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Why is it not a proper comparison?  Same class rods, same intended purposes.  More like comparing a less expensive apple to a very expensive apple.


I have fished a Fenwick HMG and it's a nice rod but it is not even close to a Loomis GLX or IMX.  I would compare it to a St.Croix Avid (which is also a fine rod).  

Enjoy what you fish.  :(

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G-Loomis GLX to a Fenwick HMG is like apples and oranges- I own both...This reply is directed at no one in particular well the GLX to a HMG kinda got me... LOL

Why is it not a proper comparison? Same class rods, same intended purposes. More like comparing a less expensive apple to a very expensive apple.

Have you fished a GLX or a HMG?  Just curious, I would hate to think someone reading this thread could take this info and asume an HMG is just as good as a GLX- that would be a bad deal- I can't agree the two are just not comparable $ wise or performance.  You could at least be close and compare a GLX to a Megabass Destroyer or a Diawa Steez rod- but not a Fenwick HMG

  • Super User

G-Loomis GLX to a Fenwick HMG is like apples and oranges- I own both...This reply is directed at no one in particular well the GLX to a HMG kinda got me... LOL

Why is it not a proper comparison? Same class rods, same intended purposes. More like comparing a less expensive apple to a very expensive apple.

Just silly...Just plain silly.

  • Super User

Still though graphite is graphite ,,Loomis dont have there own graphite pit it all comes from the same place.what matters most is who does the R and D to make graphite as light as possible im pretty sure who ever manufactures the machinery for rolling out blanks for one company most likely has a monopoly on it just like with tires all the tire BRANDS now days if each had there own factories.wouldnt we see more of them being built instead of housing projects.loomis is mass produced just like falcon,diawia,shimano,berkley etc etc.The way  the economy is i could prob sell ice to a eskimo if i tell him this water has never been froze untill now

  • Super User

What's silly about it, RW?  These are comparable rods in form and function.  They have the same intended purpose.  Why not compare them?   Tackletour thought enough to compare them - and found that with respect to RoD they are virtually identical.   I think it's a fair comparison.  

The question is whether or not the GLX is worth $220 more than the HMG.  

Lemme ask you this, RW -  On  typical day out fishing, do you feel you would do significantly better with a GLX than with an HMG?  Would you do 3 times better?  Because that's the issue.  3 times the price for possibly a TAD more sensitivity.   I suspect you would do virtually the same with an HMG as you would with a GLX (I bet you wouldn't do 3 times better with a GLX over an Ugly Stik).   That might justify spending $340 versus $120 to you for MAYBE (<== note the BIG maybe) a little better success.  

I suspect that the difference is non-existent to the average fisherman, and only a little noticable to one such as yourself.

Still though graphite is graphite ,,Loomis dont have there own graphite pit it all comes from the same place.what matters most is who does the R and D to make graphite as light as possible im pretty sure who ever manufactures the machinery for rolling out blanks for one company most likely has a monopoly on it just like with tires all the tire BRANDS now days if each had there own factories.wouldnt we see more of them being built instead of housing projects.loomis is mass produced just like falcon,diawia,shimano,berkley etc etc.The way the economy is i could prob sell ice to a eskimo if i tell him this water has never been froze untill now

I have a very hard time believing that a GLX blank could be the same blank as another mass produced rod such as berkly or falcon...  


It is my understanding that Graphite is not manufactured by Loomis, Fenwick, St. Croix, etc. They order graphite from a limited number of  suppliers specifing characterisitics: (e.g. modulus, scrim, etc.). To my knowledge (and I stand to be corrected on this) only Sage and Loomis have proprietary graphite designed especially for fishing (e.g. GLX). BTW Cabela's sells rods with a 65,000,000 Modulus and a lifetime guarantee.

So Loomis rods (not including GLX) are not that much different in graphite composition from other manufacturers. The Fenwick AV blank for instance, is the basis of some very expensive and high quality rods in Japan. The Techna AV blank actually is very sensitive and comparable to IMX at a minimum. So is the St. Croix Avid.

Mercedez Benz, cars with a premium price tag but score very low in quality ratings. But the NAME sells. Not saying Loomis is low quality, they're obviously just the opposite, but leagues better than other rods in today's market?: naw.

  • Super User
It is my understanding that Graphite is not manufactured by Loomis, Fenwick, St. Croix, etc. They order graphite from a limited number of suppliers specifing characterisitics: (e.g. modulus, scrim, etc.). To my knowledge (and I stand to be corrected on this) only Sage and Loomis have proprietary graphite designed especially for fishing (e.g. GLX). BTW Cabela's sells rods with a 65,000,000 Modulus and a lifetime guarantee.

