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19 hours ago, Pond fisher said:





Can't delete the darn quote from reply.


I only would use the front handle to pull it out of the water. With the trolling motor attached to the rear(how I use it) it makes it awkward  to grab the handles from the rear to load into the bed of the truck and unload since I don't have a trailer.


My wife just bought me one of these boats (Pelican 10e) for my anniversary present and so far I've had no problems. I've only fished by myself so far but I'm guessing it would be even more stable with 2 seeing how all the weight was in the rear of the boat I thought it might help level it out a little with someone up front. I'm a big guy 290 so I was a little worried at first but even when I stand it seems to be pretty sturdy. So far I just added a 55lb Minn Kota Endurance C2 with an Exide 31 battery one extendable paddle and a anchor. I mounted the motor on the rear for now and seems to control the boat pretty good but I might try adding a rudder and switching the motor to the front.

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39 minutes ago, Eric Oditt said:

My wife just bought me one of these boats (Pelican 10e) for my anniversary present and so far I've had no problems. I've only fished by myself so far but I'm guessing it would be even more stable with 2 seeing how all the weight was in the rear of the boat I thought it might help level it out a little with someone up front. I'm a big guy 290 so I was a little worried at first but even when I stand it seems to be pretty sturdy. So far I just added a 55lb Minn Kota Endurance C2 with an Exide 31 battery one extendable paddle and a anchor. I mounted the motor on the rear for now and seems to control the boat pretty good but I might try adding a rudder and switching the motor to the front.

Go with the motor up front, make a rudder somehow, and never look back lol 

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On 6/2/2016 at 4:07 PM, Vicdougle said:

Heyooooo.  Found a deal!  10E for 450 new.  At an outdoor store in mountain Grove MO.  Luckily my FIL lives there and agreed to pick it up for me and bring it to memphis on his next trip.   They have 4 more if anyone else wants one.  Can't wait to trick it out. 

Anyway to get a flyer or the name of this store to contact them?


So i found a company that does a 3.5 hp motor but it has no reverse. Specs say it is 360 rotation so i am thinking you can just spin the motor around for revers but going to call them in the morning. So i am trying to figure something out so input please.

Should i go with a gas motor in the back and like a 50 lb trolling motor in the front on 12v and one battery or

go with a 80LB thrust 24 system in rear and a 30 in the front. Only issue is i wold be needing 3 marine batteries at a weight at or around 180LB. This is a lot. The gas engine on weight 22 lbs without fuel. Id be at 488 the  Minn Kota Traxxis 80 and 75 each on the deep cycle group 27 or 21 batteries. So price wise i would be right at 

50 front troller with gas rear engine and battery -  825$ and weight about 102-115 lbs

80 lb troller rear and 2 batteris and 30 lb troller front with one bettery - 813$ and 200-225 weight. 

I weight about 200 lb and wife is about 135ish.  The heaveast person i might take is about 250 lb.


600-250-200-225= (-75) to bad

600-250-200-115=35 to good


I know i am close without any other gear and i have seen the boats hold a lot more than the 600 lb but i would like to stay close to the max without going over if i can.


What are your thoughts


9 hours ago, jtipton91 said:

Go with the motor up front, make a rudder somehow, and never look back lol 

get another motor instead of the rudder, trust me, its worth it

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5 hours ago, Keith "Hamma" Hatch said:

get another motor instead of the rudder, trust me, its worth it

My buddy actually has a 34 lb thrust I think he said I could have it was hardly ever used but is an older model

10 hours ago, Keith "Hamma" Hatch said:

get another motor instead of the rudder, trust me, its worth it

How would that work??? As in gave both running? Please explain I'm interested


I've had 2 motors on my bass hunter since the eighties. And when the wind whips up, or a storm moves in? You'll be glad to have that extra power. Plus, while fishing its easier to maneuver a bow motor than the transom, it's right in front of you, not behind.  A variable speed up front has its advantages as well, you can slowly cruise down a shoreline flipping and pitching at the speed necessary and actually steer with your knee. When i first bought my boat I had a 10 lb thrust minn kota up front and a 36 in back, Later on, i got a 55 pd and replaced the 10,  the 36 is variable speed, and the 55 has the 5 forward and 3 reverse speeds. It couldnt of worked out better.

