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d**n I must really suck.Me and a buddy went to a new pond in plymouth on friday started the day with two 2 pounders right off the start and that was about it for the rest of the day. Clear water really messed me all up along with the sandy bottom. I threw everything i had at them and no luck. It was really windy too. Oh well live and learn. :-/

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Man I must really suck. A buddy and I went to a new pond in plymouth on Friday.He started out with two 2 pounders almost immediately and then nothing over 12 inches the rest of the day.The clear water really messed with me along with the sandy bottom.I threw everything I had and nothing.The wind was relentless.Oh well live and learn.


Hit a new pond on the Cape yesterday with Brandon(bestnetmanaround)f from 6:30 to 2pm. It was pretty much now stop all day. Water temps in the 63-65* range w/winds starting around 5mph and picked up to 25mph or so around 1pm. The morning bite was mostly largies w/smallies turning on in the afternoon. All fish were caught anywhere from 6"-8' of H2o. Very interesting pond to say the least. Some areas were crystal clear with sand and gravel, with other areas murky, dark and grassy. I was told this was a quantity waterway, not quality, and that held true for most of the day. We even ended up with our 1st triple double ever! My thumbs are absolutely mangled! 34 keepers caught, and many more under 12", with a few nce size white perch and very chunky slabs to boot. 19 total for me and 15 total for Brandon. Absolute blast hanging with Brandon and watching him get better and better with each outing. If I remember correctly I got 2 in the 4lb range, 2 in the 3lb range and 1 just under 3lbs for my best five that went 16.24lbs, I beleive Brandon's best 5 was around 11lbs. Now if I can just get him to stop landing those branch fish, he'll be well on his way!  Always great having Brandon in the boat considering the little time he has available now, due to the recent birth of his son.

Here's a few pic's w/the cell.








Well, didn't exactly turnout like I hoped but, a very busy day to say the least. Water temps in the 65-70*, winds were calm around 7mph for the intire day, fog at the start that eventually lead to bluebird skies. While pre-fishing last Monday I marked the times 3 specific females had moved into their beds hoping it would pay off for the T, fortunately it did. So, at take off I headed for 2 spots within 100 feet of each other that were very close to the ramp hoping I could get there before the other teams because I was the only one w/o a gas motor as well as being the only sigle boater. Every boat just blasted right by. The prime time was 8AM which meant sitting and gaurding the area for about an hour. 7:55am I watch the 1st one move right on up, and before she settles I flip to her. The lure never hits the bottom and she's in the boat and goes almost 4lbs! I move 50ft down the shoreline and #2 is already there. I flip, she inhales it and swims around the 2x2 boulder on the back of the bed and I'm now holding a lureless rod, watching a 4-5lber swimming into the deep: ( took me 30 minutes or so and a full box of tissues to get over that one. Move to bed #3 she's also there yet, spooky as all get out, and after an hour of trying different angles and lengths of cast she was gone. All three beds were in 5-8' of H20. Knew that was going to hurt at the weigh-in. Continued to fish beds the rest of the day with 32 total fish caught, 25 keepers and and a culling nightmare of 1.3's and 1.4's. 15 minutes left of the t I cull out my last 1.4 for a 2lber praying that was enough. Couldn't believe how many people seemed perplexed that I was still fishing beds, and I'm pretty sure the advice helped a few other boats which almost put me out of the money. Stuck with the same 2 lures as I did in the last 3 T's and starting to think I need no others. I believe 1st place was 13+ and I came in 2nd w/10+ and a 3.12lb lunker for $172.00, 3rd was around 9lbs and a lunker that went 3.60lbs. Side note Back to Gamma, I had tried Segar Invis-x fluoro on the spinning gear which I loved. Shouldn't have trie it on my casting gear, because that was the line that snapped around the rock which cost me 1st place. XPS Fluoro does stain up a bit after a few uses, but much stronger than the Invis-X! Might even be time to go back to spending the money on Gamma yet, XPS 17lb test is the diam as others 15lb test and have had great results with it to date, even in the clearest of water. As disappointed as I was that Hoist-N-Hawgs fell apart, I'm thrilled to have found this club. W/oa doubt the greatest bunch of guys and the best club I've ever had the pleasure of being a part of!

