jb_adams Posted January 1, 2007 Posted January 1, 2007 http://www.bassresource.com/bass_fishing_123/abu_garcia_conolon.html Based on the link above, I am trying to find out the graphite modulas for my new Abu Garcia Conolon rods. I have a 6'6" rod MH action and a 7' MH action rod with two BPS Extreme reels. I love the setup and for well under $100 each, they are great rigs. I purchased each rod for around $35 at the local Wal-Mart so for the price value, they are great. I am currious to find out what the modulas is on these rods and I am not finding much on the internet. The rod simply said, "IM7 high modulas rod" when purhased. High high is what I want to know. A better quality rod can get up to 33 million, 40 million, etc. Quote
Guest DavidGreen Posted January 1, 2007 Posted January 1, 2007 jb_adams, Here is a story from Andy Dear of Lamar Manufacturing, many of the rod builders here on this forum purchase our rod blanks and building components from him. This story might help you with your IM rating concerns..... Good evenin' folks,I may be about to open a SERIOUS can of worms with this thread, but what the heck.....here goes anyway. Being in the blank distribution business, I get asked A LOT about the construction and makeup of the various graphite rod blanks that I sell. And, I have to say that whenever somebody asks me about modulus I just cringe! Here is why; It seems that about 90% of the folks that email me want to know what the modulus is of the blank(s) they are considering buying. When I ask "Why do you want to know that" they can't really give me an answer....they're just convinced that higher the IM rating is better. Here is how the conversation usually evolves: Mr. Customer: What modulus is that blank made from? Andy: Well, if you must know, it's about 40million Msi Mr. Customer: What does that mean? Andy: Well, it means the blank is made from the material you have come to know and love as IM6 Mr. Customer: Oh, that's too antiquated...I only fish with IM7 and higher. Andy: Really? Did you know that the difference between IM6 and IM7 is not the modulus it's the tensile strength? Mr. Customer: Really? Andy: Yeah REALLY! Mr. Customer: Eh Hhhmmm....erreer, uh, oh....well uh....well Bass Pro Shops says... Andy: Forget Bass Pro shops...let's look at the numbers (at this point Andy whips out his trusty data chart that illustrates the differences between the different fibers that actually have IM designations). Here take a look at this. This comes from a chart put together by the folks at Hexcel (http://www.advancedcomposites.com/technology.htm) The number on the far right is the modulus of the fiber, and the number in the middle is the elongation to failure or stretch. Hexcel IM4 600 40 Hexcel IM6 760 40 Hexcel IM7 780 40 Hexcel IM8 790 44 Hexcel IM9 920 42 Mr. Customer: You Mean all this time I thought I was getting a higher modulus fiber with the higher IM rating, when what I was really getting is a fiber that stretches more? Andy: Well, in some cases you are, and in some cases you arent. The fact is though that the difference between IM6 and IM7 is nothing in terms of modulus, and compared to IM8 it's only slightly higher. Wow...look at that IM9 actually has a lower modulus than IM8...go figure Now, many companies are using fibers with a much higher modulus, like 57 and even higher, however these fibers don't necessarily use the IM ratings. So, whenever you see a fiber with an IM rating...BUYER BEWARE! THE HIGHER THE IM RATING, DOES NOT NECESSARILY MEAN THE HIGHER THE MODULUS!!! The point is this folks...just because you have a blank made from a high modulus fiber, doesn't means it's a good rod! And vice versa, just because you have a blank with a low modulus...even the original fiber blanks were made with (33 million) doesn't mean it's a bad or outdated rod. It's all about what the designer does with it. I know there are some of you that may already know this, but judging from the amount of calls I get on a daily basis from folks who ONLY want IM7 or IM8, but can't really tell you why, I have to believe they don't really know what they are talking about at all. They've just been sucked into the marketing machine that leads people to believe that the higher the IM rating, the lighter and more sensitive the material, which is not always the case. Be forewarned that there is A LOT more to graphite blank construction, performance, quality, sensitivity, weight etc... than just what modulus the fiber is. There are lots of other variables like flag patterns, and wall thickness, and resin systems, and mandrel design....It's all about the talent of the designer, and what he is able to do in terms of the sum of those variables...not just the friggin modulus! Whewww...ok I feel better now... My aforementioned explanation of modulus and IM ratings is by no means meant to be anything more than a brief primer for the folks who didn't realize what the differences with the IM ratings were. I hope this clears things up a bit, and I hope that some of you will chime in on this as well. Oh, here is a link to the Hexcel page for those of you who want to investigate the matter further. Do a search for IM6 and you'll get some interesting info. (if you're into that kind of techie junk). www.hexcel.com www.advancedcomposites.com Now, this gives you some ammunition...next time you stroll into BassPro, and some yahoo tries to sell you a rod based on it's IM rating, ask him to explain to you why the higher IM ratings are better. When he replies by sayin' that the higher the IM rating means more sensitivity, less weight etc....just tell him that you have a blank at home made from IM2000, and see what he says. Regards, Andy Dear Lamar Manf. Hope this helped some..... Tight Lines!! Quote