I dont know why some of the guys here use a rudder, other than a weight issue,...but then yet, my hunter is a 7'11" model and doesn't have a huge weight limit, and Ive been out with me and my brother (both 250 lbers) with both motors  2 batteries and tackle, its tight but a blast. Personal preference i guess. But the best part of having 2 motors and batteries is? Ive NEVER, ever, in over 30 years,. had to paddle back to the launch. Ive seen guys paddling in crawdads, jon boat, and raiders that only had 1 motor and 1 battery with them, because the fish were biting and they got caught across the lake when the battery died,... DOH!,. Ive actually towed most of them, (its really required) the others wouldnt allow their ego's to get that crushed.

I also own a 16 ft deep v tracker which i had a12 volt, 60 inch shaft, 55 pd thrust powerdrive (foot controllled) bow mount on it, i just replaced it with an ulterra and im now actually contemplating rigging the powerdrive on my bass hunter, by welding a clamp on the bottom of a minn kota quick release plate to mount it, and trimming the shaft down. to like 30 inches,.. I figure that the quick release mount is about 50 bucks, and a clamp cant be more than around 25 bucks for around 75 bucks total,... versus buying a brand new foot controlled bulldog motor for a several hundred. (Bulldogs are the only foot controlled motor ive seen with a clamp for transom mounting)  Then id have a foot controlled variable speed to fish with, and a total of 110pds of thrust combined to get across the lake and such

 Good luck with your rig,..they are a ton of fun when set up right


I got the carpet in with 2 sections kind of visible but I don't have an issue with it, glued it to some thin plywood. Added some non slip tape on the front instead of putting carpet over it. Put friction tape over the seat frames that slide in the plastic guides so the seat won't slide around unless I get up and move it. Trying to decide where I want to attach my 15lb anchor to.



Outdoor earth has them on sale.  In mountain grove MO. 475 out the door til June 13. 


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I may have asked this but cant find it. Has anyone ever used a foot controlled bow mount type ) the one that is flat and you lift and fold over the trolling motor in water.) on the back of a bass raider? I am leaning more along the lines of a 3.5 hp motor for the rear other than a 24v trolling motor for the simple fact is the weight savings is crazy. 2 12v group 27 batteries we ahve here at work are 60 lb each.  600 lb max rating on boat that already limits me down to 480 lb. down to 420 when i add the front battery for the front trolling motor. I do not plan on loading this to the max but heck the motor and fuel with an extra gallon of fuel is WAY lighter than 150 lbs it would be other wise on the trolling motor and 2 batteries for the back. 


I am just afraid that a 55lb thrust on the front and a 55lb thrust on the back wouldn't be enough to move the boat in current water. 

27 minutes ago, Joshua Colvey said:

I may have asked this but cant find it. Has anyone ever used a foot controlled bow mount type ) the one that is flat and you lift and fold over the trolling motor in water.) on the back of a bass raider? I am leaning more along the lines of a 3.5 hp motor for the rear other than a 24v trolling motor for the simple fact is the weight savings is crazy. 2 12v group 27 batteries we ahve here at work are 60 lb each.  600 lb max rating on boat that already limits me down to 480 lb. down to 420 when i add the front battery for the front trolling motor. I do not plan on loading this to the max but heck the motor and fuel with an extra gallon of fuel is WAY lighter than 150 lbs it would be other wise on the trolling motor and 2 batteries for the back. 


I am just afraid that a 55lb thrust on the front and a 55lb thrust on the back wouldn't be enough to move the boat in current water. 

If you plan on fishing a river in a pontoon style rig you will need all the power you can muster. I think 36 pd thrust is like 2.5 hp

I fished the merrimac river in my rig before i put the 55 on it,..did ok but wished i had more juice,.I dont know what kind of current you will be facing, the merrimac isnt all that bad where i was..just make sure your batteries are at 100%, and if you have any doubts dont launch. better to be safe then stupid


Its not to bad of a river really. I think i am going to do the 3.5 hp motor in rear and the 55lb thrust up front. I should be fine.  We kayak and canoe down it all the time lol. There are a couple of quick s curves but thats about the worst of it. Its called spring river. 

