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Good Day Everyone, New to the Thread. Bought my Bass Raider a few weeks ago, been out three times and love it. Installed a Fish Finder, Rod Holders, Cleats, etc using rubber tight rivets, the type for Kayaks, it seems to be working well. I decided to start that way and if need be I can replace them will well nuts later if need be. I heard a few people talking about putting a carpet/plywood floor in, I was going to do this, but then my wife took me to Lowes, suggested I use the foam padding that is used for workout equipment. I bought a set, trimmed it, had it installed in all of 10 minutes. I love it, just pick it out and wash up is a breeze and it cost me $20. It is comfortable and sturdy standing on it, and has some good traction.  Used the clippings to cover my Dolly setup. 


I also wanted to know if anyone has installed a drain plug behind the Battery, in that flat area. seems like the place for it. mine collects a little water there over the day of fishing. not an issue, but don't really want to empty boat of my gear and turn it over before hauling it home. any suggestions? 

  • Thanks 1

I have not heard of anyone putting a drain hole in. 


My boat seat bracket purchase resolution:


Last week, I bought my Pelican 10E from Craigslist and drove the wonderful 2 hours home. Felt that I got a great deal on it, the modified jetski trailer, 45# TM, and marine battery.  I was stoked to get to registering and hit the water.  I got home and both seat brackets/swivels/seats were gone.  I didn't think to secure or remove, I'm not sure if they flew out or were grabbed on one of my stops.  I figured it would be a quick and easy replacement, but as we all know it is not.  After several exhausting hours I did locate a couple at an Academy in FL ($39.99 each).  I tried to get them to ship direct and they could/would not so I had to go to my local store and initiate a store to store transfer to my closest Academy.  According to Academy this can take up to a month, wth?  But its the only resolution I could find away from pedalboats.com who wanted $65 a piece for them + $45.00 shipping.  They would not ship against my account number or work with me in any way.  Hope this helps someone!

21 hours ago, Cobra Grey said:

Good Day Everyone, New to the Thread. Bought my Bass Raider a few weeks ago, been out three times and love it. Installed a Fish Finder, Rod Holders, Cleats, etc using rubber tight rivets, the type for Kayaks, it seems to be working well. I decided to start that way and if need be I can replace them will well nuts later if need be. I heard a few people talking about putting a carpet/plywood floor in, I was going to do this, but then my wife took me to Lowes, suggested I use the foam padding that is used for workout equipment. I bought a set, trimmed it, had it installed in all of 10 minutes. I love it, just pick it out and wash up is a breeze and it cost me $20. It is comfortable and sturdy standing on it, and has some good traction.  Used the clippings to cover my Dolly setup. 


I also wanted to know if anyone has installed a drain plug behind the Battery, in that flat area. seems like the place for it. mine collects a little water there over the day of fishing. not an issue, but don't really want to empty boat of my gear and turn it over before hauling it home. any suggestions? 

The one I just picked up had a bilge pump in the back wired to the battery and a switch.  Its rained several times since I have gotten it and I just flip the switch and the water is forced out a hose off the side.  Seems to work perfectly and I wouldn't have thought of it.  Let me know if you want pics, I can get some when I get home.


For those interested, I was able to determine that the Bass Hunter seat brackets will not work for the Pelican Bass Raiders.  Their dimensions are too narrow at 25.5" x 25 5/8 vs. the 27" x 24" that we need.

On 7/17/2017 at 9:02 AM, Eternal Angler said:

Anywhere I can purchase 2 seat brackets for decent price. I bought used a Pelican Bass Raider 10E for cheap price, guy who sold it to me didn't have the seats for whatever reason. Pelicanpaddleboat.com wants $130 for two seat brackets, not even including swivel or the seats, lol. What a rip off, price gouging.


Academy has'em for $40, but not sold online...




I'm actually driving 2 hours to Greenville SC to pick up 2 at Academy this evening.  As of this morning, they have 2 more. If you want to PayPal me the money, I'll pick up the other two and ship them to you. I know I'm just a random guy on the internet, but I believe in the honor system and would be glad to help out a fellow fisherman in need.  I'm also not going to cancel the store to store transfer that I initiated, so at some point 2 more should be coming to me. I'd be happy to do the same with those 2 if you don't get this in time for todays transaction.


