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Is anyone a member of Backlashers? I'm thinking about joining. It looks like they are having a new members meeting February 6 at BPS.


I'm not a member yet, but that is likely the club I'm joining. If we end up in the same club, I can't wait for you to kick my arse 


look at east kansas bassmasters on fb they look like a good group of guys and dont forget anglers in action payouts are better alot better and they also host the big bass bash out of grand loz 2 times a year and also joe bass is a good one too for partners just look at them before committing and dont go aba please been there done that!

any questions call me or pm me


Any one going to the KC Sport Show? I have not been for a few years, so I'm going this evening to see if I've been missing anything.

  • Super User

I'm not going to go this year, got to work.  Don't think I am going to miss anything.  Went last year, the past few years actually and each year it seems to get worse and worse.  Fewer and fewer booths selling stuff I might want to buy.  Boat dealers who don't really want to deal even when the weather sucks so bad that there are more people working the show than there are attendees due to weather.  In 2007 I went to the St. Louis sports show and I thought it was a much better show.  Lots more dealers selling fishing stuff.  Electronics dealers showing off the new stuff and offering real discounts - Imagine that.


A couple of the dealers last year, you had to wipe the dust off the bag to see what was inside and then, after that, they wanted full retail, just what you'd pay if you went by their brick & mortar on any given day.

  • Super User

Any one going to the KC Sport Show? I have not been for a few years, so I'm going this evening to see if I've been missing anything.

I'm taking the family Saturday, let me know how it is.


I've been thinking about joining the east Kansas bassmasters club.  They do tournaments as a team and individual both.  If anyone is thinking of joinging them and wants a partner let me know.  I can't fish all of their tournaments but can quite a few.  We can use my boat or yours. 


Is anyone a member of Backlashers? I'm thinking about joining. It looks like they are having a new members meeting February 6 at BPS.

One of my older cousins was in Backlashers for years and loved it. I believe he has two son in laws still in the club.


I like the sound of team tournaments as opposed to whoever you draw.

i was in aba (american bass anglers) for a couple years as a coangler and it was fun and u learn alot and plus get alot of spots on lakes that are great different times of year. and it was a draw style. problem is u get one bad boater it puts a sour taste in ur mouth. and its in the rules that he wasnt suppose to do what he did but it make me say im gona stop til i get my own boat. and plus as a boater u get dibs on front of the boat and they are suppose to give u gas money to help. (ur coangler that is). but teams the way to go if u got a good buddy to split everything down the middle with and i been looking for someone to fish tournys with if u want to fish a couple to see how it is. i know u have a boat im in the works of getting one i  hope by may so we will see but let me know whats up.



taking the family Saturday, let me know how it is.

I wasn't too impressed with the Sport Show. Not many outfitters or vendors displaying their wares. Took only about 90 minutes to browse every isle in the show. I probably won't go back unless the economy improves and more vendors are there.


i was in aba (american bass anglers) for a couple years as a coangler and it was fun and u learn alot and plus get alot of spots on lakes that are great different times of year. and it was a draw style. problem is u get one bad boater it puts a sour taste in ur mouth. and its in the rules that he wasnt suppose to do what he did but it make me say im gona stop til i get my own boat. and plus as a boater u get dibs on front of the boat and they are suppose to give u gas money to help. (ur coangler that is). but teams the way to go if u got a good buddy to split everything down the middle with and i been looking for someone to fish tournys with if u want to fish a couple to see how it is. i know u have a boat im in the works of getting one i  hope by may so we will see but let me know whats up.

You at liberty to say what this bad boater did? i'm interested now

  • Super User

I wasn't too impressed with the Sport Show. Not many outfitters or vendors displaying their wares. Took only about 90 minutes to browse every isle in the show. I probably won't go back unless the economy improves and more vendors are there.

What did parking cost?
  • Global Moderator

You at liberty to say what this bad boater did? i'm interested now

I'll tell you if he doesn't. I've had it happen but never as bad as he got it.


You at liberty to say what this bad boater did? i'm interested now

Interest as well

  • Global Moderator

Man I was slaying the trout today! As a side note, the trout pond at the Sportshow was free today  :laugh5:  Went to see Chapman and Scanlon do their Q&A seminar and it was right by the pond, had to get in on some of that since it was free. Can't lie, felt pretty good to catch some fish, even if they were penned up trout. The best part of the whole show happened right before I left the trout pond. An older lady came into the trout pond area right next to me with her adult special needs son who was in a wheelchair. She was trying to hook a fish so he could pull it in and was having no luck so next one I hooked I handed the rod over to him and left the trout pond. Both their smiles and his obvious excitement made the trip up there worthwhile :)

  • Like 5

This was just posted yesterday over in Burlington:

