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I think I’m kinda low on the scale….as you see my boat. It’s a 15ft tin, 25hp-4stroke, my shallow water anchors/ push poles are fiberglass tree stakes from Lowe’s. My electronics consist of probably close to 20 yr old hummingbird, used mostly for depth and water temp. No digital scales, I turned my live well into storage. My most modern thing is my trolling motor, with  foot steering. I carry about 4 or 5 poles most of the time, and 1 tackle bag. 
So I don’t know what I’d be on the scale …..please put a number to it. @ol'crickety
The less you have to maintain, means the less you have to break or go wrong, I’m kinda proud of being low-tech on my boat. I probably don’t catch as many fish as those that have the better gear, but that’s ok.


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44 minutes ago, GRiver said:

push poles are fiberglass tree stakes from Lowe’s


^This^ alone gives you a score of 3.1, a mere 0.1 above my empty hull canoe. 


FWIW, I like your boat. A Yamaha 4-stroke is a heckuva engine and your rig would be stable and comfy. 


I'll go with 3. 


I wade with one rod and a small sling pack that carries a single 3500 box, a couple or few bags of plastics, pliers, line snips, and a can of snuff.  I do use a rod/reel combo and boots that are pretty far advanced compared to what I started out with 40 years ago. 


I have a modern sit on top kayak specifically designed for fishing that I'd call advanced technology, but I keep that simple, too, with no motor or sonar, which aren't needed because I use it to float fish easily readable smaller rivers from put in point A to takeout point B. 


Same deal with my 13' whitewater raft, which I use when I have a partner or two.  Its fabric and construction are technologically advanced compared to inflatables from the old days, but I made a row frame out of treated lumber that could accurately be called rudimentary.  And my anchor system is lengths of logging chain tied to a rope that I drop off the back of the boat then half-hitch to a d-ring.  I don't use a trailer, either.  Instead I inflate and deflate the raft each trip. 


Generally I like to keep things simple with my fishing and other parts of my life.  Money does play a role, too.  If I had a lot of it to spend, I'd probably buy me a rigged out river jet boat. 



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15 minutes ago, Jeff Zurawski said:

And my anchor system is lengths of logging chain tied to a rope that I drop off the back of the boat then half-hitch to a d-ring. 


Reading about @GRiver's fiberglass tree stakes and your logging chain anchor makes me smile. It's soooooooo old school, making do with what's cheapest instead of what's shiny and new. 

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My 1648 Grizzly is a 4. This is after we put the carpet & deck extension in and before it went in the water. That's his old 1648 Polar Kraft all electric in the background. We both have a Maxxum 70 for chopping weeds.




My buddy's fish is a 10.5 






I spent all my money on the 4Runner. They're a hi-tech 11, although that's the '16 that my stepson has now. I bought a '23. This 35 acre lake is a mile off road.




Bonus pic of a 9.25# of mine.



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On second thought, I may need to up my rank.  Yesterday I lodged a 4/0 spinnerbait hook into the back of my buddy's head.  Totally my fault as I got careless with my casting trying to keep up with a fast bite and sorting through lots of small fish.  I hated that it happened, but felt prepared to deal with it using the braided line hook removal trick, which I'd not done before.  I learned about it watching a youtube video and probably never would've have known about that method were it not for computer and internet technology.  It works !!  My buddy said the only part of the ordeal that really hurt any was when I had to wiggle the bait around while cutting his hat off from around the embedded hook.  In the past, I'd always been able to push the barb through, cut it off with my pliers, and then back it out. 



I guess that might bump me up a notch or two on the ATS?


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Most things in my life are extremely low tech.  I like manual car windows, bows with no wheels, and it was only two years ago I finally caved and gave up my flip phone.


I have to ask my wife to come help with the tv remote so often there are days when I decide not to even try and watch tv.  When I do interrupt her to come help she, will ask how many years is it going to take for me to learn how to use a simple remote.  I always reply how I just cant' relate to modern technology and talk about how simple life used to be, until she tires of hearing the same old excuses, and grabs the remote, magically making the tv do what I wanted it to do.


