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What's an expert?

"X" = unknown quantity

"spurt" = drip under pressure ;D

I got it : "unknown quantity dripped under presure" :;)

Am I good or what? ;D ;D

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 Pencil Pusher it seriously was a good post on the subject at hand except for 1 thing. I joined this Board to interact with other bass fishermen (and women) and most others did to. If the people that post regularly only posted 79 times a year there wouldn't be much interaction IMHO ;)...

                                           As Ever,


BTW Even in "real life" most folks have to be taken with at

       least a grain of salt...            

  • Super User


I won't cite specific posts, people or threads.  It wasn't actually directed at anyone, just a general trend that seems to be on the rise.  Something I have noticed for a while and a few friends who lurk only have also mentioned this as a reason they are visiting less.

this is merely a stirring of the pot which, quite frankly, is becoming rather redundant, annoying, and pointless.  If there is an issue with the advice someone is giving, either DON'T READ IT,....or ....offer YOUR opinion,....or,....just leave it alone and realize you are on the internet.

Wow, you completely missed the point.  I could be doing other things than just trying to irritate 10,000 people... 9,980 of which I don't know.  If no one cared because "it's the internet" this place would be no better than that place nwga ended up.  Sad.  

I mean Honestly, there is a certain amount of "take what you hear with a grain of salt" to this forum board stuff, if that's so surprising, maybe you should stick to magazines.

So this place is no better than bassmaster?  I'm surprised that you, as a mod, would say that.  Or was that a polite way of saying I'm welcome to leave?  My whole point is that the reason this place is touted as the bast bass fishing site is that there didn't used to be so much of the "typical" forum behavior.  

I didn't say this place was bad, or even close to that... just a trend of "sudden expertism"  seemed to be on the rise.

BR is still the best, IMO, but the mile wide margin has closed a few feet.  I'm sorry if that steps on a few toes.   :-/


It is my opinion, not my experience, that you should not stand behind an elephant if he raises his tail.  Even though I have no experience in this area I do feel there is great value in my opinion on this.  If you do not value my opinion, please find an elephant and stand back there when he raises his tail.

  • Super User

There is one poster on here that six months ago didn't know a rod from a reel. Since then he has averaged about 8 or 9 posts a day and now weighs in with advice on everthing.  

I have been here 191 days or a little over 6 months and I average 8.96 posts a day. But I'am pretty sure I knew a rod from a reel  :;) Sorry lol


So this place is no better than bassmaster?  I'm surprised that you, as a mod, would say that.  

I didn't, you did.

The point in there is that you will not agree with everything here.  If you do, then you are naive.  This place is far better than a magazine but  a magazine doesn't let JUST ANYONE write their articles like it is with threads on a forum board.  You know me better than to think I would LESSEN the standard of Glenn's house.  You know Glenn better than to think he would let me.  

 My whole point is that the reason this place is touted as the bast bass fishing site is that there didn't used to be so much of the "typical" forum behavior.  

I personally don't see any noticeable difference in the info here.  Waaaay too many guys here that really do know their stuff and they are quick to politely explain things properly.  I always have, and still do,  consider you to be one of those people.

If there is a specific fact that you feel is misleading a member, PM him with your opinion on the topic or post it for all to learn from.

Take rods for example.  I can only comment on what I know.  YOU are the guy that says forget brands,...you need a mh, 6'6",..blah bl;ah blah, and why.  A WAAAAY better answer than mine would ever be.  But If I know sports authority has spidershafts for $40, and they fit what he's looking for, I'll recommend them, because I've used them for yrs.

 I'm not attacking you but I just don't see the point to this unless it's just a rant which are usually labeled "rant" in the title.

(oops-edit- just read 1st thread,..."sorry to rant",lol...my mistake, apology accepted?)


I once heard that "an expert is anybody who is 50 miles from where they live".  So unless some of you live within 50 miles of me, you can consider me an expert....

Seriously though, most people don't have the time and resources to fish all or even most of the options available to them.  The lucky few who do hopefully give the comparative background and why they prefer one product over another when offering advice.  If they don't give the background, I assume they fall into the following:  Another person may recommend product A because it is the only one he uses, has no problems, and he keeps using it.  They've never, or at least not recently, used product B, C, or D.  Such a person might not be the best person for advice on product A vs. B, but it does at least provide some valid confidence in product A.

So, now for a feel good moment:  "We're all special experts in our own way".... :;)


Each member has a certain label under their name and each one is based on the number of posts that member has made.  But if you look at the labels, not a single one references the knowledge or skill level of the fisherman or woman.  I believe that the excellent BR staff has it set this way on purpose.    


There is one poster on here that six months ago didn't know a rod from a reel. Since then he has averaged about 8 or 9 posts a day and now weighs in with advice on everthing.  

I have been here 191 days or a little over 6 months and I average 8.96 posts a day. But I'am pretty sure I knew a rod from a reel  :;) Sorry lol

Now if you could only figure out what to do with them,........lol

  • Super User

It's obvious that what I was thinking, isn't making sense to some.  This was a pretty innocent topic that lost traction.

Perhaps I tee'd it up wrong, perhaps it was something else.

