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  On 12/21/2023 at 11:55 AM, thediscochef said:

I am a bass player but I also have guitars. My favorite guitar is my dad's old highway one strat, blonde color. No mods. Gets run through an AC50.




I be slapping the bass too man! Nice Axes…. Here’s my favorite 

79 P bass swamp ash body with a jazz neck on it, modified to a PJ set up (pickups Duncan Actives), bada** bridge

Got a few others in the spare room closet 

72 tele bass, home made fretless and an ash body 32’"scale 

( both made by my son….he’s an awesome acoustic and classical builder….)  Some cool acoustic guitars and an uke built by my son in the spare room closet too

Put most my attention over my 40+ years involved in music playing bass so not much of a guitar player, but I’ll pick one up here and there….


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  On 12/21/2023 at 4:16 PM, BC VC basser said:

I be slapping the bass too man! Nice Axes…. Here’s my favorite 

79 P bass swamp ash body with a jazz neck on it, modified to a PJ set up (pickups Duncan Actives), bada** bridge

Got a few others in the spare room closet 

72 tele bass, home made fretless and an ash body 32’"scale 

( both made by my son….he’s an awesome acoustic and classical builder….)  Some cool acoustic guitars and an uke built by my son in the spare room closet too

Put most my attention over my 40+ years involved in music playing bass so not much of a guitar player, but I’ll pick one up here and there….



Got my attention with the Tele bass. That's a rarity. Ive only seen a handful from my days at the luthery. Would love to see it.


I'm not an amazing guitar player by any means but I'm a very capable rhythm guitarist and beginning to grow into leading. I'm a better vocalist than guitar player. 


This is the band i am in with my fishin buddy, I'm on bass and all the high up vocal harmonies 

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  On 12/21/2023 at 7:07 PM, thediscochef said:

Got my attention with the Tele bass. That's a rarity. Ive only seen a handful from my days at the luthery. Would love to see it.


I'm not an amazing guitar player by any means but I'm a very capable rhythm guitarist and beginning to grow into leading. I'm a better vocalist than guitar player. 


This is the band i am in with my fishin buddy, I'm on bass and all the high up vocal harmonies 



cool song!  seeing as how you and some others have posted your music, here is one of mine...sort of.  i only wrote part of it,  most of it was written by my best friend when i lived in canadia. it is the only one i have where the mix was complete. 


this one, this is how my band played it, but not how i wrote it. to be honest, that still kinda annoys me to this day.  i could not get the others to play it the way i wanted them to.  the other guitar player couldn't "gallop". the drummer either couldn't, or wouldn't play the drums as i wanted them.  we re-worked the song to accommodate them. i woke from a dream once, where i was standing in the courtyard of a japanese castle, with a feeling of my hackles being raised.  i looked up at the moon, and saw a kitten, dressed as a ninja, watching me from the tiled roof top. as the shinobi kitten scampered away, across the roof,  something like this music was in my head.  when i woke up,  i went right to my computer and recorded it.  eventually it morphed into the ditty below



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  On 12/21/2023 at 7:07 PM, thediscochef said:

Got my attention with the Tele bass. That's a rarity. Ive only seen a handful from my days at the luthery. Would love to see it.


I'm not an amazing guitar player by any means but I'm a very capable rhythm guitarist and beginning to grow into leading. I'm a better vocalist than guitar player. 


This is the band i am in with my fishin buddy, I'm on bass and all the high up vocal harmonies 


Cool tune! Kinda Beatlesque 60’s vibe!


As you see my tele bass is a bit road worn

i picked it up about 5 years back from a business acquaintance. Her brother passed away and she handled clearing out his things….

Got it for a great price so it’s condition didn’t bother me

Most importantly it plays and sounds great





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I really dig the worn condition. Player instruments are always perfect to play. Things that sit in a closet for years usually need extensive work. 


Even worse after 40 years in the loft John! 😄


I went to see Billy Strings a few weeks ago and nearly burnt the guitar after that. Tommy Emanuel and Molly Tuttle in January, so should get a good bonfire going afterwards. 


@TnRiver46 I was reminded of that also when I read "slappin da bass." 🤣

  On 12/23/2023 at 3:54 PM, J Francho said:

I really dig the worn condition. Player instruments are always perfect to play. Things that sit in a closet for years usually need extensive work. 


