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I honestly dont get the point on spending $200 on a rod or $200 on a reel? I just dont get it. I can understand paying extra for braded line because that makes a huge difference but haveing your rod and reel combo be $350+ is just silly I think.

I have landed many carp and catfish over 10 LBS easily with rod and reel combos that cost less than $100 total. I just use ugly stick rods with around $50 spinning reels yet I am still able to land the monster fish when I hook into them. The biggest fish I ever caught in freshwater was a 34 inch long carp. I caught him with a cheap $30 ugly stick rod and about a $50 reel. So I honestly dont get the point of those $200 rods and reels when you can get much cheaper equipment that works just as well?

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well all i gotta say is i agree with both sides, BUT once u try high dollar equipment, you will agree that its worth the money.


If you can afford high dollar equipment it may very well be worth every penny.  Its going to vary individual to individual.  Anybody that isn't a blowhard is going to tell you that you can catch fish on prettty much any rod and reel.  On the other side anybody fishing bargain equipment should tell you that a shimano something of the other may be better than their 30 dollar reel, but not 200.00 better in THEIR opinion.  I will always fish the nicest gear I can afford/what my wife will let me get away with.  However, the higher priced you go in any merchandise the less bang your getting for your buck.  For instance, I guarantee you the difference between a 30.00 reel and a 130.00 reel is quite a bit, but the differnce between a 350.00 reel and a 450.00 is considerably less(still better but less).

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im not 100% sold on $200 rods but when it comes to baitcasters.....................serious fisherpeople that fish every day, 365 days a year know where that extra $150 went. on a side note, theres nothing wrong in my opinion with a $50 rod/reel combo if it does what you want.

when the day comes im pitching a jig in wind and i want to not have backlashes, im picking up my shimano.

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My opinion is that there is really good equipment available under $200 (both rods and reels) that makes me seriously question whether or not another $100 will really get me another $100 worth of advantage.

I suppose some people are good enough, or need to be good enough (professionals), that any extra advantage is worth the extra cost - whatever it may be.  For me, I'm an amatuer.   I fish for fun.  I don't tournament fish.   I want nice equipment, but for me it doesn't make sense to spend $300+ on a rod when it won't give me any more advantage than my $150 rod.   (That's not to say I'll never spend $300+ on a rod - I very well may).   But I don't feel I'm at a disadvantage right now using my $150 Revo SX and $150 Team All Star.  


I also agree there are two sides to this arguement. Honestly, and not to sound braggy. I could pretty much buy whatever I wanted. But I look at it as to how much time I have the chance to fish. Therefore I buy Shimano Citica's as compared to the new Core. I learned two things a long time ago. Nothing is ever a bargain if its not what you really want . Secondly. The bitterness of poor quality long outlives the sweetness of a good deal. Either way fishing is fun and afforable to all.

I also agree there are two sides to this arguement. Honestly, and not to sound braggy. I could pretty much buy whatever I wanted. But I look at it as to how much time I have the chance to fish. Therefore I buy Shimano Citica's as compared to the new Core. I learned two things a long time ago. Nothing is ever a bargain if its not what you really want . Secondly. The bitterness of poor quality long outlives the sweetness of a good deal. Either way fishing is fun and afforable to all.

Very well put and a very un-biased point of view!  great post!

Welcome aboard


all i can say is "use a $200 reel & you wouldnt say this"....their is a huge difference in quality equipment & it will hold up much much better too.

i used to think like you when i was using bps bionic blade rods(which i liked),but when i switched to st croix avids, ill never go back

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OK here's my point.  >;)

I fish 225 days a year. If I didn't buy quality gear I would be replacing it every six months or so. When I say quality I don't mean GLoomis and Shimano. That is high end and out of my price range. I just need something that will hold up to how and how often I fish.

I have Revo's and Daiwa's from $100 to $250 and I have upgraded my rods from $33 AllStars to $170 Dobyns Rods.

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And you probably never will get it ;)

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This debate continues all the time.

You can get great gear if you use your head wisely. I have purchased a Shimano Curado 201 SF for $40, a Shimano Calcutta 251 for $30, and a St. Croix Avid spinning rod for $65, all new. Would I buy an Ugly Stick for $30? > No way, not when I know I can find deals like the ones above.

I think you can catch fish on just about anything, including kite string on the end of stick with a worm on a homemade hook.

IMHO, the better quality equipment that is available today is worth it but you don't have to break the bank to buy it.


I started with Ugly Sticks and Shakespeare reels.  I have been upgrading ever since. I gave the Ugly sticks away.  I don't have real expensive, top of the line equipment, so I can't compare.  But I do know my middle grade equipment is superior in every way to my low end equipment.  