If there is a specific fact that you feel is misleading a member, PM him with your opinion on the topic or post it for all to learn from.

Probably best, as a group discussion on starting it off wright isn't working.  It wasn't a rant though.  

Seems like we've had a population explosion of experts at BR!!  Maybe I have learned less than I thought over the past 25 years.   :-/   I'm amazed at how many people went from novice to sudden expert in some cases just a few short months (or a few hundred posts).  I'm learning lots of new "facts" about guides, cork, blank power and action, rod design and all sorts of other rod and reel related info.....  it's like starting over!  

Take this as you will, but what does post count have to do with whether someone is knowledgeable in an area or not?  ;)

Edit: I might be reading this wrong. If you mean people who come here who obviously don't know their you know what from a hole in the wall and becoming a self proclaimed "expert" within a few months, I'll give you that much.

If you're implying that post count means something besides they post a lot, you're sadly mistaken.

  • Super User

Exactly what I thought, one of the people I think is the most intelligent on bass nature and biology doesn't even have 200 posts. What does number of posts matter?  :-? :-X

Some people have opinions, some have experience, so are just bs artists. Its the internet...

  • Super User
O.K. here goes. I have been a registered member of this site for two years and yet I have only made 78 (this makes 79) posts, but I have read a lot of the posts and discussions. Unlike some members, I just don't see the need to make a post on every discussion just to run the numbers up. Am an expert? I don't consider myself expert even though I have been fishing including bass fishing for longer than a good number of the members of this site have been alive: right at 60 years. My grandfather started me at age 7 with a knuckle buster bait cast on an old steel rod and I am still learning new techniques, e.g. drop shot and shakey head.

I only post when I think I have something useful to add. I don't post just because I don't agree with someone (unless I truly feel or know for a fact that the post is false).

I have arrived at some conclusions about the "expertism" demonstrated here. A lot of credence is given to advice, opinion, etc, based upon the number of posts a given member has made. I have read enough posts to conclude that there some members with high numbers that I just plain ignore but a newer member may accept because of the number of posts. Members with a low number of posts seem to get "called out" for their opinions much more often than those with higher numbers of posts. Just because some one has a high number of posts does not make them an expert.

There is one poster on here that six months ago didn't know a rod from a reel. Since then he has averaged about 8 or 9 posts a day and now weighs in with advice on everthing.

Opinions are like noses, everyody has one and they're all different. That's what 95% of what you get on any web forum; opinions.



Honestly, to presume that anyone here with a high post count is any more knowledgeable than someone without one is on them.  To be quite fair, the reason many members with high post counts have them is because they spend time interacting with other members.  I've had the great opportunity to meet and fish with several people here and that never would've happened had I just sat back and read posts and never interacted with others or posted.  

Does that make me an expert?  

I don't get involved in boat or tackle threads unless I have had knowledge of said equipment.  I then try and offer the pros and cons of my experience with said equipment, technique, lake fished at, etc.

If I make an incorrect statement I expect to be called on it (and I have)  ;)

I'll also reciprocate.  New Fishermen(women) have a lot more choices facing them than I had back when I started 30 + years ago. Back then it was Garcia reels and either a Lews Speedstick or a Fenwick if you had the cash.  Todays new bass fishermen have such a wide variety of rods, reels and lures available to them I can imagine how confusing it is.  The only way anyone will learn is to ask.  If a new angler asks about a reel and a fishermen who owns one responds with advice, even if said responder has a low post count or has only owned the reel for a few months, I don't know how that's bad.  He's giving his opinion.  He's entitled.

Unless Glenn wants to post a list of BFR approved Experts at the top of the forum and give each one an official "BFR Seal of Approval Expert rating"  I don't know how you can draw a line on just who can or can't give advice around here.  

JMO opinion btw, by no means am I trying to imply I'm any sort of eggspurt.  

  • Super User
Waaaay too many guys here that really do know their stuff and they are quick to politely explain things properly.

Some do. But this site could use more of that. Because, frankly, I think it's lacking somewhat.

Lot's of great fisherman on this site. I'm not one of them, but I'm competent, and I do know my heiny from a hole in the ground. And I've been fishing, successfully, far longer than I've been posting here.

There is a definite clique on this board. I've learned to tolerate it. I've even engaged it once or twice. But there is a feeling this site is the personal playground of a select group of members and every one else is a little less than just guests whose opinions hold less value.

Very few people personally know others on this board. I know there are some exceptions. But for the most part, we don't know each other personally. No one here knows anything about me except what I have decided to reveal on this board. No one knows where I've been, what I've done, my experiences, or my areas of expertise. That goes for most of us. Assuming we are the ultimate source of information on a subject is a quick way to learn a lesson in humility.

  • Super User
Waaaay too many guys here that really do know their stuff and they are quick to politely explain things properly.  

Some do.  But this site could use more of that.  Because, frankly, I think it's lacking somewhat.

Lot's of great fisherman on this site.   I'm not one of them, but I'm competent, and I do know my heiny from a hole in the ground.   And I've been fishing, successfully, far longer than I've been posting here.  