Pond Prowler 10 foot......minnkota 55 on the stern and a power pole on the bow...has an anchor trolley with a stake out pole....seat is from Nucanoe 


  • Like 2

Well guys, I sold the Bass Hunter. Purchased two fishing kayaks and am having a blast. Thanks for such an awesome thread. Get out there and fish!

Posted (edited)
On 8/7/2017 at 7:34 PM, Pond fisher said:

Try academy.com




On 8/8/2017 at 6:09 PM, Chet Punisher said:

I have not heard of anyone putting a drain hole in. 

I put a drain hole in my 10' Pelican Bass Raider.  I put it right thru the bottom in the flat spot just behind the front trolling motor mount/support/transome (but on the front?)!  It is perfect!  I purchased a "Thru Hull" from a local boat place for about $5 and some clear silicone from Walmart.  I then drilled a hole, connected the two parts, sealed it with silicone!  Wa-La Done!   Now for the crazy part, the second day after I put the plug in, my wife and I went fishing.  Prior to leaving the dock, she reached down and grabbed some leaves that fell into the boat.  When she threw them in the water, there was a sound like a rock hitting the water.  Two seconds later she said, "I think I just threw the drain plug into the water!" It turns out that she did!  Because we were sitting it a fully loaded boat and no water came in, we pressed on!  I never replaced the plug!  Another crazy thing thing...Most of the time I leave my boat in the water. I use a small/light weight 12V Hover Round battery for my trolling motor and it weighs just enough to tilt the boat towards the hole!  Every time it rains the water drains out of the boat and we have never had an issue.  Bottom Line...One hole in the bottom of the boat and we are none the worse for wear. (PS...feedback for Pelican...great boat but not every part of the boat has the ability to drain.  Please fix your molds so that everything drains to the bottom of the boat...Thanks)599699c197fb3_image32.JPG.6e390f7cf96584c11eaf397e89f38f87.JPGimage6 3.JPG

Edited by heysarge
Removed duplicate pics and clarified "thru hull"

You created a scupper hole. They have them on kayaks.

  • 4 weeks later...
On 7/17/2017 at 9:02 AM, Eternal Angler said:

Anywhere I can purchase 2 seat brackets for decent price. I bought used a Pelican Bass Raider 10E for cheap price, guy who sold it to me didn't have the seats for whatever reason. Pelicanpaddleboat.com wants $130 for two seat brackets, not even including swivel or the seats, lol. What a rip off, price gouging.


Academy has'em for $40, but not sold online...


I guess I could think about fabricating some up....  Swivels are cheap, like $6 each at Meijer, found seats for like $30...


Still gotta purchase a trolling motor, plan on going with Minn Kota 40 lb.


I missed my old Bass Raider, gonna use this for ponds and small inland lakes, while still use my Crestliner Super Hawk for St. Clair...


Any tips, let me know, far as I know Dunhams, Gander, Field Stream, do no carry these seat brackets at their stores. Pelican site says call their phone number, it was entirely in french or something. I guess I could just talk to someone that works at one of these stores, see if they can order them up through Pelican.









On 6/14/2017 at 8:42 PM, weekender365 said:

Hey guys,


I have a Bass Raider 10 and it's been pretty good to me, but I'm having trouble with the front transom.   For some reason the outboard side of the front transom is angled outwards instead of being vertical, so the trolling motor won't clamp properly and tends to push itself right off the transom when in use.    Is there something I can do to it to fix this?    I'm kind of shocked that the boat would come like this, it's sort of a big problem.







I'm guessing you are hand launching those?

On ‎4‎/‎12‎/‎2017 at 9:06 PM, RLP said:

Ok, after a long winter of many mods and research we finally got our Bass Raiders on the water. Went to a very large lake in North Jersey and the boats operated perfectly. The 55lb trolling motors moved us around without a problem and after 6 hours all over the lake the battery appeared to remain just under full charge. Only adjustment is to the rear rudder as it kept raising a bit from its 90 degree angle but that should be easy fix.  Only caught two fish between the four of us but the season is still early. Heading back out tomorrow and really loving these boats.



hey all i am looking at either a 10e or a bass hunter. my question is if the bass hunter is worth the extra hundred dollars. 

