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caught 24 fish with my buddy at secret pond G last saturday. 3 bass over 2#s biggest being 2.14 and a 2# pickeral.

fished the merrimack below the d**n in bow and got skunked. had a few small ones come off at the boat.


Awesome Tom. I'm going to BIP on Monday in the tracker again if you want to go. Let me know.


15 bass today. Everything on spinnerbaits. The largest was 3lbs even. with 3 others between 2.5 and 3lbs.

Tough day to control the boat because it was so windy. But turned out to be a really good bite

15 bass today. Everything on spinnerbaits. The largest was 3lbs even. with 3 others between 2.5 and 3lbs.

Tough day to control the boat because it was so windy. But turned out to be a really good bite

Nice job Wagn.Sounds like a great trade-off,a decrease in boat control for an increase in bass production. :)

15 bass today. Everything on spinnerbaits. The largest was 3lbs even. with 3 others between 2.5 and 3lbs.

Tough day to control the boat because it was so windy. But turned out to be a really good bite

Way to get'em Wagn. What size trolling motor do you have for your tracker? I'm thinking of getting a 54 or 70. I have a 43 MG now.What do you think?


I took the new (to us) boat out today for the first time on the CT River. Caught 7 in the pads and had another 8 or 10 boils on the frog. The fish wouldn't commit with the bright sun and lack of wind.

Then after mom and dad got home from work we all went out to just relax. I did a little fishing and ended up with 1 fish - a 4-9 largemouth.


I took the new (to us) boat out today for the first time on the CT River. Caught 7 in the pads and had another 8 or 10 boils on the frog. The fish wouldn't commit with the bright sun and lack of wind.

Then after mom and dad got home from work we all went out to just relax. I did a little fishing and ended up with 1 fish - a 4-9 largemouth.

Nice fish fmoore. what did you get for a boat? Looks really nice.

15 bass today. Everything on spinnerbaits. The largest was 3lbs even. with 3 others between 2.5 and 3lbs.

Tough day to control the boat because it was so windy. But turned out to be a really good bite

Way to get'em Wagn. What size trolling motor do you have for your tracker? I'm thinking of getting a 54 or 70. I have a 43 MG now.What do you think?

I honestly can't remember, a 45 or something I think. I'm not at home right now or I'd check. Honestly I'd go with the biggest you can afford. The one thing I wish my boat had was a more powerful trolling motor.

Fmoore....awesome boat. I love that your dog fishes with you. I'm trying to train mine do to that but she just gets too hyper.


Nice fish fmoore. what did you get for a boat? Looks really nice.

It's a 2000 Skeeter ZX185 with a 150 Yamaha VMAX. The only things that "need" to be done to the boat "need" to be done because of my OCD. Things like replacing the plastic latches with stainless. Everything works perfectly, though and the motor especially is in absolutely perfect condition.


I don't bring him on trips where I want to fish hard. He chews like a madman and I have to keep one eye on him at all times. The only rod out while hes with me is the one in my hand so he doesn't get hooked. What I'll do is bring him to the island for a run as soon as we get to the lake, then I'll fish while he sleeps/plays with his toys. When he starts getting hyper we'll go back to the island and repeat. It works really well, actually.

A hyper dog on a boat (with hooks!) is a recipe for disaster. You just have to keep them occupied.

Picture was taken on the old boat



Anybody have a secret (shoreline only) spots they would like to share. I am planning on heading out early fathers day AM but have gotten bored of the usual spots(mill pond,Naticook and Lovewell)

Something local to Nashua :)

PS you can PM me and I'll keep your little secret safe  :)


Nice dog fmoore.  I used to have a black lab named Samson thsat looked a lot like him.

Glad to see people have been doing well.  It seems like the post spawn blues are slowly wearing offf around here.  I hit Silver Lake yesterday and it was a lot of action, but everything was really small. Nothing over 2 pounds with about 40 fish caught.

Got out this AM on Franlin Pierce from 7am-11pm.  Caught about 4 largemouth (biggest 3.5 pounds)and a nice smallmouth.  Had something huge (probably a pike) bite right through my line.  I was using 10lb Trilene flourcarbon, which is ridiculously strong for 10lb test, and my line looked like someone used scissors on it.  I would have liked to see the monster on the other end..it felt large.