One day I was in the middle of the I'm to old to learn speech modern tech speech, and she asked me how come it only took me one fishing trip to dial in my new fish finder.  She aske how come if the technology had anything to do with fishing, I would watch hundreds of videos, spend hours on fishing forums, memorize the manual, call any friends to get advice, and within a few short days become an expert.  She went on to say if the TV remote could help catch me my PB bass, that I would not only be able to use it, but most likely would be able to build, program, and repair my own remote.  I again politely aske if she could please come make the tv work, because I wanted to watch a video on FFS.


I have as much fishing technology as I can afford.  I don't own a boat, but my kayak is modern and well outfitted.  I rate my Kayak an 8 it would be a ten if the fish finder was upgraded.  My car is old, barely runs, the speedometer, and other standard instruments don't work  and isn't worth as much as my crankbaits.  The car does haul my kayak to the lake, so it does deserve a rating, I give it a one, if it also got me back without going to the shop, I would rate it a 2.  My tackle is a mix of old and modern.  I would rate the tackle at a 9 and it will be a 10 if the Bait Monkey ever wins and I buy some glide baits.  My rods and reels are new technology but mid priced.  I give my rods and reels over all a 7 but my zillion gets a 10.


While cherishing the old ways, I always strive to have the newest technology available for my bass fishing.  I will always have the best and newest bass technology I can afford.  I hope to have a bass boat with FFS someday, but if all I can afford is a bicycle and a used Zebco 33 outfit with one old jitterbug than that is what I'm going to take to the lake every chance I get.



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3 minutes ago, king fisher said:

she tires of hearing the same old excuses, and grabs the remote, magically making the tv do what I wanted it to do


I love the humor in your posts.


4 minutes ago, king fisher said:

She went on to say if the TV remote could help catch me my PB bass, that I would not only be able to use it, but most likely would be able to build, program, and repair my own remote. 


Your wife is as funny as you!


4 minutes ago, king fisher said:

The car does haul my kayak to the lake, so it does deserve a rating, I give it a one, if it also got me back without going to the shop, I would rate it a 2. 


Consider stand-up, okay?


5 minutes ago, king fisher said:

if the Bait Monkey ever wins and I buy some glide baits.


For once, I'm rooting for the Bait Monkey. That monster you lost ate a 12.5" bass. It would also eat a giant glide bait.


7 minutes ago, king fisher said:

but if all I can afford is a bicycle and a used Zebco 33 outfit with one old jitterbug than that is what I'm going to take to the lake every chance I get.


You and me, brother. However, when I was a kid, I couldn't afford the expensive Zebco 33. I fished with a Zebco 404. 


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So....if we have deep pockets to buy fancy gizmos that gives us a higher rating ?  I always thought the ability to find and catch fish in difficult conditions would make the better fisherman ?  

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44 minutes ago, airshot said:

So....if we have deep pockets to buy fancy gizmos that gives us a higher rating

Just on the techy scale….not your ability to catch them, heck @ol'cricketywould sink her canoe with her numbers. Although she does have a f-22 raptor Kevlar vessel to stealthily approach them. 

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20 minutes ago, GRiver said:

heck @ol'cricketywould sink her canoe with her numbers.




20 minutes ago, GRiver said:

Although she does have a f-22 raptor Kevlar vessel to stealthily approach them. 


You bet your sweet bippee, I do.

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Where one fishes can dictate what tech to use, or how good one has to be to use it. Out in the glades, for example, I have no use for electronics, nada. Just not practical because it just wouldn't work out there, plain and simple. The graphs are nothing but a jumble. It's so shallow mere inches and loaded with weeds. Plus I use no lights at night and the graph-light is a nuisance. Now, when it gets into navigation, I'm high tech all the way in that department. And I wouldn't have it any other way. I rate myself high with using that tech to get around. There's nothing that I cannot navigate through out there, thick or thin. The fishing, on the other hand, requires some good 'ol fashion ingenuity, common sense, and practical wisdom. The tech department has to take a back seat on that one. 

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5 minutes ago, Zcoker said:

Plus I use no lights at night


Florida doesn't require the use of any navigational lights on a yak at night time?