  • 4 weeks later...

Just bought a pelican 10e of Craigslist, its my first ever boat. I didn't know I had to register it to have a trolling motor on it and the guy who sold it to me didn't give me any bill of sale or nothing. Any tips on how to register it? Or am I screwed? I live in Arkansas btw

  • 2 weeks later...
On ‎10‎/‎18‎/‎2017 at 10:05 PM, Luisjjj said:

Just bought a pelican 10e of Craigslist, its my first ever boat. I didn't know I had to register it to have a trolling motor on it and the guy who sold it to me didn't give me any bill of sale or nothing. Any tips on how to register it? Or am I screwed? I live in Arkansas btw

Can't speak to Arkansas, but here in Oklahoma I was able to register mine after I filled out a simple form and showed my bill of sale.   I would find the hull number and call your local tag agency.  They will be able to get you set up.   

  • 4 weeks later...

Hey Luisjjj,


Hope you got things settled. Yes these boats in most states will need to be registered if powered by anything other than human. You will need to google a bill of sale doc for your state and complete it with your boat info serial # and model. Always good to have it notarized. Once done off to Motor Vehicles fill out new registration form. Once done you will have to purchase the lettering to properly tag your boat. You will only get the Motor Vehicle sticker from the agency. Wallymart or online stores have alphabet/numbering kits.


Let us know how you make out.

  • 2 weeks later...

Just got mine a few weeks ago. Has anyone applied anything to the bottom to prevent it from getting destroyed on boat ramps etc? I try to avoid dragging it but it’s much harder to get into the truck bed from the water, and if I could nudge it up on the ramp a little it’s easy. 


Edit: was thinking of maybe a little spray on bed liner type of stuff just in one area where the dragging would be. Maybe even the paint on rubber stuff

On ‎4‎/‎21‎/‎2017 at 10:41 PM, NCbassraider said:

Finally after a 5 week wait because the Pro 120 was back ordered, it arrived from the manufacturer.  Got a chance to fish it yesterday and was very pleased.  I knew from reviews it was very stable but was surprised how easily two adults could fish the decks and move around with out the fear of capsizing.  I am 185 lbs and my buddy is 170 and after 30 minutes or so we moved around freely without any concerns.  The current model of the Pro 120 has aluminum stringers and the hull is foam filled which adds incredible stability without adding much weight.


There is also a lot of room in this boat even though it is under 12'.  Plenty of storage and the you can feel the quality everywhere.  The hull is much thicker than the Pelican I previously fished and the decks are very solid with quality marine carpeting over 3/4" treated plywood.


I switched out the seats to allow for more room on the casting decks but will probably remove them most days as I don't sit much but you can sit on the edge of the decks to tie on baits and so forth.  The built in cooler saves a ton of room on the boat and if you use a Yeti ice brick, you don't need to bother with the drain at the end of the day.


Haven't turned on the live well yet but it is big and seems to be a very simple design.  I like that it is automatic and works off an electrical panel.  The running lights worked nicely coming in at night.


The seat pedestals were a concern when ordering but they are rock solid with steel plates mounted on either side or 3/4" plywood.   They are not going anywhere.


My only complaint is that it is only pre-wired for a trolling motor on the bow as the stern mount was meant for an outboard but with so many people powering it with a trolling motor, you would think they would add this feature.  A simple modification solves this issue but I thought I would mention it.


From the factory this boat is 238 lbs but loaded with motor, battery, anchor and gear, it is quite heavy so I would recommend a dolly like the one pictured or a trailer if you are transporting to a body of water.


Two is the perfect number for this boat but you can easily fish 3 people if needed.



Any more updates on this NCbassraider. I had a basshunter years ago and it got settled, she didn't want it but didn't want me to have it either. Anyway looking for something small again and really like the looks of these but haven't ever seen one in person. GF doesn't think the pontoon type look stable enough for her.






