tipptruck1 Posted January 5, 2007 Posted January 5, 2007 I just saw a tibute album to honor metallica. Most bands or people do a great job making tibute albums. But this was a group of rapers that made it. After hearing about 30 seconds I almost threw up my supper. I thought I would give it a try. Iam just glad I didn't pay for the songs I heard. If your in to rap go and waste your money on it. But any of the true metal heads will hate it. Quote
Vyron Posted January 5, 2007 Posted January 5, 2007 I just saw a tibute album to honor metallica. Most bands or people do a great job making tibute albums. But this was a group of rapers that made it. After hearing about 30 seconds I almost threw up my supper. I thought I would give it a try. Iam just glad I didn't pay for the songs I heard. If your in to rap go and waste your money on it. But any of the true metal heads will hate it. hmmm ,what else is left? britney spears 2 sing : for whom the bell tolls? ahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahaha Quote
justfishin Posted January 5, 2007 Posted January 5, 2007 Rappers doing Metallica? Please, pass me the handgun!!! Quote
Guest the_muddy_man Posted January 5, 2007 Posted January 5, 2007 Hey Tipp easy man! I grew up in the sixties and I made a living at plying the drums. Now let me state I don't listen to Rap or Metal ( too old for that) but one of the highest forms of respect is when a group of artists from one form of music pay homage to a group they love from another form of music; Listen to Santana its a meeting of Jazz,Soul<Rock and Salsa OPEN MINDEDNESS!!!!!!!!!! Ive seen Jimi Hendrix play Coletrane,Dizzy Gillespie play Rap, Winton Marsllis Playing Earth wind and Fire < Elvis Costello playing standard big band with Burt Bacarach and lets not forget Run DMC and Aerosmith. Heck and what about the BBKING/Bono duet There is what I like and dont like not good and bad. When I was younger I listened to Vince Scelsa on WNEW FM in NYC it was not unusual for him to spin a set starting with Thelonious Monk, to Sinatra , to Franklin , to hendrix and endiing With Frank Zzappa. Those were before we had Black,White,AOR and top 40 stations You could stay on one spot on the dial and get a taste of many flaors. WWOz.com from New Orleans still has sets like this Try not to bash those rap artists were inspired in some way by Metalica and were payong homage to them Quote
Super User SPEEDBEAD. Posted January 5, 2007 Super User Posted January 5, 2007 Not sure what to think, guess I gotta hear it for myself. Wayne Quote
Siebert Outdoors Posted January 5, 2007 Posted January 5, 2007 Thats kind of an extreme song rework. Thats almost like someone singing operah as a rapper. It just wouldnt work. No thanks Dont worry I wont be buying that. Quote
Tom Bass Posted January 6, 2007 Posted January 6, 2007 Tribute = No talent...must make money somehow...... Quote
cabela10 Posted January 6, 2007 Posted January 6, 2007 Muddy_man, he can have his own opinion about things in this world. That's what makes America so great. If you don't like what somebody says, then ignore it and move on. If he thinks the rappers singing Metallic songs is bad, that's his decision and you must respect his own view. I personally like hip hop/rap music and I also listen to heavy metal like Metallic and the newer metal bands but to think this would work out for the good is funny to even think about. Rappers to Heavy Metal people are on different sides of the fence Quote
Guest the_muddy_man Posted January 6, 2007 Posted January 6, 2007 Hey Cabela READ THE POST -I was just stating what I feel about how THEIR ARE NOW SIDES OF THE MUSICAL FENCE and it wasnt always like that CAPICCE iI have never said what someone should or shouldnt like or listen to> when i was learing how to play BIG BAND JAZZ was forced down my throat ( although I like it) by my teacher if I even mentioned my love THE BLUES he would end the lesson That made me feel pretty crappy So I stopped taking lessons and for the most part bought one Blues or soul record and learned how to play them When I had the opputunity to teach a younster I always asked him to bring his sticks AND HIS FAVORITE RECORD TO THE FIRST LESSON Music is music and there are all tastes and I refuse to inhibits anyones draw to the music. I am a big promoter of