Spot on My son always talks about how a newer acoustic guitar needs to be played over to come into its full potential …

He had to do a little tweaking on the tele bass

It was shipped from back East 

  On 12/23/2023 at 4:57 PM, RipzLipz said:

@TnRiver46 I was reminded of that also when I read "slappin da bass." 🤣


😁That has been stuck in my head the last few week cause I just saw Geddy Lee in Los Angeles. He’s out doing a small theater tour pushing his new book “My Effin Life"

When his appearance in Philly a few weeks prior to L.A., Paul Rudd interviewed him. In L.A. we got Jack Black, great chemistry between him and Geddy! 🤣



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Here’s a few of my sons builds he gave me.






Here an arch top he did for one of his clients




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@BC VC basser Unfortunately, air guitar is the only instrument I ever learned to play.


coffee confidence GIF by Holiday Inn Express

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  On 12/23/2023 at 4:22 PM, Tim Kelly said:

I went to see Billy Strings a few weeks ago and nearly burnt the guitar after that. Tommy Emanuel and Molly Tuttle in January, so should get a good bonfire going afterwards. 



No need for a bonfire.  Talent like those you mentioned just inspire me to play better.  I'll never be able to play like Billy Strings, just like I'll never catch Bass like "insert your favorite professional bass fishermans name here", but I enjoy playing, just like I enjoy fishing.   


I taught guitar and a couple other instruments at a local music store decades ago.  I always got a thrill when my students got better than me.  


@BC VC basser your sons work looks great!!!

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  On 12/23/2023 at 10:48 PM, Woody B said:
  On 12/23/2023 at 10:36 PM, J Francho said:

@BC VC basser your son is very skilled. Those are beautiful instruments. 



@BC VC basser your sons work looks great!!!


Thanks Gentleman!

He has been very dedicated to the craft over the last 15+ years.

He built his first acoustic in high school woodshop.

The Uke and D style acoustic he built at 23-24 years old. He’s now 34

The arch top was earlier this year…
Just finally starting to give it a shot as a career


Woody B your lutherie work looks excellent also!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I played drums for years when I was younger, but was always interested in playing guitar. I finally decided that the time was right, and I’m going to finally get off my butt and try to learn. So with that in mind I picked up my first guitar about a week ago to start my journey. I ended up going with a Taylor 110e. I wouldn’t call what I’m doing so far as playing guitar, but so far I’m loving trying to learn. 


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  On 1/8/2024 at 1:13 AM, walleyecrazy said:

I played drums for years when I was younger, but was always interested in playing guitar. I finally decided that the time was right, and I’m going to finally get off my butt and try to learn. So with that in mind I picked up my first guitar about a week ago to start my journey. I ended up going with a Taylor 110e. I wouldn’t call what I’m doing so far as playing guitar, but so far I’m loving trying to learn. 




that's a nice lookin' guitar!  good job getting a decent case.

as a new player, you have some advantages that some of us old heads didn't have: 

1) youtube is slam full of free lessons and song tutorials.  when i was learning, i about wore holes in my records and tapes trying to learn my favorites. 

2) your music dollar goes waaaayyyy farther now than it used to.  the quality of today's budget gear is so much better than it used to be, it amazes me.  you don't have to spend big bucks to have great stuff anymore. 


 beware of G.A.S. (gear acquisition syndrome) once you really get into it, your stuff might begin to multiply.  it happens to all of us.  you start out with just a guitar.   then you wake up one day and suddenly there's no room  for anything else anymore. i once found a guitar under my bed i forgot i had.  i'm not even kidding. 


how is the humidity in your house? if it's not around 45-50%, get some humidipacks for your case. i use boveda 49% packs. amazon has them. they'll help keep that sweet acoustic from drying out and shrinking.

if you haven't had a set up done to it,  find a luthier near you, and have them do it.  it can make a huge difference in playability.  

remember me mentioning G.A.S.?  you'll know you have it when your luthier, and the local music store starts sending you cards on your birthday and christmas.


