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  • Super User

Well, I am officially whipped and ticked off with Shimano. I recieved yet another reel that slipped past quality control. This is the 3rd (1 curado 100 and 2 50MG's) one that has not had IAR working. I have 4 other MG's with perfect IAR and now 2 in a row without... It's now 3 reels in a row with the same issue and 3 reels in a row that I have to pay return shipping on... and of course another shipping charge for the replacement reel.

I will never again buy a shimano product over the internet or any mail order. It is actually cheaper for me to pay full price plus tax and buy one locally where I can sort through a few of them to find one that I don't have to send back.  

If Abu would only make a lighter version of the Revo... I'd swear off shimano for good.   >;)

  • Super User

Man, that's ridiculous!

I'm surprised the retailer doesn't take care of the cost, but either way I would fire off an e-mail to Shimano. One "defective" is one too many, but three in a row? Hmm...


Call up shimano and explain the situation.  Ask for a call tag or a Return label.  I'd bet they would send you one.  Send the reel to them and let them fix it right or they might even send you a new one.  They did that for a buddy of mine with a different issue.

  • Super User

I have no idea where or from whom you are purchasing those reels, one with flaws, ok, two with flaws .... unlikely, 3 !, crap, possible but the chances are astronomical.

  • Super User

It just chaps me... I don't buy reels for "stock" I buy a reel when I have a need so even if shimano makes good on a repair, I'm still out 2 weeks on a reel that was never used and was sold in a defective state.  Man, my blood is boiling just talking about it.  ...lol

Two were from cabelas and this latest one from bass pro shops.

I guess I'll call shimano before I call BPS about it...  


Yea i would call shimano up first because BPS will have u call them anyways.

But those werent refurbished right? I've never had a problem  with any of my shimano reels, i would suggest you call them because they do a pretty good job replacing their items. Sucks that you dont live by them because it would of been free, im pretty sure their gonna charge you to replace it or fix it. Sucks to hear that especially for me that im a BIG SHIMANO FAN.

  • Super User

Hell, I don 't know, maybe Flechero is jinxed or some sort of cosmical misalignmet or the the person shipping his reels is just having the time of his life making Flechero angry, who knows.


[quote It's now 3 reels in a row with the same issue and 3 reels in a row that I have to pay return shipping on... and of course another shipping charge for the replacement reel.

  • Super User

Just hung up with Shimano customer service... They wouldn't reimburse on my shipping but did offer to repair the reel... but again, I would pay shipping. My only "free" option was to have them send out a new set of IAR parts, which I accepted. I figure if I screw it up I still have shipping charges, only this time they will be to Park City, KS. ;)

He told me I should take up my shipping charges with the retailer who sold a defective reel and "they should reimburse you for those costs" but proceeded to tell me that he had no way to get my shipping costs reimbursed if I sent the to him for repair!! ...lol  Call me crazy but how is that any better or any different??

Heck with it, despite high winds.... I'm gonna go to the lake.


I ordered some reel handles from BPS that did not fit. Their catalog said they would & when I called I was told to send them back using the return shipping label that was on my invoice & to put the receipt for my shipping cost in the package & they would refund my money. Which they did in a timely manner. Maybe BPS is the way to go with your problem.

  • Super User

NOW do you understand why I only buy South Bend reels? dance.gifbounce.giflaughing7.gif


Guest avid
I know the posse is going to hop all over this but this reel is lighter than the Revo and Pflueger is not such a bad word in these parts you might want to give the Summit a try


this is one sweet reel.  No doubt about it.

I gotta tell ya, the technology in reels has come a loooooooooooooooong way.

I was in Sears and they had some Mitchell 300's and 308's in blister packs with  the handle exposed outside the package. It said "try me" or something.  

So I picked up a 308 and I can't beleive how smooth it was.  I was really surprised.  I used a Mitchell 300 "back in the day"  I can't believe this is the same reel.   cost was I think 39.00

Guest DavidGreen


Well, I am officially whipped and ticked off with Shimano.  I recieved yet another reel that slipped past quality control.
How do you know it slipped past QC. This is your anger talking. Take a deep breath...
Two were from cabelas and this latest one from bass pro shops.
Sounds like they are re-stocking reels that were returned by another angler/s that could have caused the problem in the first place. Instead of sending it/them straight back to the manufacturer for credit/replacement. Retailers should send all reel returns back to the manufacturers, so that the manufacturer has a failure history to go by.
Just hung up with Shimano customer service...  They wouldn't reimburse on my shipping but did offer to repair the reel... but again, I would pay shipping.
I would box all three reels up pay the shipping to Shimano, they will turn them around in 48 hours or less, and ship them back to you no cost. I would also let them know who they were purchased from. That way they know what if any problems the reels might have had from manufacturing, or what practices the retailer is using to sell their reels.
He told me I should take up my shipping charges with the retailer who sold a defective reel and "they should reimburse you for those costs" but proceeded to tell me that he had no way to get my shipping costs reimbursed if I sent the to him for repair!!  ...lol  Call me crazy but how is that any better or any different??
That is the way the factory works. You send the reel (your shipping cost) they fix or replace it and send it back no charge in 48 hrs or less.