A $30.00 reel will bring a fish to the boat just as a $300 reel will. But the $300 reel will probably last a lifetime (no guarantees though, too many variables).  The $30 reel will probably last several seasons.

I don't think you can derive benefit simply in terms of dollars.  ie: a $100 rod is twice as good as a $50

rod.  Also, over the long run, if there were no benefit associated with more expensive equipment, I don't believe people would continue to purchase high end.  There is always the extreme high end where the prestige factor kicks in.  Think of it in terms of automobiles.  A $10,000 car will get you from point A to point B just as will a $60,000 car.  It all depends on how you want to get there.

 But I don't feel I'm at a disadvantage right now using my $150 Revo SX and $150 Team All Star.

I personally think that quality of equipment is more than adequate for the kind of fishing i do.

Most of mine isn't that good....yet.  

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One thing I don't think many people consider concerning rod sensitivity is that some people just have better sense of feel than others.  Much like some people have better eyesight, hearing or sense of smell than others.  Some people just have dead hands and therefore would definitely benefit from a GLoomis IMX or whatever where another guy can get away with a Series One, HMG. Premier etc.  I think I'm like that and really don't need a super sensitive rod, but I do crave the lightweight of a top quality stick, especially dealing with the arthritis I have in my wrists.

I remember fishing a club tourney many years ago with a guy who had all the top quality stuff and we were fishing the inside corner of this bar and I was commenting on the size of the rocks.   My partner couldn't seem to feel them at all.  I was using a Lightning Rod and he had a GLoomis IMX.  I don't beleive for a second that a Lightning Rod is even close to a IMX in sensitivity but rather I beleive the problem was HIS sense of feel.  

So, I don't think it's fair to bag on somebody who doesn't think they need the advantages of a $200+ rod as there could very well be good reasons why they feel that way.  I certainly don't need them, but I can appreciate them, especially for weight factor.  I always will beleive the mid range priced stuff is a better value for myself, but even some of the cheaper rods are a great value in the right hands.  

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Quality and value have as many definitions as the # of people asked to define them. Just be careful not to stereotype a group of people based on something you appear to have little knowledge of.

I have a number of Abu 4600's that have been fished hard for many years- several over 15 years... they still look great on the inside. They function perfectly to this day. Bought them reconditioned from a service center in the late 80's and early 90's for $25-$35 each. I've replaced a few worm gears and pawls but a few dollars and a few minutes is nothing for reels of that age and use.

They are good quality and good value.

Now look at the 50MG's I have purchased in the past 2 years... they do everything the 4600's do but do it lighter, smoother, better. The 50MG doesn't take anything away from the old $35 reels and the old reels don't make the 50MG's more or less valuable. Each was a good reel and was a good deal on its own merit.

Now the flip side- I have a TD-Z BBS that's a $400 waste of money. IMO it's a bad value and a mediocre reel. I only bring this up to show that there are some bad experiences with high $$$ gear.

For anyone to make a blanket statement that condemns high or low priced gear, based on cost, is both irresponsible and ignorant.

haveing your rod and reel combo be $350+ is just silly I think

So if my $350+ combo represents a smaller percentage of my disposable income than your $100 combo, what then does that say about you? does that make you the silly one?

This agrument is tired... most of the time these threads are started by someone who is trying to justify their own gear. I could care less what anyone uses but lets keep it factual and honest.


Quality and value have as many definitions as the # of people asked to define them.  Just be careful not to stereotype a group of people based on something you appear to have little knowledge of.  

This agrument is tired... most of the time these threads are started by someone who is trying to justify their own gear.  I could care less what anyone uses but lets keep it factual and honest.      

Let me put the AMEN to that  flechero

  • Super User
This debate continues all the time.

You can get great gear if you use your head wisely. I have purchased a Shimano Curado 201 SF for $40, a Shimano Calcutta 251 for $30, and a St. Croix Avid spinning rod for $65, all new. Would I buy an Ugly Stick for $30? > No way, not when I know I can find deals like the ones above.

I think you can catch fish on just about anything, including kite string on the end of stick with a worm on a homemade hook.

IMHO, the better quality equipment that is available today is worth it but you don't have to break the bank to buy it.

This man knows what he is talkin i look for discounts also whats the diff in a brand new 300 loomis and a  brand new  300 dollar loomis.......... 200 bucks if  u look around
  • Super User
Quality and value have as many definitions as the # of people asked to define them. Just be careful not to stereotype a group of people based on something you appear to have little knowledge of.

