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You said it yourself. When the water in Evretou got stained, some good bass were caught. This was not the case with Kalavasos. Maybe some fish were caught, but not to the extent that I would consider the situation as being normal.

Well, in Evretou catching several 2-4lb bass per outing was the norm. During 2006, with the clear water, people who fish regularly there reported many fishless days and only the occasional decent bass, with a few small ones (less than 1lb) showing up during fall. During the few days that the water got dirty (actually it was more muddy than stained, less than 30cm visibility) the catch rate improved significantly at the headwaters witha few 3lbers showing up again along with zander. This lasted only two weekends. It is significant that during the time the headwaters muddied up, the other "known" places remained clear and still no fish were caught. I wish I could have checked myself, but Everetou is a bit too far for a quick trip.

Anyway, you are right in saying that we could both be correct or wrong, but knowing that the fisheries dept will not do anything to find out more details, I still believe that our best bet would be Bluegill or even Tilapia. Then, everything else being normal, bass will have a continual supply of different size forage, as these fish reproduce throughout the warm months. If there is something else wrong there, the introduction of forage fish will not have any negative effect anyway.

I agree with this.

With the exception of last year, trout fishing was good in our mountain dams. I don't think the fisheries dept would ever keep the fish in Kalopanagiotis facility until reaching 1 or 2 lb. Don't forget that in June the temperature is very high and trout will be in serious trouble. Have a look at the photo below. It was taken on Feb 2005. I think the sizes of trout are very good (check the knife in the photo). I believe serious trout fishermen will be very happy with these sizes and the occasional 2-3lb ones.

Certainly trout fishing was good in the first half of 2005. But as you know, both during 2006 and also this season, they have produced a larger number of trout, with the result that the fish remain smaller in the rearing cages. Had they released now 30,000 instead of 15,000 or so and distributed a few thousand (maybe 5,000) in each of the main larger reservoirs, the remaining stock in the cages would grow substantially and in March they could be releasing 28-33cm trout instead of 20-22cm. Again, had they released 25000 there would still be a few thousand left that could grow to 37-40cm before releasing them in traditional trout reservoirs in May, and at the same time they would have "fed" at least twice the bass in the larger reservoirs. But we are talking about the Cyprus Fisheries Dept so...

As far as trout being used as forage for bass, we will have to wait and see what happens to Palaichori dam. You know that this is a traditional trout dam and bass was introduced there 3-4 ago, if I am not mistaken.

Hmm, Palechori might not be the ideal place to check the situation. Located at 2700ft and of a small size, the water cools off rapidly in late fall, and remains cold until late March or even later (below 50F), with the occasional snowfall as well. As a result, the metabolism of the bass during the trout stocking period is rather low. By the time bass metabolism gears up the vast majority of the stocked trout have usually been caught. This situation though does not occur in the lower reservoirs. Even during the coldest periods of the harsh 2002-2003 and 2003-2004 winters the water temperature of the larger reservoirs (and I have checked Kourris, Asprokremmos, Kalavasos, Dhipotamos, and Yermasogeia) did not drop below 56F, and most of the time it was in the low 60s - within the active temperature range of bass.

  • Super User

I guess you guys worked out your differences. :)

Thanks for all the posts. You guys are some very lucky fishermen.



Hi there Roadwarrior,

Cybasser and I, are very good friends and colleagues.  The differences you talk about are not really differences.  It is a way 2 good friends and "mad about fishing" try to make things better.  I really enjoy talking to Cybasser because he knows his subject and we share the same BASS MADNESS.

Regards and thank you!

Hi there Roadwarrior,

Cybasser and I, are very good friends and colleagues. The differences you talk about are not really differences. It is a way 2 good friends and "mad about fishing" try to make things better. I really enjoy talking to Cybasser because he knows his subject and we share the same BASS MADNESS.

Regards and thank you!

Indeed! No need to worry RW! With CyBassMan we might have differing views on certain bass fishing matters, but we are good friends... And of course, even at work (where we both are right now) we talk more bass than air traffic control (often to the ...amusement of our colleagues ::) but it's worth it!

Hi there Roadwarrior,

Cybasser and I, are very good friends and colleagues.  The differences you talk about are not really differences.  It is a way 2 good friends and "mad about fishing" try to make things better.  I really enjoy talking to Cybasser because he knows his subject and we share the same BASS MADNESS.

Regards and thank you!

Indeed! No need to worry RW! With CyBassMan we might have differing views on certain bass fishing matters, but we are good friends... And of course, even at work (where we both are right now) we talk more bass than air traffic control (often to the ...amusement of our colleagues ::) but it's worth it!

In any case, Cybasser and Cybassman, thanks for sharing all these valuable information. Appreciated.

Vyron , you are very lucky that you have the chance to fish with Cybasser.