There are other options.

Return the reels to the retailer you bought them from.


Take the reels to your local warranty service centers there are 4 of them in your state:

Fishing Tackle Unlimited

Satellite Service Center

12800 Gulf Freeway

Houston, TX 77034

(281) 481-6838



Fishing Tackle Unlimited

Satellite Service Center

8933 Katy Freeway

Houston, TX 77024

(713) 827-7762



Roy's Bait & Tackle

Satellite Service Center

7613 South Padre Island Drive

Corpus Christi, TX 78412

(361) 992-2960



Southwestern Parts & Service

Satellite Service Center

605 W. Mockingbird Lane

Dallas, TX 75247

(214) 630-8161



The point is that you purchased from a catalog retailer,  Shimano did not sell you the reel. They have no way of knowing that bad reels are being sold if the retailer doesn't return to them, any returns they get.

It's just my .02¢ but it sure sounds like the catalog retailers are trying to screw the anglers with false hype and re-stocking bad products.

Call me paranoid about catalog retailers, but I have had my share of bad experiences with all of them.

If I can help give me a call....

Tight Lines!!!


I read somewhere that the cause of this isn't a defective reel. It was due to too much grease being in the IAR bearing. Once the excess grease is cleaned out and lubed properly, then the reel works fine.

  • Super User

I totally agree with ReelMech, at Academy I've had other managers look at returned reels, play with them for a few minutes and say put them back in stock. All of the associates in my hunting/fishing department simply move them to the back of the stock where the sit for ever.

  • Super User
Two were from cabelas and this latest one from bass pro shops. Sounds like they are re-stocking reels that were returned by another angler/s that could have caused the problem in the first place. Instead of sending it/them straight back to the manufacturer for credit/replacement. Retailers should send all reel returns back to the manufacturers, so that the manufacturer has a failure history to go by.

Do we know this is happening and how could it be proved?  Just wondering. Most retailers will take a return on something like a fishing reel, have it checked out, then sell it as a new, open box item.  Not put it back in with normal stock.  If Cabela's and BPS aren't doing that I'd say there's a bone to pick with both retailers. Then again, BPS has their outlet store right next to World HQ and their reel repair center, I'd assume any returned reel that checked out would wind up there.

Even if these were restocks on returned items, the fact is they were defective new.  If Flech is getting these in just 3 orders how many more of these are being returned defective for the same problem?  That, or this is one incredible coincidence.

Guest DavidGreen
Even if these were restocks on returned items, the fact is they were defective new.
Not necessarily so. I believe the QA process for Shimano® and Daiwa® is tighter than that...

I have been told buy retailer associates here in my town to purchase a reel "try it" and if I didn't like it to return it. Now with that said, what do you think could happen when I run a reel throw its paces, not much because I know how to use a reel properly.

Not so with the general angling public....

The angler could have miss-used the reel for about 3 weeks (most big box retailers have a certain number of days return policy) screwed the reel up, and returned it saying he didn't like the reel etc., and not being truthful about the reels failure.

The big box retailer places the reel back into stock for sale because even they were not being told the truth....

  • Super User

First off, I these 3 reels were not all recieved at the same time, this started at Christmas and has been about 1 every other month.  

I would loved to exchange them at cabelas', BPS or a warranty center... the reason I ordered them in the first place is because the nearest one of those is a few hours drive from me....

A friend of mine who works for Academy in the next city said they just got some MG 50's in and he would exchange it for me and send mine back if I bring it over there.  He said no problem, they will get credit and a new reel for it.  

All of the associates in my hunting/fishing department simply move them to the back of the stock where the sit for ever.

Or until another associate sells them.  Why don't you do send them back?  Seems like this may be the problem all over the place.  If nothing else, this thread suggests that maybe they don't sit on the shelf forever.

I'm just dissappointed in the retailers and shimano.........  I used to work retail and dealt with manufacturers on returned/defective items, so I do know that when a retailer screws up a mfr. should step in to remedy it so they protect their own reputation and make it right for the consumer, who after all is the one responsible for the profits of BOTH the mfr and retailer.

