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  • Super User

I honestly couldn't care less how many strands it is. It isn't waxy and it has NEVER broken on me.

  • Super User

like i said that's cool.if you like it use it.i just posted this to set the facts straight.

  • Super User

Opinions are like butt-holes , every one has one and they are entitled to them as long as they don't try and ram their opinions down other peoples throats.

  • Super User

the problem was i was reamed when i claimed powerpro was a 4 strand braid.some people accused me of calling bantam a liar.i said he was mistaken.others posted i was "foollish".now it turns out i was CORRECT!!!i have not tried to force my opinion down anybodies throat.i only suggested there are better braids out there and i was reamed for saying so.i posted facts to prove why i felt the way i did about powerpro.fact is some of the powerpro faithfull got bent out of shape over a disscussion on braided line and then personally attacked me saying i called bantam a liar and didn't know what i was talking about.if the powerpro faithfull like the line that's cool and they should keep on using itl.but don't accuse somebody of calling another person a liar and tell that person he doesn't know what he talking about.you may come to find out you were WRONG and RUDE!!!just in case you didn't read the info in the link here you go.

"Wild Bill

Joined: 16 May 2005

Location: Long Island NY

Tue Sep 29, 2009 3:04 pm Re: Power Pro      

What about on the lower pound tests of PowerPro, such as 65, 50, and 30 pound test ?

Those are the line sizes I use the most of myself in PowerPro.

Thanks for all the info and explaining, Dan.

It is greatly appreciated.

I am a manic east-coast frogger/ratter, and the SnagProof "WildBull"Frog color is named after me.

I designed that color for them.


Share fishing with someone


Joined: 27 Feb 2007

Wed Sep 30, 2009 6:46 am Re: Power Pro      

They are all currently 4 strand. "

the problem was i was reamed when i claimed powerpro was a 4 strand braid.some people accused me of calling bantam a liar.i said he was mistaken.others posted i was "foollish".now it turns out i was CORRECT!!!i have not tried to force my opinion down anybodies throat.i only suggested there are better braids out there and i was reamed for saying so.i posted facts to prove why i felt the way i did about powerpro.fact is some of the powerpro faithfull got bent out of shape over a disscussion on braided line and then personally attacked me saying i called bantam a liar and didn't know what i was talking about.if the powerpro faithfull like the line that's cool and they should keep on using itl.but don't accuse somebody of calling another person a liar and tell that person he doesn't know what he talking about.you may come to find out you were WRONG and RUDE!!!just in case you didn't read the info in the link here you go.

So was this a post to prove that you were right the whole time and shame on the people that "personally attacked you"? :-? ::) :)


Was this a post about the technical data of power pro?

How about we just use the braid we like. why does it matter what has more strands, or what it is made of, if you like power pro use it, fireline, or any other braid. im not a big fan of threads created to cause drama...




I'm confused. In the link Dodgeguy provided, the 'bantam1' on that board posted on Sep. 30 that PPro under 80 lbs is 4 strands, however, in the post reference below 'bantam1' states on Sept 11 that PPro is '16 strand now'. Am I misinterpreting something here?


Note: I am not trying to stir anything up here, I am simply looking for clarification.


I think Dodgeguy is just trying to set the facts straight. Stop jumping all over this guy.

  • Super User
the problem was i was reamed when i claimed powerpro was a 4 strand braid.some people accused me of calling bantam a liar.i said he was mistaken.others posted i was "foollish".now it turns out i was CORRECT!!!i have not tried to force my opinion down anybodies throat.i only suggested there are better braids out there and i was reamed for saying so.i posted facts to prove why i felt the way i did about powerpro.fact is some of the powerpro faithfull got bent out of shape over a disscussion on braided line and then personally attacked me saying i called bantam a liar and didn't know what i was talking about.if the powerpro faithfull like the line that's cool and they should keep on using itl.but don't accuse somebody of calling another person a liar and tell that person he doesn't know what he talking about.you may come to find out you were WRONG and RUDE!!!just in case you didn't read the info in the link here you go.

I get what you are saying, the information is conflicting and I would also like to hear what the real info is.

But the fact is when it comes to braid ALL you do is try to force your opinion down everyone's throats ie: posting Fireline pics in every braid thread and calling other lines "inferior." And you say that "it's cool" if the PP guys like PP yet you post that the line is "inferior" and "outdated." I don't care if you like Fireline but it grinds my gears when you tell me the line that works beautifully for me is "outdated" and "inferior." It may have less strands (and I don't recall personally saying anything about the number of strands) but those 4 strands (or 16 or however many there are) work great for me so I am confused by you calling it outdated and inferior considering the way it casts and handles hauling fish out of thick slop.

I'm not trying to be an ***, I'm just trying to explain why some of the "PP guys" might have gotten "bent out of shape."