Caught a couple with my Dad today at the river. Only fished for about an hour.

Jay...I'm glad to see that Silver finally started working. Looks like we were right and that place is a couple weeks behind everything else we fish.

Caught a couple with my Dad today at the river. Only fished for about an hour.

Jay...I'm glad to see that Silver finally started working. Looks like we were right and that place is a couple weeks behind everything else we fish.

I t was very strange. The water was 65 degrees, but fish were acting like it was prespawn. The really odd thing was the size of the fish. I think the average was around 1 pound, maybe even less. It was a really strange day.  My buddy did have a big one on near the end of the day on a 7 inch senko, but it came off near the boat.


Anyone fish in these area's?

1. (Nashua, NH) I have made an attempt to enter the railroad trussel from Saanother sitell Rd. I made it right up to the fast moving water (about 20 feet fromt he trussel itself). I couldnt go any further without waders from where I was posistioned.

2. (Nashua, NH) The Improvised Machinery Pond was gated off, not sure if there is a way in from the other side or if it's legal to fish there.

3. (Merrimack, NH) Off railroad ave is a small building owned by the town of Merrimack. Right next to the building is a perfect 1 car parking area. I met one of the workers at one time and said I was ok to fish there. Plus I work for the railroad so I have some pull :) I walked down a pathway across the tracks and below is a small beach with short rapids coming off a huge sand bar leading to the river. I fell in a sandhole and destroyed my droid phone, so be careful. Caught a few LMB off that sandbar.

4. (Merrimack, NH) This little pond hidden away is going to be my next attempt. I plan on coming down route 3 south from exit 12 and it looks like there may be some parking room there. Either that or park in the Merrimack highschool parking lot and run across the road with my gear. Also curious about #5 under that bridge.

I was surprised to find alot of decent sized Bass and pickerel, a pretty big snapping turtle, tons of blue gil/perch, and even carp in Sandy pond (Downtown Nashua, NH). It's too bad it not taken care of more though (trash every where, people fishig with corn etc).

Also in Hudson, NH behind the Hudson speedway (Tate's Pond) has some nice fishing spots, but I didnt get 1 bite with a few lures I threw in. I asked a worker if it was ok to park and fish there and he said no problem :)



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Anyone fish in these area's?

1. (Nashua, NH) I have made an attempt to enter the railroad trussel from Saanother sitell Rd. I made it right up to the fast moving water (about 20 feet fromt he trussel itself). I couldnt go any further without waders from where I was posistioned.

2. (Nashua, NH) The Improvised Machinery Pond was gated off, not sure if there is a way in from the other side or if it's legal to fish there.

3. (Merrimack, NH) Off railroad ave is a small building owned by the town of Merrimack. Right next to the building is a perfect 1 car parking area. I met one of the workers at one time and said I was ok to fish there. Plus I work for the railroad so I have some pull  I walked down a pathway across the tracks and below is a small beach with short rapids coming off a huge sand bar leading to the river. I fell in a sandhole and destroyed my droid phone, so be careful. Caught a few LMB off that sandbar.

4. (Merrimack, NH) This little pond hidden away is going to be my next attempt. I plan on coming down route 3 south from exit 12 and it looks like there may be some parking room there. Either that or park in the Merrimack highschool parking lot and run across the road with my gear. Also curious about #5 under that bridge.

I was surprised to find alot of decent sized Bass and pickerel, a pretty big snapping turtle, tons of blue gil/perch, and even carp in Sandy pond (Downtown Nashua, NH). It's too bad it not taken care of more though (trash every where, people fishig with corn etc).

Also in Hudson, NH behind the Hudson speedway (Tate's Pond) has some nice fishing spots, but I didnt get 1 bite with a few lures I threw in. I asked a worker if it was ok to park and fish there and he said no problem 

1. ive tried to make it there too but coulsnt find any holes in the fence. i bet there are some smallies there if you can get to it.

2. last time i tried there wasnt a fence. you can access from the bus station side and there is a path down one side. any fish in there have been there for ever. the d**n prevents fish from entering from the merrimack and salmon brook is too shallow from feilds grove. ive fished there but never had any luck. there is also a spot that is very steep neer one of the buisnesses you can access.

