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Yelp that's puts me in the "weekend guy" category ;)

Well unless you are making your livelihood with fishing (your definition, not mine), then it sounds like there's a 3rd category in between that you would fall into. Let's call it the SSWW - Super Studly Weekend Warrior. :D

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Looks like you have been busy Catt. Wear out any gear?

Other than wearing out the occasional spinner bait or Trap it took 10 years for me to wear out the paw & worm gear on a Shimano Calcutta 50A but that was more my fault than the product since I have a bad habit of engaging the spool while the bait is still in the air.

I have that same bad habit. I haven't worn any gears out yet, but I don't get to fish nearly as much as you do.

Wow I thought I was the only person with that bad habit, but I do the same thing with my Calcutta's also.


Look, we all have our brands, and I *** those that have numerous or can honestly say they have tried them all and found their favorites. Personally, I don't have enough money to try out every brand of baitcaster, spinning reel, line, lure, or rod. I have brands that work for me and the ones I haven't tried that could be better, but is it wrong for me to give an opinion on a Shimano reel even if I haven't tried every other brand. Brand loyalty, just like knowledge come directly from experience, and I think all opinions should be valued even if that other angler hasn't been fishing as long as you. The "Shimano posse" has come to be a derrogative term I have noticed on this site, but imo I have seen little evidence to support the idea that they are trying to make us all use Shimano, and I also have seen little reason to doubt the opinions of the so called "members" of this group. Once again, I find virtue in brand loyalty, and those that stand beside their Abus, Shimanos, Daiwas, BPS, etc. because all of their opinions matter and can make a difference in the choices I make as a fisherman. However, this doesn't mean I can't try different brands when possible, or that I feel the need to bash anyone who I feel may be biased just because they enjoy fishing a certain brand of tackle.


OK here are my .02 Here is a little about me... I'm 29 years old. I was born in Osage Beach Missouri and lived in Camdenton Mo. on lake road 5-88 right on the Niangua Arm with the lake in my back yard. started fishing at age 5. Moved to Blue Springs Mo at 9 years of age and lived on lake Tapawingo. moved to Washington Mo. at age 15 and lived with in walking distance of the Missouri River. then at the age of 27 moved to Lake Sherwood Mo. with the lake in my back yard. I Fished every day from thaw to freeze for years. It's easy when your deck and dock are the same thing. I'm not a wealthy guy and have Bass Pro Extreams, Bionics, Shakespere ugly stick lite pro Rods (which I love for moving baits) Falcon Bucoo's (my most expensive rods to date.. Which I love) Citca 200e, Quantum TE PT, Cabelas mag-touch, Banax Lexima lx-108 bait caster, and i'm sorry but out of all the reels i have including the PT TE the Citca is by far the best reel I have, even though it cost a third of the TE to be honest i like my extremes better then the TE. My Reels and rods have been hammered over the years... The fact I have not fished since Aug. is killing me.

I understand Brand Loyalty... But for some one who has Bought a ton of cheep gear in his life... The Citca is by far the best reel i have bought. It is because of the quality of this reel that I have become a Shimano Guy but I like to collect gear and want one of everything. but it's hard to do when you only get an allowance of 420 bucks a month from your wife to buy and pay for all things a guy needs from gas to gear. This is the first time in my life I have not lived with in walking distance from a great fishery AND IT SUCKS.

I think every one is a fan of who they are a fan of because of there experience. No one is right and no one is wrong. IT"S A MATTER OF OPINION. so agree to disagree

I don't know why so many people think they know more about this than others when most of us don't even know each other

The Home I miss


After looking over the green Curado and Citica 200e It's clearly obvious to me that there is a BUNCH of bandwagoning that happens in tackle selection.

Those two reels felt no better than a BPS reel that goes on sale for $50. The curado looked GREAT. It wasn't as smooth as reels costing 1/4 what it does. Not particularly light. Nothing special about the drag. Just another reel-albeit overpriced.

The citica was even worse.