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  On 1/9/2024 at 1:54 AM, cheezyridr said:


how is the humidity in your house? if it's not around 45-50%, get some humidipacks for your case. i use boveda 49% packs. amazon has them. they'll help keep that sweet acoustic from drying out and shrinking.

if you haven't had a set up done to it,  find a luthier near you, and have them do it. 




The humidity in my house is actually quite low right now due to the wonderful northeast winter. My house is hovering around 30% humidity right now. I have a D’Addorio humidity pack setup in my case that came with a headstock pack, and a sound hole pack. I’m hoping that will be enough to counteract this crazy dry air we currently have. 

As far as a setup goes, I haven’t had one done yet. I do have a Taylor Guitars certified service dealer about 20 minutes from me, so I figure I will likely take it there at some point to get that done. 

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that all should work out just fine

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No real guitar skills but I did take it up in my early twenties and gave it up because of a bad experience and not knowing any better. I had an acoustic and for better or worse, I have that ear such that if you played it plucked it, I’d be able to tell you what note or notes you struck or pressed. So back to that acoustic of mine. I’d tune it with my ear or with a piano and I know had had the stings properly tuned. But when I’d play a chord and just about any chord, it always sounded off, and sharp — and if you have an ear, that will drive you crazy. And with no one to consult with, I quit and sold it. 

Forward twenty plus years and I bought my son a ukulele as an 8th grade grad present. He seemed to have fun with it and so I bought  one for me. His sounded right. Mine sounded sharp. History repeats itself, but this time I decided to trouble shoot and research. Intonation was the issue. The nut was too high. So I shaved it down and that was the remedy. But looking back, i just didn’t know. What a waste. I know I really could have gotten far, I could have been a contender, lol. 

Keys are my forte but I have since taken on both the ukulele and the bass guitar. Having the dexterity from playing keys and the ear definitely helped me pick up both of these instruments fairly quickly regardlesss if it’s music from the Eagles to Pearl Jam to Def Lepard to Metallica to Toto, Billy Joel to Bach and Beethoven… It’s all a blast. I can’t for the life of me figure out how to slap 😢

I’ve just about figured out all of the instrumental of Master of Puppets with a Low G ukulele on my own and it is freaking awesome. No need for YouTube vids if you have an ear. Plus, it’s even more fun. 


@BC VC basser: That is some mighty fine workmanship your son has done especially the ukulele! 

For those who play acoustic what’s your take on going deadnought or grand auditorium. 

One last thought. Wonder how cool it would be if some of the musicians here collaborated to make a song for Bass Resource. 🧐😎

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  On 1/10/2024 at 8:00 AM, islandbass said:

 So back to that acoustic of mine. I’d tune it with my ear or with a piano and I know had had the strings properly tuned. But when I’d play a chord and just about any chord, it always sounded off, and sharp — and if you have an ear, that will drive you crazy.



boy do i have some good news for you....

they make guitars for people with your...affliction




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@cheezyridr: wow. That looks so clean. Who is the manufacturer? And there must be something about those frets. 

Fortunately that was more than 20 years ago and I’ve learned to tolerate a wee bit sharp or flat as long as it’s not egregious, lol. 😂

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  On 1/13/2024 at 5:12 AM, islandbass said:

@cheezyridr: wow. That looks so clean. Who is the manufacturer? And there must be something about those frets. 

Fortunately that was more than 20 years ago and I’ve learned to tolerate a wee bit sharp or flat as long as it’s not egregious, lol. 😂



to be honest, i don't know who makes that particular one. it's an image i pulled off of a google image search. i typed in "true temper fret guitar".  it's not for me, BUT the science behind it, is pretty interesting, and it does work.  you can still bend on it just like a conventional fret. my ears are pretty terrible,  yet there are certain chords where even i can immediately hear the difference.  it's probably expensive, most stuff like that usually is.  i think it's pretty cool that one day someone had a lightbulb moment and said "i know how we could fix it" so they did. 

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Well unfortunately my recently purchased Taylor didn’t work out. I ended up noticing a defect that I hadn’t caught when I initially purchased it. I ended up returning that and after looking around a little I brought home this Guild. So far I think this worked out for the best, as I am finding this Guild to be easier to play for some reason over the Taylor. I actually prefer the sound out of the Guild as well. 


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