So Loomis rods (not including GLX) are not that much different in graphite composition from other manufacturers. The Fenwick AV blank for instance, is the basis of some very expensive and high quality rods in Japan. The Techna AV blank actually is very sensitive and comparable to IMX at a minimum. So is the St. Croix Avid.

Mercedez Benz, cars with a premium price tag but score very low in quality ratings. But the NAME sells. Not saying Loomis is low quality, they're obviously just the opposite, but leagues better than other rods in today's market?: naw.

Ya what i was tryin to say it all comes in sheets i suppose its like pickin out the best colored tomatoes with no blemishes.and the sheets are sold to many diff companies for many diff reason aerospace,bikes,cars and such >Loomis might have  pick of the litter since they been doing it a long time .I will agree a looomis rod is very light no dought bUt for me durability is more my style.I can still find a light rod and since i use 9.5 oz reels it aint hard .i can see having a 2 oz rod if u have a 6 oz reel very good sensitivty all in all what matters most is fish with what u feel comfy with to me thats  a 12 or 13 oz rod and reel combo

  • Super User

We are way off topic but I have to address one more thing...

Still though graphite is graphite

Sure, just like metal is metal- no matter if it's lead, iron, stainless, titanium or gold, right, it's all the same?

Beyond the "metal", blank design, taper, wall thickness, scrim and the actual manufacturing processes all play a significant part in the finished blank.

One more thing- Loomis is no more expensive (relatively speaking) than it has always been- there are just way more other quality rods on the market now and since many of them are lesser priced, Loomis "looks" more expensive in comparison. The fact that you can buy a 'good' rod for less money, only means that you can buy a good rod for less money- it's independent of the Loomis... but eager to compare.

If you don't want to buy a Loomis, don't. But if you don't buy one, how can you tell people that X or Y rods are just as good? I think it's funny that about 95% of Loomis users say they are a GREAT value and about 95% of non-loomis owners think they couldn't be that good. ...lol

  • Super User

If you don't want to buy a Loomis, don't. But if you don't buy one, how can you tell people that X or Y rods are just as good? I think it's funny that about 95% of Loomis users say they are a GREAT value and about 95% of non-loomis owners think they couldn't be that good. ...lol

Is a GLX 3 times better than an HMG?  Would a really good fisherman do 3 times better with a GLX than with an HMG?  

I didn't say, nor would I imply, that the HMG was as good as the GLX.  But is whatever advantage the GLX gives you worth an extra $220 or $240?

I suspect that you have to be a really good fisherman to notice any difference between the two.   I doubt the GLX would offer any substantial advantage to the average fisherman.  

I don't own a GLX or an HMG.  But that doesn't dimish what I'm asking.  

Like I said earlier, owning a G. Loomis has a value all it's own.   Pride of ownership runs high as you can plainly see.  In part because it's a great rod.  But also in part because it's so expensive that ownership is rather exclusive.  If it was as good as it is, but more reasonably priced, everyone would own one and that clique wouldn't exist.   There's no question in my mind that you are paying for that prestige.  

If I want a G. Loomis, or any other rod, I'll buy it.  It's not beyond my means.  But I'm a more practical consumer and appreciate quality-and-value over quality-and-prestige.  Some people my go for the latter, and that's OK, too.

  • Super User
We are way off topic but I have to address one more thing...
Still though graphite is graphite

Sure, just like metal is metal- no matter if it's lead, iron, stainless, titanium or gold, right, it's all the same? Didnt mean it that way the only way graphite is changed is who is doing the building of a rod its still graphite wether it is thin or thick ,,metal is a material as is graphite

Beyond the "metal", blank design, taper, wall thickness, scrim and the actual manufacturing processes all play a significant part in the finished blank.

One more thing- Loomis is no more expensive (relatively speaking) than it has always been- there are just way more other quality rods on the market now and since many of them are lesser priced, Loomis "looks" more expensive in comparison. The fact that you can buy a 'good' rod for less money, only means that you can buy a good rod for less money- it's independent of the Loomis... but eager to compare.

