air. So if you want to talk global warming, hop a plane and fly to either China or Africa and talk to those people. Quote
Super User Gatorbassman Posted January 7, 2007 Super User Posted January 7, 2007 OK I have to chime in on this one to. I think that it's a bunch of crap and I will tell you why. My older brother is an aerospace engineer (aka Rocket Scientist). He is the world authority on satellite optics and weather sensors. I guess this was 12 or 13 years ago. He was designing a satellite for his Masters thesis. The satellite was designed to test the Ozone Layer Theory and prove once and for all if it was true or false. It could detect the holes that everyone  said existed. After he finished building it he spent two years trying to find someone who would put it up into orbit. He couldn't get anyone to do it. He even tried China and Russia. It wasn't like this was his first satellite either. He already had three in orbit and for some reason nobody wanted to touch this one. It just doesn't make any sense. I guess there is too much money in it staying theory. He has since put up dozens of weather satellites and even helped Russia rebuild their early warning system and he still can't get anyone to touch this. It now sits in a storage unit. Quote
Cajun Caster Posted January 7, 2007 Posted January 7, 2007 Global Morning: The Myth The same pseudo scientists that are screaming about global warming (always in need of a trendy hysterical cause) are the same suspects that were screaming about the coming of the new ice age not too long ago. A lot of you younger members will not remember this. It was the hot topic in Time magazine and all the other fake, phony, fraudulent media. As mentioned above, one volcanic eruption will undo billions of dollars that American taxpayers are paying to "save the enviroment". Not the world nations, just America. The socialists in this country, the biggest perpetrators of global warming, are more than happy to make America pay, and pay, and pay... Quote
justfishin Posted January 7, 2007 Posted January 7, 2007                       Quote
Low_Budget_Hooker Posted January 7, 2007 Posted January 7, 2007 I'm a believer. Â Looks like it's just you and I Jim Fluke- Any idea how many big money industries would buckle tomorrow morning if REAL sanctions were placed on "industrial" enterprises? Basically, energy as we know it would have to be re-invented or re-deployed to alternative sources. OIL, automotive, factories, yadda, yadda,.... The companies that could afford such an endeavor as to launch a satellite, are the same ones that would be decemated by it's success. Yes, the earth has it's cycles. They are extremely slow cycles with interruptions of drastic events and then back to a crawl. We are creating a drastic event. Sure, the Earth will survive, she's a tough old bugger. However, Oxygen based LIFE on Earth,....that's another story. My .02 Oh yea, I bet the fishing will get better as the temps begin to increase (Roughly now) and then plummet like all forms of life around it. Quote
Super User Catt Posted January 7, 2007 Super User Posted January 7, 2007 The National Archives on weather dates back to 1735 The advent of modern meteorological networks started in 1892 That's only 115-272 years worth of data Most other countries archived weather data is at best 500 years old From this limited data you are going to predict what to place a 1,000 year ago, 2,000 years ago, or beyond Quote
justfishin Posted January 7, 2007 Posted January 7, 2007 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â In order to stop the greenhouse gas affect and carbon emissions on our environment, even if global warming is not real, you are stepping on something much bigger by putting mandates from the EPA on big corps and affecting their revenue.2+2=4, and always will. If you start fooling with corporate America and their revenue, as well as, the revenue that the federal government receives from those corporations, no matter how bad they think the outcome of their actions, Â the bottom line is, the almighty dollar and the quarterly reports. That is the real world and this is not just about global warming either. Two good examples of this is the Exxon Corporation's rape of Americans wallets and the Love Canal. This is not just the case on a top level but, on a municipal level as well. As Forest said " And thats all I have to say about that ". Â Quote
CJ Posted January 7, 2007 Posted January 7, 2007 This may be myth but makes some since.Alot of the local anglers around here want a period of freezing temps for a good shad kill.Though I feel a population explosion of baitfish could help bass growth.Some of the "old timers" will claim that angler's productivity will decrease for the following season. What we are experiencing right now is El Nino'(so I have been told). Quote