Super User cart7t Posted January 2, 2007 Super User Posted January 2, 2007 http://www.bassresource.com/bass_fishing_123/abu_garcia_conolon.htmlBased on the link above, I am trying to find out the graphite modulas for my new Abu Garcia Conolon rods. I have a 6'6" rod MH action and a 7' MH action rod with two BPS Extreme reels. I love the setup and for well under $100 each, they are great rigs. I purchased each rod for around $35 at the local Wal-Mart so for the price value, they are great. I am currious to find out what the modulas is on these rods and I am not finding much on the internet. The rod simply said, "IM7 high modulas rod" when purhased. High high is what I want to know. A better quality rod can get up to 33 million, 40 million, etc. i believe those conolon rods are on the lower end of the scale. If I was to compare them to ....uh oh.... a BPS rod, I'd say they're somewhere between a Graphite series IM6 and a Tourney Special at an IM7. Like reelmech posted in his thread, all rods are made differently. Manufacturers use the modulus designation as a means of providing a refereance point. Not all IM7's or IM6's are made alike. I've got an original Allstar classic is an IM6 rod and it's an outstanding rod nor would I get rid of it just to move up in modulus rating. OTOH, I had a couple of Tourney special worm rods that were IM7's a few years ago and those rods were absolute slugs. It's all in what they do with the fibers in the construction as to whether a rod is any good or not. Quote
jb_adams Posted January 2, 2007 Author Posted January 2, 2007 I looked at the BPS Tourney Special and for $78, I was more than happy with my $35 Abu Garcia. If I hold them side by side, one in each hand, I can't tell much difference. I might be able to on the water with bait in the water but there is a definate difference between the Abu and the cheaper BPS rods. Thanks for the clarification on this. I feel I know too much of too little about rods now. (haha) Quote
Super User Raul Posted January 2, 2007 Super User Posted January 2, 2007 Jb that 's a really sorry way to compare two rods, to make a comparison you need to FISH with them, holding them side by side says nothing. Quote
jb_adams Posted January 3, 2007 Author Posted January 3, 2007 Jb that 's a really sorry way to compare two rods, to make a comparison you need to FISH with them, holding them side by side says nothing. Like I said, I might be able to tell a difference with bait in the water but I'm still a beginner. Another guy whose fished for years such as yourself may feel a night and day difference even in the store. For example, pick up a GLoomis rod and then pick up the bottom end of BPS rods. There is an obvious difference in overall feel being weight, sensitivity, etc. If you fish with them (where the real test is) you'll notice even more difference. Being a beginner and picking out a rod, I'm quite happy spending $35 vs. $78 for a rod that feels very comparable side by side. If I spent the $78 and couldn't tell the difference with one that I already had, I'd be disappointed. I already had a 6'-6" Abu at home and knew what to expect. See my point? Yeah, I agree with you that you have to test the rod on the water. When you have a very talkative 5yr. old, a nagging wife wanting to go hit the outlet malls, and it's 5:15 on New Year's Eve, you really don't have much time to contemplate rod compostitions and chemical compounds! ;D SO, I went the cheap route! (haha) That's why I was wanting to know the quality of what I have for $35. Either way, I'm still happy with it for now. Quote
Super User roadwarrior Posted January 3, 2007 Super User Posted January 3, 2007 Lot of talk for a $35 rod...Good luck, I hope you like it. Quote
Super User cart7t Posted January 3, 2007 Super User Posted January 3, 2007 I looked at the BPS Tourney Special and for $78, I was more than happy with my $35 Abu Garcia. If I hold them side by side, one in each hand, I can't tell much difference. I might be able to on the water with bait in the water but there is a definate difference between the Abu and the cheaper BPS rods.Thanks for the clarification on this. I feel I know too much of too little about rods now. (haha) There are lots of IM6 constructed rods out there right now. Some that cost $30 and others run up twice that much or more. They ALL fish differently. You can't tell how well a rod will fish until you get it on the water and try it out. Just holding the rods isn't enough. Quote