Maybe they cast great? Other reels do too. And I couldn't take anyones word for it, because according to most, those reels are so super smooth and refined. Yet CLEARLY they are NOT

Overrated reels no doubt about it.

Sorry, I know I'm late to the party as I just read this thread today. Shimano overated, I'm sorry but I just can't help myself ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;

Seriously, I fish app 70-80 outings per year and I'll admit I'm very fortuneate to be able to get out as much as I do with a typical outing being 6-8 hours. That said I've been using Shimano baitcasting reels for app 15 years, the one certainity is that they last, have high performance and are dependable. The few times I've tried other reels besides a Shimano I've been disapointed. I'm also a proud member of the Shimano posse.


Since I'm 15, I can't go out and buy a $200 reel just for crankbaits, spinnerbaits, or topwaters. I have ONE chance when I'm buying a rod or reel to get it right, therefore I research, and research, and research rods/reels before I buy them. That's why I've been posting so much stuff about this rod compared to that rod, etc. In the end, I look for the best performance for the price, therefore I have a Citica, will soon have a Powell 705c and Compre CPC-X610MHB, and then MAYBE a used high-end Shimano reel (Chronarch, Curado, etc).

Basically I need the best value in the $100-$150 range. Some people don't like Shimano, but I think the Citica is the best reel you can get for the price. One again, I THINK that. Some people will agree, others won't.

Another $.02 to add to the pot.

  • Super User
After looking over the green Curado and Citica 200e It's clearly obvious to me that there is a BUNCH of bandwagoning that happens in tackle selection.

Those two reels felt no better than a BPS reel that goes on sale for $50. The curado looked GREAT. It wasn't as smooth as reels costing 1/4 what it does. Not particularly light. Nothing special about the drag. Just another reel-albeit overpriced.

The citica was even worse.

Maybe they cast great? Other reels do too. And I couldn't take anyones word for it, because according to most, those reels are so super smooth and refined. Yet CLEARLY they are NOT

Overrated reels no doubt about it.


You had your mind made up before you handled anything.

  • Super User

Many guys dismiss completely the opinions of those of us who fish multiple brands and have used particular pieces of equipment for years on end, without a specific loyalty to any brand. And you wonder why we poke fun at you on occasion? :;)

These same guys make full reviews based on a 2 minute fondle at the reel counter- never even cast or use the reel. ;D I do recall that the zebco 202 feels pretty smooth at the counter... :-?

I find it pretty funny that the anti shimano crowd is so set on bashing that they are actually worse than the homers... and then throw out a comment like "I wonder when my post will disappear..."

That's a load in the shorts. Not to mention a slap in the face of all the mods. If you (and I mean all the bashers, not any one person in particular) would pony up and buy a decent reel, there would be very little drama here. Oh, I meant to ask what "great" reel was available for 1/4 the price of a curado? Even at FULL MSRP, that leaves $45 for said "great reel."

And before you say "I had a XXX reel..." One experience does not qualify you to make gross generalizations of an entire brand, good or bad.

enough of my rant...  I have to clock in.

  • Super User
Many guys dismiss completely the opinions of those of us who fish multiple brands and have used particular pieces of equipment for years on end, without a specific loyalty to any brand. And you wonder why we poke fun at you on occasion? :;)

These same guys make full reviews based on a 2 minute fondle at the reel counter- never even cast or use the reel. ;D I do recall that the zebco 202 feels pretty smooth at the counter... :-?

I find it pretty funny that the anti shimano crowd is so set on bashing that they are actually worse than the homers... and then throw out a comment like "I wonder when my post will disappear..."

That's a load in the shorts. Not to mention a slap in the face of all the mods. If you (and I mean all the bashers, not any one person in particular) would pony up and buy a decent reel, there would be very little drama here. Oh, I meant to ask what "great" reel was available for 1/4 the price of a curado? Even at FULL MSRP, that leaves $45 for said "great reel."

And before you say "I had a XXX reel..." One experience does not qualify you to make gross generalizations of an entire brand, good or bad.

enough of my rant... I have to clock in.

