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Im looking to step up from my PQ's and Carbonlites and am looking in the 200-250 ish range. The main four I am looking at are listed above in order from more to less interest.

I am going to most likely be using it for Texas rigging solely, and will hardly throw anything weighing more than 1/4 ounce, with 3/16 and 1/8 being used mostly and an occasional weightless.

What reel is going to be smoothest? Cast light lures best? Be most comfortable in my hand? More Durable? Most upgrade options? I only want to buy something I can readily buy at BPS, so no JDM reels please. I can't go to BPS to store fish them, because my parents really don't wanna drive me 3 hours for a reel. Thanks I'm looking forward to your opinions and suggestions!

Edit I will be throwing braid or Fluorocarbon in about 12-15 # test if it matters.

  • Super User

Only you can answer that question. Go pick up a few and put them in your hand. buy what you want, spool it up and hit the water.

You can't go wrong with any of the above. I own all but the zillion and they are all quality reels.

Im looking to step up from my PQ's and Carbonlites and am looking in the 200-250 ish range. The main four I am looking at are listed above in order from more to less interest.

I am going to most likely be using it for Texas rigging solely, and will hardly throw anything weighing more than 1/4 ounce, with 3/16 and 1/8 being used mostly and an occasional weightless.

What reel is going to be smoothest? Cast light lures best? Be most comfortable in my hand? More Durable? Most upgrade options? I only want to buy something I can readily buy at BPS, so no JDM reels please. I can't go to BPS to store fish them, because my parents really don't wanna drive me 3 hours for a reel. Thanks I'm looking forward to your opinions and suggestions!

Edit I will be throwing braid or Fluorocarbon in about 12-15 # test if it matters.

Heck, YOU'RE the guy who's always recommending rods and reels to perspective buyers...maybe you need to have a look at all your previous posts   ;)


I suggest the curado.  But it depends on which one also.  I would go with the e7 for soft plastics.  I spooled it with 10lb p-line halo flourocarbon and man can this thing cast.  But what you should thing most about is not just the reel but the rod as well.  You need a softer rod with a faster tip to catch lighter lures.  Just my opinion.

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As far as smoothness, none of those reels match the Zillion. The Zillion's retrieve is like greased glass on glass. Additionally, it has absolutely no backplay in the handle - at all. The Zillion is built like a tank, better, IMO, than the Revo. The gears, including the worm gear, are brass. The worm gear on the Revo is plastic. The drag on the Zillion is completely sufficient for the toughest bass fishing. My Zillions outcast any Revo I've ever had. Everything from the paint to the finish on the metal is a step up, even if a small one, from the Revo. As far as palming, the Zillion beats the Revo here, too. I like to wrap my index finger around the front of the reel. On the Zillion that is no problem. On the Revo your finger hits the pawl cap as it sweeps back and forth. You pay a premium for this refinement, but in the sub-$300 range I think the Zillion is the best reel out there. One cool thing about the Zillion, and most (if not all) Daiwa baitcasters is the ability to re-engage the spool by flipping up the thumbbar. That makes flippin' very easy. Neither the Curado, Revo nor XT have that.

The Curado is extremely smooth, too. And in my experience casts any weight bait well, and light baits a bit better than the Zillion. It has a bit of handle backplay but you don't notice it when you fish. The grips are the best of any low profile, IMO. They are super comfortable even with wet fingers. The brake works very well and accessing it is a breeze. The sideplate is on a hinge so you can't drop it. The reel palms well and the pawl cap is not quite as hidden from feel as on the Zillion, but its better than on the Revo.

I've only owned pre-'10 Revos and I liked them very much. They are built well and have the strongest drag out there - though you will never use it to its capacity bass fishing. They palm well, too, but yoiur finger does hit the pawl cap if your wrap your index finger around the front. They cast exceptionally well all baits from 1/4 oz on up. But the new the dual braking system on the '10 Revo and XT are turn-offs for me. It's an attempt to come up with a fool-proof brake system. It adds weight and people that can learn to cast a mag or centrifugal brake simply don't need both.


Zillion hands down. You cannot compare a Curado to a Zillion..maybe the Chronarch is sort of in the same class as the Zillion, but even it doesn't cast as well.

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  • Super User

I own 3 of the 4, don't have a Revo. The Curado is a great reel but isn't in the same class as the Zillion or XT, IMO. It also costs roughly $100 less.

The Zillion is everything you could ask for in a reel. Silky smooth, built like a tank, aesthetically pleasing and palms better than any reel I've ever used. The downside is it doesn't cast light baits as well as some others, it's also fairly heavy.

