Jaheff Posted February 11, 2009 Posted February 11, 2009 Take a look at the numbers and costs. ( RW. Please make this link HTML for me?) http://www.pe.com/localnews/inland/stories/PE_News_Local_S_lake10.47f416c.html Quote
philbo1311 Posted February 12, 2009 Posted February 12, 2009 I agree with the post!! As I recall even before they opened D.V. MWD tried to have NO Fishing Allowed!! after all the hype of how it was going to be the greatest thing since hot toast....What a bunch of B.S. All these beauraucrats make me SICK! When the Revolution comes the Guillotine! LOL Quote
Super User flechero Posted February 12, 2009 Super User Posted February 12, 2009 People can fish and boat but cannot swim or water ski, since human contact with the reservoir water is prohibited. What do they smoke out there? If it weren't so incredibly sad, it would be laughable! Quote
Super User fourbizz Posted February 12, 2009 Super User Posted February 12, 2009 I love the no contact rule personally. It is the only thing that keeps some lakes fishable in the late spring to early fall. Quote
Bantam1 Posted February 13, 2009 Posted February 13, 2009 Supposedly its a drinking water reservoir. Since the water goes to that region I make sure I pee in it as much as I can ;D Quote
Super User flechero Posted February 13, 2009 Super User Posted February 13, 2009 I love the no contact rule personally. It is the only thing that keeps some lakes fishable in the late spring to early fall. As it applies to water skiers, I agree completely. But as it reads, you could be ticketed for rinsing off your hands after a release. Bantam, Pretty funny! Quote
Infidel. Posted February 16, 2009 Posted February 16, 2009 I know guys that have gotten tickets for smoking there as well. We can't touch the water there but I couldn't tell you the amount of lead that I have left at the bottom of that place. Quote
BassnMan Mike Posted February 17, 2009 Posted February 17, 2009 Welcome To California, The Land Of Fruits And Nuts! We have got some VERY crazy laws out here but remember, what starts out here usually spreads accross the country. Sorry guys! Quote
Super User Hammer 4 Posted February 17, 2009 Super User Posted February 17, 2009 Tickets for "smoking"..? I just saw that they have designated areas for smokin...we have reverations on March 1st at DVL..and I'm a smoker...it's funny they also own Lake Skinner but there aren't any restrictions there.. : I wouldn't normally go there, but Son is treating me to a day there including renting their bass boat.. And ditto on what Mike said.. I know guys that have gotten tickets for smoking there as well. We can't touch the water there but I couldn't tell you the amount of lead that I have left at the bottom of that place. Quote
Branuss04 Posted February 17, 2009 Posted February 17, 2009 Supposedly its a drinking water reservoir. Since the water goes to that region I make sure I pee in it as much as I can ;D HAHAHA!!!! I love peeing in no-contact lakes. For some reason I get a thrill out of it ;D Quote
fishnjohn Posted February 21, 2009 Posted February 21, 2009 I disagree with rules at alot of the waterways in California. How about water/ponds and property owned by department of fish and game that is supposed to be for public lands but they put up a fence and post it no tresspassing. As far as Diamond Valley reservoir just be happy it is open for pubic use. Complain too much and they will close the gates and you will not be alowwed in there at all. Quote
BassnMan Mike Posted February 21, 2009 Posted February 21, 2009 John, are referring to Haiwee? If so, its actually owned by SATAN aka LADWP, Los Angeles Department of Water and Power. That fishery is one of the best in the world as far as I'm concerned. SATAN closed it because they claim its a Homeland Security issue but the bottom line is they want their own private fishing hole. Originally when they were forced to open it after some 50 years, they put all kinds of rules to inconveience fishermen but we put up with all their stupid rules just because the fishing was that good. I can homestly say that I would gladly pay $100.00 a day to put my boat on either the upper or lower lake, its that good! Quite awhile back, several years now, I started a petition and it got pretty big. WON published it in their paper as well as online. I contacted BASS/ESPN. The petition was passed around several CA boat shows and was signed by countless anglers. I dont remember exactly who it was but some organization said they said that they were posed to file a suit against SATAN if they went ahead with the closure then NOTHING. I thought for sure BASS would have helped us out. Can you tell this is a touchy subject Quote
fishnjohn Posted February 21, 2009 Posted February 21, 2009 The waters/ponds I am talking about are here in the Fresno area and Northern California. There is a series of ponds here that were privately owned for generations and now the department of fish and game along with the San Joaquin river conservancy own and they have closed them to the public. Quote
Super User iceintheveins Posted March 17, 2009 Super User Posted March 17, 2009 Colorado is bad for this as well. We have numerous lakes where ice fishing and even non motorized boating is banned. No factual evidence exists that these activities can contaminate a municipal water source. Just remember, these lakes are PUBLIC PROPERTY! WE OWN THEM! The way to victory is relentless pressure or petitions to get a measure on the ballot. The cities generally cannot overturn ballot measures. Here in Grand Junction, Terry Franklin, our water resources superintendent, is so arrogant that he calls our public reservoir HIS reservoir and tries to say it's public property. These arrogant bureaucrats deserve nothing but to be taken out and tarred and feathered. WE OWN THIS LAND DARNIT! Government is the SERVANT of the people, not the master. Those who don't obey public mandates should be immediately canned, if not JAILED! Quote
Super User iceintheveins Posted March 17, 2009 Super User Posted March 17, 2009 There is NO evidence that human skin contact has any affect on treated water. Humans as a rule are not carriers or waterborne illnesses, and animals, including fish and waterfowl, not to mention coyotes, deer ect. can urinate and deficate in the lake at will, and the treatment plants take care of that. Any reasons water utility goons, who are really just a bunch of Un - American bullycrats give to restrict or ban access are just nothing but lies. There is ZERO evidence to support what they do. Any bureaucrats who do this are not even worthy of being called citizens of a free country. Screw them all! Quote
Super User iceintheveins Posted March 17, 2009 Super User Posted March 17, 2009 There is NO evidence that human skin contact has any affect on treated water. Humans as a rule are not carriers of waterborne illnesses, and animals, including fish and waterfowl, not to mention coyotes, deer ect. can urinate and deficate in the lake at will, and the treatment plants take care of that. Any reasons water utility goons, who are really just a bunch of Un - American bullycrats give to restrict or ban access are just nothing but lies. There is ZERO evidence to support what they do. Any bureaucrats who do this are not even worthy of being called citizens of a free country. Screw them all! Quote
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