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I'm thrilled to have found this club. W/oa doubt the greatest bunch of guys and the best club I've ever had the pleasure of being a part of!

Wow dude, #ick move.  :-/

I'm thrilled to have found this club. W/oa doubt the greatest bunch of guys and the best club I've ever had the pleasure of being a part of!

Wow dude, #ick move. :-/

How is that a #ick move, as you so eloquently put it? ;D I was was being sincere, something you're obviously not fimiliar with. Shall I apologies for complimenting the new club.......NOT! ::( I'm gueesing you're still PMS-ing from finishing at the bottom of the field in the Stafford open. My sincere condolences!

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The big smallies are still on their beds in Central MA. See my report on the Quabbin for 6/4/09.


Time to fill the freezer....... ; :( P-Town yesterday


Time to fill the freezer....... ; :( P-Town yesterday


OUTSTANDING fish Kevin! What's she weigh? Never really had it for the saltwater thing but, that just makes me jealous!


Not bad for my first striper of the year..38" didn't weigh it,I'd say mid twenty's.Caught on a live mackeral in 40' of water off Wood End.

Not bad for my first striper of the year..38" didn't weigh it,I'd say mid twenty's.Caught on a live mackeral in 40' of water off Wood End.

Like I said, I'm not to knowledgeable with saltwater fish but she looks a lot bigger than that. What type of gear did you land her with?

Wow....that's it....just WOW!!! ::(

And you, of all people! Shall we get into this :-?


Don't play with my emotions man, I'm extremely unstable :-X

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Hope you feel better Paul and the Cape pond trail treats you well.

And Stafford was fun as always. Nasty algae blooom but it still threw out about 30 keepers for us. Too bad they were all 12-14". ;D

I'm thrilled to have found this club. W/oa doubt the greatest bunch of guys and the best club I've ever had the pleasure of being a part of!

Wow dude, #ick move. :-/

How is that a #ick move, as you so eloquently put it? ;D I was was being sincere, something you're obviously not fimiliar with. Shall I apologies for complimenting the new club.......NOT! ::( I'm gueesing you're still PMS-ing from finishing at the bottom of the field in the Stafford open. My sincere condolences!


I for one am glad you found some were that you fit in...congrats.

Just goes to show there's a Place for everyone..

Good luck with your new club.

Hope you feel better Paul and the Cape pond trail treats you well.

And Stafford was fun as always. Nasty algae blooom but it still threw out about 30 keepers for us. Too bad they were all 12-14". ;D

Thanks Mike, so far so good. That wasn't a dig on anyone or any club. It was purely how I felt/feel and sorry if you took it that way. You know I would have loved to fish with you, as well as against you. I'm really enjoying the small boat club and the Cape ponds are treating me very well. The idea of fishing off the back of someone elses boat after years of fishing out of my own, just didn't do it for me. I'm having a banner year in addition to my best weights ever. It's been quite the challenge diciding to fish most of these T's alone against 7-10 other teams, but it's definately making me a better fisherman. Besides that, there's also no need to split my winnings ;D which helps offset the price of gas, gear and lures.

Just pre-fished the Agawam river on Wednesday, that I've only fished once before which was last year and only caught one fish. This outing produced 14 total and my best five going 3, 3.3, 310, 3.12 and 3.14 for 17.30lbs. All post spawn female envelopes which if full at least 3 of them would have gone 5lbs a piece. My buddy Matt got about the same numbers but only about 8lbs on his best five tossing the Senko. It's about time I beat up on the Senko! ;D Smallest bag out of my last 5 trips has been 10.25 on a numbers pond not a quality fish pond, but still managed 2nd and lunker. The other outings produced bags going 14+ 15.+, 16+ and the 17.30. With out a doubt the Crazy Legs Chigger, is responsable for the weights and has given me a tremendous amount of confidence. Though, I will take some credit for the recent success. Just becuase you put a high quality gun in someone's hand, it doesn't mean they're going to hit the target.