I have a number of Abu 4600's that have been fished hard for many years- several over 15 years... they still look great on the inside. They function perfectly to this day. Bought them reconditioned from a service center in the late 80's and early 90's for $25-$35 each. I've replaced a few worm gears and pawls but a few dollars and a few minutes is nothing for reels of that age and use.

They are good quality and good value.

Now look at the 50MG's I have purchased in the past 2 years... they do everything the 4600's do but do it lighter, smoother, better. The 50MG doesn't take anything away from the old $35 reels and the old reels don't make the 50MG's more or less valuable. Each was a good reel and was a good deal on its own merit.

Now the flip side- I have a TD-Z BBS that's a $400 waste of money. IMO it's a bad value and a mediocre reel. I only bring this up to show that there are some bad experiences with high $$$ gear.

For anyone to make a blanket statement that condemns high or low priced gear, based on cost, is both irresponsible and ignorant.

haveing your rod and reel combo be $350+ is just silly I think

So if my $350+ combo represents a smaller percentage of my disposable income than your $100 combo, what then does that say about you? does that make you the silly one?

This agrument is tired... most of the time these threads are started by someone who is trying to justify their own gear. I could care less what anyone uses but lets keep it factual and honest.

Flech i have to disagree on the 4600 thought i can do with my 4600 in thick weeds and brush with 20 lb line what a mg 50 cant.. i have 20 plus pounds of drag .Now all jokes aside if i had to buy and ABU wasnt on the market any more id be a shimano man they are very very nice reeels .Matter of fact if i found deals on citicas id buy um or curados or mg,s

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I consider my equipment good stuff.  Not the most expensive, but not cheap either.  I want to fish with good tackle.  It enhances my enjoyment, and to a certain degree increases my success.   But for me, there is a limit at which expense starts to detract from enjoyment.  

If I were to fish with a $350 rod or reel, I would spend an inordinate amount of time tending to it and worrying about it.  Each little bump would require an inspection.   Everytime it tapped my gunnel with a rod tip I would cringe.  I don't really do that with my current equipment.  I mean, I take care of it, but its not so expensive that I can't go out and replace it if I damage it.  I spend more time worrying about fishing than I do my equipment.

I draw a parallel to my experiences with my hunting and my guns.  I have owned, and do own, some very high grade firearms.   My highest grade gun was a custom Mannlicher-Schönauer with a custom made quick detachable Paul Jaeger scope mount and Zeiss scope.   I hunted with it several times and spent more time flicking dust and pine needles off of it than I did looking for deer sing.  This nice rifle actually detracted from my hunting enjoyment.  I ended up selling it and bought several Rugers and Marlins.  I use them, I take care of them, but I don't worry about them.  

For me, it's not all about the equipment.  It's mostly about the sport.   But I would have a hard time enjoying fishing if my stuff was so cheap that I did not feel it was doing what it should be doing.  By the same token, if my stuff was too expensive, I'd be worrying about damaging it.  With the stuff I have now, I have hit a mark where it's not too cheap and not to expensive.  I can take pride in my equipment and enjoy fising with it.

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$75-$100 will buy you a very nice rod, and $75-$100 will buy you a very nice reel. HOWEVER $75-$100 will buy you a combo that will wear out with serious use, and not be very refined. There are a few rods under $75 that are decent (Berkley lightning rod, Fenwick Eagle and Venture) but most are either heavy, unsensitive or both. Same for reels a few good ones out there, mostly spinning, like the Pflueger Presidant, Daiwa Exceller, and Shimano Shara. A baitcaster under $75 thats any good............slim pickings, Daiwa Procaster100H is about it for LP, and some place's have Abu C3's for less than $75. The Quantum Accurist also goes for around $75-$80 and (so far from my expierance) is a pretty decent reel.

BTW..........If I could,  I WOULD have higher end stuff. Once you upgrade you can never go back. Some one who says "What's the point" to high end gear wouldn't know what to do with it if they had it anyways.


For a long time I felt like the cheaper equipment was just as good.  Until I moved up to Shimano reels and St Croix and Fenwick rods.  Trust me You can tell a big difference.  I fish about twice a week and the extra money was well worth it, I seem to enjoy the fishing days much better.  You will also miss less fish with the better rods due to there sensitivity.

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No matter what equipment I have or use, I enjoy my time outside fishing.

So I ask this in regards to the question "What is the point?",

What's the point of spending about $1000 on a computer and $20 a month on internet service to post negative comments about fishing equipment that costs about half the price? What's the priority?

If I had to, I would chose my gear over the computer any day.

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