I guess everyone missed Glenn's post to let it go?

To all the people crying about somone saying a bad thing about a Shimano real.....Take a look in the mirror. As over and over products are dismissed as junk because they aren't shimano. ::D

Apparently you need to actually READ the post I made. I said in that post in may well cast GREAT. But I'm not taking your word for it. Because before actually checking them out, I would have had to take everone at their word of how smooth they are.....Which would have been a mistake.

I did not "throw out" a comment about when my post will disappear. In fact BECAUSE I made that comment is the ONLY reason the stuff stayed up. I have had my postes deleted and edited several times now. And I feel it all stems from a signature I had that a mod didn't like.

im not really seeing that on this forum.

Many guys dismiss completely the opinions of those of us who fish multiple brands and have used particular pieces of equipment for years on end, without a specific loyalty to any brand. And you wonder why we poke fun at you on occasion? :;)

These same guys make full reviews based on a 2 minute fondle at the reel counter- never even cast or use the reel. ;D I do recall that the zebco 202 feels pretty smooth at the counter... :-?

I find it pretty funny that the anti shimano crowd is so set on bashing that they are actually worse than the homers... and then throw out a comment like "I wonder when my post will disappear..."

That's a load in the shorts. Not to mention a slap in the face of all the mods. If you (and I mean all the bashers, not any one person in particular) would pony up and buy a decent reel, there would be very little drama here. Oh, I meant to ask what "great" reel was available for 1/4 the price of a curado? Even at FULL MSRP, that leaves $45 for said "great reel."

And before you say "I had a XXX reel..." One experience does not qualify you to make gross generalizations of an entire brand, good or bad.

enough of my rant... I have to clock in.

Since you addressed all in the clear thinking, non-drone, wouldn't jump off the bridge if everybody else did crowd, I'll respond right back with the same cow flop you just tried to toss on everybody else.  How many Shimano reels am I supposed to buy and how long am I supposed to use it before my conclusion is supposed to be valid?

I have used Shimano and it didn't a whole lot for me, nothing I couldn't get from an ABU 2005LP @$75 or so?  I have used the Shimano Antares7DC, the Daiwa TDZ 103H beats it hands down.  Citica, Curado, Scorpion?  Revo, Zillion, Sol or Fuego.

If you want to run with the pack, stick with Shimano.  If you want to lead the pack, run with Daiwa or ABU.  Just remember, unless you're the lead dog, the scenery never changes.

Oh, yeah, I've been fishing about 40 years.

  • Super User
Apparently you need to actually READ the post I made. I said in that post in may well cast GREAT.

You said it may... as in you don't know because you haven't used one before reviewing it.

You are entitled to any opinion you want, but before you say things do or don't, you should at least have an idea of whether it will or won't. Saying it is overpriced is fine... but you should just say you think it's overpriced.  That is a valid opinion.  But to ***** its performance w/o experience dillutes the good advice and opinions this site's reputation was built upon.

  • Super User

Since you addressed all in the clear thinking, non-drone, wouldn't jump off the bridge if everybody else did crowd, I'll respond right back with the same cow flop you just tried to toss on everybody else. How many Shimano reels am I supposed to buy and how long am I supposed to use it before my conclusion is supposed to be valid?

I have used Shimano and it didn't a whole lot for me, nothing I couldn't get from an ABU 2005LP @$75 or so? I have used the Shimano Antares7DC, the Daiwa TDZ 103H beats it hands down. Citica, Curado, Scorpion? Revo, Zillion, Sol or Fuego.

If you want to run with the pack, stick with Shimano. If you want to lead the pack, run with Daiwa or ABU. Just remember, unless you're the lead dog, the scenery never changes.

Oh, yeah, I've been fishing about 40 years.

Geez, did I hit a nerve? No one questioned your experience... but since you brought it up, how many of those years are with the reels we are talking about. I suspect no more than the years I have been using them. And yes, I also have a number of ABu's, Daiwa's and Shimanos.