And let's face it, you might not have meant to call Bantam a liar, but that's how your posts read when you add them up, it probably got lost in internet translation:

"being that he works for shimano wouldn't you say he is not unbiased?"

"i wouldn't trust anything shimano said after that"

"shimano now owns powerpro and bantam works for shimano which means he is not unbiased.i personally don't believe powerpro is a 16 strand braid."

  • Super User

yeah , yeah , i will always use power pro. if i had the money , i would buy it in the bulk spools . it's all i use and will continue to use , don't care if it has 1 strand or 100 strands , power pro is my choice , don't really care what anyone else is using . it's just to bad some people have to fight about what they consider '' the best '' . what a waste of everybodies time . if it aint some thing usefull , don't post it !!!! :P

  • Super User
I think Dodgeguy is just trying to set the facts straight. Stop jumping all over this guy.

thank you!!!

  • Super User

Thanks Dodgeguy. That confirms what I already could tell by just a simple test of passing the line between the fingernail of my thumb and index finger. The results are very obvious and is what I use when shopping for superlines.


i think you guys are acting like a bunch of girls and should just drop it all together?

use what you like to use. who cares what anyone else uses!

  • Super User
i think you guys are acting like a bunch of girls and should just drop it all together?

use what you like to use. who cares what anyone else uses!

I agree that it's a free country and we all have the choice to use what we like. But dodgeguy has a right to defend himself. I remember the original thread, and while dodgeguy could have been a bit mellower in his presentation, it turns out that the information he provided in that initial thread regarding the strands appears to be correct. Those who attacked him for that information may owe him an apology.


I made a mistake and posted the data for new products coming next year. The person in charge sent me a spec sheet but failed to tell me it was for new products and not the current spec. I emailed him after the first thread to find out why some people were saying the data I posted was incorrect. He then told me the sheet was not for the current products. So yes in the very near future there will be 16 strand line available. Thats all I can say right now.

So yes I screwed up and Dodgeguy was correct. I have no problem admitting I was wrong. I will apologize to Dodgeguy for the verbal beating he took.

However some running changes have been made on some of the line as far as thread count. 80 pound for example is 6 strands and not 4 like it used to be. I know that our line is stronger than comparable braided lines in the same rating and it offers more abrasion resistance. We have tested it all.

So to avoid further confusion here are the specs for current production Power Pro.

Strength Diameter Thread count

5lbs.       0.004       3

8lbs.       0.005       3

10lbs.       0.006       4

15lbs.       0.008       4

20lbs.       0.009       4

30lbs.       0.011       4

40lbs.       0.012       4

50lbs.       0.014       4

65lbs.       0.016       4

80lbs.       0.017       6

100lbs.       0.018       6

150lbs.       0.022       8

200lbs.       0.030       8

250lbs.       0.035       12

300lbs.      .045/.035       12

500lbs.      .098/.059       16

  • Super User

Thanks for the clarification.

(If you haven't already, you might want to post this on nybass, too.)


  • Super User

Bantam, thanks for your honesty in addressing the conflicting information.

Bantam1, how many filaments make up a thread and do all braided superlines use the same size thread?

They are all different because of the materials used. Dyneema and Spectra are the two materials used and they are very different.  I'm not sure how many filaments there are per thread and I'm not sure I could post that data if I had it.


I don't post on NY Bass so if someone does they can just copy and paste my data.

  • Super User

My Long-winded PowerPro Story

Most of you know that I predominantly use spinning tackle and that I'm a staunch advocate of braided line.

For several decades, I spooled Trilene XL mono on all my spinning tackle, and though it served me very well,

I felt that I was long overdue for a change. Shortly after joining Bass Resource in 2005, I posted a thread requesting

recommendations for an alternative line to replace Trilene XL mono (some of you may actually recall that post).

KU_Bassmaster mentioned braided line in passing, suggesting that braid is dead limp and a whole nother animal.

That's when the light went on! It finally hit me that maybe braid was the missing chapter in my spinning experience.

Shortly thereafter, I realized that indeed I was a 'stick-in-the-mud', and braid was the change I should've made years ago.

At that time, PowerPro braid was the line-of-choice, and the brand that I choose. From that day forth,

I used PowerPro braid exclusively for 3½ years with nary a glitch. Little did I know however, that this love affair

was headed for the wall. Sure, I heard all the negative stories about PowerPro's mysterious line-breakage,

but put my hands over my ears, and dismissed it as a scapegoat for angler incompetence.

My wife and I had a decent season this year, but 2009 should have been a Banner Year for us. Let me explain:

Every winter I re-spool my reels with new line, a habit I formed while living in the north.