I've only been taking 3 poles, 2 Cumara's; one w/the Crazy legs chigger pegged w/3/16oz for flippin or dragging and one w/the Crazy leg chigger on a pegged 7/8oz Tungsten for matt punching, both on 17lb XPS fluoro, and a Frog Sloshing St Croix Mojo Bass with the Spro Bronzeye frog or 7" Slammer on 20lb XPS fluoro, and that's it. Good thing I ran out and bought a St Croix Premeire and Sahara reel after selling you the Cumara! ;D Though, it came in quite handy for aggravating the heck of bedding fish w/a chartuese tube.

Here's the current club standings:

1st Place- Tanner and Keith- 5550 pts.

2nd Place- Paul A.             - 5350 pts.

3rd Place- Dave R. and Jeff- 5325 pts.

4th Place- Dan and Mike D.- 4875 pts.

5th Place- Matt S. and Steve-3200 pts.

6th Place- John N. and John -1725 pts.

7th Place- John B. and Joe -1475 pts.

8th Place- Mark and Judy -1300 pts.

9th Place- Nick M.       -1175 pts

I'll be hitting Stafford in the next few weeks to give the CLCC a try there as well and I'll let you know how I made out. The new color has produced quality fish on every body of water so far, and It matches the forage left in the live well @ Stafford even better. Maybe we can get out there together?

Good luck with the rest of your T's, I know you'll do well.


I'm thrilled to have found this club. W/oa doubt the greatest bunch of guys and the best club I've ever had the pleasure of being a part of!

Wow dude, #ick move. :-/

How is that a #ick move, as you so eloquently put it? ;D I was was being sincere, something you're obviously not fimiliar with. Shall I apologies for complimenting the new club.......NOT! ::) I'm gueesing you're still PMS-ing from finishing at the bottom of the field in the Stafford open. My sincere condolences!


I for one am glad you found some were that you fit in...congrats.

Just goes to show there's a Place for everyone..

Good luck with your new club.

Gheeeeeeees, for a minute there I almost thought you were being sincere. ;D And yes, there is a place for everyone.  As far as fitting in, I'd be more than happy to compare history, background and quality of friends any day. :( The dig is also just more proof of your lack of respect, class and professionalism. Rather than following through and living up to your word and end this, you choose to drag it out for over 7 months and pass the buck. Quality attribute! ;)You obviously need it more than me.

I wish you all the best just the same. :(

Well, I am sorry about that, really.....but I still don't know what you mean. Hope you feel better. :(

I was just messin w/ya Alan! Good luck this year!


I was being sincere. You can take it any way you wish

You seem to forget that you were not entitled to a refund of your dues I offered it in an effort to try to be fair. I told you when I saw you I would give it to you. I never saw you so I sent it with some that did see you on a regular basis. But you alienated him along with many others

I felt no Need to search you out to give you something that you were not entitled to.

As far as Professionalism. I have organized more local and state level and divisional tournaments than you can even think of doing and when I do it always takes place can you say the same. I think not.

As far as a lack of respect. My comment was sincere. I do have a great deal of respect for a lot of people. Your just not one of them.

Again good luck in your new club.


I have fished with john for the last three years, in the same club and have never had a problem. You Paul are the only one who seems to have  a problem with him and countless others. Fishing alone in that club is probaly the only reason your happy with it because you have problems with everyone you come in contact with.

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Paul I have never had an issue with you. But I know that comment you made was a jab at all of us in the club, myself included. You have been a good friend to me and we have had some great trips together but you are way out of line in my opinion.

There is ZERO reason to bring things up just to bring them up and attempt to make someone look bad. Most of which the information is false or rumor anyway. John has been like family to me since I was about 14 and he is one of the best guys around. He is professional and would do anything for anyone despite what you may have heard. He is the biggest reason why the TBF got started in Rhode Island and why it is successful and growing so rapidly. John puts on great tournaments and the clubs he runs are top-notch with some of the best competition around.

No offense but have you ever stopped to think of why you have been through so many clubs and so many friends? It seems as though everytime we catch up you have a new problem with someone or some group for high-school like reasons. You need to learn to believe non of what you hear and half of what you see. If you did, you would have had a a great time in this club.

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