The XT is a very nice reel too. Very small so it fits in the hand really well. The eva knobs are really comfortable. The dual braking is really nice, I can count the number of backlashes I've had with this reel on one hand. It handles lighter baits better than the Zillion. Line capacity is pretty low with this reel too. Very smooth reel and very pleasant to fish with.

In my opinion the Curado is a great reel but not on par with the other 2. The Zillion is an amazing reel that feels as close to perfect in my hands as a reel can get, it just fits. The XT is a exceptional reel too. It beats out the Zillion in it's ability to cast lighter baits. Check ebay, I got my XT new for $170. In reality, all the reels you listed are great reels, I don't think you can really make a wrong choice.


I just got a TD Fuego, which I've heard is the poor man's Zillion. I also have a Revo STX. The Fuego blows the Revo out of the water IMHO. If the Zillion is an improved Fuego, I have to say that it's gotta be pretty awesome.


Never casted the Zillion, but I do own a the new Curado and Revo Premier. Of those two it's the Curado, no contest. The Curado casts better, especially the lighter weight baits. I also like the retrieve of the Curado better. Gear ratio in the Curado is a lil higher, this is a plus for me too. 

I really don't like the Revo. I think that I might try and sell it, only to buy another Shimano reel muahahahahahaha.


I've owned  3 of the 4 also.  Have not fished a zillion(after reading this post I want one of those to try now!).  I've used a e7 extensively,  a revo sx a lot as of recently and just purchased a patriarch xt.

IMO the curado and the sx run a tight race.  Retrieve and drag go to the sx and all around casting ability and ease goes to the curado.  Like both reels very much.

Only have casted the xt a few times at the dam by my house.  I'm really itching to get this thing on a real outing.  So far this thing is the bomb   My initial impressions were that it feels like a core 50mg7,  but has a 20# drag system.  This is a awesome reel!!!  Hopefully upon extensive use my feelings will be the same.

I just got a TD Fuego, which I've heard is the poor man's Zillion. I also have a Revo STX. The Fuego blows the Revo out of the water IMHO. If the Zillion is an improved Fuego, I have to say that it's gotta be pretty awesome.

Fuego is magnesium...and Zillion is aluminum...don't know if there any other differences.


The Zillion hands down. Lots of upgrades out there for it if you want it to cast light baits really well just buy the I'ze factory  HLC spool you can get them for about 80-100 bucks. but stock the reel is a beast and the TD-Z palming profile is the best ever! once you fish one no other reel will feel right in your hands.. I throw 1/8oz baits pretty easy with the stock one (Just has ABEC 7's in it) on the right rod 1/8oz is not a problem..

most of mine have the HLC spool in them and they will go lower a little but you will get 25-30 feet more distance on a 1/8oz bait most weightless worms weigh more then 1/8oz anyhow and wind resistance will upset you more then weight will so keep that in mind. Zillions get really happy with a 1/4oz+

The Zillion hands down. Lots of upgrades out there for it if you want it to cast light baits really well just buy the I'ze factory HLC spool you can get them for about 80-100 bucks. but stock the reel is a beast and the TD-Z palming profile is the best ever! once you fish one no other reel will feel right in your hands.. I throw 1/8oz baits pretty easy with the stock one (Just has ABEC 7's in it) on the right rod 1/8oz is not a problem..

most of mine have the HLC spool in them and they will go lower a little but you will get 25-30 feet more distance on a 1/8oz bait most weightless worms weigh more then 1/8oz anyhow and wind resistance will upset you more then weight will so keep that in mind. Zillions get really happy with a 1/4oz+

What is the Iz'e HLC spool? I have purchased the TDZ 100M spool for mine and it seems to work really well.

The Zillion hands down. Lots of upgrades out there for it if you want it to cast light baits really well just buy the I'ze factory HLC spool you can get them for about 80-100 bucks. but stock the reel is a beast and the TD-Z palming profile is the best ever! once you fish one no other reel will feel right in your hands.. I throw 1/8oz baits pretty easy with the stock one (Just has ABEC 7's in it) on the right rod 1/8oz is not a problem..

most of mine have the HLC spool in them and they will go lower a little but you will get 25-30 feet more distance on a 1/8oz bait most weightless worms weigh more then 1/8oz anyhow and wind resistance will upset you more then weight will so keep that in mind. Zillions get really happy with a 1/4oz+

What is the Iz'e HLC spool? I have purchased the TDZ 100M spool for mine and it seems to work really well.

HLC is Hyper Long Cast spool from Daiwa.  It's lighter than the stock spool, and casts lighter lures better.