3. never been there but i bet there are some smallies where the soughegan dumps in. btw, ive never caught any big smallies in the merrimack.

4&5. looks good to me. let me know.

sandy pond is a great place to take a kid fishing for sunnies and perch. weve seen bass and koi there also. best spot to fish is on the retirement home side.

the pond behind the speedway is a waste of time.

one place ive been dieing to fish is bowers pond off of rt.3. this is the same body of water as harris pond, wich you can access from manchester rd in nashua. it is posted though. if you make it to the spot off rt.3 please post if it iis possable to get my 10' jonboat in there.

you can also fish the pond at sanders in nashua till they kick you out. plead ignorant.

there are carp in twin ponds at spitbrook village.

did you try bass pond in dunstable?

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"1. ive tried to make it there too but coulsnt find any holes in the fence. i bet there are some smallies there if you can get to it."

Follow Saanother sitell rd right up to a small parking area. There you will find a section of fence as a doorway for the start or finish to a, what appears to be historical walking path. However, it doesnt appear to be used due to the crusty, nature-infested introduction sign right before you enter.

You WILL NEED waders. There is a light path, but it does get messy.

"one place ive been dieing to fish is bowers pond off of rt.3. this is the same body of water as harris pond, wich you can access from manchester rd in nashua. it is posted though. if you make it to the spot off rt.3 please post if it iis possable to get my 10' jonboat in there."

You can park your vehical off the side of Tinker rd, near the small bridge. Put your boat in there (With the help of another person). And there is nothing in your way to get to Bowers.


you can also fish the pond at sanders in nashua till they kick you out. plead ignorant.

there are carp in twin ponds at spitbrook village.

did you try bass pond in dunstable?

Where is sanders?

I cant believe theres any thing other than ciggerates and mutated bluegill coming out of that complex (brook village).

I wonder if there anything besides bluegill in that pond inside of Bayridge....

Not familiar with Bass pond in dunstable either.

I just bought a nice little 2 man 8ft Bass hunter, got a 36 pound thrust trolling motor with it. Any ideas on where to go with it for Northern pike? Never caught one and from what I hear their a plast. Now that Im not stuck with shore fishing, I'd love to find some pike invested waters.


Try Flints in Tyngsboro. It will be a perfect spot for the bass hunter. I caught a 4 + pounder out of there. Just open to the wind so bring a anchor. Good Luck  :)

You can park your vehical off the side of Tinker rd, near the small bridge. Put your boat in there (With the help of another person).

last time i was there it was posted.

Where is sanders?

off of spitbrook rd. its called sanders bae.

Not familiar with Bass pond in dunstable either.

bass pond is just past lovewell. youll see some big boulders on the same side of the road. park by the boulders. watch out for dog doo. follow the path down to the pond. those black snakes are not water mocasins but will bite.

I'd love to find some pike invested waters.

concord river in mass is the closest place to nashua that i know of.

Anyone have any luck at locust pond, tyngsboro, ma?

always good for a couple bass and pickeral. watch out for the old bridge cinderblocks in the water. youll know what i mean when you see them. fish the right side up to the back, then hit the water inlet by the hiway. it is extremely shallow so bring paddles in case you get stuck.

Try Flints in Tyngsboro. It will be a perfect spot for the bass hunter. I caught a 4 + pounder out of there. Just open to the wind so bring a anchor. Good Luck
wife caught a big one there too. texas rigged plasic in the pads down back. you can see the wake from the fish there before they hit.

ive attach a map of bass pond. fish the beaver dams



Fished down at Horseshoe Pond in Concord for a while yesterday afternoon, caught one that came up, looked at my lure (Rage Tail Space Monkey), waited for me to wiggle in a little more, then grabbed it.  That was all I caught there, but I managed to bag another one down at the boat launch near NHTI.  I get my truck out of the shop on Wednesday, but until then I'm fishing from shore.


Got out today at BIP again for about 3 hours and caught 3. Nothing over 2 lbs though. That place is so big you need a long time to find the fish. Gonna try some smaller Lakes/ponds as I usually don't have a long time to fish.

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