If you want to lead the pack, run with Daiwa or ABU

There is a well thought out comparison. And exactly the kind of talk that adds no value to a discussion.

How many Shimano reels am I supposed to buy and how long am I supposed to use it before my conclusion is supposed to be valid?

One is enough to comment on your single reel... a few is better but like any advice, it should be considered based on the sampling. (and the rewiewer)

As i stated, those who HAVE NOT owned or used them shouldn't review. If you have, great, make a legitimate comparison or review and I won't say a word. I wasn't addressing you in my post. But thanks to your participation in this thread, I will consider your reel advice differently from now on.

  • Super User

I'm locking this for a little while while I read through the whole thing and then give a logical (why do I have to moderate adults) response.

  • Super User

Almost on a daily basis someone will ask "What is the best.......?". This person will usually be someone who is fairly new to fishing or has been away from it for some amount of time. This question always makes me cringe because they are looking for a right answer and there just isn't one. There isn't even a wrong answer. All they will get is a confusing bombardment of differing opinions.

Then to add insult to injury they get to see the posse and the anti posse folks go at each other's necks like a pack of dogs.

Why some people get so upset when another member says something bad about "their" brand I haven't a clue. All I know is that a personal, attacking response is childish.

How do you think this looks to a new angler? How do you think this looks to an outsider?

If you read a post that makes you angry STOP and step back and read it again. Then ask yourself if what you read is what they really meant or are you just interpreting it wrong. Then respond with respect and ask them if you read it right.

If you find yourself in total disagreement with someone for their post that's fine. Respect their opinion and respond with respect. Be careful of how you word things. They aren't wrong and you aren't wrong.

Deal with your differences like adults and you will be amazed at the learning experiences and friendships that you will get from the whole situation.

This forum's number one rule is "respect each other". I hate looking like I'm taking a side because two people or groups can't respect each other.


  • Super User

Different strokes, for different folks... ;)

And, there's always the "search" feature to help people find info. for common questions.

  • BassResource.com Administrator

And just to reiterate:

I think the point here is that - for whatever reason - some people prefer brand X over brand Y. No big deal. Why should everyone like the same brand anyway? That would be....dull.

However, to the extent people get into a catfight over which is better is absurd. It is, after all, just fishing.

If you like brand Y, great! Let's hear why you like it. But please refrain from bashing brand X in the process.

That's all I ask.




You know, normally I'm a live and let live kind of guy and really don't care what kind of reel, rod, screwdriver, donut, whatever people choose. There just comes a point where you have to swat the mosquito.

Some guy will ask a question about a Daiwa, Abu, Shakespeare, Pinnacle, Penn for a specific reason and without fail, someone from a specific "posse" pipes in with an unwanted comment to try another brand of reel associated with a specific "posse" as if they are going to a receive a commission on the sale.

People know what they want and know what they don't want. If they wanted advice on a particular "posse's" favorite brand of reel, they would have asked about it.



This thread took a turn for the better.

While I'm not terribly impressed with the products I gave a quick once over, I probably conveyed that in a combative tone....

That was wrong and I appologize.

I'm also looking forward to a more bash free zone   ;)


To get back to the original topic, I would say anyone looking at this thread can see that brand loyalty clearly has a HUGE impact on the members here along with purchases, opinions, and tackle choices.

  • Super User
You know, normally I'm a live and let live kind of guy and really don't care what kind of reel, rod, screwdriver, donut, whatever people choose. There just comes a point where you have to swat the mosquito.

Some guy will ask a question about a Daiwa, Abu, Shakespeare, Pinnacle, Penn for a specific reason and without fail, someone from a specific "posse" pipes in with an unwanted comment to try another brand of reel associated with a specific "posse" as if they are going to a receive a commission on the sale.

People know what they want and know what they don't want. If they wanted advice on a particular "posse's" favorite brand of reel, they would have asked about it.

I agree with that... and I tried to say it earlier, just not as clearly as I should have... it's just as annoying when people champion the "shimano or nothing" chant as when other bash.  (to me anyway)

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