ReelMech,  thanks for the offer, I may call.    -keith

  • Super User

While I can not speak for Bass Pro Shops or Cabala's I can speak for Academy since I work for them. When an item is returned it is returned to Customer Service who is told by the customer the reason for the return, if the customer does not state the item is defective the associate will place the item in that departments return box. The item is then picked up along with all returned items by that departments associate and placed back into stock.

If the customer tells Customer Service the item is defective the Customer Service associate will tag the item as defective and the item is not returned to stock. Defective items are not checked by anybody; they are simply marked defective and sent to shipping/receiving.

You can bet Bass Pro Shops or Cabala's policies on returned items are handled in the same manner.

Guest DavidGreen


Hey bud I still don't understand why you think that Shimano® should step up and make the shipping right. You didn't purchase the reel from Shimano®, you purchased the reel from a retailer that purchased the reel from a wholesale distributor, even the smallest mom/pop retailer doesn't buy directly from Shimano®, but from a wholesale distributor, you know that.

Even the small mom/pop tackle retailers that are associates of BPS don't buy from BPS directly but their wholesale distributor "American Rod & Gun"..

The reason I keep on this is that I have been with Shimano® and Daiwa® for over 25 years now, and have heard some bad raps placed on their gear, all because of the shady practices of the big box retailers that carry their products.

  • Super User
I know the posse is going to hop all over this but this reel is lighter than the Revo and Pflueger is not such a bad word in these parts you might want to give the Summit a try


i second the motion!!!shimano has started to have issues and they are not resolving them.they never resolved the binding issue in their spinning reels that many at nybass have had.i know many shimano spinning reel loyalists who are now switching to diawa and pflueger.reel mech,i usually agrre with you but this time i don't.ultimate responsibility is with shimano for building the bad reels.they have an obligation to make things right.one reel is an exception.multiple reels are a serious issue.take care of this customer and he doesn't post on a national forum.the intelligent thing to do is take care of it.

  • Super User

Hey bud I still don't understand why you think that Shimano® should step up and make the shipping right. You didn't purchase the reel from Shimano®, you purchased the reel from a retailer that purchased the reel from a wholesale distributor, even the smallest mom/pop retailer doesn't buy directly from Shimano®, but from a wholesale distributor, you know that.

Even the small mom/pop tackle retailers that are associates of BPS don't buy from BPS directly but their wholesale distributor "American Rod & Gun"..

The reason I keep on this is that I have been with Shimano® and Daiwa® for over 25 years now, and have heard some bad raps placed on their gear, all because of the shady practices of the big box retailers that carry their products.


I completely understand where you stand and I don't think it's actually Shimano's responsibility to reimburse a retailer's or cusomer's shipping to another place...  but since they knew i had several problems I would have hoped at least for a free ship for warranty repair since their name is associated with these (defective or re-sold in need of repair) reels.  I'm not worried, it will get fixed but it's just left a bad taste in my mouth.

Here is why I expected a little more from shimano:

I once had an issue with an Abu reel, and the good folks at Southwestern, shipped a new reel across town to save me the 20 minutes hassle of returning it to them....  I had Barlow's ship back a Loomis and a Berkley rod, to save me the trouble of packing and shipping.  Loomis paid the freight both ways on a different rod with a defective reel seat, and replaced the rod.  Lowrance sent a UPS call tag for a graph in need or warranty service.  I've had 2 differnt boat dealers drive to my town (from another) to pick up my boat when I had problems, to save me the time and gas.  (once with service and once with warranty of trolling motor)  Berkley sent me new spools of line to replace some that was purchased past it's prime and never asked me to return the bad line, or how much was left on the spools.  Those are just a few examples of good service by both retailers and mfr's, working together to take care of the customer, regardless of who actually caused the trouble.  

And because of those reasons, I have purchased over 20 Abu reels, 15 Loomis rods/blanks and countless berkley rods, and hundreds of spools of Trilene XT, in my lifetime...  and will continue to support those companies because the "get it".

It is in everyone's best interest to take care of repeat customers.


While not related to fishing...I had a Ipod bad on me awhile back. Sent Apple a e-mail stating my problem on a sunday afternoon. On tuesday of that week a received on my doorstep a return box from DHL. I dropped that box off that afternoon. Wednesday, I received a e-mail stating that they received my broken Ipod (KS to CA I might add). Thursday, another e-mail stating that a replacement had been shipped. On friday of that same week, I received a new replacement Ipod. 5 days from KS to CA and back again, didn't cost me a single cent. Thats customer service!

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