Kansas Veteran's Memorial Bass Tournament

Sponsored by the Kansas National Gaurd

April 26th, 2014

At Coffey County Lake

Help Honor 11 Great Men

Sunrise to Noon

Also the Saturday before the East Kansas Bass Masters are having a tourney @ Coffey Co. Lake


all right all right. well it started off like any other tourny. I got there and paid entry shooting the crap with some other good guys and TRACY MITCHELL came in almost as we were drawing and we waited. never seeing this guy before im thinking come on man lets draw and he draws my number and so the nice guy i am i go over and introduce my self and we head out bout 14 right in the middle of the field. no big deal he picked the first spot which were some main lake points that he said i was killing it with an a-rig  so i said cool im going to throw a jerk bait. he was fishing a faster moving bait that i was and the boat was going to fast for me to fish a jerk bait. so i thought what ever just throw up in the front of the boat and so i can get a full cast and wack got my first keeper and he runs for the net and nets it for me and i thank him and told him ill swing most of my fish in so he didnt have to bother inless i called for his help. he said that fine and by the way dont cast in front of the middle of the boat! i said cool beans man could u slow down so i can get a full retrieve in. no answer. well caught 4 in a row back to back bam bam! he kept netting them. i was like cool what ever! and by my 3rd keeper im thinking man if i get a bag of these i can get my first win. and he couldnt buy a bite on his a-rig. so i offered him a "stick bait as he called them. and he said no he had one that he tied on completly different color and bait i had a 78 pointer he was throwing a full size rapala. some weird color too. what ever. so finally he had enough and we moved to our third spot a rip rap wall with a bunch of stumps on it and he was throwing a classic wiggle wart. me being inexperienced i didnt have any 25 dollar baits like that and his were custom painted he was bragging. looked good and was catching fish. so i tied on a kvd chat black back. and was catching fish right with him. so he just mozzyed on up to the bank casting right down the bank. i had 2 feet of water between me and the boat. i thought what ever that wont last long ill just flip the trees behind us. well he was going to fast and the trees were too deep couldnt get it to the bottom. so when he would back off the bank to go around a tree i would fire my kvd up there and bam got number 4. he was so mad. yelling i told u not to cast in front of the boat. it got me off guard but i told him man i just want some water to fish. he mumbled something and i asked excuse me do we have issue. he told me that i was lucky to be out on a boat fishing and learning with him and i need to chill out and fish when i can! i was like this is not how this works and the rules state that i have the same right as u to catch fish. he said if u want to fish u need to get ur own boat until then fish when u can i threw my rod down and told him fine take me back to the ramp ill kick ur blank from the bank. he laughed and said no we got 1 hour left i need to quit crying and fish. by then hes got me in weight and hes got a limit. i did get a 4.02 smally to cap off my bag beating him by 1.5 lbs. And he had enough nerve to tell me i owe him 40 bucks for gas i laughed and walked away and he said be mad and cry i put u on fish! i just said yup and ur non boater be ur blank! see u sucker. i told the director a little to late he was gone so i told her i never had that problem every boater has been great u need to kick him off or make it where i never fish with him again. she said she couldnt do anything about it so i said me and my 4 buddys wont come any more see ya and thats it> good job u guys got me all fired up>~!


all right all right. well it started off like any other tourny. I got there and paid entry shooting the crap with some other good guys and TRACY MITCHELL came in almost as we were drawing and we waited. never seeing this guy before im thinking come on man lets draw and he draws my number and so the nice guy i am i go over and introduce my self and we head out bout 14 right in the middle of the field. no big deal he picked the first spot which were some main lake points that he said i was killing it with an a-rig  so i said cool im going to throw a jerk bait. he was fishing a faster moving bait that i was and the boat was going to fast for me to fish a jerk bait. so i thought what ever just throw up in the front of the boat and so i can get a full cast and wack got my first keeper and he runs for the net and nets it for me and i thank him and told him ill swing most of my fish in so he didnt have to bother inless i called for his help. he said that fine and by the way dont cast in front of the middle of the boat! i said cool beans man could u slow down so i can get a full retrieve in. no answer. well caught 4 in a row back to back bam bam! he kept netting them. i was like cool what ever! and by my 3rd keeper im thinking man if i get a bag of these i can get my first win. and he couldnt buy a bite on his a-rig. so i offered him a "stick bait as he called them. and he said no he had one that he tied on completly different color and bait i had a 78 pointer he was throwing a full size rapala. some weird color too. what ever. so finally he had enough and we moved to our third spot a rip rap wall with a bunch of stumps on it and he was throwing a classic wiggle wart. me being inexperienced i didnt have any 25 dollar baits like that and his were custom painted he was bragging. looked good and was catching fish. so i tied on a kvd chat black back. and was catching fish right with him. so he just mozzyed on up to the bank casting right down the bank. i had 2 feet of water between me and the boat. i thought what ever that wont last long ill just flip the trees behind us. well he was going to fast and the trees were too deep couldnt get it to the bottom. so when he would back off the bank to go around a tree i would fire my kvd up there and bam got number 4. he was so mad. yelling i told u not to cast in front of the boat. it got me off guard but i told him man i just want some water to fish. he mumbled something and i asked excuse me do we have issue. he told me that i was lucky to be out on a boat fishing and learning with him and i need to chill out and fish when i can! i was like this is not how this works and the rules state that i have the same right as u to catch fish. he said if u want to fish u need to get ur own boat until then fish when u can i threw my rod down and told him fine take me back to the ramp ill kick ur blank from the bank. he laughed and said no we got 1 hour left i need to quit crying and fish. by then hes got me in weight and hes got a limit. i did get a 4.02 smally to cap off my bag beating him by 1.5 lbs. And he had enough nerve to tell me i owe him 40 bucks for gas i laughed and walked away and he said be mad and cry i put u on fish! i just said yup and ur non boater be ur blank! see u sucker. i told the director a little to late he was gone so i told her i never had that problem every boater has been great u need to kick him off or make it where i never fish with him again. she said she couldnt do anything about it so i said me and my 4 buddys wont come any more see ya and thats it> good job u guys got me all fired up>~!

