5150bass Posted December 14, 2009 Posted December 14, 2009 I am going to Orlando this week and I would love to catch a Largemouth bass. We don't really have any where I live in Manitoba (Canada). I am staying at Bahama Bay resort near lake davenport: http://maps.google.ca/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=bahama+bay+resort&sll=49.891235,-97.15369&sspn=25.483499,86.572266&ie=UTF8&hq=bahama+bay+resort&hnear=&ll=28.327502,-81.656442&spn=0.016017,0.058622&z=15 Does lake davenport have largies? Are there any lakes or ponds close by there that I could try? I am not really worried about the size of fish, I would just like to try to catch one. I am not interested in a guided trip, I just want to try off shore for a bit on a lake or pond. Thank you very much! Quote
etommy28 Posted December 14, 2009 Posted December 14, 2009 im going to put this simply, every lake in florida has bass in it if its been there any length of time. just watch for snakes and gators. gators should leave you alone but snakes arent always not nice. Quote
LCpointerKILLA Posted December 14, 2009 Posted December 14, 2009 Im sure the ponds at Bahama bay are stocked... Quote
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