listeing to things ( I have listened to both rap and metal) and see if they fit TAHNK GOD I grew up in a time when there werent too many musical fences; They were created on the most part by record label A& R guys to TARGET AUDIENCES I remeber when AOR ROCK Stations were BURNING DISCO RECORDS ( I guess some didnt have to read Farenheit 451 in high school) The WHITE AOR stations ratings ( equaling ADVERTISING MONEY) were starting to fall off after decades of climbingf. In those piles of records they BURNEED were artists like; Quincy Jones,Neville Brother,Earth Wind and Fire,Chic,The Trampps,BarKeys and the Ohio Players JUST TO NAME A FEW of extremlyt talanted bvands that chose to play dance music. The music they played was incredible and the musicans from those bands went on to become some of the most sucessful producers and side men of thier generation SO YOU SEE WHAT I WITNESSED FENCES DOING So if a few rappers want to do an album to honor a metal band I dont see the problem I was not trying to alter Tipps taste but ask him to be a little more tolerant My.02 and then some Quote
Troutfisher Posted January 6, 2007 Posted January 6, 2007 On a lighter note, how about that weather? (Weather rants flying) Err, how about ole' Brittany Spears? (Hollywood rants flying) Oh, uh, how about THAT FISHING? IT'S GOOD, ISN'T IT??? Just trying to lighten things up guys...remember, we're among friends! Quote
Guest the_muddy_man Posted January 6, 2007 Posted January 6, 2007 Hey Im not arguing the point out of anger I feel strongly about my love of music If I was angry it would be ugly So no harm no foul Quote
Troutfisher Posted January 6, 2007 Posted January 6, 2007 Agreed; let's kiss and make up! Well, don't do that.... Quote
Guest the_muddy_man Posted January 6, 2007 Posted January 6, 2007 Hey , hey This is not the Dr.Phil Forum Quote
Troutfisher Posted January 6, 2007 Posted January 6, 2007 That's the spirit! ;D "Now women, here's the solution to all yer problems...blame your husband!" -Dr. Phil Quote
Guest avid Posted January 6, 2007 Posted January 6, 2007 Muddy_man, he can have his own opinion about things in this world. That's what makes America so great. If you don't like what somebody says, then ignore it and move on. If he thinks the rappers singing Metallic songs is bad, that's his decision and you must respect his own view Are we talking about the The United States of America? Not in my neighborhood. Sure he's got the right to say his opinion. No doubt. But so does everybody who chooses to disagree. It's not my experience that when somebody "don't like what somebody says, then ignore it and move on." You didn't right? And because this is a free country, no one MUST respect anyones elses point of view. If you want proof of that watch the 'fair and balanced" evening commentary shows on Fox. avid PS I think the collaboration between Santana and Sean Paul was brilliant. Quote
Troutfisher Posted January 6, 2007 Posted January 6, 2007 And because this is a free country, no one MUST respect anyones elses point of view. If you want proof of that watch the 'fair and balanced" evening commentary shows on Fox. Or CNN "the most trusted, and "honored" name in news." : Quote
Guest avid Posted January 6, 2007 Posted January 6, 2007 Agreed; let's kiss and make up! Well, don't do that.... :o Yeah but wouldn't love to see it :-* :-* :-* Quote
Guest avid Posted January 6, 2007 Posted January 6, 2007 And because this is a free country, no one MUST respect anyones elses point of view. If you want proof of that watch the 'fair and balanced" evening commentary shows on Fox. Or CNN "the most trusted, and "honored" name in news." : Fair enough, but "not for nothing" as we say back in the hood, "The no spin zone" is my favorite when I want to see a true expert of the sarcastic putdown. He certainly beats the crap out of all those latte sipping starbucks whimps. ;D ;D ;D Quote
Troutfisher Posted January 6, 2007 Posted January 6, 2007 Fair enough, but "not for nothing" as we say back in the hood, "The no spin zone" is my favorite when I want to see a true expert of the sarcastic putdown. He certainly beats the crap out of all those latte sipping starbucks whimps. ;D ;D ;D Yeah but wouldn't love to see it :-* :-* :-* ;D ;D Quote
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