jb_adams Posted January 5, 2007 Author Posted January 5, 2007 Lot of talk for a $35 rod...Good luck, I hope you like it. Like I said, I'm not experieced enough to know the difference yet. I'm working on it though. I'm just now starting to feel the difference between a slite nibble and tapping things on the bottom. I guess if I had a $200 rod, I'd feel the difference easier. I can't afford that step yet but in time, I'll get there. I'm just now learning to use a baitcaster. Why go out and buy a $200 GLoomis or St. Croix when I'm still backlashing every trip?? Doesn't make since to me. Get better equipment when you go more than once or twice a month. For now, $35 makes me happy. It's better than the $20 Wal-Mart Quantums I've been using. Keep in mind, I'm still weening myself off a Zebco 33 too. :-[ Quote
Super User cart7t Posted January 5, 2007 Super User Posted January 5, 2007 Lot of talk for a $35 rod...Good luck, I hope you like it. Why go out and buy a $200 GLoomis or St. Croix when I'm still backlashing every trip?? Because of the lifetime warranty. When it breaks, you can come here and swap your experience with Loomis's customer service department with other Loomis owners whose rods also broke. Quote
justfishin Posted January 6, 2007 Posted January 6, 2007 Kudos ReelMech. Yet another very educational post. You sure answered a lot of my questions with this one. This is a perfect example of what makes this site work so well. You would think that a guy like me whom has all these years on the water would not be so ignorant concerning modulus ratings but, after reading ReelMechs post I have had a lot of my unanswered questions covered and more. Thanks again. Quote
Rob G. Posted January 8, 2007 Posted January 8, 2007 JB, I am glad you are happy with your rod. Dont worry about those personalities on this or any other web site that pat themselves on their backs with their every post. I once had a Vega, my ugly neighbor had a Corvette, but he was still ugly. Get my drift. Use whatever equipment you wish,spend your money how you choose, and have FUN fishing. With more fishing and equipment experience you will figure all of this out. No reason to make this really complicated and UNFUN. Plus if Shimano or Loomis ever go out of business, you and I can still enjoy fishing while others will be lost. Do not get me wrong, their are a lot of good, helpful, fun people here. Quote
Rob G. Posted January 8, 2007 Posted January 8, 2007 Reel, thanks for the info, I learned from it. Quote
jb_adams Posted January 8, 2007 Author Posted January 8, 2007 JB, I am glad you are happy with your rod. Dont worry about those personalities on this or any other web site that pat themselves on their backs with their every post. I once had a Vega, my ugly neighbor had a Corvette, but he was still ugly. Get my drift. Use whatever equipment you wish,spend your money how you choose, and have FUN fishing. With more fishing and equipment experience you will figure all of this out. No reason to make this really complicated and UNFUN. Plus if Shimano or Loomis ever go out of business, you and I can still enjoy fishing while others will be lost. Do not get me wrong, their are a lot of good, helpful, fun people here. Oh I have total respect for these guys. I've been on here long enough to know that they really know what they are talking about. Some of these guys have more knowledge than I can even dream of having. It's just my personal opinion that I need to start off small. Here's an example. Some yuppie goes in and buys the most expensive fly fishing equipment that he can buy from a local store that is known for higher prices and catering to the "yuppie" or "rich guy's" market. He then goes out and charters a guided trip in the Colorado or somewhere that he read in a Field and Stream article on how great the trout fishing is. Once arriving with his new Cabelas clothes, waders, and the new GLoomis fishing rods, reels, etc.; he brags about how many articles he's read and how many fish he's going to catch. Long story short, expensive equipment doesn't make the man. The man makes the equipment. Now with that said, it takes an experienced man to fully benifit from the equipment. If you take a beginner and stick a $350 GLoomis rod in his had with a $300 Shimano baitcaster, he'll still backlash, miss bites, can't feel a bite, etc. Talk to any charter captain and he'll tell you the same thing. On the opposite hand, take an experienced angler that can benifit from the advantage GLoomis and St. Croix rods can offer and he will capitolize on their benifits I'm sure. As for me, I'm a beginner. To me, I'm as proud as a tick on a dog's behind to have the confidence I have in a $35 rod when I go fishing up to 1-2 times a month as a B-E-G-I-N-N-E-R. One day, I'll move up to the category of experienced and I'll buy some better quality rods. This is only my first year of serious recreational fishing. In a few years, I'd like to fish in the local tournaments. Until then, $35-100 for a rod is plenty. Quote
Jolicious Posted January 15, 2007 Posted January 15, 2007 No reason to make this really complicated and UNFUN. I've been telling him this since we met ;D Quote
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