sorry for the misspelled words was typing to fast to correct.


Blue your one helluva guy, that was awesome.


sorry for the misspelled words was typing to fast to correct.

Dang Chris he sounds like a really nice guy. When and where was this tourney?

  • Global Moderator

Dang Chris he sounds like a really nice guy. When and where was this tourney?

It was about 3 years ago now on Stockton.


I suppose I can understand the boater wanting first dibs on water..

but to not be accommodating at all, giving you no water to fish, throwing a fit, etc...


Sounds like this guy was pretty jealous you were whoopin on him.


all right all right. well it started off like any other tourny. I got there and paid entry shooting the crap with some other good guys and TRACY MITCHELL came in almost as we were drawing and we waited. never seeing this guy before im thinking come on man lets draw and he draws my number and so the nice guy i am i go over and introduce my self and we head out bout 14 right in the middle of the field. no big deal he picked the first spot which were some main lake points that he said i was killing it with an a-rig  so i said cool im going to throw a jerk bait. he was fishing a faster moving bait that i was and the boat was going to fast for me to fish a jerk bait. so i thought what ever just throw up in the front of the boat and so i can get a full cast and wack got my first keeper and he runs for the net and nets it for me and i thank him and told him ill swing most of my fish in so he didnt have to bother inless i called for his help. he said that fine and by the way dont cast in front of the middle of the boat! i said cool beans man could u slow down so i can get a full retrieve in. no answer. well caught 4 in a row back to back bam bam! he kept netting them. i was like cool what ever! and by my 3rd keeper im thinking man if i get a bag of these i can get my first win. and he couldnt buy a bite on his a-rig. so i offered him a "stick bait as he called them. and he said no he had one that he tied on completly different color and bait i had a 78 pointer he was throwing a full size rapala. some weird color too. what ever. so finally he had enough and we moved to our third spot a rip rap wall with a bunch of stumps on it and he was throwing a classic wiggle wart. me being inexperienced i didnt have any 25 dollar baits like that and his were custom painted he was bragging. looked good and was catching fish. so i tied on a kvd chat black back. and was catching fish right with him. so he just mozzyed on up to the bank casting right down the bank. i had 2 feet of water between me and the boat. i thought what ever that wont last long ill just flip the trees behind us. well he was going to fast and the trees were too deep couldnt get it to the bottom. so when he would back off the bank to go around a tree i would fire my kvd up there and bam got number 4. he was so mad. yelling i told u not to cast in front of the boat. it got me off guard but i told him man i just want some water to fish. he mumbled something and i asked excuse me do we have issue. he told me that i was lucky to be out on a boat fishing and learning with him and i need to chill out and fish when i can! i was like this is not how this works and the rules state that i have the same right as u to catch fish. he said if u want to fish u need to get ur own boat until then fish when u can i threw my rod down and told him fine take me back to the ramp ill kick ur blank from the bank. he laughed and said no we got 1 hour left i need to quit crying and fish. by then hes got me in weight and hes got a limit. i did get a 4.02 smally to cap off my bag beating him by 1.5 lbs. And he had enough nerve to tell me i owe him 40 bucks for gas i laughed and walked away and he said be mad and cry i put u on fish! i just said yup and ur non boater be ur blank! see u sucker. i told the director a little to late he was gone so i told her i never had that problem every boater has been great u need to kick him off or make it where i never fish with him again. she said she couldnt do anything about it so i said me and my 4 buddys wont come any more see ya and thats it> good job u guys got me all fired up>~!

I'm a long time lurker, but this story persuaded me to make my first post. You are equally to blame as he is. As a coangler, you should never cast in front of the center console, its just common courtesy. I know it can be a pain if the boater is moving too fast for your bait, but that's just part of it. As a coangler, you just adapt to what your boater is doing. Sometimes it goes against your plan, but you are at his mercy until you get a boat. I've been fishing tournaments for more years than you've been alive, and if you continue to taunt your partners and have a cocky attitude, you will not make many friends in this sport. I would work on your character and class before you buy your first boat. That attitude has no place in competitive bass fishing. Your boater didn't break any rules, he just didn't cater to your needs.

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