There is a definite clique on this board.  I've learned to tolerate it.  I've even engaged it once or twice.  But there is a feeling this site is the personal playground of a select group of members and every one else is a little less than just guests whose opinions hold less value.    

Very few people personally know others on this board.  I know there are some exceptions.  But for the most part, we don't know each other personally.  No one here knows anything about me except what I have decided to reveal on this board.   No one knows where I've been, what I've done, my experiences, or my areas of expertise.   That goes for most of us.    Assuming we are the ultimate source of information on a subject is a quick way to learn a lesson in humility.  

Honestly, I'm a member of other forums, not just fishing.  Cliques, often form between members who become involved with one another outside the boundaries of the forum.  In the case of this place, those that take the time to participate in forum fishing get togethers.  There's no hiding behind a keyboard at those functions.  People will see you for who and what you are.  Once those friendships are born off the boards those that don't participate feel like they're not apart of it.  

My advice. Any chance there's a forum get together that you can attend, attend it.  You'll meet a lot of great people here.   8-)

  • Super User

I'm not talking about a personal friendships or relationships that develope between board members.  

  • Super User
I'm not talking about a personal friendships or relationships that develope between board members.

In any case, I agree with your opinion. ;)

Very few people personally know others on this board. I know there are some exceptions. But for the most part, we don't know each other personally.

Well you are certainly right about that. But what I think is great is that so many people (new posters and old) is that this forum brings together people in a major way.

This site, at lesat to me, is built as a place for people who LOVE to fish can get together and share ideas. People new to fishing, people who fished for a lifetime, or even people who fish professionally enjoy this place and come together because of their love for BASS FISHING ;)

Where else can so many people who share a common interest come together. 15 years ago NOONE could have guessed that a place like this could exist.

So, at least to me, sure there are people posting who arent really experts, but its a place where people who love to fish can at least "try" to help others who love to fish. Even if the advice may not be the best, I still think its a great think that at least people are trying to help newbies with their love of fishing :)


  • Super User

I think I know why this thread originated .....

I saw muddy making a few posts in the Boating section about advanced trolling motor operation ::)  The newbie he gave advice to is still out on the lake doing circles ... to the right of course ;)


I think the point is to keep the information on this great forum accurate and of the best caliber. I can commend that.

But in the same breath.

There are 12,000 members. If only the most experienced answer questions then you guys are gona be really busy. Are you sure you don't want some of us novices fielding a few when we can. I enjoy sharing what knowledge I can as much as you do.

(rehtorical, just sharing 2 view points)

And for god's sake if I lead someone astray please correct me.

PS this thread has gotten me to the 500 posts level.  That's right, Senior Member.  Now everyone must believe what I say.   ;D

I think I know why this thread originated .....

I saw muddy making a few posts in the Boating section about advanced trolling motor operation ::)  The newbie he gave advice to is still out on the lake doing circles ... to the right of course ;)


Exactly what I thought, one of the people I think is the most intelligent on bass nature and biology doesn't even have 200 posts.

Oh....for a split second I thought you were referring to moi....but I have too many posts.... :-[


How do you define experience? Number of years fishing although some only fished 12 days most of those years. Number of days fishing, but that was only on one stretch of water. I don't know but the original post could possible be about me, but I really don't care. Some days I am on the computer(at work) all day, and make several posts, some days none. I always post on something I know, or have EXPERIENCED. If not I state that "for me" or "in my opinion". If you do not want it , do not read it. If someone asks "What is the best baitcaster?", then the door is opened. If someone asks a question that could be answered by them going to page 2, then they open the door. How many times does someone ask about an Abu reel, only to have 6 replies telling them about Shimanos, even from moderators. How many times does someone ask about purchasing a G.Loomis/St.Croix, only to get replies that they would be wasting their money, get so and so. I really like one thread in this forum where a specific piece of gear was asked about. A replier with less numbers actually has the gear and voiced an opinion. Then a few posts down, another replier(with higher numbers) states that although they do not own the rod, their opinion is so and so(which mirrors the previous replier). The originator then thanks the guy without the equipment. Tell me number of posts doesn't mean anything to you guys, I say BULL.

How do you define experience? Number of years fishing although some only fished 12 days most of those years. Number of days fishing, but that was only on one stretch of water. I don't know but the original post could possible be about me, but I really don't care. Some days I am on the computer(at work) all day, and make several posts, some days none. I always post on something I know, or have EXPERIENCED. If not I state that "for me" or "in my opinion". If you do not want it , do not read it. If someone asks "What is the best baitcaster?", then the door is opened. If someone asks a question that could be answered by them going to page 2, then they open the door. How many times does someone ask about an Abu reel, only to have 6 replies telling them about Shimanos, even from moderators. How many times does someone ask about purchasing a G.Loomis/St.Croix, only to get replies that they would be wasting their money, get so and so. I really like one thread in this forum where a specific piece of gear was asked about. A replier with less numbers actually has the gear and voiced an opinion. Then a few posts down, another replier(with higher numbers) states that although they do not own the rod, their opinion is so and so(which mirrors the previous replier). The originator then thanks the guy without the equipment. Tell me number of posts doesn't mean anything to you guys, I say BULL.

I agree

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