If you don't want to buy a Loomis, don't. But if you don't buy one, how can you tell people that X or Y rods are just as good? I think it's funny that about 95% of Loomis users say they are a GREAT value and about 95% of non-loomis owners think they couldn't be that good. ...lol


Why do I repsond to these threads *shrug*.  I guess Tackle Tour uses the mbr glx as the benchmark in all their rod comparisons due to the Loomis warranty?!  I guess when Tackle Tour tested the new bcr803 glx and claimed it was the 'most sensitive rod we have ever tested' it is just miraculous that a $50 rod with a $250 warranty can perform that well (these guys aren't bias...they are Japanese rod junkies, not to mention the guides alone are $70+).  The funny thing is...no Loomis owner purchased an IMX or GLX as their first rod...or second for that matter.  Ask them what they used to fish with and how it compares to what they fished with previously.  Are my GLX's 3 times better than my fleet of Shimano Compre's I had 2 years ago?  Yes.  Would I pay the premium price of a GLX regardless of warranty?  Yes.  Why do anglers with lower end or less expensive equipment need to constantly justify their choices or decisions...we don't care what you fish with.  You will never see a thread about people that own IMX's or GLX's say that anyone has wasted their money purchasing a less expensive rod...it is always the other way around.  

  • Super User

Why do anglers with lower end or less expensive equipment need to constantly justify their choices or decisions...we don't care what you fish with.

No one has done that in this thread. However, there is quite a bit of Loomis elitism bandied about on this board.

I personally don't care if you fish with a Loomis or just tie your line to your willy - and I don't care if you think that about me. I am curious whether or not Loomis is really good enough IN MY OPIONION to justify the huge cost - and this is the forum where I gather the information to make my own decision. For me, my opinion in the most important.

  • Super User

In the opinion of G.Loomis users, the answer would be "YES."


Here Here roadwarrior! I'll buy em along with my japan shimanos and daiwas no matter what the cost,hell i have been busting ebay wide open on three specific crankbaits lately placing 100.00 maximums where no one will beat me on them!!!AAAHHH the all mighty dollar.... ;D :(


Why do anglers with lower end or less expensive equipment need to constantly justify their choices or decisions...we don't care what you fish with.

No one has done that in this thread. However, there is quite a bit of Loomis elitism bandied about on this board.

I personally don't care if you fish with a Loomis or just tie your line to your willy - and I don't care if you think that about me. I am curious whether or not Loomis is really good enough IN MY OPIONION to justify the huge cost - and this is the forum where I gather the information to make my own decision. For me, my opinion in the most important.

Nice showing your true colors I see...  figures LOL


And as all of this is transpiring i go off and place a 100.00 ebay bid on a 6'6" fenwick techna av in medium action new and win it... :) :-? :( ;D ;D ;D

SO MUCH FOR ME BEING ALL LOOMIS!!! Hope the wife will like it with her twin power 2000! :)

And as all of this is transpiring i go off and place a 100.00 ebay bid on a 6'6" fenwick techna av in medium action new and win it... :) :-? :( ;D ;D ;D

SO MUCH FOR ME BEING ALL LOOMIS!!! Hope the wife will like it with her twin power 2000! :)

A man can never have to many fishing rods no matter what the brand- it is easier to lend them out that way LOL-

  • Super User
We are way off topic but I have to address one more thing...
Still though graphite is graphite

Sure, just like metal is metal- no matter if it's lead, iron, stainless, titanium or gold, right, it's all the same?  

Beyond the "metal",  blank design, taper, wall thickness, scrim and the actual manufacturing processes all play a significant part in the finished blank.

One more thing- Loomis is no more expensive (relatively speaking) than it has always been- there are just way more other quality rods on the market now and since many of them are lesser priced, Loomis "looks" more expensive in comparison.  The fact that you can buy a 'good' rod for less money, only means that you can buy a good rod for less money- it's independent of the Loomis... but eager to compare.

If you don't want to buy a Loomis, don't.  But if you don't buy one, how can you tell people that X or Y rods are just as good?  I think it's funny that about 95% of Loomis users say they are a GREAT value and about 95% of non-loomis owners think they couldn't be that good.  ...lol  

I had never owned a loomis rod, and just got one about 2 weeks ago. I was one of those Non loomis owners, and always said, they can't be that good. Never thought a rod would be worth $300 and never imagined it could be much better then a $100 rod.

I went out and got a GLX and absolutely love it. Although I won't sell all my other rods and will still buy other rods from other companies, GLXs are awesome.

They are well worth the price, and if money wasn't a factor, I would only own Loomis rods. Being 19, money is an issue, so for now, it's one GLX .

  • Super User
Why do I repsond to these threads *shrug*.  I guess Tackle Tour uses the mbr glx as the benchmark in all their rod comparisons due to the Loomis warranty?!  I guess when Tackle Tour tested the new bcr803 glx and claimed it was the 'most sensitive rod we have ever tested' it is just miraculous that a $50 rod with a $250 warranty can perform that well (these guys aren't bias...they are Japanese rod junkies, not to mention the guides alone are $70+).  The funny thing is...no Loomis owner purchased an IMX or GLX as their first rod...or second for that matter.  Ask them what they used to fish with and how it compares to what they fished with previously.  Are my GLX's 3 times better than my fleet of Shimano Compre's I had 2 years ago?  Yes.  Would I pay the premium price of a GLX regardless of warranty?  Yes.  Why do anglers with lower end or less expensive equipment need to constantly justify their choices or decisions...we don't care what you fish with.  You will never see a thread about people that own IMX's or GLX's say that anyone has wasted their money purchasing a less expensive rod...it is always the other way around.  