Super User dodgeguy Posted January 7, 2007 Super User Posted January 7, 2007 global warming my rear end!!!!last january around here was as cold as it gets.this year it's warm and denver is was hotter when the dinosaurs were here.we also had a major ice age.things go in cycles!!! Quote
carySE406 Posted January 7, 2007 Posted January 7, 2007 weather conditions are cyclical and there is nothing man nor animal can do to stop it. But never have temperatures risen so dramatically in such a short time, I find it a little hard to believe we dont have some impact, but you're right the temps are rising no matter how many emissions we put in the air. Quote
Super User dodgeguy Posted January 7, 2007 Super User Posted January 7, 2007 weather conditions are cyclical and there is nothing man nor animal can do to stop it. But never have temperatures risen so dramatically in such a short time, I find it a little hard to believe we dont have some impact, but you're right the temps are rising no matter how many emissions we put in the air. there is no proof of that. Quote
Guest avid Posted January 7, 2007 Posted January 7, 2007 but the fact is, earth is changing super slowly Really? the fact is that the tons of pollutants we humans dump into our air and water every minute of every day is having a dramatic impact on ecosystems and climate conditions. Anyone who thinks that the planet can stand the abuse we are unloading on it without consequences is living in dreamland. Quote
Low_Budget_Hooker Posted January 7, 2007 Posted January 7, 2007 Nope, nothing different here that I havn't seen before (Not), 70 degrees on Jan 7,......I'm going fishing while we are still here. Quote
dink Posted January 7, 2007 Posted January 7, 2007 The media has to cover something. Â Like someone said before, in the 70s it was the next Ice Age. Â In the 80s, the Cold War dominated headlines. Â Then it was Y2K. Â The Chicken Littles of the world will ALWAYS be screaming about something. Â Fact is, you will not stop Nature. Â Man is a part of nature and thus part of its processes. Quote
Super User roadwarrior Posted January 7, 2007 Super User Posted January 7, 2007 My thoughts and other member comments on a thread running it "Everything Else." Quote
the ohh face Posted January 7, 2007 Posted January 7, 2007 The National Archives on weather dates back to 1735  The advent of modern meteorological networks started in 1892 That's only 115-272 years worth of data  Most other countries archived weather data is at best 500 years old  From this limited data you are going to predict what to place a 1,000 year ago, 2,000 years ago, or beyond  Actually using ice cores from the south pole scientists can acturately gauge global temperature and average carbon dioxide levels something like 150,000 years maybe longer i forget.  And the data is somewhat alarming when the temperature and carbon dioxide levels have a direct correlation and the carbon dioxide levels are the highest recorded going back that far.  I think this will have a profound effect on fishing in florida when half of it is underwater.  As far as stricter emissions control hurting the economy, a couple hundred thousand refugees whose homes are now underwater will probably have a somewhat larger effect on the economy than paying for greener technology. Back to fishing now, with higher average temperature there is less snowpack on the mountains every year. Many water systems depend on annual melt to feed them every spring. This may have some small effect on fishing in these areas. Quote
Super User dodgeguy Posted January 7, 2007 Super User Posted January 7, 2007 we  never said pollution was good.we just don't think it's causing global warming.yes the earth is getting warmer.particulate emissions (smog) should cut down on sunlight and actually cool the earth.from what i have read mars is getting warmer also.there is no way we caused that.yes we should cut down on pollution.vehicle manufacturers are trying to do this now.yes there is more to be done. but if you think it's going to stop global warming you're kidding yourself.there are studies that show that the methane gas released when  cows flatulate does more to hurt ozone than motor should we kill all the livestock of the world? Quote
Low_Budget_Hooker Posted January 7, 2007 Posted January 7, 2007 That's good stuff right there,lol. Â Which study is that? Â (DG, not being a punk or trying to start somthing at all, just wondering if you have link, I think it would be a good read.) Quote
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