Cybassman , Welcome , hope we will meet one day!W

A question to Cybasser and Cybassman, since you are fishing for so many years in Cyprus dams what is your opinion on dams' water level this year. Will this affect bassfishing??


Cybasser is da man

A question to Cybasser and Cybassman, since you are fishing for so many years in Cyprus dams what is your opinion on dams' water level this year. Will this affect bassfishing??

time 2 get into a new sport like backgammon ([ch964][ch940][ch946][ch955][ch953])

Cybasser is da man

A question to Cybasser and Cybassman, since you are fishing for so many years in Cyprus dams what is your opinion on dams' water level this year. Will this affect bassfishing??

time 2 get into a new sport like backgammon ([ch964][ch940][ch946][ch955][ch953])

;D ;D


Hi, island bassin,

We have been in a similar or even worse situation both back in 1992 and 1998-2002 with very low water levels in our dams.  Bass fishing was negatively affected of course.  But in both cases it recovered fairly quickly (around 2 years after considerable amount of water was again stored) in most dams (with the exception maybe of Kalavasos).

The low water level of this year will also affect bass fishing.  The difference this time is the much increased fishing pressure.  6-8 years ago, the people fishing for bass (true bass fishermen) were limited (maybe around 10-15 anglers or even less).  So, if there are no tournaments killing hundreds of fish, no illegal fishing, no diseases, etc and provided we have some good rain soon, I think that the dams will recover, but in a slower rate.  If we do not have any rain, I believe that it will be another year before we enter into serious trouble, with the exception of Yermasogia dam, which cannot survive another summer.

Regards, and hope we meet one day too.

Hi, island bassin,

We have been in a similar or even worse situation both back in 1992 and 1998-2002 with very low water levels in our dams.  Bass fishing was negatively affected of course.  But in both cases it recovered fairly quickly (around 2 years after considerable amount of water was again stored) in most dams (with the exception maybe of Kalavasos).

The low water level of this year will also affect bass fishing.  The difference this time is the much increased fishing pressure.  6-8 years ago, the people fishing for bass (true bass fishermen) were limited (maybe around 10-15 anglers or even less).  So, if there are no tournaments killing hundreds of fish, no illegal fishing, no diseases, etc and provided we have some good rain soon, I think that the dams will recover, but in a slower rate.  If we do not have any rain, I believe that it will be another year before we enter into serious trouble, with the exception of Yermasogia dam, which cannot survive another summer.

Regards, and hope we meet one day too.

Hi Cybassman,

Will the low water level affect spawing by any chance.

With regards to Yermasogeia , i think that if we have until the end of the winter an inflow up to 1-1,5mio cubic meters it can survive the summer. If i'm not wrong the dam is now connected with Kouris.

To Cybasser , since you have participated this year to this bass tournament cybassman is refering to what is your opinion?


Hello again island bassin,

Please keep in mind that I only express my opinion and that I do not even for a moment pretend to be an expert on the subject.

Low level will certainly affect the spawning since bass are now closer together and spawning areas will not only be limited, but also crowded.  But that alone would not be such a serious problem.  Don't forget however, that with such low level of water, most areas of the dams are exposed to fishermen that are most likely to spook fish or even catch a lot of them during spawning.  Now that will really be a problem.

As far as Yermasogia is concerned, I think that it is not connected with Kourris in the sense that water can be moved from Kourris to Germasogia.  If I am not mistaken, water from Kourris is only brought to the river between Yermasogia and the sea.

Anyway, an inflow of 1-2 mcm would certainly be enough for Yermasogia to make it thru the summer, but don't forget that the water department will be removing water all summer as usual, so we will be back to square one.

Regards and tight lines!


Hi you guys,

Well, island bassin, you did post some tough questions....

Hi, island bassin,

We have been in a similar or even worse situation both back in 1992 and 1998-2002 with very low water levels in our dams. Bass fishing was negatively affected of course. But in both cases it recovered fairly quickly (around 2 years after considerable amount of water was again stored) in most dams (with the exception maybe of Kalavasos).

I have to agree in this respect with Cybassman. Around 2000 our reservoirs were in a much greater distress regarding the amount of water than they are now. Kourris had reached a low point of less than 2mcm, Kalavasos was down to 300,000cm, and Dhipotamos had become a paddle of less than 200,000cm. They all recovered pretty quickly with the significant rainfall between 2001 and 2004, the only real loss being the possible demise of tench in Dhipotamos. I do believe that the people at the Water Development Department will not be crazy enough to allow water discharge at the rates observed over the last two years, if they do it is quite possible to have tragic results. But as you must have heard over the local media, water conservation measures will be enforced again soon.