Wow, I guess I stirred the bee hive with this one.  I love Loomis and I bought another one yesterday in addition to the replacement.  

There are many good fishing rod manufacturers out there and I too have several different kinds of rods. Well, not really. For bass I have Loomis, St.Croix and Hurricane Red Bone( which is the best rod I've ever used for $78, at Sports Authority)

I've built rods for years and marketed them at tackle shops.  I built on Loomis blanks, St. Croix and others.

I was alwys use to using custom made rods as apposed to store bought production rods.  Yes, I would consider the rods I built on Loomis blanks to be better than the ones Loomis put out, prettier at the least.  I have gotten away from building rods and started buying production rods.

A lot of companies making rods use people to put them together and wrap who don't even fish.  Sometimes you will get a rod from whomever that was not put together the correct way because of some lazy person being paid minimum wage screwed up.  

I do not know what caused my Loomis to break.  The last time I used it was for a tourny a week prior and for all I know my partner could have stepped on it and cracked it. Or could be a defect.

I've seen several people break rods and it's usually because their drag is too tight and they are horsing the fish beyond the strength of the rod.  I watched a buddy break a $500.00 custom made Loomis.  We were fishing in the Tortugas for grouper. I looked at his rod bend and told him he had the wrong action blank for bottom fishing, that his was geared more for plug casting.  Sure as sh%t, SNAP.

In my opinion and experience, generally, the more money you spend on a rod, Reel, t.v, car, boat, shirt, shoes the better the product is going to be but their WILL be times you get a lemon.  I will continue with Loomis as my 1st choice rods.  


I am curious whether or not Loomis is really good enough IN MY OPIONION to justify the huge cost...

Why don't you buy one and let us know first hand how you feel. If you don't like it, I am sure you can sell on here for a minimal loss.

  • Super User
In the opinion of G.Loomis users, the answer would be "YES."

Thank you for putting your opinion out there - plainly.  

My local tackle shops sells G Loomis and I'm considering a purchase.  I'm thinking about offering double the price because I want a Loomis that's twice as good.  

(In case you didn't know, that was a joke.)

  • Super User

I think he is implying that you are commenting on equipment you do not own or have not fished. So I think the bias in this discussion has fallen your direction.

I haven't given a commentary on anything I don't own.  Not once, anywhere in this thread.  

I'm asking people who own the rod what their rationale is for buying such an expensive rod.   I very well may buy one, but before I consider one at these prices, I want something more substantial than "it's a Loomis."  

I'm sorry I committed a cardinal sin by asking whether a Loomis was really worth the premium cost.  

  • Super User
I'm asking people who own the rod what their rationale is for buying such an expensive rod. I very well may buy one, but before I consider one at these prices, I want something more substantial than "it's a Loomis. "

That's fair.

I have owned Lighting Rods, All Star, Daiwa and Zebco. I currently fish Lamiglas, St. Croix (both Avid (2) and Legend Elite). My G. Loomis are GLX MBR844C and PR844C. Although I like my other rods and they are "technique specific" for me, I will buy G.Loomis exclusively going forward. My G.Loomis are built to exacting standards with the highest quality components. The design, craftmanship and overall quality are second to none. I find my rods to be well balanced, sensitive, light and strong. They deliver EXACTLY what I am looking for in fishing equipment. On top of that, my experience with the company's customer service is the standard by which ALL companies should be judged. Finally, the G.Loomis warranty completes the perfect package.

G.Loomis fishing rods would be an OUTSTANDING VALUE at twice the price. I plan to own more.

Better equipment will not make a bad fisherman good, but it will make a good fisherman better.

  • Super User
I suspect that you have to be a really good fisherman to notice any difference between the two.   I doubt the GLX would offer any substantial advantage to the average fisherman.  

I don't own a GLX or an HMG.  But that doesn't dimish what I'm asking.

You said it.

Are they worth the money?  Yes............. but I would not have said that if I had not fished one and later purchased a couple.

Is there a extra price for thier name?  Maybe.......   I have Loomis hat my wife got me for my birthday.  She paid $20 for it.  I have a Berkley hat that is exactly the same hat with a Berkley logo instead of a Loomis logo.  I paid $9 for it.  In anycase, I love thier rods and after fishing several others they have become my favorite.

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