I used the 3M command hook style things for my rod holder. Holding great, no holes. I wired in the same plugs front and back as I’m trying to decide where I like the motor more. And also figured out the best way to load/unload from the truck. I use rope or bungee cords on the front handles, while standing in the truck bed, and I can easily lower into the water, or pull up from the water and it doesn’t get dragged at all. Like someone else said I was surprised how easily the bottom got gouged, it makes me wonder if the newer models are softer on the bottom than the older generation. Loving the boat!

  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/30/2017 at 12:06 PM, RickB said:

Any more updates on this NCbassraider. I had a basshunter years ago and it got settled, she didn't want it but didn't want me to have it either. Anyway looking for something small again and really like the looks of these but haven't ever seen one in person. GF doesn't think the pontoon type look stable enough for her.



The update is I love this thing!  It is a true mini Bass boat.  My friends that have tournament boats are amazed at the stability of the casting decks and how freely you can move on it without worrying about tipping. This boat is durable and well made and the live well is top notch.  


It is heavier than other plastic hulled pond boats but nothing two guys can't handle.  I ordered a custom aluminum dolly from a website that can be seen in my pictures and it makes it easy to move and launch.  There is a trailer available from the manufacturer also.


Highly recommended and worth the wait if back ordered.  If you do purchase go through Cabellas as they seem to always have the best pricing and the updates on my boat's progress during build out was great.

  • Like 1

new to the forum...just picked up a Bass Raider 10E from Academy sports. Gonna spend the next couple months getting it set up right...I plan on using a Minn Kota 55lb thrust TM, a good marine deep cycle battery, upgrade the seats and put a 7" riser on the back seat, some rod holders and rod keepers, emergency paddles, Fish finder(still researching those as I have never used one), an anchor set up and quite a bit of other items as well. I have watched every youtube video on these bass raiders and every mod upgrade video...and now read through nearly every page of this topic so with ALL those ideas, I got  heck of a worklist...lol

  • Like 1
On 12/19/2017 at 5:07 PM, olecoastie said:

new to the forum...just picked up a Bass Raider 10E from Academy sports. Gonna spend the next couple months getting it set up right...I plan on using a Minn Kota 55lb thrust TM, a good marine deep cycle battery, upgrade the seats and put a 7" riser on the back seat, some rod holders and rod keepers, emergency paddles, Fish finder(still researching those as I have never used one), an anchor set up and quite a bit of other items as well. I have watched every youtube video on these bass raiders and every mod upgrade video...and now read through nearly every page of this topic so with ALL those ideas, I got  heck of a worklist...lol


Welcome olecoastie!


I was in your place a year ago when I purchased my BR10E. Worked through Jan, Feb and March doing all the mods you mention and more and had her out over a dozen of times this year. Spent alot of time on the trailer I haul her on as well. It is a great vessel to fish in and will get you in areas that are inaccesible to many! Do not be afraid to mod as this thing is hard to sink so drill your holes and keep it moving. Let us know how you make out over the next months. 

  • Like 1
  • 4 weeks later...
On 12/19/2017 at 2:07 PM, olecoastie said:

new to the forum...just picked up a Bass Raider 10E from Academy sports. Gonna spend the next couple months getting it set up right...I plan on using a Minn Kota 55lb thrust TM, a good marine deep cycle battery, upgrade the seats and put a 7" riser on the back seat, some rod holders and rod keepers, emergency paddles, Fish finder(still researching those as I have never used one), an anchor set up and quite a bit of other items as well. I have watched every youtube video on these bass raiders and every mod upgrade video...and now read through nearly every page of this topic so with ALL those ideas, I got  heck of a worklist...lol

I had a huge list when I bought mine as well, but after fishing in it multiple times I was actually able to cut a lot of stuff off that list as I felt like I didn’t really need them. I love it! Look forward to using it each time I get the chance 

On 11/30/2017 at 11:06 AM, RickB said:

Any more updates on this NCbassraider. I had a basshunter years ago and it got settled, she didn't want it but didn't want me to have it either. Anyway looking for something small again and really like the looks of these but haven't ever seen one in person. GF doesn't think the pontoon type look stable enough for her.



nice set-up.  where did u get them chairs?


I’m hooking up my lowrance hook 5 to my pelican bassraider 10e , any suggestions on where I should mount transducer I bought a kayak transducer mount n it’s like a arm that hangs in the water should I put it torge the back of boat

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