The low water level of this year will also affect bass fishing. The difference this time is the much increased fishing pressure. 6-8 years ago, the people fishing for bass (true bass fishermen) were limited (maybe around 10-15 anglers or even less). So, if there are no tournaments killing hundreds of fish, no illegal fishing, no diseases, etc and provided we have some good rain soon, I think that the dams will recover, but in a slower rate. If we do not have any rain, I believe that it will be another year before we enter into serious trouble, with the exception of Yermasogia dam, which cannot survive another summer.

It is certainly true that fishing pressure on bass has increased substantially over the last few years, that's why I'm doing all this "catch and release" campaign over the last few months. Things are not yet tragic. But they could become. Like Cybassman, I am concerned with the increased vulnerability of bass in the following months if the rest of the "rainy" season remains as rainless as it has been up to now. Catch and release of bass during spawning will not significantly affect bass breeding, but "catch and keep" certainly will. My main worry though is what will happen after the spawning season. Bass are not that easy to catch during spawning. A tournament scheduled during April has already been designated as strictly catch and release, so Cybassman needs not to worry about it, rather it is the recreational "catch and keep" throughout the year that should worry him - and myself, and island bassin and all serious bass anglers of this country.

The new regulation of a 10-bass bag is too generous in my opinion, and of course the main threat is the still uncontrolled illegal fishing. During the summer period, lots of people will likely concentrate on trying to harvest as many bass as possible as with much reduced water volumes and with the bass high activity levels it will be much easier to locate and catch our green friends. I am especially concerned about Kourris. During the low water period of 1999-2001, the shores of Kourris were much more accessible than they are now. As Cybassman correctly pointed out, then few people were really after bass. Things are different now. This could be a real blow to bass fishing at Kourris. My personal belief is that if after the end of February the water quantities remain low (below 20%), Kourris, and possibly Kalavasos and Dhipotamos should be closed for fishing until water levels get high again. I would rather miss a season of bass fishing at these dams rather than risk loosing a lot more until populations recover.

Keep in mind that as the situation is right now, the biggest threat to bass spawning is not fishing, but the possibility of sudden water level increase (especially in case of heavy snow on the mountains late in the winter) resulting in the loss of spawn. Bass fishing, especially recreational with harvest, is the main threat though to the populations right now. If we lose a year's class of bass it will not become a real problem, but if we lose a significant proportion of the adult bass then things could become grim.

In the case of no rains this year, with a harvest of a significant proportion of the adult bass (including possibly the majority of the largest females), then, when the water levels go up again very few bass will be breeding to re-establish the old populations. This worst-case scenario is unfortunately quite likely, and it will take several years for the populations to reach the levels we have seen during the last 4-5 years.

In any case, please keep praying to the rain gods - we really need rain and snow!


I am glad Cybasser agrees with me that dams should close for fishing when the water level drops below 20%.  And they should close NOT only for the law-abiding citizens (for example Xyliatos people are fishing there illegally every day).  Among other suggestions about one year ago, I was suggesting to the fisheries dept to close the dams for fishing during spawning period, when the water level drops below about 20% and coordinate with the water department not to allow water levels below about 15% ( http://agrino.org/fishing/htmldocs/suggestions.html ).

I must say that the bag limit of 10 bass will not work.  Not for another 10 years or so.  We are talking about the mentality of a whole nation.  For most of the people, releasing fish is out of the question.  If they see you releasing fish, they think you are weird or something.  Don't get me wrong.  I believe that catch and release is a very good way of protecting bass, but we have to be realistic.  By the time people are convinced to practice catch and release it might be too late.  So, other immediate measures have to be taken in the meantime.  And time is running out.  Especially if we have no rain this year. So, lets keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best.


I am glad Cybasser agrees with me that dams should close for fishing when the water level drops below 20%. And they should close NOT only for the law-abiding citizens (for example Xyliatos people are fishing there illegally every day). Among other suggestions about one year ago, I was suggesting to the fisheries dept to close the dams for fishing during spawning period, when the water level drops below about 20% and coordinate with the water department not to allow water levels below about 15% ( http://agrino.org/fishing/htmldocs/suggestions.html ).

Hi Cybassman,

I have always being a supporter of closing certain reservoirs for fishing in cases of severe draught. Not only for the spawning period, but for as long as is needed for the reasons I described in my previous post. Xyliatos is not a good example, as the Fisheries Department doesn't really care about that reservoir. But if they closed any of the major reservoirs - such as Kourris - then control of illegal fishing would be a bit easier in the sense that ANYONE fishing there would be illegal, no need to check the license! And places like Kourris are far easier for the police to check as the illegal anglers usually prefer to fish at the readily accessible points.