Well learning from you and the other educated people on this forum I would say just someone else said that all your gonna get is opinions

Go store fish these reels and see which one fits your hands the best. You can't go wrong with any of these reels I would go with a Curado if you need more money but if you can go with the XT, Premier, or Zillion.


I haven't got my hands on a Zillion yet, but I do have several Fuego's and Sol's, and I think you would love a Sol in the applications you've mentioned.  Very light, palms great and I've had great success with light baits!

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I fished with my new Curado 200E7s last night.  On my first long cast I got a birdsnest I had to cut out and lost about 30 feet of line.  Forgot to adjust the spool tnesion.  Every other cast was perfect.  The heaviest lure I was throwing was a 3/8 oz Koppers Live Target crawfish crank.   I could easily get 100 ft casts.  The reel was strong and smooth.  I had one fish take my Koppers.  It sufaced once then went straight down into the grass and locked itself in.  I tightend the drag and pulled but felt I was really overstressing my 6'6" M/MF rod.  So I loosened the drag a bit, walked back off the pier, down the bank and was able to pull him out from the opposite direction.  He looked to weight about 3 lbs and was completely covered with grass when he came up. 

The weak link here as my rod which just didn't have enough backbone for this heavy grass.  My Yo-Zuri Hybrid 10lb and 200E7 handled it well.

Right now I'm smitten with the Curado.  It casts as well or better than any Zillion, Fuego, Sol or Revo I've owned.  It is strong, and has drag that is way more than sufficient. 


For what your looking to do I would go curado and spend the money you save on a better rod. I simply love these reels and you will too. Abu really lit a fire under shimano with the revos and the curado is a homerun at any price.

A few reasons I reccomend the curado:

1. The ergonomics are great (it sits extremely low on a reel seat, is light, and the big septon knobs feel amazing).

2. It casts amazingly well. I am blown away how shimano can make a reel that holds that much line, yet still casts light baits as well as it does. You will not need to spend more money to get it to handle lighter baits.

3. Shimano's customer service is above reproach.

I fished with my new Curado 200E7s last night. On my first long cast I got a birdsnest I had to cut out and lost about 30 feet of line. Forgot to adjust the spool tnesion. Every other cast was perfect. The heaviest lure I was throwing was a 3/8 oz Koppers Live Target crawfish crank. I could easily get 100 ft casts. The reel was strong and smooth. I had one fish take my Koppers. It sufaced once then went straight down into the grass and locked itself in. I tightend the drag and pulled but felt I was really overstressing my 6'6" M/MF rod. So I loosened the drag a bit, walked back off the pier, down the bank and was able to pull him out from the opposite direction. He looked to weight about 3 lbs and was completely covered with grass when he came up.

The weak link here as my rod which just didn't have enough backbone for this heavy grass. My Yo-Zuri Hybrid 10lb and 200E7 handled it well.

Right now I'm smitten with the Curado.  It casts as well or better than any Zillion, Fuego, Sol or Revo I've owned.  It is strong, and has drag that is way more than sufficient.

Wow, that's saying a lot coming from a Zillion expert!

  • Super User
I fished with my new Curado 200E7s last night. On my first long cast I got a birdsnest I had to cut out and lost about 30 feet of line. Forgot to adjust the spool tnesion. Every other cast was perfect. The heaviest lure I was throwing was a 3/8 oz Koppers Live Target crawfish crank. I could easily get 100 ft casts. The reel was strong and smooth. I had one fish take my Koppers. It sufaced once then went straight down into the grass and locked itself in. I tightend the drag and pulled but felt I was really overstressing my 6'6" M/MF rod. So I loosened the drag a bit, walked back off the pier, down the bank and was able to pull him out from the opposite direction. He looked to weight about 3 lbs and was completely covered with grass when he came up.

The weak link here as my rod which just didn't have enough backbone for this heavy grass. My Yo-Zuri Hybrid 10lb and 200E7 handled it well.

Right now I'm smitten with the Curado. It casts as well or better than any Zillion, Fuego, Sol or Revo I've owned. It is strong, and has drag that is way more than sufficient.

Wow, that's saying a lot coming from a Zillion expert!

whole point of the thread micro i can honestly say test just about anything out there thoroughly and gives a great narration of equipment

  • Super User

I'm far from a Zillion expert.  But I do like to try a lot of different things. 

What's impressive about the Curado is that it will cast light baits as well as the Sol, and heavy baits as well as the Zillion.  It's smooth, strong and comfortable.  Right now it's my second favorite reel. 

Now, lemme tell you about my new Core 100MgFV...

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