This past winter I re-spooled using a 'bulk spool' of 30 lb PowerPro braid. As it happened, our April Fools Day joke

would arrive in early April. I felt a pickup and set the hook as usual, but simultaneous to the shock of the hook-set

the line went slack! My wife asked me if I had a hit. Embarrassed, I answered yes, but added that my line

must've been nicked. The line broke between the lure and the rod-tip, which ruled out toothy varmints and knot-failure,

so I assumed it was due to a fray caused by angler carelessness (that's me). About an hour later, my wife set the hook

on a good bass, but early in the fight her line suddenly parted! She looked mystified, and while shaking her head

back-and-forth she said, That was a BIG fish, Rog. I knew that it was, but didn't want her to feel any worse.

I asked Lois if the line broke next to the lure, but she said, No, it broke about ten feet in front of the lure.

I told her that the line was obviously abraded, and that she should be more careful with her line

(I was the pot, calling the kettle black). We landed several bass that day, but our biggest bass were never seen.

The following weekend, we both checked our lines visually and ran it through our fingers in search of frays,

then headed back to the same spatterdock fields. We landed a few average bass then about 1:00am,

Lois hooked up with the first Big bass of the day. We both got a quick glimpse of the fish, which I jokingly said

was definitely between 6 and 12 pounds. She wasn't amused by my humor, and for the first time this year,

I resorted to the landing net, to assure that she boated this bass. As I made my way toward the gunwale,

her line suddenly snapped and I stood there stupid with a big empty net. I was not only angry,

but now reality was finally beginning to set in. Just maybe we are not to blame, and just maybe we're dealing with line failure.

I've been fishing since the early 1950s, in both fresh and saltwater, and this would be the first time in my life

that I'd actually blame the fishing line. Before the day was over, I broke off another big bass, which I said to Lois

was probably a blessing in disguise. I told her that now I'm sure we are not to blame,

and now I've got to do something about thisand I did

At home, I got on the web and sure enough I found where PowerPro themselves admitted to having quality control issues

with their bulk spools (Yeah...No kidding?). PowerPro offered a brand new free spool, but you know what they can do

with that brand new spool, don't you? There are two reasons why I decided to go with Berkley Fireline Tracer Braid:

1) Reportedly, PowerPro consists of 4 bundled strands, whereas Fireline consists of 8 bundled strands.

The greater the number of strands, the rounder the line, the farther it casts, the better it handles,

and the less apt it is to form wind-knots and to burrow in the spool.

2) Berkley is the manufacturer of Fireline braid, which is the same line-company that produces Trilene XL,

a line that I've learned to love and trust for decades. (Who is PowerPro anyway?)

The day I replaced PowerPro braid with Berkley Fireline Tracer Braid, was the same day that line-failure abruptly ended.

Since I've been using Fireline braid I have literally forgotten all about wind-knots and line-burrowing.

I am much happier with Berkley Fireline Tracer braid than I've ever been with PowerPro braid.

I had three bulk spools of leftover PowerPro braid, but derived perverted gratification tossing all three into the dumpster.

I would hope by now that PowerPro has cleaned up their act, but to my mind, that's too little, too late.

I take this seriously, because I've advocated PowerPro braid in the past, which puts me in an embarrassing position,

a position I do not appreciate. In any event, I'm now back with Berkley, and I feel good about that.

Past experience has taught me that it's always the same companies that tend to push the envelope.

Differently put, Fool me once, shame on youFool me twice, shame on me. Adios, PowerPro



I have yet to use braid, but plan on it very soon. Thanks for the post, RoLo. I think I know which to choose from here on out. Unless you have one of those three spool left.

Thanks again for another insightful post.

  • Super User
I made a mistake and posted the data for new products coming next year. The person in charge sent me a spec sheet but failed to tell me it was for new products and not the current spec. I emailed him after the first thread to find out why some people were saying the data I posted was incorrect. He then told me the sheet was not for the current products. So yes in the very near future there will be 16 strand line available. Thats all I can say right now.

So yes I screwed up and Dodgeguy was correct. I have no problem admitting I was wrong. I will apologize to Dodgeguy for the verbal beating he took.

However some running changes have been made on some of the line as far as thread count. 80 pound for example is 6 strands and not 4 like it used to be. I know that our line is stronger than comparable braided lines in the same rating and it offers more abrasion resistance. We have tested it all.

So to avoid further confusion here are the specs for current production Power Pro.

Strength Diameter Thread count

5lbs.       0.004       3

8lbs.       0.005       3

10lbs.       0.006       4

15lbs.       0.008       4

20lbs.       0.009       4

30lbs.       0.011       4

40lbs.       0.012       4

50lbs.       0.014       4

65lbs.       0.016       4

80lbs.       0.017       6

100lbs.       0.018       6

150lbs.       0.022       8

200lbs.       0.030       8

250lbs.       0.035       12

300lbs.      .045/.035       12

500lbs.      .098/.059       16

no problem dude.you are a man of class.thank you.

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