3 minutes ago, gimruis said:


Florida doesn't require the use of any navigational lights on a yak at night time?


They do and I have them, as required but I don't use them out in the everglades while fishing. When I'm navigating, they come on. No one around but me out there anyway. Now, on an open body of water fished by others, sure, they come on and stay on, obviously. 

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I'd say I'm a 2. I bank fish most of the time. I do have a 2 man bass buster. I carry a minimum of 2 rods when bank fishing and often times 4 or 5. I carry a small tackle bag with a variety of stuff. I often try new techniques and lures and am avidly seeking to perfect my technique and skills. I practice casting a lot, and I research the habits of my query.


I don't use fish finders or other fancy stuff, but I do notice structure, weather, current, and temperature/water temperature. I also will fish in spots where others wouldn't due to confidence and having a semi-broad skillset.


To that tune, the other day I was fishing the local reservoir, the only open spot there was the shallow end that has a lot of moss.  Well, I started fishing it and someone left, and on their way out they said "there's a good spot over yonder". I stuck with my spot and caught 8 bass in the "bad" spot. Sure you can't throw a crank there... but find the right Texas rig and there isn't anything bad about that spot.

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I'm guessing a 3.5, strictly a paddle kayak fisherman. 
Only electronics are a 2d sonar with a Navionics Lake and a inshore saltwater maps .

Max amount of rods is 4 depending on where and what I'm fishing for. 

No net most of the time, only if fluke fishing the salt, those are food fish.

Do have a handheld VHF radio, mostly for talking to others I'm fishing with.

Hopefully I never need to call channel 16, but that is only useful in the salt where I fish

cape may tog.jpg

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i guess a 7.Ihave an fully decked 17 foot aluminum with custom aluminum decks and storage that me and a buddy did. all electric outboard as required for the lakes i fish. Down and side imaging on the console, down imaging and 360 up front. ultrex trolling motor. im pretty much done. not going the ff sonar route. just not how i wanna fish. sometimes though im a 3 . paddle kayak 3 boxes with lures a couple rods and a river full of angry smallmouth, or a pond full of big bull bluegills. 


I'd say ~8. Always been a tech-nerd. Have owned my own URL / web site since 2001, build my own computers (it's about time for a new box), wired previous house for CAT-5 Ethernet, and probably my most important and satisfying job, tech support for my 83 year old Dad and his android phone, and Chromebook (and cable TV). Good stuff!!


Boat is a few years old, but electronics were new last August. No FFS or 360...still learning all the features of the Helix and Ulterra. 



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Daubs, I know I'm going to sound like a girl here, but your boat is beautiful. Love the color. 


I bank fish most days so 0 most days.


On the boat I have a 120$ Garmin that I use for water temps and finding structure and not bottoming out/breaking my prop.


Maybe a 1-2 on the boat?


I think that it's like bow hunting vs rifle hunting.  You gotta be a good hunter either way.

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Just now, ol'crickety said:

Daubs, I know I'm going to sound like a girl here, but your boat is beautiful. Love the color. 




I wasn't wild about the color at first...but the blue has really grown on me. Wife loves it...and dubbed the boat "Marge" (aka, Marge Simpson).


My Brother's white Alaskan is really sharp.




I really like @A-Jay's black Lund...although keeping it clean and looking sharp must be a pain. I had a dark gray truck for 16+ years...always seemed to be washing  : )

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Maybe a 8 or 9. I do have FFS. I fish tournaments and try to get some dock walking in when I don't have the kayak with me. I am in the build process with my second kayak. Nucanoe Pursuit with a motor guide XI-3.


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14 minutes ago, DaubsNU1 said:




I wasn't wild about the color at first...but the blue has really grown on me. Wife loves it...and dubbed the boat "Marge" (aka, Marge Simpson).


My Brother's white Alaskan is really sharp.




I really like @A-Jay's black Lund...although keeping it clean and looking sharp must be a pain. I had a dark gray truck for 16+ years...always seemed to be washing  : )

Keep the boat and the truck clean is a labor of love.




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I'm a 0 some days & a 10 other days based on who's boat I'm mooching a ride on. 

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