I must say that the bag limit of 10 bass will not work. Not for another 10 years or so. We are talking about the mentality of a whole nation. For most of the people, releasing fish is out of the question. If they see you releasing fish, they think you are weird or something. Don't get me wrong. I believe that catch and release is a very good way of protecting bass, but we have to be realistic. By the time people are convinced to practice catch and release it might be too late. So, other immediate measures have to be taken in the meantime. And time is running out. Especially if we have no rain this year. So, lets keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best.

I agree it is hard to change the Catch and Keep mentality. But I will have to point out that quite a few persons, after seeing me releasing large bass (including fish above 2Kg) have started to re-consider and at least a few of them now practice considerable catch and release. In many cases it is just a matter of giving the good example. There is no doubt that some people will not practice catch and release - but if some people start doing it, then within a few years, the mentality of an increasing percentage of bass anglers will gradually change. A start has to me made somewhere!

But yes, I agree that time is running out and immediate measures have to be taken. Now!


Cybasser quoted: "I do believe that the people at the Water Development Department will not be crazy enough to allow water discharge at the rates observed over the last two years, if they do it is quite possible to have tragic results. "

Just for everybodys information, Yermasogia is very close to destruction, with only 0.482 mcm of muddy water left, and the water department continues to remove water, with the connivance of the fisheries department.  Fishing is still allowed and hundreds of bass of all sizes are caught regularly.  I had reports of many bass being caught in the range of 1-2 kilos in the last 2 months.  Please note that the fish are infected with some kind of desease.

Now, who would trust the water or fisheries departments?

Cybasser quoted: "I do believe that the people at the Water Development Department will not be crazy enough to allow water discharge at the rates observed over the last two years, if they do it is quite possible to have tragic results. "

Just for everybodys information, Yermasogia is very close to destruction, with only 0.482 mcm of muddy water left, and the water department continues to remove water, with the connivance of the fisheries department. Fishing is still allowed and hundreds of bass of all sizes are caught regularly. I had reports of many bass being caught in the range of 1-2 kilos in the last 2 months. Please note that the fish are infected with some kind of desease.

Well, Yermasogeia was a lost case for the well-known reasons since last year. Something positive though is that in front of the dam wall there is a very deep hole which was dug up before the reservoir was filled, still providing about 20 meters of water depth, in addition to the 2-meter shallow edges. This is the only reason the fish survived, otherwise they would all be dead before fall! With their work being completed, I expect that they will allow now any water inflow to accumulate. Even in a bad year like 2007, there should be about 1-2mcm of water flowing in, which will be sufficient for another year.

By the way, there are unconfirmed rumors of somebody called "Spyros" from Limassol having caught a 5Kg+ (11lb) largemouth on a live roach about two weeks ago there. Island bassin, have you heard anything?

Now, who would trust the water or fisheries departments?

The simple answer is "nobody". The fact is though that it is necessary to maintain some water, especially in Kourris, because of needs having to do nothing with fishing (drinking water for Limassol, water for the Aphrodite Hills "world-class" golf club). It is expected that snow meltdown from the mountains should add about 0.5mcm in the next few days to Kourris, and there should also be some water tranfer from Arminou. But still things are very grey...


I think it was about time for someone 2 catch a monster bass in yermasogia with such water level(the live roach doesnt surprise me at all). If thats true we r talking about europian record.

Anyway what r ur new years resolutions?

Mine is 2 catch a >3.6kg bass


Cybasser , my house is walking distance from yermasogeia dam and i'm almost daily there. It's being a long time to see someone fishing with live bait (roach). it might be true , i've seen one of these monster bass 2 years ago while i was fishing up to the river entry.

Vyron , mine is to catch a bass >1.9kgs


island bassin , i m 100% sure that the europian record is in cyprus

good luck with ur goal , i think u can do it  8-)

I believe the european record was allready caught in France if i'm not mistaking.

(5+kg i think). I'll try to find out more.

please do so, i need 2 know what exactly is my target in weight  :)

  • 1 year later...

Hi all

Im new to this forum but i practice bass fishing in Cyprus for about 16 years or so.. I remember catching my 1st bass @ yermasogia dam 9 years of age  :) using the old faithful original floating...

I bring this topic up 1 year later since the last post BECAUSE..the winter has past and drought still continues..Bass Paradise is about to become a bass HELL, unless we do something. Im equipped with a big tank of approximately 0.6 cubic meters and my goal is to transfer some big bass into dams which are not threatened by the drought.

Kourris dams WILL be empty in give or take 90 days. In that period we will all see record sizes of largemouth and other species rotting under the boiling sun.. Someone should warn the departments responsible of a possible water contamination or bacterial/disease outbreak   :).. If we can manage to scare them from removing that last drop of water



  • Super User
I believe the european record was allready caught in France if i'm not mistaking.

(5+kg i think). I'll try to find out more.

please do so, i need 2 know what exactly is my target in weight :)

I found something. The record is 4,950kg.


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