I was just more debating on 2 electric or one electric and one gas. I think tho with the weight savings from going with one gas and one electric instead of all electric will be worth it as well.

I have looked a few times on the conversion from what hp rating the trolling motors would be rated at but haven't really found a good one to trust bc of so many variables.

Can someon tell me if this motor will work for the bass raider? here is teh specs on measurements. I dont have my raider yet so i cant measure. 

Transom Height to Center Prop: 21" 

Transom Height to Cavitation Plate: 16"


If you are thinking of mounting it to your trolling motor which I did, go to YouTube and there are a number of videos to show you how to mount it.  I would disregard the one however that shows using flex ties every 3-4 inches on the transducer cable as you will need to leave some slack for when the TM is put into and taken out of the water.

On June 21, 2010 at 8:03 AM, zerofivenismo said:


I used to have a bass raider 10E, and I built a dolly to transport it for about $25.  This is the only pic that I have of the dolly since I sold the boat some time ago.  You can do a search on here for 'dolly' for an awesome homemade dolly.  I built mines similar to it.  PM me for more detailed explanation.

To Jkoch:  Yes you can fish standing in a 10 footer.


What size motor is that and does it push u and another pretty decent? 


If i asked this question already i am sorry and i can delete. I am looking to order my motor for the back of my bass raider so i can have it all here at about the same time. My supplier sent me some specs to go off of. Can someone help me with these specs and if they will work or not as i dont have the raider here to try and figure it out. Well that and its all Greek to me lol.. 

Here are the specs i was sent

Transom Height to Center Prop: 21" 

Transom Height to Cavitation Plate: 16"

On ‎5‎/‎16‎/‎2016 at 9:50 AM, Vernon Utsinger said:

Just joined and first post. Interested in getting into one of these and concerned about trailer with short tongue as you described.

Could a receiver extension possibly reduce the difficulty in backing?

Do you have a 10ft boat and if so does the extra length interfere with balance or turning?

Are you using the fold up trailer from HF?


Hey Vern, first time poster also. I've got a raider 10E I fixed up you might want to check it out and get some ideas. Let me know what you think and if you have any questions. google ( bass raider 502 )

2 hours ago, Raider502 said:


Hey guys I plan on having my raider out this weekend, Ill take some pictures and post them up so you guys can see what I did regarding some of your post and maybe that will give you some idea's on how I rigged out my boat. I have a video on youtube   bassraider502  

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For anyone looking for a bow mount transducer and fish finder, I have the solution.  The Sully Portable Transducer Mount (Cabelas, $ 43.99). It's actually designed for pontoons but it fits perfectly on the front of the Bass Raider. My biggest hesitation in mounting anything was stripping out a mount in the plastic and this resolved that concern since it's all one piece. 

I had to make a couple modifications. First, I cut a small piece of poplar to use as a bumper in the clamp to make sure the arm doesn't press into the front lip of the boat. Then I cut another larger piece of poplar to use to mount my Humminbird. Both of those were sprayed with Flex Seal to keep them water tight.

The mount is easy to put on and easy to pull off. The depth is easily adjustable. The aluminum is rust free. And best of all, it kept me from screwing into the plastic. 






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Bassraider 502 really nice set up.  I didn't see how you had your transducer mounted for your fish finder.  I have mounted my TM on the front and added a removable rudder to the back which works really well.  What are the advantages to TM on back of boat?

On 6/8/2016 at 9:53 AM, Joshua Colvey said:

If i asked this question already i am sorry and i can delete. I am looking to order my motor for the back of my bass raider so i can have it all here at about the same time. My supplier sent me some specs to go off of. Can someone help me with these specs and if they will work or not as i dont have the raider here to try and figure it out. Well that and its all Greek to me lol.. 

Here are the specs i was sent

Transom Height to Center Prop: 21" 

Transom Height to Cavitation Plate: 16"

Would anyone mind to measure the transom mounting top where th motor would mount tot he bottom where props would need to be in the water?

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